Chapter 6: 9.12.3: Sharp Teeth

The Impala rolled up just outside of a farmhouse and came to a stop, Eliza and Dean getting out of the car. Sam had suggested that the demon tag along in the chance that the pack attacked Dean and he needed backup. Who was better than God's Warrior herself?

Dean's phone rang as he opened the trunk, answering it while loading up on silver weapons.

"You there?" Sam asked, the younger Hunter outside of the police station. Dean nodded, glancing around.

"Yeah, just pulled up. Nothing too sketchy yet."

"That's a good thing, right?" Sam inquired. Dean nodded his head to the side, slamming the trunk shut.

"Not betting on it," Dean replied with a slight scoff. He glanced over at Eliza out of the corner of his eye, watching the blonde cautiously. He still didn't trust her despite what Sam told him.

"Or are we just that jaded? I mean, maybe Garth's right," Sam Winchester defended. Eliza chuckled, letting Dean know that she could hear their conversation. He rolled his eyes at her and shook his head.

"Well, ain't you a glass half full. Any luck with the cops?"

"Uh, sheriff should be rolling up any second. Be careful."

"Yeah," Dean grunted, hanging up as he and the demon approached the house. They both stopped at the sound of a choir singing. Dean ducked behind the bushes and Eliza stared up at the front door in disgust. She already didn't like the pack and she'd only met two of the wolves so far. She and Dean exchanged glances before making their way up the steps, Eliza knocking on the door.

"Really? This is the pack that Garth joined?" Eliza asked quietly. Dean snorted in agreement, his gaze shifting over to the front door as it opened to reveal an older blonde woman with greying hair. She grinned at the sight of the Hunter.

"You must be Dean. I'm Joy, Garth's mother-in-law. Uh, stepmother-in-law, which I always thought

sounded so silly. Please, come in. We're just finishing up." Joy looked over to the blonde standing next to him, staring back at her with a single arched eyebrow. Joy gulped and stared at her uncomfortably. "Elizabeth...Garth told us he knew you."

"Can't say the same for you," she muttered under her breath, earning a nudge from Dean. Joy forced a smile on her lips.

"Just because your parents are evil doesn't mean you are," Joy told her. Eliza's grip on her Sword tightened.

"I wouldn't talk about them if I were you," she growled. Dean shot her glare before looking back to Joy uncomfortably.

"Why don't you just tell Garth I'm here?" he told her rather rudely. Joy smiled at him.

"Dean, you have my word — you're safe under my roof. I only ask the same in return. After all...I'm not the one carrying silver," she told him. Dean nodded and eyed the doorway before stepping in. Eliza stayed on the front porch, shifting her weight between her legs uncomfortably. "Elizabeth, you're welcome in, too."

"By the way you reacted at my arrival, I doubt it," she replied. Eliza didn't sound rude. In fact, she sounded rather hurt or disappointed. It was an emotion that Dean hadn't yet seen her express. Joy's eyes flashed pity, but she quickly covered it up before Eliza could catch it.

"You're under mine and Garth's protection here, Elizabeth," Joy assured her. Eliza gave her a wary glance before reluctantly stepping into the house, glancing around as she entered the next room with Dean and Joy.

Eliza's gaze instantly landed on Garth in the corner accompanying the choir on the piano as Joy rejoined the rest of the group in their song. Eliza and Dean exchanged wide green-eyed glances, obviously not expecting this from a werewolf pack.

Garth ended the song with an off-key conclusion and the man in the front looked to him with a small smile. "Uh... Thank you, brother Garth. Wonderful accompaniment, as usual. And I'll see the rest of you in the pews — nine am, sharp. No stragglers...Sister Amelia." The man stared pointedly at a girl in the corner, earning quiet laughter from the room. Dean and Eliza stepped to the side to let everyone through in the doorway.

"I don't like this," Eliza whispered to Dean. He nodded as Garth jumped up from his seat, racing over to the two Hunters with Bess trailing behind him.

"Oh. Hi. So, what'd I tell you? It's all good, right?" Dean eyed the last few people as they walked past him.

"Everyone here's a wolf?" he asked in a low voice. Garth nodded with a proud smile.


"Yeah, not all good," Dean told him with a shake of his head. Garth's face seemed to fall slightly. He obviously looked up to Dean from what Eliza could tell and the more that Dean disapproved the more disappointed Garth was.

"Oh, come on, Dean. You just got to meet them." Garth pointed to two men in the corner who waved at him. "That's Russ and Joba, Bess' first cousins on sister Joy's side." Garth nodded his head towards the man the had been at the front of the room earlier. "That's Reverend Jim, Bess' dad — leader of the pack and a good man." Reverend Jim came over with Joy next to him, holding out his hand for Dean to shake. He paid Eliza no attention.

"'Dean,' isn't it? Welcome. Jim Meyers. Folks usually call me—"

"Reverend Jim. Yeah, I got it," Dean interrupted, his arms staying at his sides. Reverend Jim awkwardly lowered his arm as Garth chuckled in discomfort.

"Oh. Uh, my bad. Dean's got this crazy fear of germs," he lied. Eliza just rolled her eyes.

"I understand your apprehension, Dean. Hunters and our kind don't have the best history together." He eyed Elizabeth in curiosity. He couldn't understand why he wouldn't give the pack a chance when he worked with the Devil's daughter.

"But I think you'll find we're not much different from you," Joy chimed in. Eliza scoffed.

"Oh, sister, I highly doubt it." Joy pressed her lips in a thin line.

"And yet they work the daughter of Lucifer," she retorted. Eliza scowled at her and stepped forward to make a move when Dean outstretched his arm in front of her, stopping her. She stared at him in disbelief but complied. The last thing she needed was to upset him or Sam. She needed them to find Nadia and kill her.

"Why don't we break bread and see?" Reverend Jim suggested, ignoring his wife's comment.

"Why would I do that?" Dean replied. Reverend Jim and Joy both sighed before leaving the room. Garth, shocked by Dean's attitude, glared at him.

"Dean!" he hissed. Dean looked over to Garth innocently.



Eliza cringed as Joy served raw animal organs to the entire table with an exception of her and Dean who had overcooked steak. Eliza and Dean watched with a sickening expression. The former wasn't sure she'd be able to keep her food down if she watched them eat.

"Now, everybody eat up. But make sure you leave room for pie," Joy told the table. Dean and Eliza didn't touch their plates.

"Sister Joy's pies are famous throughout the badger state," Reverend Jim seemed to announce, staring at the Hunters as he spoke. Dean and Eliza exchanged glances.

"Mm. Dean loves pie," Garth said as he ate. Dean glared at Garth for even mentioning the fact, feeling a bit betrayed. He continued to watch the pack around the table hungrily enjoying the raw meat before glancing down at his own food. Eliza just pushed her corn around her plate a bit, knowing that no matter what she ate she'd only taste molecules.

"Don't you guys say some sort of a Grace or something?" Eliza piped up, looking to Reverend Jim. He shook his head, chewing.

"We're more spiritual than we are religious. We believe, much like the American Indians did, that nature and man are one," he explained. Dean scoffed.

"Yeah, really worked out well for them." Garth stopped and glared up at him but Dean didn't seem fazed. Instead he looked to Eliza who stared down at her plate. She knew she wasn't welcome there as much as Dean. A pack of werewolves would take a Hunter over a demon with the Sword of Elizabeth anyday. Dean eyed the necklace that each wolf wore. "So, why are a bunch of werewolves wearing silver bullets around their necks?" Garth coughed.

"Sorry, Dean, but we don't use the 'W' word around here. We prefer the term 'lycanthrope.'"

"'We'?" Dean questioned pointedly. Garth opened his mouth to reply when Reverend Jim stopped him.

"He's entitled to his opinion, Garth," he told his Son-in-Law. Garth held up his necklace while Bess explained the meaning of the silver bullet to the two Hunters.

"Many of our kind see themselves as indestructible. This is a constant reminder of how precious our lives truly are," she said, gesturing to her own bullet.

"Yeah, but it's silver. I mean, doesn't it burn?" Dean replied. He glanced over at Eliza in confusion, wondering why she was so quiet now.

"Yeah, it does a bit, but that's kind of the point. It reminds us of our fragility," Garth chimed in.

"My daughter, Bess, was born a lycanthrope. It was one of the proudest days of my life," Reverend Jim started, inhaling deeply and taking Bess' hand in his. "Which soon turned tragic... When a hunter killed my wife. Believe me when I tell you, I wanted to make someone pay. Then I looked at Bess, and I realized the road to revenge is a dark and lonely one, which you never get off. And that hole in the pit of your stomach, you never fill it — ever." Dean nodded in understanding while Eliza glanced up at the mention of revenge. It was her main priority at the moment. It had been since the moment she was thrown in Hell by her own mother.

"Hey, no, I get it."

"So I chose to look forward, not backwards. And the minute I did that, the powers that be brought this beautiful, compassionate, amazing woman into my life." He smiled at Joy. "And she helped me raise a little baby girl as if Bess were her own." Joy smiled and brought her hand to her chest, covering the silver bullet.

"I can't take all the credit. Daddy had a hand in it, too. He saw your potential," she told him. Eliza raised an eyebrow and looked to the werewolf.

"Daddy?" she inquired. Joy nodded.

"My father — bless his soul — was the previous reverend of our church, the third generation in our family to serve." Eliza's eyebrows rose in shock.

"So, you're fourth-generation werewolf?"

"Yes." Garth sent the blonde a smile as if to show her that they truly were innocent. Eliza was seated next to Joy, so the demon jumped when Joy had reached out and grabbed her hand. "I'm sure you of all people understand that not all species or families are as evil as the rest. We have heard about you and all that you've done, Elizabeth," Joy said. Eliza quickly pulled her hand into her lap.

"Then I'm sure you understand why I'm not so thrilled to be here. I'm a Hunter; a warrior. I protect Humanity, not the supernatural."

"Then why aren't you whole with your other half and doing your job?" Garth snapped. Eliza's mouth went dry and she leaned back in her seat, lowering her gaze guiltily. Garth had a point, one she didn't want to admit.


Joy and Eliza sat on one of the couches in an awkward silence, Eliza listening in on Dean snooping through the fridge of platters of raw organs. He turned around when he heard Russ and Joba approaching behind him.

"Still hungry?" Russ asked. Dean stopped up straight and looked at him.

"Yeah, I was just, uh... seeing if you had any beer," he lied smoothly, shutting the fridge. Russ and Joba moved in threateningly, pinning Dean in the corner. Dean kept his gaze steady, not showing any fear.

"The sooner you realize that all is good here, the sooner you can go," Russ told him.

"Don't you two have a chew toy or something to go play with?" he asked with a small smirk. Garth entered the room at that moment, giving Eliza a bit of relief. She knew that Garth wouldn't let anything happen to the Hunter no matter how rude he had been to his pack.

"Hey, guys. You mind if I grab a second with Dean, here?" Garth requested. Russ and Joba retreated from the kitchen. Garth and Dean moved towards the window and Eliza excused herself to join them. "Why are you being so hard on everyone?" Garth snapped just as Eliza entered.

"Because there's no way that all of this is what it looks like. No way," Dean told him.

"Why not?"

"Come on, man. I know you drank the kool-aid, okay? But come on."

"Look, amigo... I know this is all looks nuts, but I found it. Love and a family? Who cares where that comes from?" Dean knew that Garth was talking about Eliza being a demon more than he was talking about being apart of a pack of werewolves. He knew that the fact that Eliza wasn't Libby made Garth uncomfortable.

"I do," Dean replied.

"I get it. When I first got here, I couldn't let go, either. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. But when it didn't, I had to accept the truth." Dean nodded, his tongue darting through his lips and wetting them. Eliza lingered in the doorway of the kitchen, watching and ready to step in if needed.

"Well, I got another truth for you — we were all left in the dark when you went AWOL. I didn't know whether you were dead or worse. You should have reached out and sent someone a message," Dean hissed.

"And said what, Dean? That I was a werewolf? I was embarrassed. I thought it best for everyone if I just stayed away." Dean looked away in disbelief, locking eyes with Eliza. "But that doesn't mean that I didn't think about and miss you and Sam... Kevin." Dean's head snapped back towards Garth and there was an empty blankness to the Hunter's eyes. Garth caught on immediately and looked to Eliza who lowered her head in shame. She did like Kevin, she truly did. But Nadia ordered her to let Gadreel do what he needed to keep their plan in check.

"Kevin's gone," Dean said softly.


"Gone for good," he clarified.

"What happened?" Eliza swore she saw Garth's eyes start to water and guilt began to gnaw at her stomach. She was the reason Kevin was dead.

"When he needed me, I wasn't there. That's what." Eliza stepped into the kitchen.

"No." Garth and Dean looked over to the blonde. "I was on the wrong side and helped get him killed." Dean's fists clenched at his side as he tried to control his anger. His gaze dropped to the floor and he gritted his teeth. "And I have to watch him die everyday for the rest of my life."


The night Dean, Sam, and Eliza leaned against the Impala outside of Reverend Jim's house, watching it.

"Okay, Dean, they gave you lunch, they gave you pie. Why are we still here?" Sam questioned.

"Uh, yeah, you're right. Yeah, Garth's good," Dean replied with a nod. "You want to hit the road, it's square by me." Eliza rolled her eyes, catching on instantly as to what Dean was doing. He was desperate for Sam to go back home and take her with him. He couldn't stand the fact that this wasn't Libby.

"Look, I'm just saying, this wouldn't be the first time we came across a friendly monster." Sam stared at Eliza as he spoke. "Or a-a family of friendly monsters — whatever this is." Dean nodded again and Eliza licked her lips and opened her mouth to reply when Sam's phone rang. He glanced down at the unknown number before answering it, bringing the mobile device to his ear. "Agent Perry...Sheriff. How can I help you?...Really?" Sam waved his finger around, motioning for them to hit the road. "Okay."

About twenty minutes to half an hour later the Impala rolled up to the side of a field where the Sheriff stood staring down at a gutted deer. Dean turned in his seat and looked at Eliza pointedly.

"Stay here," he ordered. He slammed the door shut before she could protest. She let out a huff and leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms over her chest and obeying. The last thing she needed was to piss him off even more than her presence already had. She glanced around the backseat before eyeing a red backpack on the floor with a book sticking out.

"Oh, you sneaky little bitch," she muttered, leaning forward and grabbing the worn book. She thumbed through the pages before stopping on the last one. It was no longer blank. It seemed to create the words itself and she could only hope that Chuck was letting her live her own life. When she read through the last filled in page she realized that it stopped on the moment Nadia had found her in Heaven. There was nothing but two blank pages after that. It seemed He left it up to her after that.

A small smirk crossed her lips as she ran her hand over the smooth page. No one ran her life anymore. She made her own decisions; her own destiny.

The sound of a body collapsing pulled Eliza from her thoughts and her head snapped up towards the field. With wide green eyes she tossed the book to the side and raced out of the car, running down the hill and towards the two brothers who stood over the Sheriff. A silver blade was lodged in his chest.

"What the hell?" she shrieked, eyeing his claws and yellow eyes. She looked up to Sam and Dean with an expression that demanded they told her what happened. Dean bent down and pulled his blade from the Sheriff's chest, wiping it clean and stuffing it in his pocket while Sam tugged off a chain with a silver bullet on it.

"Hey. Look at this." Dean looked up with wide eyes.

"I've seen that before. Yeah, that is a favorite accessory of the good reverend and his flock." Sam turned the bullet over in his fingers, tilting his had to the side as he read a word etched into the bullet.

"'Ragnarok'?" Dean nodded.

"Yeah, that's, uh, Thor, Loki, Odin stuff, right?" Eliza nodded in confirmation.

"Yeah, it's Norse mythology's end of days. But why is it etched onto a bullet?" she questioned. Dean shrugged.

"Who cares? We got all the answers we need."

"I don't know, Dean. I think we need more," Sam defended. Eliza rose her eyebrows.

"Oh, what? Sheriff Andy Taylor here wasn't good enough for you?" she questioned, gesturing to the dead werewolf at their feet. Sam rolled his hazel eyes at her, clearly not happy that she was taking Dean's side on this.

"Enough to kill Garth? Come on, Eliza. Let's do this right," Sam pleaded. Dean and Eliza exchanged glances and nodded, giving in.

"Alright, fine. Clean this up, grab Garth, lock him up until we figure out what's what. I'm gonna go check out that church. Eliza, you're with me." Eliza and Sam stared at the elder Hunter in confusion. Sam shrugged and gestured for her to go, assuring her that he had it handled. She sighed and jogged after Dean, slipping in the front seat of the Impala with him. Dean started to drive away, Eliza turning her head and staring at him in confusion. "What?"

"Why do you suddenly want me to go everywhere with you?" she questioned. Dean stayed silent, his grip on the steering wheel tightening. Eliza pursed her lips in thought before letting out a small laugh and shaking her head. "You miss her."

"Of course I miss her," Dean snapped. Eliza raised an eyebrow at the Hunter who sighed. "Of course I miss Libby. We all do. I thought that I finally had a chance at a life with a girl and then—" Dean cut himself off, shaking his head.

"And then Nadia came and ripped it all away from you." Dean nodded in confirmation as the blonde leaned back in her seat. "And seeing me with Sam constantly doesn't help. Hey, I get it. I do." Dean looked over to Eliza with a single eyebrow arched. "You forget that Andrew looked exactly like Sam, and his brother looked like you. I never did see him much."

"I remember Libby mentioning him once before," Dean replied, returning his focus to the road. Eliza sighed and nodded.

"Yeah. I never knew much about him. Andrew didn't like to talk about him. They never got along. I believe they had a falling out when we were kids. It was bad, but it is what it is. Or was, I guess." Dean chuckled slightly. Neither of them understood why but they decided not to say anything about it. "I wouldn't hold out too much hope on Libby returning. Once we merge I'll be taking over."

"I don't believe that. Libby's strong. She's determined," Dean said. Eliza scoffed, shaking her head.

"She's weak, Dean. I'm surprised she managed to make you guys fall for the act that she played. Libby was barely holding on. I could feel it. The longer we're separated the weaker you get, which means you two have to help protect my ass otherwise both Libby and I are goners," Eliza explained. Dean rolled his green eyes at her, but he knew she was right. If they lost one they lost both and neither Winchester could handle losing Libby again. Eliza focused her gaze back on the road. "Don't worry. There's a girl crazy enough to fall for you. You just have to look for her." Both Dean and Eliza exchanged glances before falling silent.


The Impala pulled up to an older white church, a cemetery across the street. Shivers raced down Eliza's spine. She could feel someone there, but she didn't know where exactly. She and Dean looked at each other before getting out of the car and entering the church, flashlight and Sword in hand.

Dean clicked on the flashlight while Eliza kept her Sword lowered slightly, ready to slash at anything that came their way. Her eyes darted around the room in search of any threat, but when she found none they decided to make their way into the next room that was Reverend Jim's office.

Eliza glanced around before her gaze landed on an old book with a leather cover, a paw print stamped onto the front. She opened it up to the first page and ran her palm over it to discover that it was about Norse mythology.

"Dean," she hissed quietly, nodding her head towards the book. She tapped her finger twice on a word in red at the bottom of the page. Ragnarok. They exchanged glances, Eliza biting her lower lip, before bringing the lore book over to the desk where a computer monitor rested. Dean sat in the chair and turned on the lamp, flicking off his flashlight, and shook the mouse to wake up the screen. He rolled his eyes at the background of Garth, Bess, Joy, and Reverend Jim.

"Seriously?" he muttered, pulling up a search engine. He typed in 'Ragnarok', clicking on the first few links and opening them up. His eyes skimmed through them as Eliza's phone started to ring. She answered it and set it on the speaker, holding it between her and Dean.

"Hey. Did you find the lovebirds?" she asked.

"No. Place is a wreck. No Garth, no Bess," Sam replied. Eliza and Dean exchanged concerned looks.

"What, they were taken? Well, that's fan-friggin'-tastic," Dean said. Eliza rolled her eyes at him but continued to read over the lore.

"Tell me you got something."

"Well, this, uh...Ragnarok, end-of-days crap — star of the story is a wolf named Fenris, who kills the God Odin before the world ends," Dean explained. Sam nodded, thinking it through for a moment as he searched Garth's and Bess' apartment.

"Okay. And that helps us how?"

"There are cults that consider Fenris a wolf deity and worship him. They call themselves the maw of Fenris," Eliza added.

"A cult of werewolves?" Sam asked with a slight chuckle. "What do they want?"

"Well, Ragnarok is not just a Bible story to these nutjobs. It's an action plan — human extinction, total and complete werewolf domination," Dean told him. Eliza lowered her head slightly, sighing. Part of her wanted to let them continue with their plan, but the other part wanted them to die. They were a threat to Humanity, the very thing she's meant to protect.

"And...what? This is the — the ground-zero for their movement?"

"Freakin' Wisconsin, man. Well, time for Reverend Jim to go down," Dean said. Sam sighed but nodded in agreement. He had hoped that this pack was as harmless as they seemed, but he was proved wrong very quickly.

"Yeah. Need any help?"

"No, no, no, Dean and I got it. You just, uh, you find Garth," Eliza told him, staring at Dean as she spoke. He furrowed his eyebrows at her but went along with it.

"Alright," Sam agreed before hanging up. Dean went to close out of all of the tabs on the computer when the sound of car door slamming shut caught his attention. Eliza's head snapped up towards the door and she turned her head slightly to listen. She could hear the door to the church opening and closed, the sound of Reverend Jim removing his hat.

"Go," she whispered, unsheathing her Sword and quietly walked out of the office. Dean hid beside a bookshelf against the wall, Eliza standing in the doorway of the office. Reverend Jim stopped walking down the aisle and sniffed the air, the scent of Dean drifting over to him. Eliza could hear his erratic heartbeat which meant that the Reverend could, too. They could hear his fear.

"It's no use, Dean. I can hear your heartbeat. You must've done this countless times, yet you still get nervous," Reverend Jim said as the Hunter stepped out of the shadows with his gun drawn. Reverend Jim had yet to notice Eliza.

"Nothing wrong with a little fear. It's what makes us human," Dean replied. The Reverend turned around, his back to Eliza.

"Fear is not a purely human instinct. Even monsters know fear. I came to work on my sermon," he told him, trying to explain how he meant no harm. Eliza advanced towards the werewolf, keeping her Sword steady as she walked. The darkness in her was just itching to kill something. It had been a while since she had been able to take a life and this case was looking good for her at the moment.

"Well, why don't you start by preaching to me about the maw of Fenris?" Reverend Jim's eyes widened slightly. "Yeah, that's right. I know all about you and your pack's little plan."

"I assure you, we are planning nothing," Reverend Jim told him. Eliza frowned slightly. He was telling the truth; she could sense it. Dean raised his eyebrows.

"No? Well, then, why did I read about it in your good book?" Reverend Jim sighed and glanced towards his office, only now seeing Eliza standing behind him.

"Because generations ago, that hate and misplaced anger was part of our beliefs. But ever since I took over here, I have eradicated it from our congregation." Eliza scoffed, shaking her head.

"Yeah, well, apparently, some of them didn't get the word — like the good sheriff, who just tried to off Sam and Dean," Eliza chimed in. Reverend Jim stared at the demon in disbelief. She had to be lying. His pack was all good and peace. They would never harm a human being.

"Sheriff Pat?"

"Let me see your bullet," Dean demanded. Reverend Jim rolled his eyes but complied, holding his arms out as Dean cautiously advanced towards him, gun still drawn. Eliza stood behind the Reverend, ready to jump in if needed. She watched as Dean grabbed the silver bullet, turning it over in his hand. "Where is it?" he asked when he found that nothing was etched into it.

"Where's what?"

"'Ragnarok,'" Eliza snapped.


"It was etched into the sheriff's bullet," Dean clarified. The Reverend shook his head in denial, not believing a single word that the Hunters said.

"That's impossible. The maw is dead," Reverend Jim reasoned. Eliza nodded her head to the side..

"Yeah, well, tell that to Garth and your daughter, who are missing." Reverend Jim glanced down at the ground as if thinking before his eyes widened in realization. Dean and Eliza exchanged confused glances.

"No," he whispered.

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