|| Chapter Forty-Seven||
"Never...ever underestimate the power in the invisible."
Vincent snapped open his eyes getting up and looking over at the training men. He had taken a break from teaching them tricks on some combat before falling asleep on the benches. Not long after the gossip of all filled the ground whilst the sounds of swords continued.
Vincent looked over at General Kent who walked on the ground with two officials before walking towards him. The training halted as the soldiers bowed to the general before resuming while Vincent stood up staring at him.
"We need information. About all the passages, doors, alleys, and chambers in the castle."
Vincent nodded following them.
"This one is the safest. It was only supposed to be an escape for the members of the royal family in case if threat. I doubt King Edmund must have known about it."
"How confident are you?" one of the officials, Sir Harry asked.
"Very much sir. The only guard who knew of its entrance died before my eyes. I myself never seen it but I do know the exit. We could enter through that tunnel. But I do not know if the King has men guarding the area. Highly Unlikely since it's a mountain area but we have to be careful."
They nodded marking the map and writing it down.
"The south gate. Will be guarded heavily. It is the main gate that leads straight into the castle. There are traps underground if you force your entry. And then there is a pass through the village right along the boards of the forbidden forest. It leads to the north of the castle. You will be able to access all underground tunnels through this village. "
"The village he is using to build a fort for his plans." General Kent commented.
"Then it will certainly be a difficult way. This was our best way to get under the castle once we are in you could have many chances but if the King's soldiers found out it will be our end." Vincent stated sighing and sitting on a chair staring at the castled rough map.
"No other entry?" Sir Harry asked.
"None. All the others I give you my word will be blocked by the King. I myself have patroled these entry ways and any moment is visible."
"Well, then we will have to rely on this and this." Sir Harry stated pointing at the only two paths.
"The villagers will be at risk-"
The doors of the library opened revealing Sir John and the two spies who reported the current situation of the kingdom.
"Sir, if we can be of any help-"
"Yes, we need you to tell us exactly where, how, how many."
"Yes sir."
After an excruciating debate they had settled on a proper plan. everyone sat across the table the two men looked at the map and marked all the stations of soldiers they came across.
"Sir, if I may. The people of the villager will coordinate with our plan. As long as we pick the right person to get us through the station of soldiers and at the entrance of the tunnel." One of them spoke.
"But who. We cannot trust -"
"I believe we can get someone to find your way through this. If this fails. We evacuate the people. Women and children in the noon and men at night before taking this station down."
"Go with it." Sir John stated.
"Tomorrow, I shall send my troops towards the end of the village and station them for further notice. Vincent, you will be with me and enter through the back gates of the castle straight to the courthouse and address the treaty, If King Edmund refuses we shall engage in bringing the guards down. His Majesty will be given an entrance through the west gate after Sir Henry's soldiers secure the path. Before engaging in any fight, we have to evacuate the villagers they can be held under the blade because of us."
"This is all possible because he hasn't been on that throne for long. If his influence spread across the kingdom, this would've been a full-out war, Sir. And what would happen to his court? Will that kingdom come under his Mjaesty's rule?" Sir Henry asked.
"I am well aware. But some things need to be fought behind one's back. Our job is to clear the paths for his majesty and prevent King Edmund from breaking the treaty of the forest. We ask no other questions."
Vincent looked at Sir John with a gaze of admiration. Sir John was the only reason Vincent could be here in this position. No matter what his future was at least he was sure Edmund would never rule and destroy the Kingdom King Arthur and his father build with their hearts into it.
Vincent stayed with General Kent and Sir John discussing important things before they dismissed him. But as he stood up and turned around Sir John asked, "Vincent. How close were you to the Royal family?"
Vincent turned around and never questioned the sudden inquiry.
"I, I thought of them as my own guardians. I wasn't much close but I was treated as one of them. I often wondered why the King treated me so well. Perhaps because I was close to the Late Princess Katherina."
Sir John glanced at General Kent who stared at Vincent with wide eyes.
" Close as in?"
Vincent nodded in sorrow.
"Not-not in the sense of a man but perhaps as Siblings. I swore my life to serving the King and the princess. I was her guard since I was in my young days. We grew up together. I would say I was as close to knowing the King's next move on every decision and close enough to have an influence on his decisions."
"I see. And your folks? Where did you come from."
Vincent creased his brows.
"I -I do not remember my Parents. I was raised by my uncle the Duke. I was told my folks left shortly after I was born. I never questioned much about them."
Sir John nodded,"And do you know of any member of the royal family after Princess Rose who could have taken the throne through their lineage? "
"No. All were descendants of royals, yes but the late King's Father refused to put any of distant relatives in the line of succession. That is the reason King Edmund wished to marry the princess. He was eligible but he had to marry her to rule. That too as King Consort-"
"That is why he killed the royal family all in all?"
Vincent felt a sudden heartache as he nodded.
"That explains it. Forgive us for taking your supper time. You may leave." Sir John stated and he nodded before leaving for the day.
They stared at each other and General Kent sighs.
"If the news is true I might have to preserve that boy."
Sir John nodded.
"When do you leave?" Azolla asked, her fingers circling over his chest as she laid over him. He glanced at the door and sighs.
"In two days."
Azolla hid her sorrowful face and smiled turning her head up to him, "Take care." She whispered as he kissed her forehead rubbing his hand up and down her back.
"I will come back for you Azolla. Do not think I am abandoning you."
His hand tightened around her as she lifts up her head and suddenly they were staring at each other with the same thought in their minds.
"I will wait." She said and it didn't long before he flipped her on her back and kiss her soft lips.
"I don't want you to wait. I want you to be comfortable in your life. Live it happy. I do not know if I will come back."
"I don't care. I will wait." She whispered as he hugged her.
"I will do my best to come back in one piece." He muttered as she caresses his hair. She smiled in sorrow but was happy that she would be waiting in a safe place this time. Not in filth with fear.
"I just do not want to keep you waiting. After this, all ends. I might have to stay there. Be under interrogation. Help the authorities get the court back in order. I might come back after a year. I might never. I want you to free-"
"Vincent I am free."
His eyes twinkled when she called him by his name. That was the first time she has done so. Everything about Azolla gave him the strength to complete his promise to the Queen and come back to take her to his home. He didn't care for any position he would be given.
He wanted the kingdom safe, even if it was at the cost of a new court formation and his retirement in the castle. If he had her he would see life in a faraway village as a stable man as heaven. Only with her.
"I just do not understand something." She said as he pulled her over his chest and kissed her head.
"If the King was in the line of succession for the throne why is it that you have to arrest him for treason?"
"Because he might break the treaty of the forbidden forest."
Azolla froze looking up at Vincent.
"Does he not know the consequences?" She asked.
"You must not tell anyone about this Azolla. This is exactly why we have to bring him down."
She nodded at him.
"I hope that doesn't happen. It would be more than a disaster."
"Be safe." She said as she fixed his coat and looked up at him.
Vincent cups her cheek and kisses her lips softly before looking t her and taking in her beauty.
"I will."
Azolla cried her heart out that night, She didn't want him to see her cry as he left. But inside she was broken. He was gone for good. She found herself strange the next day. She felt empty and his memories would flood her mind every night from then on.
That night, King Dominic's army set out to station themselves and awaited further instructions. In two days the army was deployed towards the northern kingdom with Vincent and Sir John's soilers's heading towards the village with the two previous soldiers who had scouted the village by themselves.
While the others started taking down the soldiers to the passages leading into the castle, General Kent stationed his men in disgust right at the main gates of the castle as villagers to look upon any sudden actions made by King Edmund.
It was a dreadful and rough journey. Many could die. But in the dead of the night while King Edumdn's soldiers were unaware of any movements they made it through half of their plans.
"Halt." Sir John whispered the second in command Aiden gave his signal for all to stop.
"The soldier's here are heavily guarding the entire village. How do we get past this, one move and we will be compromised." Aiden stated.
Sir John sighs.
"Forgive us, sir, we didn't know the entire village was suddenly doubled in guards." The men on the watch stated.
"Sir, if we may. We have someone who could help. But that will need your time." One of the soldiers said and his partner walked towards them.
"Go ahead." Sir John said and they both nodded walking towards the river in the trees in completely opposite directions.
"Where are they going?" someone asked.
"Stay alert and wait," Aiden said.
They stayed in position while awaiting the two until Aiden grew worried, "Sir. I do not like this. It is -"
A sudden rustle of the leave causes all to freeze and draw their swords only for the two men to walk back. Behind them a small girl. Everyone including Sir John stared at the two men in utter shock.
She gasped but one of them shushed her.
"Edward! What is this! a child!??" Aiden asked in a hushed voice but with anger.
"Sir. Forgive us but let us explain." Edward stated. He looked down at her and she stared at the 30 men before her.
"Well? Can you try to get us across the village?"
She with her face full of fear gulped and nodded.
"No. We are not asking a child-"
"Sir. I give you my word. This is Valeri, we met her long when we were here to asses the village. She found us. She was the one who told us about the situation and what the soldiers were doing."
Sir John stared at her contemplating.
"I can get you through them." Her soft voice spoke.
"Are you sure? "Vincent asked. She nodded.
"What about the villagers?"
"They will help us distract them. We have a hideout where we hid the injured. The soldiers do not disturb us through this side. There is nothing but women and children. Their focus is on the forest and the south. "
Sir John scratches his head and sighs, "She might just be our way in. Lead the way."
The men watched the young girl disappear to scan the area and find the best route for them to sneak past the soldiers on guard. Everyone was shocked at how she just knew what to do.
"How did you meet her?" Sir Aiden asked.
"We ran into her accidentally a month ago. It took us a while to convince her we weren't here to harm them. Once she understood what was happening. She gave us all the information needed just so we could help in any way."
"Brave girl," Edward muttered.
"Sir. This way." They heard her soft voice and she led those 30 men from the small houses shielding their movement towards the end of the village. It took them an hour but till the end, any villager who saw them did not speak a word. Instead, to hide their movement multiple women walked out of their houses to gather some water from the well right near the soldier's station so as to distract them.
"Stay alert and safe. " Sir John whispered to Valeri as their made their way towards the passage of the castle.
"Sir!" She whispered and he looked back.
"They use that passage to come and go from the castle. They close the gates at dusk. At 2 in the morning, the soldiers change their posts. "
Aiden nodded.
"Thank you for observing so well. Now go back do not be caught. A girl like you is not worth losing." Aiden said and she nodded watching their back as they moved towards the passage and covered all tracks.
"Valeri you are asking for a death wish !" Her mother stated.
"This is the only way I can help mother!"
"You are my only child."
"I just want to help mother. I can do nothing for the people of our village. This is the most I could."
Her mother sighs in sorrow running her hand over Valeri's head with love.
Vincent led the men up towards the passage and they halted seeing guards.
"Aiden." Sir John called and He nodded sending two men to dispose of the guards.
Sir John had trained his soldiers in combat very well. They had mastered the combat of silent fight. They had enough training to send men unconscious to the ground with just one strike.
It didn't take long for them to find the entrance to the underground tunnels and dispose of any guards coming their way. Unfortunately one had gotten away. He ran past the guards on duty alerting them and barged into the court.
"There are soldiers coming in through the back passage sir!"
The man in command stood up. His eyes were wide and he looked at his guard to send his men to get rid of them. But his fear rose as he made his way toward King Edmund's quarters.
King Edmund sat in silence as he looked at his incompetent army.
"You are nothing but useless garbage! " He yelled throwing his glass of wine toward the man.
"Well? What have you done then?" King Edmund's advisor asked.
"We have sent our men down there to capture them. I promise you they will be rid of soon your Majesty."
"Well go on then! " The King yelled frustrated and slammed his hand on his table.
"How could they enter my castle's passage without being detected."
King Edmund looked out his window and clenched his jaw in anger, "Set the forest on fire."
His advisor stared at him with fear as he stood there motionless and in shock, "Y-You Majesty-"
King Edmund snapped his eyes to him and that was enough to send him bowing to his King.
"Yes, your Majesty." He obeyed before running out to send a command to the soldiers.
That dreadful decision had cost them their lives but they wouldn't know until the damage was done.
While the advisor gave his command to the soldiers. Hesitant men looked at him for a moment, waiting for his words to be taken aback but he didn't.
As Vincent and other's made their way in through the gates fighting King Edmund's guards Sir john broke his unit in two.
"Clear the front passage for our men and rest with us." He ordered.
They were short of many. They had to make sure the next passage was clear to let King Dominic in. However, the guards knew of the break-in. And now they had no choice but to fight.
Vincent ran through the dark halls leading Sir John and others towards the passage when he remembered.
"This way. I might have some allies who can help. But I will need some time."
Sir John nodded going ahead and Vincent ran towards the dungeons. He felt his heart sink as he remembered his memories but Vincent blocked them out. Towards the dungeons sat two guards. Vincent gulped throwing a stone on the ground in their opposite direction to distract them and knockin them out.
He walked in towards the cells to see all his comrades in the cell. One of them noticed him and gasps causing all to suddenly wake up and shout his name. Vincent searched the men for the keys but couldn't find any.
"They don't have it! The keys are never with the guard Sir you have to break the cell." One of them spoke.
"I can't!" Vincent groaned trying to pry open the door but in vain.
He stopped heaving as they looked at him.
"I need you all." He whispered.
"Here!" Sir Aiden's sudden voice made his snap his neck to his right.
He threw a large rod toward Vincent before standing next to him.
"What are you-"
"I followed you," Aiden answered grabbing the pipe and putting it through the lock of the doors.
"You pull from this side the door should come off its hinges."
Vincent asked no more questions and tried his best. Within a few tries it was broken letting the men out.
"Go grab your swords if you can't kill a man and take it. To the east wing. Help the men fighting Edmund's army and clear the passage. " Vincent ordered and they obeyed with no further need of instructions while Vincent and Aiden broke other doors.
"These are under your command?"
Vincent nodded, "Most died fighting his army." He said as they give the rod to the rest and leave them to free the others.
The freedmen were weak but they fought with all they had.
King Edmund unfortunately has put most of his men out front of the castle. It was easy to infiltrate the inside of the castle, especially with the men now out of the dungeons helping them.
As they moved to secure the gate to let General Kent's men enter, a soldier ran towards them in fear.
"Sir! Sir.!" Sir John looked back.
"The forest- They are- We were on the back waiting for the rest of our men! They saw fire! "
"Fire where?" Sir Aiden asked with a puzzled looked.
"King Edmund ordered the trees of the border to be put on fire."
Suddenly everyone within hearing distance fell quiet.
"W-Which borders?" One of the soldiers asked in fear.
The man stayed silent with nothing but fear in his eyes as Sir Aiden ran towards a nearby staircase and broke open a window cursing under his breath as he looked outside.
Sir John took one look at him and looked at Vincent who had a look of horror.
"He broke the treaty," Vincent whispered.
He clenched his jaw running towards the inner castle towards King Edmund's abode but Sir John caught him.
"We have to wait for our King. We can do nothing but wait. I will send our men towards the village to stop the fire as fast as I can. We have to stay back and wait."
Vincent nodded but in his head was furry. He was filled with anger, sorrow, and fear. But he wanted Edmund dead.
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