Chapter 98: Battle at the Beast Grave Canyon (East)

[Beast Grave Canyon]

Beast grave canyon is just as it name depicts. it has the measure of 277 miles (446 km) long, up to 18 miles (29 km) wide and attains a depth of over a mile (6,093 feet or 1,857 meters). Just by its size alone, a person can only perceive a silhouette of another person from the other side of the canyon. That just how big the canyon is.

The name itself was given due to a certain event that happened in the past. According to legends of the northern people during the era wherein the beasts ruled over the land of ice and snow, the earlier natives of the land passed through the east side of the northern continent towards the south side of the northern continent with goal in escaping the monster stampede happening during those times.

Those times monster stampeded were just horrible to the point that the numbers of the monster were far greater from the total population of its native humans. Such a scenery was truly horrific.

By crossing the vast plains back then, the earlier people then used some kind of powerful voodoo magic in order to cut off the pathway between the east and south, thus the canyon was formed. Due to the catastrophic destruction from the forming of the canyon due to magic and sacrifice of one person, a lot of monster and beast were killed in the process , thus falling to their deaths from the darkness below. Thus the name Beast grave canyon.

However that was just a legend passed down by their ancestor, there are still no further supporting proof that such a thing happened in the past. If the scientist of earth were to given a chance to investigate it, one can be sure the explanation would only just be because of the movement of tectonic plates. Nevertheless the beast grave canyon is still one of the major sites of the northern continent due to its legend and history.

Unfortunately this grand site which should have been held as an important must protect and preserved major site is now being held as a strategic point in the battle between the eastern tribes and the southern tribes.

In comparison to the attack in the stone fortress on the west, the battle in the east have been going on for about five days now. The first day both armies from the east and south had gathered in their respective side and were now preparing for war. As the southern tribes prepared for their defensive structure such as the fence and mud wall, the eastern tribes on the other hand were preparing their weapons for a major charge.

Plus all of their forces aren't laid out around all over the canyon but rather concentrated on the only one area which connect both sides of the canyon. "The bridge" that's what the tribal natives call it, the only pathway connecting both sides of the  canyon. No one even knows how such bridge was made  or how was it formed and be intact despite the distance of the canyon from one side to another.

In fact the existence of the bridge completely denies the legend their ancestors foretold, nevertheless there could be a lot of speculations on how the bridge was formed. Due to only having one bridge, all of the forces between the east and south were gathered into this specific point as this area will be the place were the battle would happen.

The bridge which is made of the northern continent natural material span about of 2,023 metres (6,637 ft), quite similar in the size of Çanakkale Bridge in Turkey back on earth. Due to how wide this bridge is, multiple heavy machinery can be lined up in the bridge for both defensive and offensive maneuver.

The second day All forms of war equipment arrived for both sides, such as tamed beast, catapults, fences, siege machines, Shielders, and many more. However the stark difference between the two sides is the number of tamed beast and monster each side possess. Due to the east having abundance of monsters and beast in comparison to the south, the east side naturally have the upper hand in terms of such category.

The third day, the leaders from both sides then met at the middle of the bridge in order to negotiate for peace. After all the southern tribes have no animosity with the eastern tribes at all, thus their sudden declaration of war to the south was quite unprecedented at all. However for some unknown reason, the talk between the two sides went downhill.



58 years old


Leader of the 1st tribe (East)


Gundahar the foremost leader of the eastern tribes, a similar ranking and reputation to Boris, was quite  a stubborn and hard headed person. Based on the records Gundahar and Boris had an amicable relation despite not talking to each other that much, It was quite so well that war between the two was something impossible. However that notion was broken today.

The moment the southern tribe leaders saw Gundahar serious expression in going against the south tribes, they then knew that talking was useless against such a stubborn person. plus never did once Gundahar let down his guard against them at all, never when they talk for peace, nor when he was staying still on his throne. Due to his stubbornness and hard to communicate, the talk for peace went downhill that fast.

That day after the supposedly talk, Gundahar declared the downfall of the southern tribe with his own mouth, causing every soldiers and tribal leaders on his side to cheer out loud in support of his declaration. On the other hand the defending southern tribe felt pressured from the enemy's increased morale.

The third day the battle had then begun as both side fought against each other on top of the side bridge without even letting up from both side. Due to the fact that the bridge have limited space despite its wide area, a lot of warriors who fought wildly on top of the bridge begun falling off of it and fell to their death to the darkness below. Due to how deep the canyon is, no one actually knows what is at the bottom of such canyon.

After the third day, the death toll of the southern tribe was tallied for about  245 warriors dead, 195 injured, and 98 warriors missing due to falling off the bridge. On the other hand the eastern side tallied about 201 warrior dead, 24 injured, and 104 warriors missing due to falling off the bridge.

On the fourth day machinery was used on both sides as catapults and ballista machine was loaded with deadly weapons. The moment the sun went up both side fought against each other once more as rocks and sharp ballistic arrows rained down the sky and killed a lot of people on the surface.

If a word could describe it, the battle that happened on the bridge was much more horrifying and destructive in comparison to the stone fortress in the west. What's more as if that wasn't enough, tamed beast from both side then entered the fray as a the beast teared each other apart as if they were deep rivals.

Due to the involvement of the siege machines and tamed beast, the death toll from both sides was way more heavier in comparison to the previous days. Plus the bridge itself was riddled with couple of destroyed areas due to the increased intensity of the battle.

After the Fourth day, the death toll of the southern tribe was tallied for about 401 warriors dead, 98 injured, 12 siege weapons destroyed, 36 tamed beast killed, and 124 warriors missing due to falling off the bridge. On the other hand the eastern side tallied about 502 warrior dead, 108 injured, 10 siege weapons destroyed, 65 tamed beast killed, and 201 warriors missing due to falling off the bridge.

On the fifth day, the day when the stone fortress was attacked, the battle on the bridge was much more devastating than usual, after all the leaders from both side begun to get themselves involved in the battle in the bridge. From the east side, they sent about ten of their tribal leaders to battle, while the southern tribes sent only about about five of their leaders. Respectively the 31st to the 35th tribal leaders.

At this moment one might think why the battle was concentrated on the bridge if the fight could expand by circling the canyon, however such notion doesn't exist at all. if one headed at the northern part of the canyon, they will then reach a cliff leading down to the depths of the snowy plain, and if one headed to its farthest south of the canyon, then they would face the sea which were riddled with sea monster's, thus circling the canyon is quite impossible.

Soon after the news of Gundahar joining the fray reached the main tent of the southern tribe camp. Such news was followed after by the death of the of the 35th tribal chief from the clutches of Gundahar. Due to that the camp was greatly disturb to the point that various leader in the tent begun giving out ideas to suppress the powerful leader figure of the eastern tribes.

In the end as news of feats regarding Gundahar's action continues on to the point that he already killed additional two tribal leaders, respectively the 31st tribal chief and the 33rd tribal chief, the sole leader in charge of the eastern side then made his own decision and decided to face off Gundahar by himself.

Naturally various oppositions were voiced out, however the said leader's strength wasn't a joke at all. If ever that leader's strength is the only thing close enough to go against the strength of Gundahar. With such decision finalized, that said leader then begun preparing himself for the battle.



49 years old


Leader of the 21st tribe (South)


Junaid the sole leader figure of the southern tribe in this battle in the canyon was preparing in his tent as he donned himself with a complete set attire for battle. The only weapon he have is an enchanted axe he had found during one of his coming of age hunt. The axe itself contains lightning strong enough to fully incapacitate a huge monster, plus it is durable enough to cut off a person's head.

The axe can be wielded by either two hands or one hand, Its size is about waist length tall and it has a axe blade on one side and a sharp triangular blade on another.

After he donned himself fully for battle, he then took a letter out made from a boar skin in one of his bag as he close his eyes and imagined his family before him. The letter he had wrote was directed towards his wife, daughter and only son in the family, the letter contains its will to pass down everything to his son. After all he knows himself just how strong Gundahar is, thus his chance of survival after the encounter is close to zero. Nevertheless as one of the leaders of the south, he must do everything that he can to protect his homeland and family.

After he got out of his tent, he then called out to one of the soldier responsible for its errand to call out a tamed messenger bird to deliver a letter to his family. Soon after when this was done and the bird flew off into the sky to deliver his letter, his brothers then approached him as they too were donned in battle attire.



47 years old


Brother of the 21st tribe leader (South)




44 years old


Youngest brother of the 21st tribe leader (South)


Realizing his brother's presence, Junaid then turned their way as he said out his concerns.

"You guys don't have to join me in battle, you have family's waiting for you back home, don't waste your life by dying with me in this battle"

Upon hearing their older brother's concern, both Kavan and Koa smiled at each other before replying.

"You don't have to worry about us brother! Just like you, we've already sent out our will to our family... if i don't survive, my eldest son would take in charge of my household and my responsibility" said by Kavan

"Did you already forget what we promised since our childhood? No matter what happens, we will always go together... If you want to fight we will fight with you, if you die, we will die with you... that's just shows how strong our bond is" said by Koa

"But... what about you Koa? you don't have a son to take over the responsibility of your household" said by Junaid

"You don't have to worry about that! My daughter is a strong woman, I'm sure she'll be a great leader like that 30th tribal chief" replied by Koa

Hearing his brothers words, Junaid simply smiled as he walked ahead followed by his brothers, soon after the rest of the warriors from the 21st tribe joined them as they march down the camp and towards the entrance of the bridge. In this moment the eastern tribe had already pushed back the southern tribe as they took over 75% of the bridge, If they aren't stopped, they will then soon pierce through their defensive line to the point that the eastern tribes will have free access to the southern territory.

However some things are unexpected on its own. Just before Junaid and the whole 21st tribe  army march down on its entrance, about three tribal leaders blocked their path as each of them also donned in their own battle attire for the battle that they will fight.

The leader of the 27th, 28th, and 29th tribe met with Junaid on its entrance as they each of their own displayed their intent for gathering in such place.

"21st tribe chief! we cant just let you go down there and fight the enemy all on your own" said by the 27th tribal chief

"We all know just how strong Gundahar is, we know its danger... thus we wish to join with you in battle" said by the 28th tribal chief

"The other tribe leaders also wanted to join you, however we cant put everything on the table earlier on, thus we three will represent the will of everyone... please let us fight with you" said by the 29th tribal chief

Upon hearing their plea, Junaid simply smiled as he accepted their aid and led everyone to battle on the bridge. No matter what they needed to stop the advance of the eastern tribe no matter what method or sacrifice they needed to accomplish such feat.


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