Chapter 4: 5 Years Later...
5 years Later....
Vaggie: 5 years? 5 years have past, something tell us this isn't going to look good am I right.
Arago: You are correct, a lot has changed for the past 5 years and a lot isn't looking too good for the world which also includes the defense against the Kaiju.
Emily: Surely the jaegers are keeping people safe I mean they wont just quit would they?
Arago: I am afraid not all will end smoothly my dear, watch and you will know.
US Rep Taylor: The Kaiju are learning our defenses they are adapting, evolving and we're loosing jaegers faster then we can build them.
Angel: Holy shit....
Husker: These bastards are getting tougher by the minute. If these Kaiju whatever they are called end up in hell, heck knows I am getting far away and I don't care where I will go anywhere from them.
Charlie: Such carnage and destruction....
Arago: The Kaiju have been getting stronger for the past 5 years, my dear granddaughter and the number of jaegers are dropping like crazy.
US Rep Taylor: Category 4 Kaiju's are now coming through the Breach. I think even you can see Marshall this is no longer a sound strategy. The frequency of the attacks has increased. The Jaegers are not the most viable line of defense anymore.
Emily: What? How could they not, they have been defending the humans for years now how could they not think the Jaegers are not the line of defense anymore?
Vaggie: Probably due to the amount of Jaegers that were being killed by the Kaiju, they think they found a new solution to help keep them safe.
Arago: You are correct.
Stacker: I am aware, those are my rangers that die every time a Jaeger falls which is why I'm asking you for one last chase...
UN Rep Cole: Excuse me Marshall. Excuse me Marshall.
Stacker: One finally assault with everything we got.
UN Rep Cole: Listen to me! The Jaeger program is dead, Marshall. On the other hand the Coastal Wall program is a promising option.
St.Peter: What is this Coastal Wall program?
Arago: Well since the government think that the Jaegers are not the right suitable defense for the world due to increase attacks, they are constructing a wall that spreads all around the world to keep the Kaiju from attacking cities which I think is a stupid idea.
US REP TAYLOR: The world appreciates all you and your men have done but it's over. We will authorize you to take all remaining Jaegers to the final battle station, Hong Kong. We're prepared to fund you for the next 8 months while the Costal Wall is completed after that you will receive no further support. You have your answer Marshall.
Sir Pentious: Well that was not very helpful.
Emily: How could they?
God: Seems like the humans of that universe lost all hope.
Arago: I wouldn't say that my son, there is always hope.
Tendo: So that's it? It's over.
Herc: Suits and ties, fleshy smiles it's all they ask Stacker.
Stacker: We don't need them because I have a plan. For the time being we move out towards the station at Hong Kong and we get everything prepared. Excuse me I need to make a call to someone.
Meanwhile in a place far from the Alaska base, in the location of Japan live someone who has been training and working hard for the past years and is ready to take on anything that comes his way. Everyone in the theater watches and looks to see a fancy mansion that left them in awe.
Angel: WHISTLE! That's a nice looking place, who do you think owns that sweet joint.
Arago: You will see right now and lets just say for the past 5 years he has been training and preparing himself for this moment and is ready to face the enemy he vows to destroy.
Luke(Thought): Does he mean who I think is mentioning.
Inside the mansion in the gym area everyone hears a male voice that sounded like a young adult male who was doing weight lifting while also listening to hardcore music. It was Luke who was at the age of 19 years old and lets just say he was in great shape.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Luke: 201....202....203...204...205...206...207...208...209...210.
Luke gets up from his spot and goes over to put on a unzipped hoodie and heads over to the ComLink and when his full appearance shows it made a lot of girls face turn shades of red as well as showing signs of nosebleeds at seeing Luke now.
Charlie/Emily/Vaggie: HE LOOKS SO HANDSOME!!!❤️
Lute(Thought): Thats Luke....that's my baby boy....he's so grown up and his hair it looks so beautiful. Wait isn't that the locket I gave him? He still has it!
Lucifer: Damn the kid looks good, he's like 1 man army.
Angel: Mmmm~.
Vaggie: Angel don't you fucking give my nephew the fuck me eyes because he is straight.
Angel: Fuck....but at least he looks good.
Emily: His hair looks so amazing, I always thought his short hair looked cute but the way it's so long like that makes me wanna braid it.
St.Peter: I must say 5 years did great with him. I am proud that he is doing amazing for all those years.
God: That's my grandson.
Luke: Hey Dad, whats up.
Stacker(ComLink): Sorry to disturb your morning routine son but we need to talk.
Luke: I just finished my work out and if you wanna talk about the governors about shutting down the Jaeger program I know about it, they posted it on the news. And I don't get the whole wall thing, I mean how in the hell is that thing going to stop a Category number Kaiju?
Stacker(ComLink): I was thinking that same thing, which is why they are sending us to the final battle station, Hong Kong. Truth is we don't need them and I also have a plan. I think it could work and I called up the best scientist to help us.
Luke: It's tempting though how many remaining Jaegers are still around?
Stacker(ComLink): By my count there is four Crimson Typhoon, Cherno Alpha, and Strika Eruka I am sure you know their pilots.
Luke: How can I not, I met them a long time ago during the academy. Herc and his son Chuck are outstanding pilots and an old friend of Raleigh and his brother from the Mark 1 glory days. But anyway whose the fourth?
Stacker(ComLink): An old Jaeger that I spent for the past six months reconstructing and I think you may know it though it needs a pilot.
Luke: Are you saying?
Stacker(ComLink): That I am, though the pilot I have lost trace of him and have no idea where he is? That is why I ask of you to tell me where I can find him.
Luke: I am still in contact with him even after he left the program and even after his brother died. Last I heard he got a job for working on the Costal Wall.
Charlie: Is he talking about Riley? He's still around.
Alastor: Looks that my dear, Charlie.
Stacker(ComLink): So that's where he's been for the past 5 years.
Luke: He's located in Sitka, Alaska. That's where the construction for the wall is taking place. I am sure you can find him there. Also I will be going to Hong Kong as well, I moved my secret project there and it's completed.
Stacker(ComLink): You never really told me, what is this secret project that you have been working on, son?
Luke: You will know soon enough dad. By the way hows Mako?
Stacker(ComLink): She's doing fine and looks forward to seeing you, she misses you.
Luke: I miss her too. I will be in Hong Kong in two days see you there dad.
Stacker(ComLink): You too Luke. Also why do you still wear that around your neck, I mean after what you told me of what she did to you, why do you still wear it?
Luke opens up the locket around his neck to reveal a picture of Lute back when she was kind and filled with so much love that made Luke smile. Lute saw the picture of her past life and wants to go back and be that same person again for Luke's sake.
Luke: I keep this to remind me of the good times I had with her, the real her. Seeing her warm smile and her joyful mood brings back so many fund memories. I cannot change the past, the only thing I can do is move forward. She's chose her path and now I am choosing mine. Just wish I could have stopped her from making the biggest mistake of her life.
Stacker(ComLink): You did what you could, but nothing can change that son. But be proud of who you are now.
Luke: I am. See you soon dad and tell the others I said hi.
Stacker(ComLink): Will do. Marshall out.
Lute(Thought): I will make things right for you Luke, when I find my way to you, I will no longer be that monster you saw back then, I will change and I don't care how long it will take.
The scenes changes to Alaska where the theater now sees what the Costal Wall looks like in person which was just a giant size wall made to keep the Kaiju out. In the universe it was called The Wall of Life, Anti-Kaiju Wall.
Husker: Are you shitting right now?! You except that stupid wall to protect you. I mean really?
Charlie: Come on it can't be that bad can it. Maybe giving this program would be all right.
Emily: Hmm...if not then I will blame the government.
God/Lucifer/Sir Pentious/Angel/Husker/Nifty/Alastor: Agreed.
St.Peter: I am pretty sure that cannot hold back a Kaiju like that one guy said they are evolving.
They all watches construction workers all gathering inside to work on the wall until they looked to see the same person who Luke befriended even before the guy lost his brother in the last Kaiju battle. Raleigh Becket.
Charlie: So he is alive.
Construction Boss: Come on guys, lets go lets go. Now I got good news and I got bad news fellas. Which one do you want to hear first?
Worker: Bad news!
Construction Boss: Bad news. 3 guys died yesterday working top of the wall.
Angel: Really no shit dumbass, It's a giant wall of course someone is bound to fall off that thing and die.
Worker 2: What's the good news?
Construction Boss: The good news is, I got 3 new job openings top of the wall.
Husker and Angel: Idiots.
Construction Boss: Okay who wants to work and who wants to eat? Come on!
The next scene takes them to Raleigh working top of the wall where they all see the construction of the wall taking place. Raleigh stops working and looks at the view of the area before gathering his gear and heading down. They then see him about to have lunch with the other workers until something came up and it involved another Kaiju attack.
News Reporter: I am here in Sidney where early here today yet another Kaiju attack took place. The Kaiju an anonymous Category 4 broke through the Costal Wall in less than an hour.
Charlie: Okay....maybe the wall program isn't the best defense against the Kaiju.
Vaggie: Why the hell are they even building that thing?!
Sir Pentious: It went through the wall like it was nothing...
Emily: I blame the government of that universe for making a total disaster.
News Reporter: The Wall of Life have been deemed unreachable by it's builders.
Vaggie: That's what I was saying, this project of theirs is stupid.
Husker: And a waste of money.
Worker: That..that thing went through the wall like it nothing.
Sir Pentious(Thought): I must make a mental note to have the walls of heaven bigger, stronger, and unreachable. We cannot have those monsters knocking down our doorsteps. Maybe add some Anti-Kaiju weapons on the boarders, yes that's a good idea.
News Reporter: Ironically it was the recently decommission Jaeger, Strika Eurka piloted by Herc and Chuck Henson who finally took the beast down.
The theater watches Strika Eurka fight the Kaiju then killing it with his heavy cannons coming out of the chest. The beast went down and the city was saved.
Angel: That is a badass robot.
Cherri: Ooh momma likes, all it needs is a good paint job and boom Cherri Bomb is ready for devaluation.
Sir Pentious: Such marvelous machinery and weapons.❤️
Chuck: Look they decommissioned the Jaeger program because of mediocre pilots that simple. That's Strika Eurka's tenth kill to date, it's a new reordered.
Husker: Okay this guy is definitely a showoff.
News Reporter: And your still going to Hong Kong, even in a time like this?
Chuck: My orders are orders, what else am I suppose to do?
Vaggie: Hope his father isn't like that.
Arago: He isn't, his father Herc Henson is a good man and always knows how to set his kid straight.
Soon they all looked to see a military helicopter land near the construction building and out came Raleigh who looked to see Stacker and group of armed soldiers.
Stacker: Mr.Becket.
Raleigh: Marshall. Looking sharp.
Stacker: Long time.
Raleigh: 5 years and 4 months.
Stacker: Can I have word.
Raleigh: Sure step into my office, Marshall.
Stacker: Took me a while to find you though I had some help.
Raleigh: Well I been travelings across the wall, changing shifts to make a living. What do you want?
Stacker: Spent the last six months activating everything I can get my hands on. It's old Jaeger, Mark 3, you may known it needs a pilot.
Raleigh: I guess I wasn't your first choice.
Stacker: You are my first choice, all the other Mark 3 pilots are dead.
Lucifer: Did he fixed up that Jaeger that got destroyed by that Knife looking Kaiju and he wants Raleigh to be the pilot again, yea good luck trying man there is no way he would except not after what happened 5 years ago.
Raleigh: Look, I can't have anyone else inside my head again. I'm done, I'm still connected to my brother when he died. I can't go through that again man I'm sorry.
Emily: He still has the connection of his brother, I guess he never let go of the past.
Stacker: Haven't you heard Mr.Becket. The world is coming to an end. So where would you rather die here on in Jaeger!
Raleigh: Marshall I'm...
Stacker: You know he's the one who told me of your location Mr.Becket. He also knows how you felt after what happened to your brother. I gave him call and he knows the the world is in danger which is why he will also be coming to Hong Kong and it would be great for him to see you again like old times. And you know who I am speaking of.
Raleigh: Heh, Luke that son of bitch.
Stacker: He also wants to see you know what in action again and this time it's a lot more stronger than before. What do you say Mr.Becket, are you in or are you out? Do it for not only my son but to also do it for your brother.
Raleigh: Sigh...well it's better than working top of the wall. I'm in.
Emily: YES! We get to see Luke and Riley reunite again.
Vaggie: Maybe we get to know who this Mako person is, seems like Luke knows this person well.
Charlie: Let's keep watching and will soon discover everything for ourselves, Vaggie.
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