What.....If Part 2!
Arago: Now we can begin with another alternate timeline of where Luke gets banished to hell.
Charlie: How did he get banished in this other timeline, grandpa?
Arago: He refused Sera's orders to become an exorcist just like his mother. And has seen the wrong doing that they were doing to the souls of hell.
Vaggie: Something tells me that in this timeline things don't go so well.
Arago: You are correct, after he refused to take orders from Sera as well as stopped his mother from killing more human souls he was trialed.
The audience watches at they see the same court room from the first timeline but instead of Sir Pentious they looked to see a bleeding and badly wounded Luke that made Lute gasped in horror of seeing her son so injured it almost made her puke and not just her but also Emily, Charlie, Vaggie as well as the others while God glares hatred at Sera along with the exorcist.
Lute(Thought): LUKE!!!!!!
Sera: Luke for the crimes against heaven and for disobeying direct orders from your superiors you are found guilty of all charges.
Luke: Pssh...your words mean nothing to me, what you and your so called minions are doing is wrong I will not have any part of it. I don't care what you do to me know this Sera, this isn't the end. This is only just the beginning.
Lute: You should of know your place.
Luke: I do know my place and it's not with scum like you. You are not my mother anymore, your just a hollow shell of what you were.
Lute: I should of killed you when I had the chance.
Luke: But you didn't you couldn't kill your own son even if you were ordered to.
Luke: Wanna know something. I am actually glad that Adam is dead because I would have killed him myself if he wasn't so much of disappointment. Just like the rest of you here.
Vaggie: You tell them Luke!
Angel: Yea what Vagina saids!
Vaggie: That's not my name.
Luke: Oh how the mighty angels have fallen.
They all watch as Lute got angry and was about to attack Luke when all of sudden he breaks free from his chains and grabs Lute by the throat. Lute who was watching this alternate timeline was feeling scared and horrified until it happened.
Lute: Gulp......L...Luke......d....don't....
Luke: Like I said how the mighty angels have fallen and you shall fall first. Goodbye Lieutenant Lute of the exorcist. NOW DIE!!!!
They all screamed of seeing Luke ripping off Lute's head from her body that made Lute herself throw up after seeing this scene. Vaggie and Charlie looked away and didn't want to see this not even Emily.
Husker/Angel: HOLLLY FUCKING SHIT?!!!!
Cherri: That's brutal right there....
Sir Pentious: Ehhh....that is so disgusting.... 🤢.
Arago: This was going to be a possible future if Luke stayed here in this universe.
Lute: NOOOO!!!!!! I REFUSE TO LET THIS HAPPEN TO HIM!!! 😢sniff...Luke will never do anything like that.....not to me......w..would he.
Arago: He would if he wanted too. After all you did abandoned him and became a puppet for Sera and Adam.
They looked to see Sera and Exorcist surrounding Luke with their weapons pointed at him while the angels all gasped of what the son of Lute did to his mother or former mother at that. Luke didn't blink or anything just stared into the eyes of Sera who was glaring at him while he did the same.
Sera: HOW DARE YOU!!!!
Luke: No how dare you, you betrayed everything God has done and what I can tell is that he didn't want this. You are a fool Sera and I hope one day you will beg for mercy and when you do I will be the one to end you.
Luke: Hehehehe, I was planning on leaving this dump anyway. But before I go there is one last thing I wanna do.
Luke attacked the exorcist and killed them and then grabbed a weapon and struck Sera in the eye that caused the Seraphim to scream in pain. Luke smirked and left through the portal that leads into hell but not before saying his last words.
Luke: That was for Aunt Vaggie, as well as Emily of which you banished to hell then had Lute kill her for your own selfish need. I will be back and this time I am bringing the might of hell upon you.
Emily: It's good that Sera is unconscious because if she was awake right now I would have strangled her but that is considered a sin. I would just simply lock her away for all eternity.
Lucifer: Though I prefer strangling her but I prefer you second choice better.
Arago: After Luke was banished to hell, Charlie offered him a place to live in the hotel. There he was reunited with Vaggie and got to know all of you in this very room.
Charlie: That's good then, he could use a place to stay and the hotel is absolutely the perfect home for Luke to stay.
Alastor: So what has our dear friend Luke been doing for the time being with stay in hell?
Arago: For the past ten years he's been living in hell and keeping sinners and demons protected because Sera still allowed the extermination to continue. However without the leadership of Adam and Lute, the exorcist were outmatches and defeated thanks to Luke who took them down and made them run back to where they came from.
Charlie and her friends watch as Luke destroyed the exorcist and protecting Charlie's people that made the princess of hell happy that someone is looking after her kind. Lucifer was impressed by the boy and thought of having someone like Luke as a bodyguard for his daughter.
Arago: Soon Luke thought it was time to end things once and for all. For many years he build an army that he created himself using the same exact weapons that the exorcist use to kill sinners and with Luke leading them he was ready to march upon the gates of heaven.
Vaggie: Whoah...that's a big army. Nice armor.
Luke: Today my friends is the end of heaven. The end of twisted arrogant bitch who lies under her tongue and refuses to listen. But this time she will listen and we will make sure she does. Today we will march on the gates of heaven and prepare yourselves to destroy everything in site and kill those who follow in the footsteps of the Seraphim. Show them no mercy, show them your strength, show them your that nothing will stand in your way. We will bring an end to heaven, to their armies, all of heaven will know what true fear is all about and will remember this...AS THE LAST DAY OF HEAVEN!!!
Luke: TO WAR!!!!
Everyone watches Luke using his abilities to open a portal to heaven where he along with his army march upon the gates of heaven where Sera and the exorcists are waiting for them behind the gates. Sera survived her attack from Luke but lost her right eye.
Sera: You all know what to do. Whatever comes through that gate, you will stand your ground. Leave none alive, kill them all.
Exorcist: YES SERAPHIM!!!
Husker: Ooh this is going to get intense, say can I get more snacks here.
Arago: Why certainly.
Arago made more snacks and drinks appear for everyone except for Adam who was still eating his fruits and vegetables and Sera was still knocked out due to the first timeline she saw or her getting killed by Luke. They now all watch as the gates of heaven gets blasted away by Luke who summoned a blast to knocked down the doors and looked to see Sera and her army.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(Battle theme music)
Sera: The enemy is here! All exorcists form up and attack!!!
Luke: Archers at the ready!
The audience looks and sees the exorcist flying towards Luke and his army while Luke ordered his archers to take aim and await orders from their leader.
Luke: Ready....and.....FIRE!!!!
Luke's Soldier: FIRE AT WILL!!!!
The exorcist are hit and some of them fell down to the ground dead while more were coming but not many were getting close as more arrows were shot and more and more exorcist were being killed due to poor leadership.
Luke and his army charge at the exorcist army as they did the same while Sera stayed behind the army to avoid being killed like the coward she is. Swords and shields clashing, bodies dropping but not Luke's army no it was the angels who were being slaughtered that left the audience watching the scene in shot of seeing Luke's army rising against heaven.
Lucifer: Whoah if this was a movie I would pay big bucks to see it.
Angel: Now things are getting good here.
Exorcist: DIE SCUM!!!
Luke: NO YOU DIE!!!
Luke head butts an exorcist and throws a angelic spear into the angels heart killing it in a second. Vaggie was rooting for Luke to win along with the others. Lute remained quiet while watching her son fight the angels using tactics that she never seen before or skills.
Sera didn't think of anything to say or do and just flew away that left the exorcist in shock that their leader fled while they are being killed by Luke and his army. Soon the battle ended when Luke killed the last exorcist and had his men burned their bodies while also being stacked.
Luke: NOW HEAVEN WILL KNOW FEAR!!! Burn everything in site and as for the angels take them as prisoners and have them locked up.
Soldier: Yes sir!
Luke: Hell Knights!
Everyone watches as Luke summons a group of armored beings and all of them bowed to their leader.
Nifty: Ooh whose are those bad boys.~
Arago: Those are Luke's generals, captains, and lieutenants. Hell's very own high guard, they are strong and very powerful. Trained under Luke himself as well as Charlie's personalized body guards in case she and her friends are in danger.
Vaggie: Ok we definitely need those guys guarding the hotel.
Charlie: Well they do look body guard material. Just hope their not too worth with the hotel guest.
Luke: Find me the Seraphim scum and bring her to me. If she tries to get away use force and by force I mean break her. You understand me.
Hell Knights: YES GREAT ONE!
The Hell Knights searched all of heaven and found Sera hiding in her chambers, they broke in and grabbed the Seraphim but not before cutting off her wings and removing her halo. The knights brought her to Luke who stared down the angel with his glare that made the audience shiver at the sight.
Luke: I will say it again, how the might angels have fallen. I warned you that I would come back and look at you now. Alone, helpless, your army slaughtered like the animals they are, all of heaven broken, but soon all of heaven will know that the great Seraphim has failed them.
Sera: I...I....
Luke: Yes, do speak up a little louder.
Sera: I....I....surrender.
Luke: You don't get it, I don't care for your surrender, the only thing I care is ending you and your twisted lies you told all of heaven.
Luke: Can you undo what you did? Can undo the mess you caused? Can you bring back Emily from the dead? Can you go back and changed your idea of having my mother becoming an exorcist? There is nothing you can do and there is nothing I want however there is one thing.
Sera: Wha..................ARGH?!!!!
Sera didn't finished as Luke stabs her through the chest before grabbing her neck and snapping it in half that left Sera's body cold and landing flat on the ground.
Luke: The one thing I wanted was for you to drop dead.
Arago: Like in the first timeline Luke also rebuilds heaven and makes it his second home and allows sinners to be redeemed into heaven under new laws and order. However to make sure heaven stays at piece and not filled with lies, Luke uses his power to erase the memories of everyone in heaven so they will forget everything and anyone. Luke became the new leader of heaven with his subjects thanking and help rebuild their homes as well as their lives.
Charlie: Does he still visit us?
Arago: Of course he does, he came to see you as his family. As a matter of fact he ended up getting married to a very special someone.
Lute(Thought): HE GOT MARRIED?!!
God: Who might that be father?
Arago: Her name is Elizabeth Morningstar, daughter of Charlie Morningstar and Vaggie. She is the next heir to the throne after Lucifer stepped down as King and Charlie took the throne as Queen of Hell.
Charlie and Vaggie: WE HAVE A DAUGHTER!!!!❤️
Lucifer: Wow she looks like mixed version of Charlie and her girlfriend.
Husker: Kind of see the family resemblance.
Angel: Mhm. At least she dresses ok.
Cherri: I like that gal's style.
Charlie: 😢sniff...She's so beautiful Vaggie.
Vaggie: Please tell me we actually have her in the future.
Arago: In three years you will. You both got married and had a magnificent wedding. I even have wedding picture of the two of you in your wedding dresses.
Vaggie: You look lovely babe.
Lucifer(Thought): 😢sniff...my little girl is growing up so fast and brought me a beautiful grandchild. I hope my future grandchild like rubber ducks.
Charlie: So do you.
Vaggie: We're going to parents!!❤️
Arago: That's right in that timeline Luke and Elizabeth got married and rule both over heaven and hell so that there will be peace between the two worlds.
Vaggie: Can we see our daughters baby pictures.
Arago: Sorry no spoilers girls and besides we need to get back to Luke's story in the other universe anyway.
Charlie and Vaggie(Thought): Awwwwww.....but we want to see our baby girl.
Lute watches Luke being happy with Elizabeth even though she doesn't like the idea but she can't help but seeing her son's smiling face which warmed her heart. She starts to picture what Luke will end up being with in the other universe but has to wait and see.
Lute: Will Luke get married in that universe he went too, though I hope it's someone nice and not like the disgusting bastards bitches in hell.
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