CHAPTER ONE, backstory

Kinsley never once thought she would be as big as a celebrity as she is now. She's been in the business for a few years with being in One Direction and has been a solo artist for a few years as well. She's sold out her tour, her first album was number one in the charts, she's won a few awards, and she has her own clothing line. She's even done some modelling, appearing in a few fashion magazines and she has a YouTube channel. She never expected that she would have fans or that people would buy her stuff. It's surreal, but she loves it. She's very active on social media and interacts with her fans often, posting on Twitter and Instagram, she even makes a lot of videos on YouTube, answering questions, playing games and singing covers.

Kinsley is an incredible girl with a big heart, always there for the people she loves and is very caring, thoughtful, kind, generous, and has a great personality. She doesn't hesitate to stand up for herself and can be quite sassy and sarcastic when she wants to be. She is very shy around new people but will get over it soon enough and can be pretty stubborn, not afraid to speak her mind, but also is very forgiving. She does have anxiety, and it gets the best of her at times, but she has a therapist and has a system to help her through it.

Kinsley is the youngest child in her family now and the apple of her parent's eye. Her dad, Karter, died when she was twelve. It was extremely hard on her, but she got through it with her mom and her friends by her side. Her mom, Lorelai got remarried when she met and fell in love with her now husband, Daniel. Lorelai had met Daniel when Kinsley was sixteen, and they started dating a few months after they had met. Daniel and Lorelai had gotten married when Kinsley was eighteen. Daniel had even been one of the ones to convince Kinsley to audition for the X Factor.

Despite the fact Daniel isn't her biological dad, he still treats her as if she is his own, and he is the best stepdad in the world. Kinsley loves him, and she couldn't be more grateful to have him as her stepfather. Kinsley's biological father, Karter, would have been proud of the woman his little girl has become. She's a strong, independent, talented, beautiful, and caring young lady who is doing amazing things.

Kinsley's older brother, Griffin, and her get along quite well despite the fact they have different interests. While Kinsley is more into music and art, Griffin is more into sports. Kinsley's always there to help and support her brother whenever he needs her. Griffin is her best friend, and they are really close. She has told him almost everything, and he's one of the only people that she'll actually tell her problems and worries to. Griffin is going to college on a football scholarship and is actually playing football for Mizzou. Kinsley and their mom and stepdad always try to go to his games or always try to watch his games on TV to support him.

Kinsley is currently single, not having time to date and not really looking for a boyfriend. She's had a few relationships before, and the relationship didn't work out. It wasn't the boys' fault, she just didn't think they were the right one for her. Kinsley is a pretty down-to-earth and humble girl. She is not like other celebrities that are arrogant, stuck-up, and rude. She's very polite and kind, and she's also not the type to take advantage of her fame. She is a bit of a geek and loves to read and write, and she loves animals.

Kinsley is very loyal and has a huge heart. She's always willing to help people. She's not a pushover but she is very forgiving, and she's a good listener, and she doesn't give up on her loved ones and is very protective of them as well. She also has a great sense of humor and is full of witty comments. She's very smart and mature, but is also adventurous and playful. Kinsley is a very confident and outspoken person, although she does have her insecurities.

Kinsley Scott's life is a roller-coaster. It has its ups and downs, but she has her best friends and her family to keep her sane.


Ever since Kinsley found out who the new judges of this season of The Voice were, she knew she had to audition. She loves The Voice and watches every episode, but it was the fact that her ex-bandmate and one of her closest friends, Niall, was a new judge that really sparked her interest in auditioning. She had watched the show with her family ever since she was little, and she had always wanted to be a contestant and now that Niall was on the show, it was the perfect opportunity. But of course, her anxiety didn't allow her to audition at first and she overthought things and second guessed herself. Just like what happened before she auditioned for the X Factor.

Niall and her are close. They have a special connection that neither can explain, and everyone could see it. The chemistry they had was so obvious, even though they didn't know about it. They've always been able to communicate with each other through looks and just knowing what the other is thinking. It's not weird or awkward, and they have no idea why. It just came naturally to them, and it's something that neither could explain.

The pair had always been close, even since they were kids. They grew up together and were inseparable. They lived across the street from each other and were best friends. But then Kinsley's family moved from Ireland to America, and Kinsley never thought she would see her Irish friend ever again. However, when the two ran into each other and reunited at the X Factor auditions, it was like they had never parted ways. The bond they had was just as strong as before.

Kinsley had just forced herself to audition for this show. She knows that it would be a mistake for her not to and that she would regret it later if she didn't. She's now standing in that familiar room she sees on TV where the people who audition would wait before going on stage. The familiar double doors that led the person to the stage. It was such a surreal moment to be standing here, staring at four enormous photos of the four couches, looking amazing as they always do.

Kinsley took an interview, explaining why she was on The Voice. She had also took a picture in front of the iconic The Voice sign and posted an Instagram post. She had been telling her friends she would be doing something big soon, but she didn't say what it was so she figured this would be a good announcement for it.

tagged nbcthevoice

liked by griffinscott & others

kinsleyscott the cat's out of the bag! I've been wanting to audition for the Voice for a while and I'm very happy that I finally get to do it. #thevoice

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lc.hartley i knew you would do this, you're gonna kill it kins! i'm so proud of you and can't wait to watch you.

officallyfelixh go get 'em, kins! gonna be awesome as always.

elorih we're rooting for you, kins, you got this <3

griffinscott can't wait to watch my little sister rock it on stage! love you and good luck although you don't need it

_lorelaiscott_ proud of you, sweetie. good luck, we're rooting for you!

daniel_scott you've got this, kins, show them what you're made of.

username i knew the surprise would be the voice! she's such a big fan of the show

username go kins!! we believe in you

username so happy you're doing the voice! you're gonna be great, don't let your anxiety stop you, you got this!

username didn't except this but im here for it!!

username ah so lucky! im jealous lol

username omg kinsley is on the voice?! while niall is a coach? dream come true.

username why does she need to be on the voice when she's already got a music career?

⤿username @username yeah i dont get it, she doesn't need it.

⤿username @username you guys dont know her story. she loves the voice and has always wanted to be on it and we all know her solo career hasn't been as big as the band.

⤿username @username i guess, still, she's already got a music career, why bother auditioning on a singing show?

⤿username @username because she has always dreamed of being on the voice, and it's not easy getting a record deal these days, and this is another chance for her, plus it's niall, her ex-bandmate and close friend.

username wow!! didn't expect that, but im happy she is!!

username can't wait to see kinsley's blind audition!

username kinsley scott, niall horan, the voice...if this is a dream i dont wanna wake up

Kinsley smiled to herself as she read the comments. There were a lot of nice comments and even a few rude ones, which she had gotten used to by now. It wasn't anything new, and she was used to people not believing in her or saying mean things. She couldn't let their opinions bother her, she had once in the past and it didn't do anything good, it only made her more anxious and stressed.

She's been through a lot, and she's been hurt by a lot of people. But she's stronger than she was and has learned to stand up for herself and has gained a thick skin. Kinsley was nervous and excited for her audition, but at the same time, she was anxious and scared. It was a mix of emotions, and she didn't know how she was feeling. But she had to remind herself to breathe, take a deep breath, and try to calm her nerves.

This was her dream, and she couldn't let her anxiety stop her from living her dream. If she does, she'll end up regretting it and will probably wonder what would've happened if she did go through with it. But now she was walking up on stage with her acoustic guitar, her heart pounding out of her chest. This is the part she was nervous about, performing live. Sure, she preformed live probably million of times, but it has been awhile. Her nerves and anxiety is through the roof. She can feel everyone staring at her and that doesn't help at all. It was so quiet in the room you could hear a pin drop. Her heart was pounding loudly against her chest, her hands were sweating, and she was trying her hardest to not have a panic attack. 

As she got into position, getting her guitar ready, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, reminding herself of the reasons why she's here and it helped. She was a confident and outspoken person, but she still gets nervous. It's normal, everyone does. Her eyes fluttered open, and she looked straight ahead, looking directly at the back of Niall's chair and even though she didn't even see him yet, for some reason, just the sight of his chair calmed her down. She took a deep breath and began the song.

Kinsley remembered the last time she was on stage with her boys. Well, with four of her boys. And it was just as nerve-wracking as this...Except maybe a little less since she wasn't alone.


Kinsley was the only girl in One Direction, and the boys didn't have a problem with that. They welcomed her with open arms. The fans were happy too. Kinsley and the boys were on their last concert for the On The Road Again tour. This is the final concert before the tour ended. This tour was heartbreaking yet heartwarming since Kinsley and the boys didn't have Zayne in the band anymore. It was so different without him in it, and it was so odd performing without him. Kinsley and the other boys were still in a bit of a shock that Zayne quit the band, and it was going to be weird not having him on the stage with them. Kinsley understood why Zayne didn't want to be in the band anymore and she didn't bother with trying to convince him to be in it. If he didn't want to be in the band anymore, as much as it hurt, she respected his decision.

The last concert was at OTRA Sheffield and was an amazing concert. 

This is a concert that Kinsley and the boys will never forget. They went all out and put on the best show ever. They gave their fans everything they had and put their hearts and souls into this show. The stadium was packed with fans as usual who sung their heart out along to each and every song. Kinsley and the boys started out with the song 'Clouds' and ended with honestly one of Kinsley's favorite's song 'Drag Me Down'. Besides 'Drag Me Down' Kinsley's other favorite song they sang tonight was 'Act My Age' and yes it was just because she always danced along with Niall. Plus this time when they sang 'Act My Age' Kinsley and the boys brought their families on stage and danced with them during the song, the fans, of course, all loved that.

And then the final bow had to come eventually. Before that though Kinsley and the boys had their band come down to give them some hugs which brought even more tears. When it was time for the final bow, they each stood by each other with their arms wrapped around each other as they bowed. Kinsley smiled sadly as the five of them took a bow, knowing that this was going to be the last time she performed with her boys and she was going to miss it. She was going to miss touring and everything that came with it. All the sleepovers, all the night outs with her boys, and everything else.

As soon as the concert was over and they were backstage, Kinsley had trouble holding back her tears. This was her home, this was her family, and this is where she belonged. It's a bittersweet feeling because she's so happy that the tour is over and they can finally take a break and focus on their own careers, but at the same time she was sad that it was over and the five of them weren't going to be together every day.

"I'm gonna miss this.." Harry commented as he wrapped his arm around Kinsley's and pulled her close.

"Me too, you guys are the best." Kinsley agreed as she laid her head on his shoulder, sniffling. She wiped her eyes, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill. It had been such an incredible journey, and even though the band was going their separate ways, she knew they'd always have that bond.

"Let's enjoy these last few moments together before we all leave," Louis said, "We're all still going to be here. We aren't leaving you. We're a family, and this isn't the end of us. Sure we won't be together 24/7 but we're still a family."

"Louis's right, we are still a family. We are always going to be together, we're always going to have each other's backs." Niall agreed.

"Always and forever, no matter what." Liam added.

Kinsley sighs and looks at her boys with a sad smile, "You're right." She agreed.

"Obviously." Niall grinned, earning a laugh from her and the other boys.

"Okay, I need another hug from you guys despite already having, like, a million.." Kinsley said.

"Aww, come here." Liam grinned and pulled Kinsley in a group hug, the other three joining in. Kinsley smiled softly as she's squished between Niall and Harry, who has his chin rested on top of her head and Niall's thumb was rubbing her back comfortingly.

"I love you guys.." She mumbled.

"We love you too, Kins." Harry replied, the others agreeing with him.

Kinsley knew they meant it and she meant it too. They were her boys no matter what. Nothing was going to change that.


A lot of things changed since then and while Kinsley and her boys maybe weren't as close as before, she still tried to keep in contact with them all. But sometimes it's hard. She was the closest with Niall though, he was her best friend. He was the first person she told anything, and she would call him whenever something happened. The same went for him. They were the closest and could talk about almost anything. They're there for each other and are each other's shoulders to cry on. So she only hoped that at least he would turn his chair for her because if not then she would be heartbroken. She's knows that's a bit dramatic but it's the truth.

A/N i love kinsley scott with my whole heart & im hoping you guys will love her too <3 

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