Chapter 6: Luke's Secret Project!

Arago: All right let's get back to our story and you all might get a surprise.

Charlie: What would that be grandpa?

Arago: See for yourself my child. Because Luke is going unveil something exciting.

Lute(Thought): Could it be this secret project my son has been working on? Though what is it, I want to know.

Sera: Argh...what..what happened?(Sera saids while waiting up and still in chains)

Alastor: Oh you just missed the another alternate timeline and yes you died in that one but instead of getting your head cut off, Luke stabbed you with a sword before cutting out your eye. It was quite entertaining if I do say so myself.

Sera's who face paled yet again after being told of another timeline where Luke killed her and she hoped that if another timeline comes let it be a good one and not a horrible one. Lute was thinking the same thing, she's already traumatized of her son being gone and seeing him in those timelines and wishes to forget them.

Sera: Em...Emily I....

Emily: Don't...just don't..I have no words to describe how angry I am with you. When this is over, stay away from me, far away.

Sera(Thought): Emily.....

Arago: Let's start now.

The next day shows Luke walking with his father and Mako towards the command center where Mako was disguising to Stacker about the candidates to join Riley in battle against the Kaiju.

Luke: What do you have Mako? Are the candidates prepared?

Mako: The candidates are ready, we will welcome them immediately.

Stacker: Good.

Mako: But there is one thing..

Stacker: Mako. We talked about this and we will not be talking about it again.

Luke: Dad you know how much this means to her, I know you do. I have seen her results and they are amazing. Just give her chance.

Stacker: Luke you and I both know how I feel if she gets into one of those things.

Mako: But you promised me.

Luke: You did make her a promise dad. Once a promise is made it cannot be broken.

Mako(Japanese): Luke is right, I should be the one driving Gipsy with Riley.

Angel: What did she say I don't understand Japanese?

Cherri: Luckily I do, she said she would like to drive Gipsy Danger with Riley. I with Luke on this one, I think it would be awesome to see that chick fight in Jaeger.

Stacker: Mako, vengeance is like an open wound. You cannot that level of emotions into the drift.

Vaggie: What does he mean by that?

Arago: Mako's emotions will get the best of her and will cause a scene in other words miss Vaggie, if Mako gets into a jaeger her deepest emotions will take control and the Jaeger will go wild. In that universe jaeger pilots need to control their emotions in order to fight if not well you will get the idea.

St.Peter: I guess that makes sense since her family was killed in a Kaiju incident, and getting revenge will not go so well if she drifted with Riley.

Mako: But for my family.

Stacker(Japanese): If we had more time.

Mako: Then what about Luke? What about him?

Stacker: Your brother knows how to control his emotions, he's been training for years to let go of his past which makes him unique. Take some advice from him, he knows how to forget and move on.(Stacker saids then leaves)

Luke: I'm so sorry sis.

Mako: It's not your fault. I been dreaming this for a long time.

Luke: I know, but dad's right about one thing vengeance is not the answer. When the time comes Mako you will have your chance and avenge your family but not out of anger or vengeance no for honor and courage.

Mako(Japanese): You make it sound so easy.

Luke: We're family Mako, I will always have your back.

Emily: Awww that's so sweet, a brother and sister bonding. I would love to meet Mako and thank her for being there for Luke.

Luke: Hey how would you like to see my secret project that I have been working on for years. I plan to tell Raleigh soon but I wanted to tell you first.

Mako: Really.

Luke: Of course and it could excite you.

Husker: About time we get to see what he's been working on.

Charlie: Years is a long time so he must put a lot of effort into making whatever he created.

The scene cuts to the cafeteria where Luke was getting food for himself until he spotted Riley coming inside. Luke went to greet him with Herc behind him holding two trays of food.

Luke: Hey Raleigh, hows about you come sit with Herc and I along with his son. We got room for one more.

Raleigh: I'm okay thank you.

Herc: Oh come on there is plenty of room at our table.

Luke: Exactly so take a seat and chow down with us. It will be like the good old days. Though you always take my chocolate pudding when I'm not looking.

Charlie: Oooh I love chocolate pudding!

Raleigh: Heh, don't worry Luke I promise not to do it again though it has been while since I seen bread.

Luke: We got everything here at Hong Kong.

Herc: That's right we got potatoes, peas, sweet beans, and speaking of which Luke can you pass me the mashed potatoes.

Luke: Why certainly. Here you are.

Herc: Thanks. Raleigh this is my son Chuck, he's my co-pilot now.

Chuck: He's more my co-pilot right dad. So you're the guy eh, you're the guys going to run defense for me and that old rust bucket of yours.

Vaggie: Okay I was right this Chuck guy is differently a showoff.

Luke: Heh well that old rust bucket of his still has some fight left in her. Ain't that right Riley.

Raleigh: That's true and that's the plan.

Chuck: Good so when was the last time you dropped?

Raleigh: About 5 years ago.

Chuck: What have you been doing for the past 5 years? Something pretty important I recommend.

Luke: He was doing construction for the wall program. Though just between us four and Max here, I think the government lost their minds for making that total disaster. How could a wall stop a category 4 Kaiju, I mean really.

Vaggie: Yes thank you! At least Luke also agree's with the wall being a total shitty idea.

Husker: They should have just built bigger weapons and have them placed all around the cities.

Chuck: Heh, you know Luke that is something I could agree on. The government are nuts to build that stupid wall but also stupid that they had no right to shut down the jaeger program.

Herc: It's their decision not ours. Can't do anything about it.

Chuck: Hmm true. Hey listen Raleigh, your Pentecost bright idea and the man seems to like you but it's guys like you who brought down the jaeger program. To me your dead weight, you slow me down I'm gonna drop you down like a sack of Kaiju shit. I see you around Raleigh, let's go Max.

Adam: I like this guy.

Vaggie: Why because he's a showoff like you?

Adam: His words not mine.(Adam saids while eating a carrot 🥕)

Luke: Sigh...that's Chuck for ya. How do you put up with him, Herc?

Herc: You don't wanna know too much. I raised him myself, he's a smart kid but I never knew where they would give you a hug or a kick in the ass.

Raleigh: With respect sir. I'm pretty sure which one he needs.

Luke: I have to go with the ass kicking. I say he could use one.

Herc: Heh, I think an ass kicking would do just fine.

Vaggie(Thought): Hehehe I would love to see Luke kick the crap out of that guy Chuck.

Herc: I'm gonna get a beer, want one Riley.

Raleigh: Yea I will take one.

Herc leaves to get two beers for him and Riley. Now it just leaves Luke and Riley at the table along with the people who work at the Shatter dome.

Luke: Hey I actually have been wanting to talk to you Raleigh.

Raleigh: What is it?

Luke: I already told Mako about this in which she agrees to come and see though I was wondering if you would like to see my secret project that I have been working on. And I'm only showing it to the two of you cause well Mako is my sister and your my best friend.

Raleigh: Are you serious?

Luke: I am and it's ready though still making a few more adjustments to it. Though I want you two to get to see it in person. Before your training sessions with the candidates, I will take you and Mako to see my project sound good.

Raleigh: Sounds pretty good to me.

After having their fill Luke told Raleigh to meet him at his quarters with Mako who was told the same thing. The two later arrived at Luke's quarters where they saw Luke coming out of his room and looks to see his sister and best friend.

Luke: Good your both here.

Raleigh: So, where is it? Where is this secret project that you been working on?

Luke: Follow me and I will show you.

Charlie: This is it! We get to see what Luke has been working on. I am so excited.

God: My grandson is a genius after all my dear Charlie so of course we might get surprised of what he created.

Luke takes Raleigh and Mako towards the elevator but instead of going up they are going down, all the way down below the Shatter Dome. Luke scans a card on a ID scanner in which it's authorized by him and soon him along with Raleigh and Mako arrived at their destination. They came upon a door that leads to Luke's secret project.

Luke: I been designing this project for years, it's the first new generation. Strong, powerful and get do things like no other. I kept it secret from dad and the others but I am only showing you two it because I trust you enough to not tell anyone about it.

Raleigh: I see though why did you keep it below the shatter dome?

Luke: There wasn't enough space up top so I put it here without anyone except those I know move my project below the shatter dome.

Mako: What would we be seeing, Luke?

Luke: The future, Mako.

Luke goes towards the door and puts in the code to open the door and once the code was punched in, the doors opened. Everyone in the theater got prepared for what they are about to see with their own eyes.

Luke: Mako, Raleigh say hello to my secret project. Say hello to Obsidian Fury.(Luke saids and presents the project which was a jaeger but a jaeger that was unknown to them)

Everyone(Thought): IS THAT A JAEGER?!!!

Charlie: He's been building a jaeger.

Vaggie: Whoah.....

Lucifer: Wow kids got talent all right.

Lute: Luke built that himself.

Raleigh: You built this? I mean you Luke, you have been building a jaeger this whole time.

Luke: Not just any jaeger, this is the first generation Mark6. I spent my whole life creating this jaeger, it has ten times more faster, stronger and has agility then the previous jaegers that came before. Via nuclear core and muscle strain is unbeatable, the weapons that she has are AKM Salvo-Launchers, Particle Charger located below the chest that creates a high beam laser that can cut throw anything, dual plasma chainsaws, arm-mounted particle gun, clawed fingers and not but least arm spikes that pop out and can do some serious damage.

Sir Pentious: It's genius! I would love to see this jaeger in action.

Luke: Here's that data of everything you need to know about Obsidian Fury.(Luke saids and hands the data pallet to Mako)

Mako: Incredible, and all this is you designing.

Luke: Indeed it is. This is the future of new generation of jaegers. I plan to bring back the jaeger program some day because the world needs them more than anything. True many jaegers have fallen due to the sacrifices but that still doesn't give the government the right to shut the program down.

Raleigh: Got to hand it to you Luke, she's not half bad. Would be awesome to see her in action.

Luke: You might see her in action, someday.

Mako: Who are the pilots?

Luke: Sorry sis but that's top secret, cannot reveal. I don't want to spoil too much. I am only showing you the jaeger nothing else. Come on I will give you the grand tour.

Lute(Thought): I am so proud of him. He's growing so much and is already becoming someone great. That's my baby.

Luke took Raleigh and Mako on a tour around his jaeger and both were impressed with the technology and the weaponry on Obsidian Fury which Mako was amazed of the twin swords that were shown on the pallet in which she had the idea for a certain jaeger that was re-constructed aka Gipsy Danger but will be revealed when the moment comes and Mako gets her chance.

Emily: Wow Luke did an amazing job creating such a brilliant machine. Just imagined him bringing back the jaeger program, there would be a whole new generation of these Mark6's. Though I hope they do that after they figure out a way to close the breach.

Arago: Like I said before my child, there is always hope in the universe.

Luke: You two will keep this a secret right. I am not ready to reveal Obsidian Fury in public yet.

Raleigh: Of course we will. If this is something you don't wish to share yet I totally understand.

Mako(Japanese): I will not tell Marshall about this, you have my word brother.

Luke: Thank you, the both of you. Now it's time for Raleigh to start his training lessons for his new co-pilot. Shall we.

Vaggie: I am going to love seeing Luke's jaeger in action, I want to see what those plasma saws can do. Especially those other weapons he installed into that thing.

Charlie: We might see it during a Kaiju battle.

The scene changes where everyone in theater watches Raleigh train in combat against the candidates who will be chosen to be his co-pilot. They watch Raleigh and the candidate fight each other to see if they can match the same strength.

Vaggie: He's good.

Angel: Bub knows how to fight even with a stick.

Vaggie: It's a staff, Angel.

Angel: Stick, staff, same thing toots.

Raleigh blocks the attacks and found an opening and brought his staff down towards his opponent after Raleigh pushes the candidate back and lands on the ground.

Mako: 4 points to 0.

Luke: You still got it Raleigh. Though let's see what the next candidate has to offer. Next candidate!

The next candidate went up next and used insane moves that left Vaggie and Lute in shock at seeing the candidates speed and fast moves but both stopped when they saw the candidate taken down by Raleigh who over powered the candidate with ease.

Mako: 4 points to 1.

The next one went up and instantly was doing fine until Raleigh used his staff back flipped the candidate on his back making Raleigh the winner again.

Make: 4 points to 2.

Raleigh: Okay what? You don't like them, I thought you selected them personally.

Mako: Excuse me?

Husker: I know what he is doing, he's trying to get her to fight him. This should be good.(Husker saids and drinks a beer)

Raleigh: Every time a match ends you make this little gesture. Like your critical of that performance.

Mako: It's not their performance, it's yours your gambit. You could have taken all of them two moves earlier.

Raleigh: You think so?

Mako: I know so.

Raleigh: Can we change this up, hows about we give her a shot.

Stacker: No. Stick to the candidate list we have ranger. Only candidate with drift compatibility.

Mako: But I have Marshall.

Stacker: This isn't about a neural connection it's about a physical compatibility.

Raleigh: What's the matter Marshall? Don't think your brightest can cut in the ring with me.

Luke(Japanese): Hehehe, Mako.

Mako(Japanese): Yes.

Luke: Show him how it's done. Show him how you fight.

Stacker: Luke you know....

Luke: Dad I'm sorry but I cannot comply with the order, let's give Mako a chance. I have seen what she can do while she and I were growing up together. She can handle it. Go on Mako, you have my support.

Mako(Japanese): Thank you brother.

Luke: Your welcome, and Raleigh prepare to have your ass handed to you. Cause Mako is going open a can of whoop ass upon you.

Candidates: Hehehehehe.(Candidates laugh at Luke's comment)

Cherri: This is going to be good.~

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Mako takes off her top shirt and her boots while grabbing staff and meeting Raleigh on the training ground. Luke watches Mako with support as well as Stacker.

Stacker: 4 strikes marks a win.

Raleigh: Remember it's about compatibility, it's a dialogue not a fight. But I'm not going to dial down my moves.

Mako: Okay then neither will I.(Mako saids and gets into stance)

Emily/Charlie/Vaggie(Thought): GO MAKO!

Cherri: My money's on the chick.

Angel: I'll take that bet.

Nifty: Ooh this is going to fun. I love epic fights. Hehehehehe.

Raleigh makes the first move and lands his staff in front of Mako without touching her. Mako didn't even blink nor move.

Raleigh: 1 to 0.

Mako made her move and blocked Raleigh's staff away from her face and pointed her's at his.

Mako: 1 to 1.

Mako then holds her staff back and saw Raleigh aimed his staff at her side earning another point to him.

Raleigh: 2 to 1, concentrate.

Luke: Not bad Mako, not bad. Your skills are improving.

Mako: 2 to 2. Better watch it.

Everyone in the theater watches Mako fight against Raleigh and they were amazed with her moves mainly the girls who liked seeing Mako fight. Mako lands some hits on Raleigh before dragging him off to the other side and Mako points her staff to him claiming another point for her.

Mako: 3 to 2.

Stacker(Japanese): Miss Mori, more control.

Mako and Raleigh continued to fight until Raleigh got the upper hand and back flipped Mako to the ground and pointing his staff at her but that wasn't going to keep Mako down no.

Vaggie: I like her. She knows how to not back down. I can see why Luke supports her.

Alastor: True but she still needs more control if she wants succeed. She still holding onto her past and that could change things.

Now they all watch Mako and Raleigh going at it with their moves and blocks until Mako found an opening where she dodged an attack from Raleigh and got under his legs and tripped him while also holding him down so he wouldn't move nor make another attack.

Emily/Charlie/Vaggie/Lute: Whoah.......she's amazing.

Cherri: Hahahaha I won the bet, pay up Angie!

Angel: Fuck me.....(Angel saids and gives the money to Cherri)

Sera(Thought): Very impressive skills this Mako Mori has.

Stacker: Enough. I've seen what I need to see.

Luke: Well done Mako, well done and you too Riley. You both did excellent.

Raleigh: Path...path thanks and you wanna know something. I choose Mako, she's my co-pilot.

Stacker: That's not going to work.

Raleigh: Why not?

Stacker: Because I said so Mr.Becket. I made my decision, report to the Shatter-dome in 2 hours and find out who your co-pilot would be.(Stacker saids then leaves)

Luke: Sigh....all right everyone dismissed.

After everyone left Luke and Riley met up with Mako in hall where she was tying her boot laces and was about to go into her room until Raleigh stopped her.

Raleigh: Mako. What was that all about? I mean I'm not crazy, you felt it right we are drift compatible.

Mako: Thank you for standing up for me, but there's nothing to talk about.(Mako saids and tries to go into her room but couldn't get the door opened)

Luke: Uh sis, that's Riley's room. Your room is or the other side.

Raleigh: Hehehe.

Mako: Um..excuse me.

Raleigh: I mean come on, I thought you wanted to be a pilot. Mako this is worth fighting for. You don't have to just obey him.

Mako: It's not obedience Mr.Becket.

Luke: She's right, it goes far more back Raleigh. Marshall means everything to her and not just her but also myself. You did well sis, now go and get some rest. You earned it.

Mako: Thank you Luke and thank you for your support during the training session.

Luke: Anything for you, Mako.

Raleigh: But can you least tell me what his problem is?(Raleigh saids before Mako shuts the door and not saying a word)

Luke: It's either her and his to tell you Raleigh. Just give them their space and all will be revealed.

Raleigh: I guess you're right.

Luke: By the way have you heard the news.

Raleigh: What news?

Luke: This is being show on the broadcast today and it's not looking too good.(Luke saids and shows Raleigh the news on his phone)

News Lady: In the wake of the Sydney incident which showed the ineffective nature of the wall of life program, many are questioning the government's focus and wondering why the jaeger program has been discontinued. Riots have erupted on the cost lines of several pan-pacific cities.

US Rep Taylor: We have now relocated millions of civilians and supplies, 300 miles Inland.

News(Civilian): Safe zone for the rich and powerful what about the rest of us?!

US Rep Taylor: I believe the wall of life is still our best option of this time. And that's all I'm going to say of the matter of time thank you.

Emily: Are you serious right now?!!! You people care about a wall that isn't helping anyone. You should have never discontinued the jaeger program. I hope for all those poor innocent souls that Luke brings back the jaeger program. If he does then it will prove to the world that the world needs his protectors once again.

Charlie: I agree with you Emily. This is madness.

Lute(Thought): Luke I known you could make the impossible happen. Do your best son.

Luke: And it's only gonna get worse.

Raleigh: Sigh...those government assholes, what the hell are they thinking.

Luke: Sooner or later they will know that the world would need the jaegers back and their so called wall program can just go drop dead for whatever I care. I refuse to let more innocent blood be spilled. These people need us, they need their protectors back.

Raleigh: If you do bring back the jaeger program Luke, you have my support and I know my brother would also support your decision.

Luke: God bless his soul. Thank you, Raleigh. Get ready and I will see you in 2 hours.

Raleigh: You too.

Now the scene cuts to the lab where Newt is building something out of piles of garbage and old technology in which everyone in the theater know what Newt is going to do.

Vaggie: Oh no please tell me he's doing what I think he is doing.

Husker: That son of bitch is going through his stupid idea.

Newt: Kaiju, human drift experiment take 1. The uh brain segment is the frontal lobe and um the chances are the segments are far too damaged to drift with unscientific aside, Herman if you're listening to this well I'm either alive and I've proven what have just done works in which case ha I won or I'm dead and I'd like you to know that it's all your fault it really is you know you drove me to this in which case I also won sort of.

Husker: This is not going to end well, if he dies thats his problem not mine.

St.Peter: I can't watch this.(Peter saids and avoids to look)

Charlie: He's really going through with this?

Vaggie: He is babe.

Emily: Does he survive Arago?

Arago: Watch and see child.

Newt: I'm going in it a 3...2...1.

They all watch Newt do the neural handshake with the Kaiju where they all see his memories from past and present but then looked to see an unknown world but not just any world, it was the world of where the Kaiju came from that sent shivers down everyone's spine when they saw the Kaiju being created but there was something they saw. The Kaiju were all the same, they were clones like Newt said in the beginning but then everyone looked to see something else and it was the beings who were watching the Kaiju creations and by their guess they were the creators their masters.

Charlie: V..Vaggie tell me you saw all of that...

Vaggie: I..I did....oh my god....

Sera: What were those things...not the Kaiju but those beings we just seen?

Arago: The Precursors.

Lucifer: The who and the what now?

Arago: They superior beings of their world, the Kaiju's masters, their creators. The ones who opened the breached to the human world for one purpose only, to destroy all life.

Emily: So the Kaiju are not attacking by nature..they are being ordered to attack by these beings, their masters.

Arago: Yes my child.

They then looked to see Newt twitching but still alive though his nose is bleeding and his eyes are red due to the drift that he did with the Kaiju brain. But then they looked to see Herman sprinting towards Newt to help him.

Herman: Newton, Newton what have you done?!

Herman saw Newt twitching and then went to unplug the head set off Newt and try to help him and see what he has done. Then Luke came into the lab to see the progress of what the two brain scientist solved.

Luke: Mr.Gottlieb? Newt? Are you guys here? Whats progress have you two made?

Herman: Luke help me out here, it's Newton!

Luke: What? What happened? Oh my god what happened to Newt?!(Luke saids and looks to see Newt's condition)

Herman: Here help me get him up.

Luke: Here let me get a chair for him. Newt? Newt? Newt are you all right?

Newt: I...I....I...

Luke: Take it easy Newt, it's okay. What happened to him?

Herman: Apparently he went with his crazy idea that almost got himself killed.

Luke: What idea?

Herman: Newton created a neural link out of garbage and drifted with the Kaiju.

Luke: WHAT?! He drifted with a Kaiju brain.

Herman: It's dead now, it was weak but still alive and Newton thought it would be interesting to drift with it to see if he can get any information about the Kaiju. I told him it was a bad idea and look where it got him.

Luke: Get me some water, and quick.

Herman went to get the water while Luke stayed with Newt to try and calm him down after that experience he did with the brain.

Luke: Take it easy Newt, it's okay now, your fine. Can you hear me and understand me?

Newt: I...I...L..Luke. Luke?

Luke: That's it Newt, your okay.

Newt: Am..Am I alive?

Luke: Your talking right now and your still breathing so yes you are alive. Though you got a nose bleed and your eye looks bloody red.

Husker: Look at that he survived but barley.

Vaggie: If does that again one more time, I'm gonna hurl.

Emily: It's nice that Luke is helping him after that drift he did.

Charlie: That was so scary though.

Newt: What..what happened?

Luke: You did a drift with a Kaiju but the brain is dead. But you are lucky to survive.

Newt: I remember...I...I was going with my idea of drifting with the Kaiju and when I did I saw things like memories not just mine but...but something else....I...I think I also tapped into the Kaiju's mind and saw what is going on.

Luke: Shhh, take it easy Newt. For now just try to relax yourself.

Newt: O...okay.

Herman: Here's that water you ask.

Luke: Here Newt drink some water it will help.

Newt: T..tha...thank you.(Newt saids and takes the water and drinks a little while also shaking)

Luke: Mr.Gottlieb, go get Marshall he needs to know about this.

Herman: Right, would you mind keeping Newton company until I return with Marshall.

Luke: Sure thing. It's going to be okay Newt, just sit back and relax yourself.

Charlie: Poor guy. All he ever wanted to do was try to show people that he means something.

Angel: Well he did and it almost killed him.

Sir Pentious: At least he's alive though I am surprised that his idea worked even with that garbage he used.

Luke: When Marshall gets here Newt, he would ask you some questions and when he does just take your time and explain to him what you saw during the drift.

Newt: I..I will try.

Luke: Good good, take your time my friend. There's no rush.

God: He's so full of compassion and knows how to make a person feel better.

Lute(Thought): I should have listened to him when he was trying to help me. Sigh...Luke I am so sorry for what I did to you and I know maybe some day you will find it in your heart to forgive me and my wrong doings.

Luke: We are going to take things slow and steady. I got your back Newt, you're in good hands.

Newt: Thank...thanks Luke.

Luke: What are friends for. Even us guys who do the most exotic and extreme things.

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