Chapter 3: Jaegers and The Kaiju!

Arago: Now you will all see what these creatures these Kaiju look like but be warned they are fearsome creatures even more fearsome then your overlords in the afterlife. To tell this story Luke will sharing the life of how the Kaiju first made their appearance and how humanity fought against them.

Emily: What will we be seeing?

Arago: Losses, destruction, chaos, but also hope.

Angel: Oh come on these guys can't be that bad, can they?

Arago: You're about to find out right now.

Luke: When I was kid, whenever I feel small or lonely I'd look up at the stars. Wondered if there was life up there but turns out I was looking in the wrong direction. When alien life entered our world it was from deep beneath the pacific ocean, a fissure between two tectonic plates, a portal between dimensions.

Vaggie: What the fuck is that?

Arago: That is how the beings known as Kaiju made their appearance in that universe.

Alastor: And this is where they came from?

Arago: Yes now pay close attention because what you all about to see will shock you more.

Luke: They call it The Breach, I was 7 years old when the first Kaiju made land in San Francisco.

Soon the scene changes when everyone gasped in absolute shock of the mire size of the Kaiju that was attacking in which made everyone's jaw drop to the ground and it made them realize that Kaiju are actually a lot more terrifying then the demons in hell.

Angel: Okay....I just change my mind these guys are terrifying.

Husker: Not to mention big....

Nifty: And ugly looking.

Lute(Thought): Please let Luke be okay please.

Charlie: So this is the threat you mentioned to us great grandpa?

Arago: Yes, these Kaiju are beings you do not want to provoke. If they wanted to they would have invaded hell and heaven and destroy everything or anyone.


Luke: By the time tanks, jets and missiles took it 6 days and 36 miles later 3 cities were destroyed. 10 of thousands of lives were lost.

Emily: GASP!!! All those poor innocent souls.......

St.Peter: Thats...that's a lot of death.....

Charlie: Oh my gosh...all those people...families..friends...loved ones...all gone..

Sera: Dear god.....

God(Thought): Those monsters no shame at all.

Luke: We mourned our dead, memorialized the attack and move on. But then only 6 months later the second attack hit Manila.

Lucifer: Holy they just keep on coming after 1 gets killed?

Arago: You will know soon enough my grandson.

Luke: And then the third one hit Cabo and then fourth and then we learned this is not going to stop. This is just the beginning.

Husker: This is like World War but instead of soldiers it's just giant monsters from another dimension.

Emily: Great Arago please tell us..tell us there is hope for humanity in that universe.

Arago: There is my little Emily.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Luke: We needed a new weapon, soon the whole world came together pooling its resources and throwing aside old rivalries for the sake of the greater good.

Everyone watches the scenes of human building something big and what they saw looked like giant robots and then listened to what Luke said next. Sir Pentious was amazed of the technology humans had to create such marvelous machines and was thinking of building one of those robots himself though he would need a lot of parts to create such a machine.

Luke: To fight monsters we created monsters of our own. The Jaeger program was born. However there were set backs at first. The neural load to interface with the Jaeger proved too much for a single pilot to operate.

Charlie: So it puts too much pressure on the human mind, making it impossible to control.

Vaggie: Something that big to control, your gonna need more than one pilot.

Luke: That is when we thought of the idea and it worked, a 2 pilot system was implemented. Left hemisphere, right hemisphere pilot control. We started winning, the Jaegers stoped the Kaiju everywhere.

Emily: YES! Humanity has protectors.

The theater guests watches the Jaegers fight and take down the Kaiju with such strength and skill tactics. Charlie and Emily were pleased that humanity found a solution to keep their world safe from these monsters. Sera was thinking of having these Jaegers protect heaven if these creatures ever found their way into heaven.

Luke: But the Jaegers were only as good as their pilots, so Jaeger pilots turned into rock stars. Danger turned into propaganda, Kaiju's into toys.

They watch as humanity heroes celebrate their wins and brought a new future for the people of earth. Lute on the other hand wanted to know where her son is and what he is doing and judging by the voice that belonged to Luke he sounded older like a young adult.

Cherri: Nice looking sneakers I could use a pair like those.

Angel: I wonder if they named a beer after those guys?

Luke: We got really good at it. Winning, we never lost battle until everything that we know started to change.

Husker: I take it that things are going to get even more intense, right.

Arago: You correct but now the story takes place in the year 2020 where Luke is assigned to get two Jaegers ready for a battle in which the young boy is in his teenage years.

The scene shows a young man walking into the halls of a metal complex facility in which Lute looks to see it was her son as a teenager and he was handsome that made Charlie and Vaggie blush at seeing that Luke looks so decent for a teenager who used to be an angel of heaven.

Emily and St.Peter: THAT'S LUKE?!!!

Angel: Damn kid cleans up good.

Cherri: Nice jacket.

Charlie: Isn't he just so handsome Vaggie.

Vaggie: Yea he looks good. I am proud of him.

Lute(Thought): My little boy is growing up....and I'm not there with him.


Luke(Teen): Yo, Gipsy Danger pilots report to Bay 08, a level A42 Kaiju code name KnifeHead category 3 Kaiju. So get lazy bums up and dressed and start hammering this son of bitch to the next week!

Emily: Language!

St.Peter: You know he can't hear you right?

Luke listens and nobody is waking up and it got him anode so he decided to take matters into his own hand. He opens the door and looks to see the pilots still sleeping.

Luke(Teen): Sigh looks like we are doing this the hard way. Cough...cough....ATTENTIONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone except God: OW?!!!/FUCK THAT WAS LOUD?!!!/Geez he blew my ear drums/Argh..I think he gave me ear damage.

God: Hahahahahahaha! Seems like he developed my god like chant.

Adam: Argh....I think my ears are bleeding?

Luke saw the pilots get straight out of bed While also rubbing their ears from the loud scream that Luke just dead.

Luke(Teen): Oh good you guys are up, fantastic.

Raleigh: Geez Luke did you had to wake us up like that?

Yancy: Why didn't you just call us on the com link?

Luke(Teen): And where is the fun in that, and besides you two bums hardly listen to the com links let alone answer the calls. Anyway get dressed your being deployed, we have a Kaiju in bond category 3 code name KnifeHead.

Yancy: What time is it?

Raleigh: It's 2 am.

Lucifer: A Kaiju attack that early in the morning, geez these guys don't sleep as much.

Angel: Reminds me of Charlie when she stayed up all night trying to get the hotel working.

Charlie: I always want to make sure everything goes to plan even if it takes me all night to do. By the way who are those two, does Luke know them?

They watch as Luke along with the two pilots he woke up from their slumber dressed and ready to be deployed into battle against a Kaiju.

Arago: Of course he does, that is Raleigh Becket and his brother Yancy. Luke met them in 2017 after their battle with a Kaiju. They became such good friends and Luke enjoys listening to the brothers battle wins against the Kaiju they took down.

Emily: Seems like he made interesting people in that universe. I am proud that he is doing all right so far.

Lute(Thought): I wish I could be there for him and tell him that I am also proud of him. I just hope he gives me a second chance when I find a way to him.

Luke: Years before who would have picked my two best buds Raleigh and Yancy for heroes, heh well no chance. Truth is they were never star athletes, never at the head of the class but what I saw in them was that they could hold their own in a fight. It turns out they had a unique skill, they were drift compatible. I always like those two and the battles they fought to keep innocent lives safe, they were like family to me just like my father, and my brother as well as my sister.

Vaggie: Wait sister? He has sister?

Arago: All will be revealed soon just be patient my child.

Raleigh and Yancy go into a lab to get their suits put on before being deployed and taken to their jaeger.

Luke(Teen): You guys ready to kick some Kaiju butt!

Raleigh: Hell yea we are ready little man.

Yancy: We will tell you all about it when we get back.

Luke(Teen): Good luck guys and come back alive.

Raleigh: We can't make such promises Luke. By the way hows that top secret project you are working on coming along?

Everyone: Secret project?

Luke(Teen): It's getting there and it will be ready in no time though it might take another couple years, I am still working on it.

Yancy: Well kid good luck to your project and we will save you a seat at the cafeteria.

Luke(Teen): Okay bye guys! I will be at command center with Tendo and dad to watch you guys be deployed.

The scene changes as Luke enters the command center where he sat down next to a friend of his dad's Tendo who operates the drift link for the jaegers and monitors of when the next Kaiju appears.

Luke(Teen): Morning Tendo, got your coffee.

Tendo: Hey kiddo and thanks, double cream right.

Luke(Teen): Always. Got the guys up and they ready to be deployed.

Tendo: They didn't answer the com links did they.

Luke(Teen): Nope. So I took matters into my own hands.

Tendo: I know, I heard it and basically everyone here heard it.

Luke(Teen): Yea I guess I should tone it down it bit.

Tendo: Next time you wake them up use a trumpet thats how they always get people up back in the day.

Luke(Teen): Heh, maybe I would. Hows we check on those two numb skulls.

Tendo: You read my mind kid, good morning Becky Boys.

Raleigh(ComLink): Tendo, what's happening my man.

Yancy(ComLink): How'd that date with Allison go last night, Mr.Troy?

Luke(Teen): 🎶 Awful🎶

Tendo: Actually it went great, she loved me but her boyfriend not so much.

Luke(Teen): Hey guys word of advice don't steal somebody else's woman otherwise the guy is going to kick your asses in the next week.

Charlie and Vaggie: Pfffff....that happens a lot.

Raleigh(ComLink): You know Tendo, Luke's right you might actually would get your ass kicked.

Tendo: A man's got to do what a man got to do, brother.

Stacker: Are those two ready to drop?

Luke(Teen): Morning dad and yes the two numb skulls are ready. Did you boys get all that?

Vaggie: Was he in the military?

Arago: Indeed he was but also a former Jaeger pilot until he retired in 2016.

Raleigh(ComLink): Loud and clear kid, we're ready.

Luke(Teen): You heard them Tendo, engage the drop.

Tendo: You got it kiddo, engaging drop. Marshall and Candidate Pentecost on deck. Securing the comp pod and getting ready to drop.

Yancy(ComLink): Release for drop.

Raleigh(ComLink): Gipsy Danger ready for the big drop.

Everyone watches as the pilots inside the Jaegers head dropped down and attached to the full body of the machine itself.

Sir Pentious: Fascinating.

Arago: The Jaeger you all see before you in Gipsy Danger piloted by Riley and his brother Yancy. It was one of Luke's favorite Jaegers on the force.

Vaggie: What kind of weapons does that thing have?

Arago: Well right now the Jaeger has a weapon called a plasma caster  which is located on the arm followed by an elbow rocket and coolant that considered as a weapon but soon it will get upgrades in a couple years where you will all see soon.

Tendo: All right gutting confirmed sir.

Stacker: Engage pilot to pilot protocol.

Tendo: Engaging now.

The scene shows the Gipsy Danger being launched where the large metal doors open and outside was rain as well as open ocean.

Raleigh(ComLink): Gispy Danger, ready in the line sir.

Stacker: Rangers this is Marshall Stacker Pentecost prepare for  Neural Handshake.

Tendo: Starting in 15 seconds, 14..13..12...11..10...9..

Luke(Teen): 8...7...6...

Tendo: 5...4...3..

Luke(Teen): 2...1..Neural Handshake go!

Sera: What is this Neural  Handshake?

Arago: It's how Jaeger pilots control their jaegers, they need to form a link connection to their minds so that they would be able to control their jaegers but if the link gets messed up things don't turn out that well. Luke will explain it.

Luke: The drift, Jaeger tech, based on Darpa jet fight in neural systems. Two pilots mind melding through memories with the body of a giant machine, the deep the bond, the better you fight.

Husker: So that's how you pilot those things. Something tells I don't want anyone inside my head.

Angel: What about me whiskers.~

Husker: Hell no!

Luke(Teen): Their neural handshake is strong and holding.

Yancy(ComLink): Right hemisphere is calibrating.

Raleigh(ComLink): Left hemisphere calibrating.

Vaggie(Thought): I could use one of those myself. Along with a bigger spear.

Luke(Teen): Gipsy Danger is ready for action.

Stacker: Gentlemen your orders are to hold the Miracle Mile off Anchorage copy.

Yancy(ComLink): Sir, sir there's still a civilian vessel in the gulf..

Stacker: Gentlemen you're protecting a city of 2 million people you will not risk those lives for a boat that holds 10 am I clear.

Vaggie: Seriously? Those are innocent people are they not going help them?

Luke(Teen): Dad those are people too, we can't just let them get killed. True we help people but we also help others as well no matter how small they are. It like mom said help those in need no matter if they are in a small group always be there to protect them.

Lute(Thought): His mother? Then that means...I really don't deserve to be called his mother. At least the person in that universe raised him well.

Stacker: Sigh...I hate it when your always right son, Rangers get those people on that boat to safety and continue with your orders do you copy.

Yancy(ComLink): You got it sir. And Candidate Luke, thanks.

Luke(Teen): We're team guys, now get out there and fight this Kaiju but be warned this one is a lot bigger than the ones you two faced.

Raleigh(Comlink): Thanks for the heads up kid, well let's go fishing bro.

Luke: There are things you can't fight, acts of God, you see a hurricane coming you have to get out of the way. But when you are in a Jaeger suddenly you can fight the hurricane you can win.

Emily: Those words that Luke said to them were very wise.

God: He's my grandson after all, he's gets his wisdom from yours truly.

Arago: As well as his adopted mother but sadly she died in the Kaiju battle in San Francisco, she gave her life to protect her family. She died a hero.

Charlie: That's so tragic. Hope Luke was okay.

Arago: It was tough for them but they were able to move on and focus on helping the world. Luke made a promise to his adopted mother that he will keep the world safe and he vows to keep that promise.

Alaska Coastline 10 Mile Line.

The guest in the theater watch as the people on the boat try to return back home but were having trouble due to the storm and avoiding being crashed into ice burgs.

Captain: How to the main land?!

Boat Driver: 7 miles off Anchorage sir!

Sailor: We won't even make it past the shallows!

Captain: No we wont! What about that island 3 miles east?!

Boat Driver: No no it's 2 miles sir! 1 mile sir! It's getting closer!

Sailor: How the hell can it be getting closer?!

Alastor: I believe chumps that is not an island moving towards you. So I prefer turning around and drive like crazy.

Captain: It's a Kaiju...harbored starboard!!! Turn us around now!

The Kaiju emerges from the water and everyone in the theater gasped at this monsters form as well as the large knife life head.

Angel: Ehhh now I see why Luke said they called it KnifeHead.

Adam(Thought): Damn that's one big ugly mother fucker.

The Kaiju eyes the men on the boat but stops when a light appeared under the water and out came the Jaeger known as Gipsy Danger. Gipsy see's the boat and grabs the ship with one arm while the other uses for defending.

Emily: I knew they wouldn't let those poor souls die!

They watch as the Jaeger lets the boat go free and went back to deal with the Kaiju. They saw KnifeHead heading towards Gipsy but the Jaeger was quick and delivered a metal punch to the monsters face.

Angel: Ooh! That's gotta hurt.

Husker: This will be over quick.

Arago: Don't count your luck boys things are going to turn out the other way.

Raleigh and Yancy worked together and delivered more hits to the KnifeHead but the creature didn't back down and bit Gispy's arm until the brothers decided to go with the plasma caster to kill it.

Nifty: Ooh sparkly!

Vaggie: Okay what the fuck is that?

Arago: That my dear is the plasma caster.

Sir Pentious: Such genius weaponry! I got to make sure to add that on the list of next inventions.

Gipsy fires the plasm caster at the Kaiju and with one shot the creature is down in the water. But not for long. Back at the base Tendo read the readings and saw the plasma caster signature coming from the brothers Jaeger.

Tendo: Discharge sir, we had plasma caster readings 10 miles off the coastal line.

Stacker: Gipsy what the hell is going on?

Raleigh(ComLink): Job's done sir, lit up twice. That's our fifth kill!

Yancy(ComLink): We intercepted the Kaiju and saved everyone on that boat.

Stacker: You did those men a favor which is good but get back to your post now.

Raleigh(ComLink): Yes sir!

Angel: Well that was an easy kill.

Alastor: Hmmm...something tells me that this isn't over.

Charlie: What makes you say that Alastor?

Alastor: Judging by the nervous look that our boy Luke is giving I would say the fight isn't over.

Everyone even Lute saw the nervous look on the boy's face meaning something is terribly wrong and Luke fears for his two friends.


Raleigh(ComLink): Luke? What is it? What's going on?

Tendo: Kaiju signature rising!

Stacker: What?!

Luke(Teen): That thing is still alive dad! It doesn't take one shot to kill it.

Stacker: Gipsy! We are getting signature, that Kaiju is still alive!


Everyone watches the Kaiju pot out of the water and attacks Gipsy that made them gasped in fright but then looked to see the monster attack Gipsy. They saw the boys tried to use the plasma caster again like before but the Kaiju pushed it away and stabbed the left side of the Jaeger that caused Raleigh some pain.


Yancy(ComLink): Tendo WE'RE HIT!!

Tendo: Left arm gone cold sir!


Everyone watches in horror as the Kaiju rips off Gipsy's arm with the plasma caster still on before it sunk below the sea. They look to see Gispy being attacked again by the Kaiju and the brothers were doing what they can to stop it but no such luck. The Kaiju was tearing the machine apart until it's claws went into the dome of the Jaegers head.



The audience screamed in terror as Yancy was dragged out of the Jaeger and killed by the Kaiju that left many in shock and sorrow for the poor man.

Raleigh: NOOOOO YANCY!!!!!!

Now it was only Raleigh left who still held his ground and was trying to fight his way to beat the Kaiju who was stabbing the Jaeger through the chest and all the circuitry was going haywire. Raleigh activated the right plasma caster even though the Jaeger was being ripped apart but with one last cry Riley unleashed the plasma blast onto the Kaiju.

Raleigh: AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Soon after the blast everything went silent and the signature for the Gipsy and the Kaiju vanished without a trace. Luke was silent and tears were form in his eyes that made the audience feel bad for the boy who lost his two close friends.

Luke(Teen): R..Raleigh...Y..Yancy.....

Tendo: Second discharge scrambled the com sir I am not getting any readings?

Luke: Raleigh...Yancy do you copy? Raleigh and Yancy do you copy over. RALEIGH, YANCY DO YOU COPY OVER!!!! Guys.....are you there....guys..........😢sniff....guys......

Lute along with Vaggie, Charlie and Emily were brought into tears of what they are seeing while the others lowered their heads for the two pilots who gave the ultimate sacrifice.


Stacker: Luke....

Luke(Teen): Come on come on...somebody anybody get reading on Gispy now!!!

Stacker: Luke stop...

Luke(Teen): I am not loosing them! I am not loosing them both!!! I'm not.....

Stacker engulfed Luke into a hug which Luke sobs into his father's chest while Stacker tries to calm the boy down after what happened.

Tendo: No signatures sir! What do we do now sir?

Stacker: Gather a search party, search everywhere if you must and I don't know how long it takes find Gipsy Danger. Now!!!

Tendo: Right away sir!

Luke(Teen): 😢sniff......

Stacker: It's okay we're find them, I promise you.

Lute: Oh Luke.....

Off the coast of Alaska a boy and his grandpa were on the shores of a beach looking for treasure using their metal detectors to see if they can find anything good.

Old Man: Now I want you to keep an eye on that tracker there. And you know what I like to find, I like to find a whole ship. That's what I like to find.


Old Man: Wait wait wait! Right there right there dig. What is it?

Boy: It's just an old toy. We never find anything good.


Old Man: Wait a minute listen....oh my god.

Now everyone started to gasp again of what they are seeing and it was Gipsy Danger but damaged and yet still moving, moving towards the shore line before the Jaeger collapses onto the ground.

Charlie: Is that.....

Vaggie: I know what you are going to say babe and I am thinking the same thing.

The boy and his grandpa ran towards the Gipsy where the grandpa went to look for anyone who survived until he and the audience in the theater looked to see Raleigh coming out of the head of Gipsy Danger lost and confused but also badly injured.

Sera: He survived...

God: Just barley but he will live.

Emily: But not his brother, I can already see what Luke's face would be when he finds out.

They watch as Raleigh collapses onto the ground due to his injuries while the old man told his grandson to run and get help fast. Soon help did came and took Raleigh to a hospital to recover and the ones who came were Stacker and his men as well as Luke whose heart shattered after finding out what happened out there. The loss of Yancy and Raleigh's condition made Luke swore that he will make the Kaiju pay for what they did.

Luke: I swore that day I would make the Kaiju pay for what they did and I will avenge those who gave their lives to protect our world. And in the name of every single Jaeger pilot that the Kaiju made them suffer, for them and all the people of planet earth...I WILL DESTROY THEM ALL!

Emily: Keep those close to you safe Luke and make those monsters pay.

The audience now watches a funeral take place and it was for Yancy. Luke sat with his father Stacker and his younger brother Jake at the front along with Raleigh who recovered from his injuries and was mourning the loss of his brother but he wasn't alone, Luke sat by him because Yancy was like brother to Luke and he will miss him dearly.

Raleigh: Luke.

Luke(Teen): Yes.

Raleigh: Yancy wanted you to have this thought it would look cool on you.

Luke(Teen): I can't...I can't except belong to him. You should keep it.

Raleigh: But I want you to have it, something to remember him and all the good times we had together. I know he would want you to have it, so please take it.

Luke took the patch that belong to Yancy and held it close to him and promises to never let it go since it's the only thing that remind him of Yancy as well as the pictures that he has with him.

Luke(Teen): I will take good care of it. But what will you do now?

Raleigh: I will think of something but we will always be in contact with each other, I promise you that.

Luke(Teen): I will not let Yancy's death be in veined, I will make the Kaiju pay for what they did until my last breath.

Raleigh: I know you do the world good Luke. I believe you can help make the world a better place. For Yancy.

Luke(Teen): For Yancy.

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