What.....If Part 3!

Arago: Now I bring you all to another timeline.

Lute(Thought): Please no more...I can't bare to watch anymore of them...please don't make me watch them.

Arago: My son may I speak with you.

God: Of course father.

God got up from his seat and him along with Arago had a private chat and used magic to block out the conversation with the others who await to see the next alternate timeline.

Arago: I think miss Lute has suffered enough trauma and I think she learned her lesson by now.

God: Hmm..you're probably right the way I saw her express herself and that she really wants to see her son again, I am starting to sense the old Lute the same Lute that raised Luke before she fell and became ruthless. I think it would be wise to show her some good timelines of where she is there for Luke, you did see some of those right?

Arago: Indeed I do my son, Lute deserves some happiness and redemption for what she has done over the years. She's quit being an exorcist which is good and wants nothing more and to make peace with her son.

God: Yes if she can find him of course and the book won't work for anyone who has god like abilities of God himself which is me.

Arago: This must not be spoken to by anyone my son, can you keep it secret until all of this is over.

God: I swear onto heaven I will.

Arago: I have seen a vision where Lute does reunite with her son in which she decided to leave her once called home and be with the one person she wanted to see for a long time. Their relationship between mother and son got a little tense but I saw that their bond and love are piecing themselves together.

God: But how does she....ohhhhhhh.....I come in don't I.

Arago: Hehehehe, you are correct my son. But for now let her watch her son become what his is and let her see timelines of where she was there for Luke and not what she used to be.

God: Very well and will are still going to end things with Adam and his pigeons. I am so disgusted of them especially their ridiculous masks they all wear.

Arago: When things are over here then we will deal with them.

God: Understood, father.

After the conversation was over Arago went on to tell everyone about this alternate timeline. God went to take his seat next to Lucifer while still hanging onto the chains that are keeping Sera from doing something stupid.

Arago: Now then it's time for another alternate timeline but first miss Lute.

Lute: Y...yes......

Arago: Step forward if you would please.

Lute got up from her seat and walked slowly towards Arago who kneeled down upon the former exorcist lieutenant who was shaking and was preparing fro the worst until Arago reached down and brought Lute's face to his.

Arago: I have seen your thoughts and your feelings, I know what you are thinking and the answer is no. You will not see a timeline of where you loose your son because it seems like you suffered enough trauma for today. You are starting to act like your normal self again, the one where you were compassionate and the mother that Luke knew. I have seen that you are very proud of Luke and what he is doing. You are thought right?

Lute: Y..yes..I am very proud of him...I...I just wish I can take back everything that I have done to him but I know the past cannot be changed nor the mistakes I did. I want to be the old me again, and not this bloody thirsty killer that made Luke upon me in fear...I hated myself for what I have become and I want nothing more than to see my Luke again. I don't care how long it will take for our relationship to rebuild I will take as long as it takes.

Arago: I sense no lies coming from you, you are speaking from the bottom of your heart.

Emily: Sigh...Lute.

Lute: Y..yes...Emily.

Emily: You may have done bad things as well as caused so my pain towards others including Luke but the way you expressed yourself and how you feel about Luke...I guess I can get over my hatred towards you but if you go back to being that selfish and cold hearted exorcist, I will throw you in a cell for the rest of your life.

Lute: I promise I will never go back to being what I used to be!!!

Emily: It's a start.

Vaggie: I will never forgive you for what you did to him nor to me. However I am only giving you one chance to make things right. One chance only, and you better take it.

Lute: I.....I understand.

Adam: DangerTits is going soft now. Fucking weak dude.

Lute: Shut up Adam! It was because of you and Sera that I became twisted and cold hearted. I became something that made Luke fear for his life.

Adam: Oh come on he was just a little snot nose brat like every kid in heaven and even in hell.

Charlie and Vaggie: HEYYYY!!!!!

Vaggie: Luke was a kind and lovable angel in heaven and you took his mother and made her into a living weapon just like the rest of your pigeons there.

Exorcist: HEY!!!

Emily: Well it's true, you all made Luke feel unwelcome and in the end it made him to never want to come back home. I am going to enjoy to watch our holy father and his father destroy you.

Arago: And we attend to do so.

Adam: Hey I was just....

Arago: SILENCE!!!!!

Arago uses his powers to make Adam's mouth disappear along with the exorcist who gasped in shock but didn't make any sound but paled under Arago's hard gaze.

Arago: Now that annoying ones are silent we can start. In this alternate timeline Lute declined Sera's offer to become an exorcist and went on to raise Luke where the young angel grew up to become a all time singer and music writer.

Lute: Luke as a singer.

St.Peter: Well he always did had a sweet voice in his child years.

Emily: It was so cute and adorable, we ever did some duets together.

Charlie: Oh my gosh I wish I could see that.

Emily: I'll show you some videos later on.

Arago: Here Luke is in his young adult years just like how you saw him in the story. He is going to perform some songs as the Angelic Theater where hundreds of angels are gathered around to watch and listen to performers and their creativity.

Everyone except Adam and the exorcist: Ooohhhh!!!!

Charlie: Do you have something like this in heaven?

Emily: We do but not as big as this one. I love the scenery.

Angel: I dig it.

Cherri: Same here Angie.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Angelic Theater where hundreds of the greatest performers come and go to try out their skills as dancers, singers, and so much more. I am pleased to let you all know that a very special someone has arrived and is ready to perform his newest songs to the crowd.

Lute(Thought): My son...is going to sing songs. I have to see this for myself.

Announcer: Now give a warm welcome to the one and the only Luke Seraphim!

Everyone in the theater looks to see a golden like appear on the stage and when it dyed down they all looked to see Luke dressed in white and gold outfit that made Lute look upon her son in awe as well as seeing he looked very handsome and charming. Charlie along with Vaggie as well as Emily had the same reaction.

Angel and Cherri: WHISTLE!

Husker: Heh, he looks good, and not bad of suit either.

Alastor(Thought): I wonder if the lad is familiar with radio broadcasts.

Charlie and Vaggie: HE LOOKS SO CHARMING!!!!❤️

Emily: Oh my gosh I need a pictures of this!(Emily saids and starts to take pictures of Luke)

Lucifer: You know dad, the kid knows how to accessorize.

God: Indeed he does.

Lute: That's my baby boy right there.....but how did he get into singing?

Arago: You inspired him in this timeline, after you refused to become an exorcist you went on to help Luke follow his dream and that was to become a professional song writer where he writes down songs and sings them to people who absolutely adore him. You gave him hope.

Lute(Thought): I gave my baby hope....and I helped him with his dream. I wish I could have made this a possible future for me and him.

Luke: Thank you, thank you thank you all for coming here today. You know many of you wanted to know if I got into singing and performing myself but in reality that's not true, no I got this dream from a very special someone who inspired me to do great things. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be who I am now. So I would like to dedicate a song to that version special someone and that someone is known other than my mother, and her name is Lute. Mom I love you with all of my heart and soul, and I want to thank you for what you did for me over the years and I hope you enjoy this song as much as I do. This one is for you.

Lute: 😢sniff.....Oh Luke...I..I love you too.(Lute saids with tears and holding the locket around her neck)(Lute had a locket as well and it had a picture of her son in it)

Luke: Let the fun begin but first I am gonna need my instrument. Prepared to be amazed ladies and gentlemen.

Luke summons his instrument that left the crowd in awe as well as everyone in the theater but for Adam and if he had his mouth again he would have his jaw dropped to the ground at seeing the most awesome and coolest guitar he ever laid eyes upon and it was so much cooler than his ax guitar that he uses to kill sinners.

Charlie/Emily/Vaggie/Lute: Oooh!

Angel: That is a badass guitar.

Cherri: Ooh I want to try that sucker out and rock hard.

Lucifer: Nice design.

God: Now things are getting interesting.

Luke: All right people lets rock!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Love Is A Wonderful Thing by: Michael Bolton)


Birds fly, they don't think twice
They simply spread their wings
The sun shines, it don't ask why
Or what the whole thing means

The same applies to you and I
We never question that
So good, it's just understood
Ain't no conjecture
Just a matter of fact

Love is a wonderful thing
Make ya smile through the pouring rain
Love is a wonderful thing
I'll say it again and again
Turn your world into one sweet dream
Take your heart and make it sing
Love, love is a wonderful thing

The only thing a river knows
Is runnin' to the sea
And every spring when a flower grows
It happens naturally

The same magic when you're in my arms
No logic can define
Don't know why, just feels so right
I only know it happens every time

Charlie: He's amazing!!!!

Emily: That's my nephew!!! That's my nephew!!

Vaggie: Wow.....he sure can sing can he.

Love is a wonderful thing
Make ya smile through the pouring rain
Love is a wonderful thing
I'll say it again and again
Turn your world into one sweet dream
Take your heart and make it sing
Love, love is a wonderful thing

Oh when the cold wind blows
I know you're gonna be there to warm me
That's what keeps me goin'
And our sweet love will keep on growin'


Love is a wonderful thing
Make ya smile through the pouring rain
Love is a wonderful thing
I'll say it again and again
Turn your world into one sweet dream
Take your heart and make it sing
Love, love is a wonderful thing

Love is a wonderful, wonderful thing
Love is a wonderful, wonderful thing
It's what makes honey taste sweet
It's what makes your life complete

Love is a wonderful, wonderful thing
Love is a wonderful, wonderful thing

Love is a wonderful, wonderful thing
Love is a wonderful, wonderful thing

Love is a wonderful, wonderful thing
Love is a wonderful, wonderful thing

Love is a wonderful, wonderful thing
Love is a wonderful, wonderful thing

To make your life complete, girl

Love is a wonderful, wonderful thing
Love is a wonderful, wonderful thing


Love is a wonderful, wonderful thing
Love is a wonderful, wonderful thing

Love is a wonderful, wonderful thing
Love is a wonderful, wonderful thing

As soon as the song ended the crowd went wild and everyone except Adam and the exorcist clapped with joy at Luke performance that left Charlie, Emily, Vaggie, and Lute in tears of joy at seeing Luke sing absolutely amazing. God himself showed a tear as did St.Peter even Lucifer who didn't let anyone see.

Charlie: That....😢sniff...that was beautiful.

Vaggie: I...I need a tissue.

Arago: Here you are miss Vaggie.(Arago saids and made a box of tissues appear in front of Vaggie)

Vaggie: 😢sniff..thank you.

Angel: Kid got talent I give him that.

Cherri: I'll say Angie, you know if I ever put a band together, I want that guy to be our lead singer.

Sir Pentious: Such a charming voice the lad has...such beautiful vocals.

Lute couldn't control herself as more tears were pouring down her cheek but with a smile on her face that her son sang a song for her and it brought a warmness to her heart that her son loves her but only in the alternate timeline in which she hopes when she finds a way to Luke in the universe he went to she hoped that he and her can try and reconnect.

Luke: Now for this next song that I am going to do, well lets just say this song is for my other favorite person in heaven who is not only like my aunt but also was very good to me while growing up. This is next song is for you Aunt Vaggie and I know how you love songs in Spanish since you used to sing to me when I was just a small child.

Vaggie starts breaking down into tears of joy and not just her but Charlie as well because now that Luke is going to sing another song Charlie is going to have waterworks once again.

Vaggie: 😢sniff...Oh my gosh I'm gonna cry again Charlie!!!

Charlie: 😢sniff...I know me too!!!

Vaggie: My big strong nephew is going to sing for me!!!

Emily: That is so sweet!!!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Corazon Sin Cara by: Prince Royce)(With English Lyrics)


And they've already told me
That you have a complex about your image
And look in the mirror
How pretty you are without makeup

And if you're fat or skinny
All that doesn't matter to me
And I'm not perfect
either I only know that I love you like this

And the heart has no face
And I promise you that our thing
will Never end
And love lives in the soul
Not even with wishes do you know that nothing about you will change

Light a candle, pray to God
And thank him that we have that beautiful heart
Light a candle, ask for forgiveness
And for believing that you are ugly I dedicate this song to you

And if you're fat or skinny
All that doesn't matter to me
And I'm not perfect
either I only know that I love you like this

Ladies, you already know, Royce - Too strong!

And if you're fat or skinny
All that doesn't matter to me
And I'm not perfect
either I only know that I love you like this

And the heart has no face
And I promise you that what we have
will never end
And love lives in the soul
Even with desires you know that nothing about you will change

Nobody is perfect in love
Oh, whether you are white or dark-skinned, I don't care about the color
Look at me, look at me well
Even if I have a pretty face I get complexes too

And if you're fat or skinny
All that doesn't matter to me
And I'm not perfect
either I only know that I love you like this

Feeling, come on

And the heart has no face
And I promise you that what we have
will never end
And love lives in the soul
Even with desires you know that nothing about you will change

Sincerely, Royce

When Luke finished the song, everyone cheered for him even Vaggie who got up from her seat in the theater with happy tears in her one eye that she loved the song so much as well as her nephew.

Vaggie: Te amo carino!!!!

Translation: I love you sweetie!!!!

Arago: After his performance at the theater, Luke went big and perform a lot of amazing songs for his friends and family even songs he did for himself that were even bigger than Adam's songs.

Adam: MMMMMMMMMM?!!!!!!(Adam trying to scream but can't with no mouth)

Luke: Sure Adam was good but let's face it people he was so last century and also I heard he's gaining weight lots and lots of weight. I don't think he has it in him anymore.

Alastor: Yes indeed dear lad and not to mention he is also very sloppy.

Everyone except Adam who was angry: Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!

Arago: Hehehe, all right everyone that's enough it will be almost time to get back to the story. But soon you will see more timelines of when Lute was with Luke in which Lute you will love the next the timeline.

Lute: I hope I do, sir. And thank you for showing me this, it's making me feel a whole lot better. I loved it when he sang for me. It brought back memories of the times I sung for him when he was just a baby.

Arago: That's good to know. Now onto the story once more and soon I will allow you all to take a break to get some air and stretch your legs.

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