Chapter 2: Luke's Disappearance!

Arago: Now that all of you are settled in and seated we can begin. You will all richness on how the boy known as Luke disappeared from the heavens as well as how he ended up in another universe.

Lute(Thought): Wait...does this mean we are going to see.....oh my god no...I can't bare to watch that part....the one where I lost's the reason for those nightmares I been having.

Adam: Uh hey can we get some refreshments as well.

Arago: You get nothing because you too over weighted, here start eating your fibers.(Arago saids and gives Adam fruits and vegetables to eat)

Adam: Fuck.....

Angel(Whisper): He is kind of chunky, makes me wonder whats under that robe of his.

Husker(Whisper): Something tells me I don't want to know.

Soon the show started and everyone begins to watch what is going to happen in they looked to see where the story is taking place, it was in heaven itself. For those who didn't know what heaven looked like were in awe while some find heaven to be too colorful and too bright. Then the scene changes where everyone looks to see a bedroom that was filled with so many pictures of Lute smiling and being normal along with others from heaven followed by toys scattered around the floor.

Charlie: Whose's room is this?

God: Oh that would be Luke's bedroom, you should have seen him when he likes to play around and have fun. Such a charming little boy.

Vaggie: Whenever I get free time I would always come by and play with him.

Emily: I know you would have liked him Charlie. It was the sweetest little cinnamon bun in all of heaven.

The next thing that caught everyone's attention was the sound of someone sleeping peacefully in a bed where they all get to see the boy known as Luke the son of Lute who had short white hair, wings, sleeping peacefully will a small doll of her mother in which made everyone female in the room gush at the most cutest site they have ever seen and it brought a smile to Lute at seeing her precious little boy.

Luke: Zzzzzz..........

Emily/Charlie/Vaggie/Cherri: SOOOO CUTE!!!!!!❤️

Angel: Heh I got to admit the kid is quite tiny and adorable.

Nifty: Ooh he's such a sweetie pie.

Alastor: I am wondering what he would be like when's he's older.

Aragon: You will know soon enough, very soon.

Charlie: Oh my gosh he is the most adorable little angel I have ever seen! I just want to scoop him up in my arms and give warm hugs.

Sera(Thought): He's just how I remembered, always so precious and enjoys such lovely songs to help him sleep better. I only wish I could have did for him......but I took it away after I took away his mother and Adam changed her.

Lute: baby boy.....

Luke: YAWN! Morning already? Oh better go see if mommy's up!

They watch as Luke gets up from his bed and goes into the bathroom and takes a bubble bath in which the girls all gushed again at seeing Luke in the bathtub while Lucifer watches the boy play with a rubber duck that looks like him.

Lucifer: Wait is that a rubber duck of me?!

God: Oh yes, Luke enjoys playing with rubber ducks in the tub so I took it upon myself to make him a rubber duck of you son.

Lucifer: I am already liking this kid.

Luke: 🎶 Rubber Duckie you're the one, you make bath time lots of fun. Rubber Duckie I'm awfully fond of you. 🎶

Emily: Hehehehe, he even likes to sing the rubber duck song some times.

Charlie(Thought): If I ever have kids, I would want him or her to be like that!

Luke finishes his bath and dressed up all in his clean white clothes and carried his plushie of his mother since he never leaves it behind. Luke enters the kitchen to see that his mother wasn't there.

Luke: I guess mommy is still sleeping? Hmm...maybe I can make her some breakfast when she wakes up, she always loves my blueberry pancakes that I make her.

Husker: Wait how old is this kid?

Emily: He's 5 years old.

Angel: And he can cook?

Sera: Yes in which I am still impressed by it. For someone so young and little can make such delicious treats.

God: You should have seen the birthday cake he made for my birthday, it was the biggest cake I ever seen and it was shared throughout heaven.

Alastor: The boy has talent, I wonder what else he can do.

Luke: 🎶 Mhmhmhmhmhmhm🎶 

They watch as Luke prepares breakfast that brought memories to Lute on how her son first made breakfast for the two of them and she would always love her babies cooking talent especially when it came to Luke's blueberry pancakes.

Sir Pentious: My word, never would I ever see a 5 year old able to cook on his own.

St.Peter: Well he did pick up a few lessons from Emily and myself. Whenever he watches us make something in the kitchen, he would ask us if he can make something and wouldn't say no to a precious face like Luke's.

Emily: After all he is our little nephew.

Vaggie(Thought): He's also mine as well though I want to know what happened to him and I know Lute is responsible for it.

Luke finished the pancakes and added the final touches that made everyone in the theater want to try a bite of those pancakes even Adam who was still eating his fibers though wishes he can have something else to eat.

Luke: Mount berry is complete!

Husker: Heh, I wouldn't be surprise if he made us breakfast.

Cherri: I wonder if he can do eggs, bacon, toast and lots more.

Emily: Oh he actually did those too. And it was so good.~

Charlie: Ooh those pancakes look so yummy!

Lute doesn't say anything but just smiles at seeing her son making breakfast as well as showing off his adorable baby like smile that made Lute's heart skip a beat. If only if she didn't joined the exorcists she would still be with Luke.

Luke: OOH! I forgot mommy needs her coffee to always start the day!

Angel/Husker/Cherri: He can make coffee as well?

Lucifer: Damn the kids a natural.

God: He learned from the best, son.

Luke: Perfect, now to wait until mommy gets up.

Luke(Thought): I know this...this is where I avoided him.

Luke watches the door to his mother bedroom open and out came Lute with her same look but not the motherly type of look no this was the look of someone who doesn't give a care in the world.

Lute: Sniff..sniff what the hell is that smell?

Vaggie: Really?

Luke: MORNING MOMMY! I made you your favorite breakfast. I made it just the way you like it.

They watch as Lute doesn't seem to care and just walks towards the table where Luke was sitting and just sipped her coffee and then just took one bite of the pancakes. Vaggie and Emily can see the disappointment of how Lute is acting towards her son.

Lute: I am going out to train, stay here and do not leave this house.

Luke: But I thought we were going to spend time's a Saturday and we always spend time together on a Saturday..

Lute: Do not question my orders. Do as I tell you.

Angel: Okay what the fuck was that?!

Charlie: He's not a soldier he's a little boy who wants to spend time with you.

Vaggie: She attends to do that to everyone babe.

Luke: But....but....

Lute: I got to go. If anyone knocks on the door, don't answer it.

Luke: But what if it's Aunt Emily or Uncle Peter? They would want to visit and.....


Emily/Charlie: GASP!

Husker: Who yells at a kid like that?

God and Arago gave Lute a disappointment look that made the retired lieutenant shrink down in her seat and hates herself for yelling at her son like that.

Luke: Y...yes mommy.

Lute: That's Lieutenant Lute to you.


Lute leaves the house and puts on her scary mask that still frightens Luke. Charlie and the others from the hotel can see the boys fear and felt bad for him and whats he going through. Lute hid her face in her knees to avoid how she acted back then. They now watch Luke sit on the table and ate his food alone like everyday for the past year and half.

Luke: Please...please don't leave.........

Sera(Thought): I made the biggest the mistake of my life.

They all watch as Luke just sat in the house all day and did absolutely nothing, he didn't play with any of his toys nor watch anything on tv, he just sat on the coach and just waited until his mother returned home. Lute watches her son so miserable and lonely, it broke her heart seeing her son like this and she knows it was her fault. She was the one who avoided him, she was the one who hardly looks at him in the eye, she was the one who turned him away in order to become an exorcist, she was the one who hurt him.

Luke: I miss you Aunt Vaggie.....

Vaggie: Oh Luke....

Luke: Ever since you went missing things haven't been the same since....mommy wouldn't even tell me what happened to you.....all I saw was your halo.....I....I....I want to see you again.

Vaggie was brought to tears and Charlie saw this and comfort her girlfriend at seeing how much Luke misses his aunt so much and wanted to see her again but it was too late.

Luke: Why has mommy changed? She was never like this...she was always kind, funny, happy, and always there for me...but..but now I don't even see her the way I saw her before. If she didn't meet that chubby angel and made her wear that scary mask then I would have still have mommy with me.

God(Thought): At least your in a place far away from the both of them.

Adam: Cough! Cough! Did he just call me chubby?!

Vaggie: Yes he did, and you deserved to be insulted.

Alastor: And you really do need to loose the weight anyway so keep eating your fibers young man and soon the weight problem will be over with as soon as possible.

Adam: Tsk....damn radio demon prick.

Many hours later Luke was sleeping on the coach hugging his plushie with no one around him and nobody knocked on the door which was good because Luke doesn't want his mother to yell at him like before. But soon his slumber came to an end when the front door of the house slammed open.


Luke(Thought): Oh no......

Lute was panicking because this was the scene where she lost her son. She got up from her seat and was about to go to a bathroom until she was stopped by Vaggie.

Vaggie: Where are you going?

Lute: None of your business.

Vaggie: Something tells me you know what is going to happen in this scene. What is it?

Lute: I am going to the bathroom.

Arago: Sorry Lute but your not going anywhere because you are going to richness the horror you brought upon that boy.

Lute: Please don't make me see this! I already hated myself for what I did. I have this same exact scene in my nightmares so please don't do make me see this!!!

It was too late to turn back as everyone watches Lute marching into the house with a stern look on her face but it was covered by her mask. Luke saw his mother coming into the house and not bothering to say hello to him and just went into her bedroom.

Luke: Mommy?

Lute(Thought): Don't go into the room...please Luke don't go in there....

Luke got up from the coach and walked towards his mother's bedroom and once close he slowly opened the door and looked to see his mother sitting on the bed and not facing anything but the wall. Luke went into the room and gently walked towards his mother to see if she was all right. He then placed his small hand onto Lute's hand and when Lute felt someone touch her she looked down and saw it was Luke who now looked frighten of seeing Lute with her mask still on.

Angel: Something tells me this isn't going to end well.

Lute: What are you doing in here?

Luke: I..I just wanted to see you. Are you all right mommy?

Lute: I'm fine now leave me alone.

Lucifer: Rude as much.

Luke: Oh okay though if you need anything mommy I can....


St.Peter: Okay that was uncalled for!

Adam: Damn danger tits didn't know you had it in you.

Sera/Emily/St.Peter/God: SHUT YOUR FATASS MOUTH ADAM!!!!

Adam: Gulp....sorry.

Luke: But....but...but I was worried about you mommy....I....I...I...I just wanted to see you.

Lute: 😢sniff.....I hate myself...I hate myself for what I did to you.


Everyone except Lute: GASP!!!!

Luke: Mommy...😢sniff....please.


Charlie and Vaggie: YOU THREATEN HIM?!!!(Both said in anger)

Luke: W...what?


Everyone gasped in horror of when they saw Lute strike down Luke with her sword but didn't kill him but just gave him a large cut on his cheek that made Lute want to puke as well as break down after seeing the scene again.


Sera: Oh...oh my god.......

Charlie: 😢sniff....

Sir Pentious: That poor poor little boy.

Angel: Fucking shit...

Husker: Who in their right mind would do that to a 5 year old. Some mother that exorcist bitch is.

Emily/St.Peter: LUKE!!!!!!

Alastor: Even though I am a demon overlord who kills for a living, I do feel pity for the poor lad.

Lute: I'm sorry...😢sniff....I'm so sorry.......

Lute's glare changes into pure shock and horror at what she just did and looked at front of her and saw Luke's eyes. They were filled with fear and betrayal. Everyone saw the boys eyes and the fear on his face and many like the girls were brought into tears. Lute saw the blood dripping down Luke's side cheek and it made her realize that she just strike her own son out of anger.

Lute: I...Luke...I...I...

Luke: M....mon......ster.......

Lute: Luke...I....I didn't...mean.....I was just.....


With those same exact words Lute broke down into sobs at watching the scene that took place years ago and now the same scene came back to haunt her. Everyone else felt upset and the girls broke into sobs as well but some like Vaggie, and Emily were in between furious and filled with rage which they eyes locked onto Lute who was shaking in fear and tears coming down her eyes.



The theater went silence when they looked at Luke running away from his mother and out of the house while leaving a broken exorcist to mourn her sorrows after what her son said to her face.

Lute:'t....go...please...😢sniff...what...what have I done....Luke...I...I'm sorry.......LUKE!!!!


Lute face burns with a hard slap to the face and looked upon the one who slapped her who happened to be Emily who looked down at Lute with hatred at seeing what really happened to Luke and who drove him away.



Emily: I SHOULD JUST LOCK YOU AWAY FORVER FOR YOUR ACTIONS!!!! You know I loved Luke more than anything and now look what you did to him. You broke him, you betrayed him, you hurt him, your the reason he's gone.


Arago: All right thats enough, punishments will be sorted out after words.

Emily: Oh there's going to be punishments all right and Adam since you are the source of Lute's behavior and having her turned into that vile woman you will be given a death penalty.

Adam: Like I am scared of you.

Arago: Not her me and God are going to be the ones to do it. After this is all done, you and the exorcist will be sentence to death and don't give us that first man crap because you are by far the worst human ever created.

God: I knew I should have did a better job of creating a smart human who is honest and not a complete waste of time and an abomination.

Adam and Exorcist: Oh shit.......(All said in fear)

The girls calmed down but still glared hatred towards Lute who was still crying and rubbing her cheek after being slapped by Emily. They now watched Luke running into the streets of heaven and avoiding people calling out his name. Lute wanted to go there and hug her son and expressed her apologies but she couldn't do anything but watch her son running with tears and golden blood dripping down his cheek. Luke kept running until he came upon a familiar site in which was God's home.

God: Seems like he made his way to my home. During the weekends he would always come by and visit me when I am taking off from duties to heaven.

Luke: Grand....grandpa....

Lucifer: Did he come to see you?

God: Unfortunately I wasn't at home, I was somewhere else. I wish I was there for him at his most heart broken moment.

Luke flies towards Gods home and saw a window open that leads into his grandpa's bedroom and once he landed Luke jumped into the bed and cried while still feeling the pain on his cheek after his mother cut him.

Nifty: Poor little guy.

Emily: 😢sniff...I am so sorry sweetie.

St.Peter: I just hope wherever he is now, he is all right.

Luke: 😢 could she do could she become something like that.....I...I want my real mommy back...I want her promised you will always be there for me mommy...but...but your no longer here.

Lute: Luke.....I wish I could take it all back.


Lute saw her son throw the plushie of her into the wall and broke into more tears now seeing that her son no longer feels anything for his mother. Lute then watches Luke seeing something glowing in Gods private room and goes towards it. Luke goes into the room and sees a golden book that caught everyones attention in the theater.

Charlie: Grandpa is that....

God: Yes my child.

Luke: A...a book?

Luke picks up the book and opens it and saw what he thought was a story book but it was actually a book used for teleporting or to travel to other worlds. Luke was told many stories that his grandpa told him about other worlds and thought it would be amazing to see them in person.

Cherri: Wait he's not thinking what I think he's thinking isn't he?

Angel: By my guess he is thinking.

Sera: No......don't please Luke don't.

Luke: 😢sniff...I want to go away I want leave and never come back.....I WANT TO BE SOMEWHERE WHERE I CAN BE LOVED AND I WANT TO BE AWAY FROM EVERYTHING!!!!

God: Oh no......

Lucifer: Dad?

God: This is where he disappears and never to be seen again.


Soon the book heeded the boys wish and soon Luke was pulled into a portal that opened up and was never seen again and it made everyone even Lute gasped in shock that Luke was now gone from heaven forever.

Lute: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! LUKE!!!!!

Sera/Emily: GASP!!!!

Charlie: Oh my Satan.....

Vaggie: No no no not my precious little baby nephew!!!

Angel: Take care of yourself kid.

Husker: He might find what he is looking for where ever that portal took him too.

Sir Pentious: God bless to you young Luke. Safe travels.

The theater went into silence until they saw a new scene where Luke ends up in another universe but instead of ending up in a random area he ends up in the middle of a forest. Luke opens up his eyes and sees where he is and it's not heaven but at least he's somewhere away from everything and away from his mother. 

Vaggie: Wait I thought he was in another universe? Why did the portal take him to what looks like earth?

Arago: He is, this is the universe he ends up in though if ended up in a public area he would draw too much attention to himself.

Lucifer: That is true, he is an angel after all. With that halo and his wings will draw a huge crowd of people.

Lute: I should be there with him...

Emily: Well your not, and you think he wants to see you after what we all saw. I wouldn't let you anywhere near him. Ever.

Lute(Thought): She's right...I caused Luke so much pain.

Luke got up from ground and walked around the area of the forest and found the place to be beautiful and quiet. Though he still can't forget what happened back in heaven and he wanted to forget everything that happened. Luke wanted nothing to do with his old life so he did something that shocked the whole theater even Lute.

Luke: No more.....I want nothing to do with these anymore. I'm sorry Sera...I'm sorry Aunt Emily...I'm sorry Uncle Peter....I'm so sorry grandpa...and I'm so sorry Aunt Vaggie...but....I...I just can't....please forgive me for this....and I know it's going to hurt me more than it hurts you....

St.Peter: W..what's he talking about?


Luke ripped off his own wings that left everyone in complete utter shock and horror even Adam was shocked of what the kid did. Lute was in fright that her own son casted off his wings by force.

Emily: OH MY GOSH NOOOOO!!!!!!

Sera: He...he....cast off his wings....

God: Oh dear.....Luke I never knew you would feel this much pain.

Vaggie: LUKE!!!! 😢 no please don't make me watch this.

Angel: Geez that is messed up like beyond messed up.

Cherri: Can't believe he did that....

Alastor(Thought): Such a pity to see someone so young to go through something like that.

St.Peter: Bless my soul.....he actually did something we angels never did.

Then the next thing everyone sees is Luke casting off his halo and breaking it that made things worse in theater. Charlie broke into tears while comforting Vaggie who was sobbing at seeing her nephew in pain and sorrow. Lute was on the floor crying her heart out at seeing what her son just did and now she has lost him for good.

Arago: He may have cast off his wings and halo but he still has his god like powers meaning he can use his gifts to heal himself just look at what he is doing now.

Everyone watches as Luke uses his powers that were given to him by God himself and looked to see the injuries on his back healed but the scar on his cheek was still there meaning he will carry it for the rest of his life to remind him to never return to his old life back in heaven if he can ever return back there if he wanted to or not.

Arago: Even though he healed his back, the injury on his cheek will remain on him for the rest of his life. It will remind him to never go back.

Lute(Thought): And I was the one who gave him that scar...

After Luke finished healing his injuries except for the cut on his cheek and decided to put a bandage on it when he used his powers to have a bandage appear before him, he went on to look for a place to rest and maybe find people who can help him. He wounded into the forest to find some civilization but he got lost and it was already getting dark out and it was cold so he made himself a small shelter and camped out for the night, alone.

Sir Pentious: Poor little fellow.

Emily: I wish I could be there with him so he doesn't feel alone.

Arago:  You don't need to worry because he's not going to be alone just watch and you will see.

Luke sat by the small fire he created but it wasn't enough to keep him warm even if he has god like powers he doesn't know how to control them yet due to his young appearance. He held himself together to keep himself warm until a trig was snapped and it made Luke startled and looked to see who or what was coming out of the trees.

Luke: Who...whose there?

Vaggie: I swear if it's a wild animal I am going to kill it. I am not allowing anything harm my baby nephew.(Vaggie saids and holds up her spear)

Luke looks over and sees something approaching him and it wasn't no animal no it was a human, a human male who walked out of the forest and saw the small child near the fire. Everyone was wondering who this stranger was and is he someone important.

Charlie: Who is that man?

Arago: The man's name is Stacker however his full name will be revealed when you see it. Just keep watching my children and you will all know.

Stacker: Hello there, whats a little guy like you doing all the way out here?

Luke: I...I don't know...I...just....

Stacker: Hey take it easy, you seem frighten and scared I know that. That is nasty cut on your cheek, how did you get that?

Luke: I bad lady did this to me......and...I just couldn't be around her anymore.....😢sniff....I don't know where else to go....

Stacker: Hey hey it's all right, nobodies going to hurt you. I promise. Do you have a name?

Luke: name is Luke.

Stacker: Just Luke?

Luke: Mhm.

Stacker: Do you have family?

Luke: No......


Arago: Because he wants to forget what happened to him in heaven it just brings back memories that still haunt him to this day. But he will always treasure those close to him in his heart. He still loves you.

Sera: But what kind of life will he have?

Arago: You will see.

Stacker: I am sorry to hear about that. How would like to come home with me. My wife is waiting back home and she fix you up with a nice meal since you could use something to eat.

Luke: R..really.

Stacker: Of course, can't leave leave a kid like you out here by yourself.

Luke: Thank you um....who are you sir?

Stacker: Names Stacker kid, Stacker Pentecost.

Everyone: PENTECOST?!!!!!

Lute: Pentecost....that's the name of Luke's new name.

Emily: You mean this is the one who took Luke in?

Arago: Yes my child he is. Pentecost is a good man and he will take great care of Luke. And soon you will all see what the man he has become in a couple years in that universe he's been sent too.

Luke: Nice to meet you sir and I would like to come with you.

Stacker: Well lets get going then shall we before it rains, we are expecting rain pretty soon.

Luke: Okay, um are you all right you have a cut on your arm?

Stacker: Hm? Oh this I got this when I bumped into a sharp stone nothing to worry about.

Luke: I can help you!

Luke goes over to Stacker and places his hand onto the cut and the next thing Stacker sees that made his eyes go wide like dinner plates and it was Luke using his healing magic to make cut fade away in a golden light.

God: That's my grandson.

Luke: There all better.

Stacker: did you just do that?

Luke: Hehehehe, I can tell you but can you keep it a secret please.

Stacker: Like I have a choice, we can talk it over back home. Just stay close to me kid and you will be all right.

Luke: Okay.

Arago: In the end Luke gained himself a new family when Stacker brought him home and met his wife who befriended and care for the boy like the son the two of them always wanted.

Lute: So I mean nothing to him now.....

Lucifer: What happened after words?

Arago: Luke told his story in which Stacker took if upon himself to raise him as his own son along with his wife or course who later given birth to Luke's new brother named Jake. Stacker kept the secrets of Luke and his true origins away from public eye because Luke felt like it wasn't the time or place to reveal what he is.

Emily: least I know that Luke is safe but I still feel upset that he cast off his wings and broke his halo.

Arago: He made his choice and you must except his fait.

Lute(Thought): I don't because I will find a way to be with him again, I won't rest until I reunite with my son again and apologize for everything I put him through.

Husker: So the kid is living a great life in that universe, right?

Arago: For a couple years yes but everything changed after that.

Charlie: What do you mean?

Vaggie: Wait does this have to do with the threat you mentioned.

Arago: Yes my child it does. You see Luke has now entered a world at war.

Sera: War? What war?

Arago: A war where humanity faces off against an enemy from another dimension, an enemy that won't stop at nothing to destroy all life, an enemy that brings nothing but death and destruction, an enemy like no other, an enemy called Kaiju.

Everyone: Kaiju? What's a Kaiju?

Arago: Prepare yourselves for Luke's new journey in the world of giants known as Jaegers and the monsters that humanity fight against known as Kaiju.

Lute: I don't like where this is going.

Angel: Wait are we talking about Godzilla? Or is it something else?

Arago: Something far worse and you will see it now. And trust me you will all be afraid of these beast but also you will see the man Luke has become to keep this universe safe from the monsters that invaded.

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