Chapter 5: Welcome To The ShatterDome!
Everyone in the theater watches the next scene where Raleigh and Stacker on board the helicopter arriving in Hong Kong and towards a huge complex built by the military to hold Jaegers. They all gasped at the huge site they are seeing and never seen a place so big.
Sir Pentious: Is this where they keep the Jaegers?
Arago: Indeed and there are many others scattered around the world. Though a lot has changed during the past 5 years.
They looked to see soldiers as well as weaponry but also two men telling the soldiers to be careful with what is inside those tanks and could be related to Kaiju. But then they all looked to see a young woman walking towards where the helicopter is landing and everyone gets the feeling that she is important.
Charlie: Who is that? That girl? Is she someone important?
Arago: You will know soon enough, my dear Charlie.
Raleigh and Stacker come out of the helicopter to meet with this young woman who Stacker introduces Riley too.
Stacker: Mr.Becket, this is Mako Mori. One of our brightest. Also in charge of the Mark3 restoration program. She personally handpicked your co-pilot candidates.
Emily: Wait Mako? Isn't that the name of the person that Luke and Stacker were talking about?
Arago: Yes, that is Mako Mori. Her dream is to become a Jaeger pilot so she could avenge her family who died in a Kaiju attack.
Vaggie: I think it would be interesting to see her pilot a Jaeger.
Arago: True but her emotions go beyond that.
Vaggie(Thought): What did he mean by that?
Mako(Japanese): I imagined him differently.
Angel: Was that Japanese?
Raleigh(Japanese): Hey, better or wore?
Mako(Japanese): I apologize, Mr.Becket. I've heard a lot about you from my brother.
Raleigh: And who is your brother?
Luke: Why don't you take a look behind you, Riley.
Everyone even Lute looked to see Luke holding an umbrella behind Raleigh who was also wearing a decent suite that made the girls blush at how charming and handsome Luke dressed.
Lute(Thought): Luke looks so handsome in that.
Raleigh: Luke? Luke is that you?
Luke: Hehehe who else has white hair and yellow golden eyes?
Raleigh and Luke both smiled and hugged each other that made the audience smile at seeing the two friends reunited again after so being apart for 5 years.
Raleigh: Damn, you gotten taller and your hair gotten longer.
Luke: I was gonna cut it but I kind of like it this way.
Charlie: It does make him look more charming.
Emily: And he knows how to take care of it.
Luke: It is so good to have you back, buddy.
Raleigh: Good to be back and you're the one who got me back in the first place.
Luke: That is true. Hey dad.
Stacker: Hello Luke.
Luke(Japanese): Hello sister, it's been a while.
Mako(Japanese): It's nice to see you again brother, welcome back.
Luke and Mako hugged like the siblings they are in which made the girls look at them in aw.
Vaggie: Let me guess she's his sister.
Arago: That is correct, Mako is also the adopted child of Stacker. He saved her from a Kaiju attack and took her in. Eventually she became part of the family and Luke's older sister and the older sister of Jake. The three of them got along famously always looking out for each other.
Lute(Thought): Seems like Luke made a great life there.
Stacker: A tour of the facility first and then miss Mori will show you to your Jaeger Mr.Becket.
Luke: Mako told me the news of the updates they added to your Jaeger and lets just say you are going to love to adjustments.
Raleigh: Are these Kaiju brains?
Raleigh looks at the Kaiju brains that were inside the tanks that made some of the audience creeped out at seeing the monsters brain and still moving.
Luke: Yes we brought Kaiju specimens to study to know more about them and to help us with what we can know myself and my father hired the best brilliant scientist we can find. And here they come now.
Newt and Herman: Wait hold the door please!/Wait for us, thank you!
Newt: Stay back, Kaiju specimens are extremely rare so look but don't touch.
Luke: Raleigh allow me to introduce to you to our research team, This is Doctor Newton Geiszler and my old science teacher Mr.Gottlieb. Good to see you again sir.
Herman: A pleasure it is to see you as well Luke, he was one of my top best students. Always the learner and never failed any of my courses.
Raleigh: Never took you for the science type, Luke?
Luke: Hey you need to learn a lot which includes science otherwise your not going to learn anything. I mean how else did you think I got good grades on my assignments. I study and learn and also to be patient. Also Newton good to see you again, how you been?
Newt: I'm doing terrific thanks for asking and please call me Newt only my mother calls me doctor. Herman there are other human beings here besides Luke here, say hello.
Herman: I asked you not to refer to me by my first name out of 10 years...
Newt: 10 years of experience man very sorry.
Husker: I take that they there's some kind of weird friendship those two have?
Angel: Well I got one...NERDS!
Sir Pentious: Luke must have a brilliant mind.
Emily: He sure is and maybe we will get see what this secret project he has been working on.
Riley looks to see Newt roll up his shirt sleeve and looks to see tattoos of different Kaiju that were killed back in the day until one caught Raleigh's eye.
Raleigh: Who is that? Yamarashi?
Newt: Oh this little Kaiju? Yea you got a good eye.
Raleigh: My brother and I took him down in 2017.
Luke: An epic fight that was. He was one of the biggest category 3's ever.
Newt: I know right, 2,500 pounds of awesome.
Vaggie: Awesome? Did he really just called a Kaiju awesome?
Angel: Like I said nerds.
Luke: Uhh......
Newt: Or awful or whatever you wanna call them.
Herman: Excuse him, he's a Kaiju group he loves them...
Newt: Shut up Herman I don't love them ok, I study them. And unlike most people I wanna see one alive and up close one day.
Alastor: A brave soul and yet very stupid.
Angel and Husker: So Stupid.
Vaggie: More like idiotic.
Raleigh: Trust me you don't wanna.
Luke: Hey don't take it the wrong way Newt, Raleigh has just been through a lot for the past 5 years. Don't let him get to you. However if you do see a Kaiju up close and alive, run like hell.
Newt: I will keep that mind if things get too intense.
Luke: Great, good luck on your research gentlemen and I looked forward to see what you know.
Newt: There is a very good reason why I like Luke. He knows how to show a gentleman like myself some respect. No wonder he's your top student. Good job Herman.
Herman: For the last the time don't use my first name in public.
Luke and the others left the elevator and headed out and towards a large sealed door until Mako punched in a code to open it.
Raleigh: So that's your research team?
Luke: Hey cut them some slack, I know these guys their professionals.
Stacker: Luke's right, things have change. We're not any army anymore Mr.Becket, we're The Residence. Welcome to the ShatterDome.
Vaggie: Whoah....
Sir Pentious: Incredible and are those the Jaegers that Luke's father mentioned?
Arago: Yes they are.
Luke: Just like old times. Though we added something to keep everyone focus in case another Kaiju attack happens. If you look above you Raleigh, we have the war clock.
Stacker: We reset every Kaiju attack. Frequency of attacks is accelerating.
Raleigh: How long until the next reset?
Stacker: A week. If we are lucky, my experts believe there'll be a Kaiju attack even before that. This complex used to launch 30 Jaegers just like this one. Now we only have four Jaegers left.
Charlie: That ain't good.
God: Not good at all. With only 4 Jaegers they won't stand a chance.
Emily: Stacker did say he has a plan maybe we will get to hear it from him.
Raleigh: I didn't know it was this bad.
Luke: Oh it's gotten worse buddy much worse.
Stacker: Indeed and it is that bad. Crimson Typhoon, China one of the greatest.
Cherri: Why does that thing have three arms?
Luke: Assembled in Changzhou, made of full titanium core no alloys with a 50 diesel engines for per muscle strand deadly which makes it the precise fighter. She's plioted by the Wei Tang Brothers, Cheung, Jin, and Hu. The three of them defended Hong Kong port for more than 7 times and they used Thundercloud formation.
Charlie: Wow he knows his Jaeger history.
Emily: Told you he was smart even when he was younger always the brilliant type.
Lute(Whisper): He always was...
Raleigh: Oh yea triple arm technique.
Stacker: Very effective.
Luke: Over there Raleigh, that Jaeger there is one of the oldest, and the last one Mark1's. Cherno Alpha. The first generation Mark1 and the heaviest Jaeger in the service Raleigh but make no mistake it's a brutal war machine.
Sir Pentious(Thought): I MUST HAVE THAT JAEGER!
Stacker: And those two Sasha and Aleksis Kaidonovsky.
Raleigh: Yea I heard of them, perimeter patrol Siberian wall.
Stacker: They stood watch over the Siberian wall that hasn't be unreachable for 6 six years, 6 years.
Luke: Now we go to the last Jaeger in the service and it's the one who stopped that Kaiju in Sidney. And of course I think you know who they are Raleigh.
Raleigh: That I do.
Stacker: Herc, Chuck, gentleman welcome to Hong Kong!
The audience watch as they looked to see Herc and Chuck Henson from the fight scene they watched. Herc goes over to meet with Stacker along with his bulldog Max that made the girls looked at the dog in cuteness.
Herc: Son wait here.
Luke: Max! Come big fella.
Mako: Come here Max, remember me.
Charlie and Emily: AWWWWWWW WHAT A CUTE PUPPY!!!❤️
Angel: Ok I have to admit that little guy is cute though he better stay away from Fat Nuggets.
Herc: Don't drool all over miss Mori, she's a pretty girl and he gets all wild up.
Stacker: Mr.Becket this is Hercules Henson, an old friend from the Mark1 glory days.
Herc: I know you mate, we road together before.
Raleigh: We did sir, 6 years ago my brother and I a 3 Jaeger team draft.
Herc: That's right I remember, though sorry about your brother.
Raleigh: Thank you sir.
Luke: Good to see you Herc.
Herc: Luke pleasure to see you as well, you grown since the last time I saw you.
Luke: Thank you sir. I saw you on the news of what you and your son did in Sidney.
Stacker: Herc and his son Chuck will be running point using Striker Eureka, fastest Jaeger in the world. First and last of the Mark5's.
Luke: It was said that Australia decommissioned it a day before the Sidney attack. Luckily they were still around otherwise Sidney would have fell into ruins.
Stacker: Now it's running point for us.
Raleigh: Running point on what? You never told me what I am doing here yet?
Luke: Well dad, lets hear this plan of yours.
Stacker: We're going for the breach, Mr.Becket.
Vaggie: What? But that's suicide?
Stacker: We are going to shove 2,400 lb thermal nuclear warhead to Striker's back. That's destination equivalent of 1.2 millions tons of TNT and you and 2 other Jaegers will be running defense for them.
Everyone except Arago: WHAT THE FUCK?!!!!
Vaggie: Where in the hell did they get a bomb that big?!!
Sir Pentious: I agree, true I design and build weapons but I wouldn't go so far to build a nuclear bomb that size. A blast from that bomb would take out an entire city or worse.
Raleigh: Wait a minute I thought we were The Residence? Where'd you get something that big?
Stacker: See the Russians back there, they can get us anything.
Vaggie: Of course it had to be Russia. Had to figured.
Stacker: Herc shall we.
Herc: Good to have you back.
Raleigh: Thank you sir.
Mako: I'll show you to your Jaeger now.
Raleigh: Miss Mori, can you give a minute.
Luke: Your going to talk with dad about the breach aren't you?
Raleigh: Yea. Marshall! Sir we hit the breach before it doesn't work. Nothing goes through, what's changed?
Stacker: I got a plan, I need you ready, that's all. Let's go Herc.
Charlie: So wait a minute the bomb is not the plan?
Husker: No I think the bomb is part of the plan but the rest we don't know until we see it for ourselves.
Luke: Come on Raleigh, wait until you see your Jaeger it looks even better it did 5 years ago.
The scene now changes to where Stacker and Herc go to meet with Newt and Herman who were doing research and experiments on the Kaiju. Herman was writing down notes on the chalk board to figure out when the next Kaiju attack will take place and Newt was dissecting a Kaiju organ.
Herman: In the beginning the Kaiju attacks past by 24 weeks then 12 then 6 and then every 2 weeks. The last one in Sidney was a week. In 4 days we could be seeing a Kaiju every eight hours until they are coming every 4 minutes. Marshall we should richness a double event within 7 days.
Angel: I did not understand any of that?
Vaggie: Just shut up and watch.
Stacker: Mr.Gottlieb, I am about to drop 2,400 nuclear bomb I need more than a prediction.
Newt: Well uh..that's a problem then you see he actually can't give you anything more than a prediction.
Herc: Just get to the point.
Herman: Numbers do not lie, politics, portray, and promises these are lies. Numbers are close as we can get in the hand writing of god.
Newt: Hehehe what?
Herman: Will you give me a moment. There will be a dominant event and then shortly and then after there would be 3 and then 4 and then...
Stacker: And then we're dead. I get it.
Herman: Yes but this is where the good news comes in.
Herman pulls up a holographic screen of what he is going to show everyone and it involves the breach and how they could close it.
Herman: Here is our universe and here is theirs. And this what we call the throat to the passage between the breach and us, and we know its atomic in nature. I predict the increase traffic will force the breach to stabilize and remain open long enough to get the device through and collapse it's structure.
Newt: Yea and that's where I got to time in, I mean really I wouldn't want to go in there with that limited amount of information. Though hear me out for a second, give me a second please. Why do we judge the Kaiju category's is because each one is completely different from the next right. You see what I am saying one looks like a shark and the other looks like a fish..
Stacker: Mr.Geizler, just get to the point.
Adam: Yea because my brain is hurting from all this shit.
Newt: The point is I don't think they all different after at all. These are some samples I collected all right. Now this one was harvest in Sidney and this was harvest in Manila, 6 years ago. They have the same exact DNA, their clones.
Herman: And this is the point where he goes completely crazy.
Newt: There is so much more of the Kaiju that we understand and we only scratched the surface. This is a piece of a Kaiju's brain, now unfortunately it's damage its a little bit weak but it's still alive.
Vaggie: That is disgusting.
Charlie: can a brain still be alive?
Cherri: I say we kill it.
Newt: Now I think I can tap into it, using the same technology that allows the 2 Jaeger pilots to share in their own bridge. Now think about that, I can tell you exactly how to get through the breach yourselves.
Alastor: A brilliant idea though an idea that can back fire or possibly kill him.
Vaggie: Can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with Alastor. What this Newt is doing is out of the question.
Emily: The amount of pressure will be too much for him.
Herc: So you are saying we should share a drift with a Kaiju?
Newt: No no not like a whole Kaiju you know like a tiny piece of its brain.
Herc: The neural serge will be too much for the human brain.
Stacker: I agree.
Newt: I don't agree.
Stacker: Gottlieb, I would like your data on my desk asap.
Herman: Sir.
Newt: No but his is so...
Stacker: Thank you Newt.
Newt: Guys this is the most amazing thing in the world?!
Herman: I know you are desperate to be right so now you wasted your life being a Kaiju group but it's not going to work.
Newt: It is going to work Herman and I will tell you something else. Fortune favors the brave dude.
Herman: You hear them they won't give you the equipment even if they did, you'll kill yourself.
Newt: Or I will be a rock star.
Husker: He's going to drift the brain I just know he is. If he does I'm gonna need more drinks and more snacks.
Angel: Count me in buddy.
Vaggie: Argh..I can't watch what will happen if his drifts with that Kaiju brain.
Soon the scene changes where they see Luke along with Mako taking Raleigh to his Jaeger that is all brand new and restored. The one and only Gipsy Danger.
Mako: There she is.
Raleigh: Oh my god....
Charlie: It's Gipsy Danger!
Emily: It looks brand new!
Raleigh: Look at her, Gipsy Danger. God so beautiful she looks like new.
Luke: Better than new Raleigh, In the data that I got she has a double core nuclear reactor.
Mako: She's one of a kind now.
Raleigh: She always was.
Luke: Wait until you test her out, she's more faster and stronger then before.
Tendo: How do you like your ride Becky Boy! Solid iron hall no alloys, 40 engine block for muscle strands, hyper limb and a new fluid synaptic system.
Raleigh: Tendo!
Tendo: Hahaha come here.
Raleigh: Good to see you buddy.
Tendo: Good to see you to brother, it's just like old times.
Luke: Indeed it is Tendo.
Tendo: Whoah Luke, look at you, you sprouted up. You look great kid.
Luke: Thanks pal. It is good to have you back.
Tendo: Same for you. Hey hows about we grab some dinner together in the cafeteria.
Luke: I am down for that, hows about you Riley.
Raleigh: You guys go on ahead I would like to unpack before I do anything.
Luke: Sure thing. See you and Mako later. Let's go Tendo and I will tell you all about what I've been doing for the past 5 years.
Tendo: Great as long as you get me coffee with two creams.
Luke: How can I forget your favorite coffee.
Lute(Thought): I'm happy that he has people who look out for him and he is doing the same for them. Reminds me of the times I was like that for him.
Mako took Raleigh to his quarters where he goes unpack his things but also wants to know more about Mako and what made want to be part in all of this.
Raleigh: So what's your story? Well besides being Luke's sister and all. Restoring old Jaegers, showing guys like me around that can't be it. You a pilot?
Mako: No not yet. But I want to be one more than anything and so does Luke.
Raleigh: Luke always dreamt that he wanted to be a pilot. He got inspired by the pilots that came before and always enjoys seeing the Jaegers beat the Kaiju. What was your simulator score?
Mako: 51 jumps, 51 kills.
Raleigh: That's amazing. But you're not one of the candidates tomorrow?
Mako: I am not. The Marshall has his reasons.
Raleigh: Yea he always does doesn't he. But with 51 kills I can't imagined what they could be.
Mako: I hope you approve all my choices. I've studied your fighting techniques and strategy even in Alaska.
Raleigh: What do you think?
Mako: I think you're unpredictable. You have a habit of deviating from standard combat techniques, you take risks then injury yourself and your crew. I don't think you're the right man for this mission.
Raleigh: Well, thank you for your honesty. You might be right but one day when you're a pilot you're going to see that in combat you make decisions. You have to live with the consequences. That's what I am trying to do.
Mako: Luke always spoke highly of you. He told me so much of what you and your brother did. He looks up to you and in the end you gave him strength and hope. I may not think that you are the man for the mission but I know my brother knows you are, he believes in you.
Raleigh: Luke was a good kid, still is even now that he's all grown up. After what happened to my brother things haven't been the same since but Luke he pushed forward and still carries that patch that belonged to my brother. He keeps it with him to remind him to never back down.
Mako: He told me, I have been seeing Luke and I have seen what he is becoming. Such a kind and strong man who will do anything to keep those close to him safe. Even during his simulator training.
Raleigh: He never mentioned that to me.
Mako: Well he's one of those who doesn't like to show off.
Vaggie: That's Luke all right.
St.Peter: He was always the mature type and likes to do things his own way while also following his heart and dreams.
Raleigh: How many jumps and kills did he do?
Mako: By my calculations he got over 75 Jumps and 250 Kills.
Raleigh: Luke? Luke got that many during the simulator training?
Mako: Hehe, he is what you call unique though I think he is something more. Only Marshall knows about it though others do not. Luke likes to keep it a secret and not reveal until he feels ready.
Raleigh: We all have secrets though if some go deep then it's best to keep them to yourselves until you feel the need to tell others. By the way has he ever told you or Marshall about this secret project that he is working on?
Mako: No but he plans to show me soon. He's been working on it for years. I think he would like to show you as well since your very close to him like family.
Raleigh: Well if he does show me whatever it is he worked on I am sure it would be something unique.
Mako: I will let you get settled in. See you tomorrow for your copilot choosing.
Raleigh: Thank you.
Charlie: Seems like those two will get along well.
Vaggie: Yea but that guy Chuck you know the son of Herc Henson not so much. That guy is a show off and the way he looked at Raleigh I get the feeling those two have a ruff start.
Angel: Yea but Luke will sort them out, the guys pretty strong and has the powers of a god.
Husker: No doubt about that.
Alastor: I am quite wondering what this secret project that out dear lad worked on his whole life. Could be interesting to know more about.
Charlie: That is true, what has he been working on all this time?
Arago: His secret project will be revealed soon. It will not only help humanity but also help deal with the Kaiju.
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