Chapter 7

Chapter 7


Damien Gray

I shoved my iPod in my pocket, not wanting for it to get damaged in case a fight broke out. The black Wolf was now distracted snarling at me. He left the small brown She-Wolf lying unconscious on the ground.

He began making his way toward me. The fact that the Wolf was as tall as me helped his intimidating appearance.

I could’ve just run away. I knew there was no way he would be able to catch me.

I didn’t though.

My thoughts were on the She-Wolf that was lying down on the ground.

In the past, I had killed so many Rogues. I knew they deserved to die. They were always situations where it was either them or Sebastian and me.

Right now, the Wolf that was lying unconscious didn’t deserve what the black Wolf had done to her.

The black Wolf was only a few steps away, when I heard a loud growl from behind him. We both turned to look at a white Wolf approaching us. It was a female- that much was obvious. She was only slightly smaller than the black Wolf in front of me.

The white Wolf stared at the black one for a while. He growled at me one last time, before turning to leave.

When the white She-Wolf stepped closer to me, I caught her scent.


If her scent didn’t give it away, her blue eyes did. She slowly nodded at me once before chasing after the black Wolf.

I waited until their paws pounding on the ground sounded far away, before approaching the brown Wolf that was sprawled on the ground.

She was alive, but barely breathing. I was thinking over what to do. I could call Sebastian and tell him what had happened. I was only scared that he would propose we kill her. I didn’t want that. A much larger male Wolf had already attacked her and it hadn’t been a fair fight.

I was debating with myself on what to do, when I heard it.

They were coming back.

I made a quick decision. There was no way I could let them get to the She-Wolf again. Packs killed Rogues, sometimes for simply trespassing.

It made me wonder if they would try the same thing with Sebastian and me. Would they kill us if they knew we weren’t human?

I kneeled next to the She-Wolf’s body. It was easy to find her heart in her chest, and I quickly placed my right hand over it.

I concentrated enough to make the heart slightly move toward my hand, using my telekinesis. Once I did that, the Wolf’s body jolted up and she shifted into her human form.

Even in human form she was small. I quickly scooped her up in my arms and began running away.

With inhuman speed, I managed to make it to the edge of the woods without getting stopped by anyone. I not only had to worry about getting away from the Wolves. I had to worry about anyone seeing me running around with a naked girl in my arms.

Our apartment was nearby and I was relieved by that. It was already dark out but I still choose the most deserted roads to run through. I was running too fast for anyone to see me. I didn’t want to take any chances.

I was able to breathe properly once I was standing outside of the apartment.

The moment I opened the door, I was met with a very serious looking Sebastian.

When I noticed him making his way toward me, I assumed he wanted to start a fight- especially with what I had in my hands.

“Damien,” Sebastian whispered, as he crashed into me- his arms snaking around my back.

It was awkward to stand there with Sebastian hugging me, while the girl was in my arms.

Sebastian must’ve thought the same thing because he easily snatched the girl from me and dumped her on the floor. Then, he embraced me once again, tighter to his chest.

I grimaced when the girl landed on the floor with a thump, but felt more worried about Sebastian.

“Seb, is something wrong?” I asked, pulling away from him.

“Those stupid Wolves,” was all he said.

“What about them?”

“Where were you? I came back and you weren’t home. I thought you wanted to go flying,” Sebastian said, now sounding angry.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the girl that was slumped on the floor.

“Can you get me something to cover her up?” I asked him, outstretching my arm.

He ran up to his room and was back in a few seconds with a cover in his hands. 

I carried the girl over to the rug in the middle of the living room, putting the cover over her exposed body.

“Where the hell were you, and why is an unconscious shifter, here?” Sebastian crossed his arms, looking at me sternly.

“I went for a run,” I told him.

I took a seat on the couch and stared at the sleeping form of the girl.

The brunette girl didn’t seem bothered by our voices.  I was guessing she was a little over five feet tall, but her small frame made her look much more fragile.

“You went for a run in the woods? Do you know how dangerous that is? Why did you feel the need to bring a Wolf home with you?” Sebastian yelled question after question.

I continued staring at the ground. For all I knew, the girl was going to die either way. There wasn’t much Sebastian could do if that happened.

“You left, so I couldn’t go flying. I felt like running, so I went for a run. A black Wolf was beating her up,” I snapped on the last part.

“Well she’s their own kind, so you should let them deal with her. Besides, she’s a Rogue. Those are their rules,” Sebastian replied, as he walked closer to kneel in front of the girl.

“What if those Wolves did the same to me? Would you leave me behind too? Just like our parents did?”

The moment those words left my mouth, Sebastian’s look softened. He moved away from the girl and came to sit next to me.

“They wouldn’t be able to hurt you. You’re much stronger than them. But we’ve never fought too many Wolves, and I’m not taking any chances with you alone in the woods,” he said, not bringing up our parents.

I wasn’t looking at Sebastian. I could feel my jaw clenched, as I looked at anything but him.

“Did she see you?” He asked, nodding toward the girl.

“She didn’t, but the black male Wolf did. Emilia came and she made the black Wolf back down. He was going to attack me,” I told him, figuring it was better to tell him now- rather than risking him finding out on his own later.

He sighed, and rested his back on the couch.

We were both quiet for a few minutes.

I could already tell Sebastian had calmed down when he wrapped his hand on the back of my neck, before getting up from the couch.

“I guess it served for something to have Emilia as your mate,” Sebastian said, kneeling down to pick up the girl.

“Where are you taking her?” I asked him.

He shook his head, trying to wrap the cover all around her body.

“I’m taking her back to the woods, far away from Mountain Peak territory. She’ll be fine. Her wounds are already healing,” he told me.

I walked with him to the door, opening it up for him.

The moment I took a step outside of the apartment, Sebastian shoved me back inside with his mind.

When I tried to sidestep him, he shoved me harder.

“I’m coming with you,” I told him.

“No, you’re not. You’re staying here until I get back. We’re going to have a talk about what happened,” he sharply said.

His tone left no room for argument.

The door to the apartment opened less than an hour later. Sebastian’s face remained stoic, which only meant he’d already made a decision.

“Did the Wolf hurt you?”

“No, Emilia stopped him,” I replied.

I was sitting down on the stool, as he prepared dinner for us.

“Why were they attacking the Rogue?”

“I don’t know. I was running through there. When I noticed them, the black one had already beaten her up.”

Sebastian placed a plate of chicken with some vegetables in front of me. I raised an eyebrow at him, because he knew I wasn’t too keen of vegetables. He had filled up half the plate with them.

“Eat up. Now, are you sure they didn’t see you? If they did or you’re not sure if they did- you have to tell me. We’re not sticking around these areas if there’s a chance they saw you take the Rogue,” Sebastian warned me.

“They didn’t get a chance. I made the Rogue shift back to her human form and I ran straight here. If anything, all they would think is that I know. I didn’t use any of my gifts, and I didn’t bring out my wings,” I assured him.

Sebastian nodded, as he took a seat across from me.

“Good. One last thing,” he said.

“What is it?” I asked, as I popped a baby carrot in my mouth. It didn’t taste horrible, but it wasn’t that great either.

“I don’t want you near any of the shifters- Emilia included. I thought you were safe with her because she’s the Alpha’s daughter. Now, I realize they’re all the same,” he said, as he continued eating casually.

“I thought you wanted me to mate with her? She’s the next in line for Alpha,” I reminded him.

“I thought you didn’t like her, especially because she’s a Wolf,” Sebastian countered.

I remained quiet after he said that.

All night I kept tossing and turning around the bed. I couldn’t sleep.

I was glad that Sebastian wasn’t pressuring me to go along with Emilia. But, I couldn’t help the part of me that felt disappointed with having to stay away from her.

By the morning, I had slept no more than two hours.

“You look tired,” Sebastian said, as he put a bowl with cereal in front of me.

“I didn’t sleep well,” I told him, as I began pouring some milk.

“I figured. Are you still thinking about yesterday?” He asked me.

Sebastian thought I was freaked out about the encounter with the Wolves. I guess I understood why he was confused. It was the first time I had been around shifted Wolves, without Sebastian.

The real reason I felt restless was his decision that I couldn’t be around Emilia anymore.

“A little,” I replied

He sighed, putting the spoon down on his plate.

“It’ll be fine. I’ll take care of it, don’t worry,” he told me.

I shrugged, and continued eating.

The drive to school was quiet. I wasn’t excited about getting there. I knew that Emilia would come to me, even if I didn’t call her over. Every time I tried to bring it up, Sebastian distracted me by changing the subject.

When he parked the car, again everyone outside began setting their attention with us.

Sebastian was already grinning at the girls that were quickly approaching our car.

“Pick one, and keep her next to you all day. Your mate won’t come around if you do,” Sebastian said, as he slipped out of the car.

“Hey Sebastian,” I began to hear cheerful voices say around us.

“Damien,” others were saying.

I wasn’t sure why they felt the needed to say ‘hi’ or talk to me. I hadn’t exactly been the most sociable person yesterday.

I only nodded or waved, not feeling in the mood to entertain anybody.

The moment we passed in front of Emilia and her friends, I made a point to put my arm around the shoulder of one of the girls.

I didn’t turn to face Emilia. I knew what I’d find in her expression if I did.

We had only taken a few steps away from her table, when the girl under my arm was ripped away from me.

A very angry looking Emilia stood in front of me, glaring at the girl that had been next to me. The moment a low growl rumbled through her chest was my cue to get her away from the group.

Sebastian was staring at her, cocking an eyebrow. He nodded at me once, which was the only approval I needed to take Emilia away.

“Let’s go,” I told her, wrapping my arms around her waist.

The other girls who had been walking with us were staring at Emilia with fear. Even though they were humans, they could probably feel the Alpha power emanating from Emilia’s human form.

“That girl!” Emilia growled, pointing at the girl I’d been holding.

Some shifters- both males and females- from her pack began approaching us.

“Damien, let me take her,” one of her friends who had been there the day we met, said.

“Get away!” I snapped at her, not having the patience to deal with any of them.

The moment a male Wolf tried to step forward to take Emilia away- Sebastian stepped in front of me.

“I don’t think so,” Sebastian warned, looking down at the guy.

“Luke, stop it,” someone said.

I wasn’t sure who had said it, but the guy didn’t step back from Sebastian. I was holding onto Emilia, trying to get her to calm down. It was obvious all the other shifters wanted to get Emilia away from me.

She looked ready to shift at any moment- so I assumed they were all scared Emilia would shift in front of a bunch of humans.

“I’d listen to her if I were you,” Sebastian taunted the guy.

Luke took another step toward Sebastian, looking ready for a challenge.

It wasn’t until Emilia opened her mouth that everyone listened.

“I’m fine,” she said. By this point, we were surrounded by a crowd of people. Most were smart enough and kept some distance.

“Luke, back down.” Emilia’s tone was firm. It was enough to make the rest of the shifters take a step back. Luke did the same. He continued staring at Sebastian, but his eyes never left my cousins body.

Everyone stayed quiet for a moment. The humans stared at us as a group. The girls that had been with Sebastian were once again approaching him. The shifters, they were all staring at Emilia with respect.

That’s a good boy,” Sebastian said, slapping Luke arm with force. Luke growled at him audibly, taking once step forward. One look from Emilia was enough to silence him.

Sebastian just chuckled, and turned back to me.

“Let’s go,” he said, his voice filled with amusement.

I followed after him. I had only taken a step when Emilia wrapped her arm around my waist and tucked herself under my arm.

The bell was about to ring, so we each headed for our classroom.

“That was so weird.”

“What happened back there?”

“Sebastian, you’re so brave.”

“Luke is an asshole.”

Comments like that, or similar to it were what I kept hearing all the way to our first period class.

This time when we took a seat on the lab table in our first period class, Emilia made me sit in the corner while she took the aisle seat.

She was about to open her mouth to say something, when Luke entered the room. He kept glaring at me, so I gave him a smirk.

I had learned from Sebastian that the best way to annoy someone was smiling or smirking.  

The smirk I gave him triggered a growl from Luke, directed to me. When Emilia noticed this, she made her way toward Luke.

‘Respect my mate,’ Emilia harshly whispered at Luke. I wanted to laugh at him, but I held it in.

I was only able to hear what she said thanks to my enhanced hearing, which meant I wasn’t supposed to know what she told him.

Emilia walked back to me right after. I was staring ahead, but I could feel her penetrating gaze on me.

“Who was that girl?” She asked me as she took a seat on the chair.

“What girl?”

“The girl that was clamped to your side- who was she?” She was trying to use that same voice she did when talking to the people from her pack.

I finally turned to look at her, and cocked my eyebrow.

“What do you care?” I asked her.

“Well, yesterday you were with me all day. Then you show up with another girl. What do you think this is?” She asked, sounding outraged.

“I’m not sure what you mean. What is this?” I asked her.

She stared at me, her mouth dropping with my words.

“You are so cynical,” she snapped.

I got closer to her, and wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

“Am I, really?” I asked, placing a kiss on her cheek.

It was enough to make her cheeks turn a light rosy color. I ran the outside of my hand over them, loving how smooth her skin felt.

“I’m serious Damien. Who was that girl? Why are you avoiding the question?” She had softened her voice, and I could only smile at her.

“I have no idea what her name is. I couldn’t get her away from me so I was waiting you to help me out,” I told her, chuckling.

“Are you lying to me?”

I shook my head. I felt longish hair settle differently, which made Emilia run her hand through it.

She smiled at me, pressing herself to me.

“I think we should go out,” Emilia said, raising her gaze to meet my eyes.

I didn’t get a chance to say anything because Mr. Smith walked into class right after.

This time, we actually did work. There was hardly any room to make conversation. Mr. Smith was either giving a lecture, or making us do some handouts- quietly.

I wasn’t carrying anything with me, so I had to borrow a pencil from Emilia once again.

Emilia gathered her things quickly and was ready to go right after I got up from the chair.

Just as I passed her, she grabbed my hand and intertwined it with hers.

I was thinking of what Sebastian would say. He had told me to stay her.

I didn’t get a chance to say anything about it because Emilia was already dragging us to our next class. Coincidently, we had Sebastian next period.

We had just entered the room, and I could already feel Sebastian’s eyes on us.

There wasn’t much he could say, especially with so many shifters around that could overhear our conversation.

“Emilia, looking good today,” Sebastian told her, as we took a seat on the table.

“Hey,” Emilia greeted, giving him a genuine smile.

“Can I have a minute?” He asked me casually.

I nodded, and went with him outside of class.

Emilia stared at both of us curiously, looking like she wanted to follow.

“You can forget what I said last night. Back to our previous plan,” he said, grinning at me.

“I thought it wasn’t safe,” I reminded him the words he threw in my face yesterday.

“It isn’t, but I’m here with you. I realized it’s more advantageous to have control over things. We’ll talk later,” he told me, putting his arms around my shoulders and walking back to class like he owned the place.

“Is everything alright?” Emilia asked me, scooting close to me right after I sat down.

“It is now,” I told her, smiling.

I couldn’t help but feel relieved by Sebastian’s change of plans.

When lunch came around, I had had enough of all the whispering and murmuring going on in school. Everyone- shifters included were talking about this morning.

The humans were practically worshiping Sebastian and me- even though I hadn’t done anything but stand there.

The shifters couldn’t believe Luke had been told off and insulted by Sebastian. Apparently, it didn’t settle to well with them to be treated like dogs- which was what Sebastian had basically done.

I had just put my plate down on the picnic table when Sebastian, along with the girls from yesterday, took a seat. This time, a few other guys joined us. Introductions were made, and people began digging into their meals.

I was surprised when the girl sitting next to me suddenly moved further away. When I looked up, I couldn’t help but smile. Emilia was standing there, glaring at the girl that had been by my side.

She had a tray filled with food on her hands.

People from around the table turned to stare at her, keeping quiet until Emilia sat down.

“Hey Em,” Sebastian said, waving at her.

As soon as he did, everyone in the table started back their conversations.

Most of the time, Emilia kept quiet. She looked like she was hardly paying attention to everyone in the table.

I wasn’t fending much better. The conversations held no interest to me, and I was sure it was obvious by my bored expression.

When I turned to look at Sebastian, he rolled his eyes at me, but nodded toward school. It was all I needed to get up from the table.

“Where are you going?” Emilia asked, getting up with me.

“Inside, let’s go,” I told her, grabbing both my tray and hers.

She only took time to grab her bag before looping her arm with mine.

We ended up in the back shelves of the library. It was quiet, and being surrounded by all those old books made something in me relax.

“Do you do everything Sebastian says?”

I snapped my head in her direction. I’d been too absorbed, staring at all the books.

“Why do you ask?”

“I noticed since that day at the diner. He nods and it’s like you know what he’s thinking,” she said.

Her comment seemed to have bothered her, because she began trying to correct what she had said, but was stumbling with her own words.

“I mean- not that communicating with people through their minds is even possible or anything. That would be crazy,” Emilia quickly corrected.

I shrugged at her. Werewolves being able to mind link with their pack wasn’t exactly a secret to me. But, Emilia didn’t know that.

“Sebastian is like my brother.”

She didn’t add anything else after that. Either she was satisfied with my answer, or was too freaked out that she had suggested mind linking was possible.

I had been sitting down with my legs stretched on the ground, and my back resting on one of the book shelves.

Emilia was sitting next to my legs, facing me. One of her hands was playing with the jean fabric covering my legs, but I didn’t mind.

If anything, it felt good to have some contact with her.

The way she kept looking at me should’ve been a warning that she was planning something.

I was too distracted enjoying the peace and quiet, to notice her quick movements.

One moment we were sitting in front of each other, and the next, Emilia had jumped into my lap.

She sat herself on my lap, straddling me. Her arms quickly wrapped around my neck and she began kissing me. She was kissing me roughly, but her lips felt soft against mine.

I let her take control of the kiss for a few moments, knowing that her Wolf was probably enjoying it.

She seemed surprised when I bit her lip with a little more force than necessary. A moan escaped her lips, and it was enough to slip my tongue into her mouth.

My hands were on her thighs, running them slowly from her knees and up to her hips. She didn’t seem to mind me touching her.

When I pulled away from her, I could feel her heavy breathing in my face.

“You taste so good,” she said, sounding like she was ready to do a lot more than simply kiss.

The strain in my pants told me that I wasn’t far behind her. Emilia seemed to catch on to it, because she began grinding her hips against me. I groaned, wanting to take her right there- even if we were in school. But, I wouldn’t let it get that far.

I placed my hands on her waist, and made her stay in place.

“We need to get to class,” I told her.

She began kissing my neck, but I felt her shake her head as a reply.

“We’re going and you’re going to be more flustered if you continue doing this,” I told her, trying to get her off me.

I heard her whimper, which automatically made me feel bad.

“Emilia,” I sighed, putting my hand under her chin.

She wasn’t looking at me. When I looked at her eyes, I could see them swirling between black and blue. It was a sign that a Wolf was either mad or turned on.

“Let’s go home,” she proposed.

It had run through my mind that more of her Wolf was influencing some of her actions right now. I hadn’t though she would be so upset with me stopping her.

“I can’t. If I ditch school, Sebastian’s going to kill me. We’re already missing fourth period,” I told her, as I checked my phone. I hadn’t realized that we had been in the stacks for so long.

“I don’t want to go to class,” she said, crossing her arms in front of me and pouting.

I chuckled at her tone. Earlier in the day, she was standing up to her pack. Now, she was like a tamed little puppy that wanted my attention.

“We have the next two classes together. If you go to class, we can hang out after school,” I compromised.

It was good for her and me. I would avoid the conversation with Sebastian and I’d get to spend some time with her.

“Really?” She asked, now looking excited.

I nodded, and grabbed her waist to pick her up from my lap.

Just having her pressed close so close- even without kissing- made an inexplicable pleasure run through my body. It was a perk of the mate bond.

By the time we left the library, the bell was ringing for fifth period. The librarian smiled at us as we passed by. It was strange for a moment, because I thought she would chew us out for skipping. It wasn’t until her scent hit me that I realized she was a shifter.

I found it odd that not many students were around the halls. There was still plenty of time for the bell.

When we got closer to the gym, I realized there was a crowd cheering on someone.

I could smell Sebastian’s scent around the area, and something was telling me that he was involved with what was happening.

Emilia began walking ahead of me, pushing people to get out of the way. I was surprised that teachers hadn’t noticed yet the mob of students who weren’t in class.

The clearing of bodies Emilia was making allowed me to pass through easier. Once we got to the center, I noticed what it was all about.

Luke and Sebastian were standing there. Neither of them looked hurt, so I assumed they’d just been telling each other things.

While Sebastian was standing there, with a smirk on his face and looking proud of himself- Luke looked ready to burst a vein.

Luke looked angrier than he did in the morning. The fact that his Wolf was so close to the surface made something in my mind trigger to the memories of last night.

One inhale and I realized Luke was the black Wolf- the one who had beaten up the small brown She-Wolf.

I was too focused on my thoughts- I hadn’t been listening to Emilia shout a command to Luke.

“It’s him,” I whispered. My voice made Sebastian turn to face me.

“Last night,” I said, before nodding at Luke. He quickly caught on to what I meant. Sebastian had noticed how bothered I was by what that black Wolf had done to the poor girl.

“Do it,” I told Sebastian. No one was paying attention to us. The shifters seemed too busy, trying to calm Luke down, while the humans seemed curious to know if a fight was going down or not.

My words were enough for Sebastian to close the distance between him and Luke. He pulled his arm back, and threw a punch in Luke’s direction.

It almost seemed like everything slowed down. Sebastian’s fist connected with the side of Luke’s face with a lot of force.

For a moment, everything stood still. No one was moving or saying anything. It was until Sebastian went for a second hit, that Luke snapped out of it and all hell broke loose.

Comment and vote if you'd like. No comments about the grammar- I am aware there might be more mistakes than usual. Terminatrix- it was up by 8:00 central time:) 

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