Chapter 1: The Message

It has been years since the disappearance of Luke the son of the exorcist lieutenant, Lute. All of heaven worked days and months trying to find the poor boy but nobody knew where he was not even his own mother who spent her remaining years training as well as to focus on preparing for extermination day while working with the Adam, the leader of the exorcist and first man. Lute blames herself for not being there for her son and blames herself for what she did to him and she still has those nightmares of when she became so violent that she attacked her own precious child and she cannot forget those scared eyes and tears coming down the boys face after seeing what his mother have become. Nobody knew what happened because Lute was the only one who knew. She spent her life trying to find Luke but failed so many times to locate him but there was no sign or trace of him. She feared that she has lost him forever and it was all her fault.

Before Lute joined the exorcist she was not always rude, cruel, and violent no she was a very compassionate woman who enjoys being there for her little boy. The two of them would always have fun together and stay by each other's side in which Lute gave her son a locket with a picture of her to remind Luke if he ever feels alone, look at the picture in the locket to remind Luke that no matter what happens his mother will always be with him smiling down upon him with open arms and warm hugs. Life was going great for the two of them until he came along, aka Adam The First Man of which Luke didn't like no he despised the first man because he was filled with corruption and filled with madness as well as totally out of control. He took Lute and had her trained as an exorcist of which Luke was scared for his mother but Lute told him she will be fine and that she allowed him to watch her train so he wouldn't be alone. Luke enjoyed seeing his mother trained though he didn't trust the exorcist especially with those creepy mask they all wore but he did like the one known as Vaggie who Lute introduced her to him and the two got along famously and later Vaggie became like an aunt towards Luke including Emily who was a bundle of happiness that made Luke smile even St.Peter who became an uncle enjoyed telling Luke stories that would help him sleep better.

Luke enjoyed being around other angels even Sera who became the child's godmother and always enjoys hearing the woman's lovable bed time songs but the one being that Luke really enjoyed most of all was God himself. God loved the boy so much that in secret he gave the boy god like powers because he knows in the future Luke would grow into a fine and talented angel. God even made himself Luke's grandfather figure who would babysit the boy while his mother trains and does her duty ordered by Adam in which God doesn't know about the extermination against hell since Adam and those who know him went behind God's back and did whatever they wanted. When Luke turned 4 years old he went to see his mother as well as his aunt Vaggie but something was wrong and it was not him no it was mother because when he went to see her after coming back from her mission he the look in his mothers eyes and they were cold and filled with hatred and not the same warm and love eyes he knew but also seeing the sign of blood on her cheek made Luke frighten.

Luke saw nothing but coldness and twisted in the eyes of Lute and when he asked where Vaggie was Lute just glared and walked away from Luke while he saw what Adam was holding and it was a black halo meaning something must of happened to Vaggie and it made Luke worried. Luke tried many times to get his mother to notice him but failed in which Lute wasn't the same as she was before in which Luke blames this on Adam who took his mother and made her what she is. Luke was starting to get scared that he is going to loose his mother forever and so he went to try and reconnect with her like the good old days but still nothing it's like Lute doesn't seem to care anymore. And that is when things turned to hell for the worse. It was when Luke disappeared for unknown reason and nobody knew why the boy vanished but soon they will know the truth even Lute who remembers everything including what she did.


It's been about a month since the extermination ended between the princess of hell and the exorcist in which many exorcist were killed in battle while some sinners ended up dead while one somehow got redeemed into heaven but the leader of the exorcist ended up dead due to being killed by a small sinner with an angelic knife stabbed in the chest. After the battle was lost, Lute spent her remaining days and weeks alone in her room trying to forget everything that has happened but she still couldn't forget about her son, after what she did to him, she spent her time trying to find him and begged him for her forgiveness but she never saw him again and it has been years now and there was still no sign of the boy for what Lute thinks now she thinks that her son will never come back and is probably dead. Lute was in her room sleeping but was also stirring around in which the same nightmares were coming back to her.

Lute: L...Luke........


Luke: M..mommy where's Aunt Vaggie?


Luke: Mommy? Is something wrong? Mommy is Aunt Vaggie okay? Mommy what hap....

Lute: BE QUIET!!!!

Luke: M....m....mommy.....


Luke:..........What do you mean?

Luke: Nothing to concern you.

Luke: Mommy look I made you something!

Luke shows Luke a picture he made for his mother in which was her and him together holding hands with smiles on their faces. Lute took the picture from Luke and looked at it for a minute before looking at her son.

Lute: Don't keep me distracted with these childish things, I got important matters to attend to.

Luke: But..but you always liked my pictures I make for you.

Lute: Just go too your room and play, I got to meet up with Adam soon. Don't leave the house until I return that's an order.

Luke: Y...yes mommy.


Luke: But...but..but I was worried about you mommy...I...I..I...I just wanted to see you.


Luke: Mommy...😢sniff....please.


Luke: W..what?


Lute struck her son with a blade and cut Luke's cheek in which the boy screamed in pain until all of Lute's anger and hatred was replaced with a shock of horror. Lute began to shake in fear of what she just did and saw the look upon her son's face and saw what appeared to be a frighten boy who is staring at the face of a monster that is no longer his mother.

Lute: L...Luke...I...I...


Lute shattered into pieces of what just happened and saw her little boy runaway from her and was alone in her room where she broke down into tears and begged for Luke to come back.

Lute:'t go....please.....😢sniff....what...what have I done......Luke...I...I'm sorry..........LUKE!!!!!!

(End of NightMares)

Lute: LUKE!!!!!

Lute shot up from her bed in sweat and started to panic after what she dreamt about. She still can't get over of what happened and what her own son called her before he ran away from her when he saw those white eyes on the mask Lute wore and it wasn't the eyes of his mother it was the eyes of a killer and a monster. Lute broke into tears and that she knew her son was right..she was a monster.

Lute: 😢sniff....Luke...I am so sorry. What have I become.....I hurt you...I abandoned you...I....almost killed you....WHAT KIND OF MOTHER AM I?!!!!!

Knock! Knock!

Lute wiped away her tears and walked towards the door and opened to see it was Sera who looked down upon the retired exorcist in sadness of seeing how broken Lute looked. Sera asked to come inside and Lute allowed her too. Lute retired from the exorcist after a being defeated by the sinners but she retired for a different reason, she retired because being an exorcist is what drove Luke to fear her. Her own son was scared of what his mother have become.

Lute: What can I do for you, Sera?

Sera: Nothing I just came to see how you been doing.

Lute: I'm fine.

Sera: No your not, you haven't left your room in a month now. You need to get out and...

Lute: I said I am fine!

Sera: Your still thinking about him, aren't you.


Sera: Lute I know how you must feel so do I, but you must face facts that Luke is....

Lute: You think I want to forget him, I want him back. I want my son back, I want to hold him in my arms again and apologize for everything.

Sera: You did what you could to try and to find him..but it's no use. We have looked all over for him and none of us couldn't find him and there was no sign of him entering hell. I am sorry Lute but you must face the facts that your son isn't coming back. I too miss him, I do.

Lute: Am I a monster....

Sera: What?

Lute: He called me a monster....and I get the feeling that he was right. I...I betrayed him...I abandoned him...I...I.....I just want to makes things right again. I want things to go back to the way they were.

Sera: I know you do Lute.

Lute: I just wish I could know what happened to him.

Sera: We all do.

When Lute was about to speak all of sudden her and Sera saw a bright light appear before them and were soon taken away and not just them but also others as well from both heaven and hell. The light dyed down and everyone looked to see where they were in which was a large theater.

Sera: What happened? Where are we?

Emily: Sera, whats going on? I was just coming to see you but then this strange light appeared and now we're a here.

St.Peter: Same thing, I was just going over the the books of souls until I got blasted into this place.

Charlie: Arghh...what was that?

Emily: Charlie!

Charlie: Wait Emily?

Emily flys over and hugs Charlie in which the princess of hell hugs back while also confused onto what is going on.

Angel Dust: Uh not to break apart whatever this is but where the fuck are we?

Husker: Looks like some kind of theater?

Alastor: Hmmm..quite nice for a theater if I do say so myself. If I didn't know better I say we were summoned here for a purpose.

Vaggie and Lute: YOU!(Both said while glaring at each other)

Charlie and Emily: Lute/Vaggie enough!

Lucifer: Ok whoever dragged me out my place while I working on something important better have a good answer. Sera.

Sera: Lucifer.

Sir Pentious: What...where..where am I?

Charlie: GASP! P..Pentious.....

Sir Pentious: Oh hello again my friends!

Charlie and her friends: PENTIOUS YOU'RE ALIVE!!!!(All said and hugged Pentious)

Charlie: Pentious I am so sorry for what happened to you.

Sir Pentious: Don't be my dear, I quite all right now.

Nifty: Wait why does he look different?

Angel Dust: Yea and wait is that a halo above your head?

Vaggie: How is that.......gasp...Charlie I think he's.....

Charlie: My idea idea actually worked.....REDEMPTION IS POSSIBLE!!!!!

Angel/Husker/Cherri Bomb: Oh shit......

Alastor: It would appear Charlie's theory of redemption was right after all.

Lucifer: I'm proud of you sweetie, I mean you did the impossible.

Charlie: Thanks dad.

Sera: Yes and it would seem my theory of redemption was proven wrong.

Vaggie: Oh now you see it.

Emily: Listen everyone I know everyone is thrill about redemption being a possibility but I think we should find out who brought us all here and why.

I believes I can answer that question my dear little Emily.(A voice saids in front of the theater screen)

Everyone looked and had their eyes widen in shock of who was speaking in which was known other than the father of creations himself, God. Standing tall with a golden glow as well as faceless with four eyes and a charming smile on his face.

Lucifer: D...DAD?!!!

God: Hello son, nice to see you again.

Sera/Emily/St.Peter/Lute/Sir Pentious: YOUR HOLINESS!(All said and bowed before the great god himself)

God: Please there's no reason for that, also son I just wanted to say thank you.

Lucifer: Thank me, for what?

God: You know getting sinners redeemed in which I knew you could do it son, since you were given a list on how to get sinners redeemed.

Everyone: Wait what?

God: Am I missing something here?

Lucifer: Uh what list? I didn't get no list and the redemption thing wasn't my idea, that was my daughters.

Sera: S...sir I don't understand you wanted sinners to be redeemed?

God: Uh yea, I mean after Lucifer was sent below I tasked him to get those sinners redeemed in which I asked Adam to deliverer my notes to him so he can get started but it would seem I wasn't told about anything. Why is that?

Charlie: Sinners are suppose to be redeemed?!

God: Of course they are, I wanted that to happened. Sera didn't you tell Adam to deliver my notes to Lucifer like I said.

Sera: Um...well...s..sir..I....he......

Angel Dust(Whisper): Uh oh looks like somebody is in trouble.

Husker(Whisper): I wonder how this will play out.

Emily: Wait you mean you don't know about the exterminations?

God: The what? Wow I must have been gone for a long while. What is this extermination you speak of?

Sera: Gulp.....

Vaggie:'s a event when the angels known as the exorcists which I used to be one go down to hell and exterminate sinners and demons due to over population of hell. Adam was their leader so he lead them down and killed sinners.

God: HE DID WHAT?!!!!!

Sera: Sir...I can explain...

God: You knew about this? You knew about this event and didn't tell me or better yet you did this behind my back without me knowing.

Sera: But they were uprising! I was trying to protect heaven.

God: They were not uprising you just took the words from my idiot son who I thankfully am pleased that he's dead.

Lute: Sir? You hated Adam?

God: Hate is strong word, I basically despised him. He never takes thing seriously and always likes to be a showoff and always talking about himself and his dick.

Demons and Sinners: Yea true totally true.(All said in thought while agreeing with God)

God: This will be last time I am going on a vacation. After this is over I am banishing the exorcists from heaven permanent and you Sera will be here by stripped of your title as head seraphim. Can't believe you did this behind my back. I am very disappointed in you.

Sera: Yes...sir....

God: Also Charlie was it.

Charlie: Y...yes sir.

God: Come and give your grandpa a hug for making his wish come true!

Charlie: GRANDPA!!!!

Charlie hugs God which made her friends and Vaggie smile at the sight even Lucifer himself.

God: You did me proud and I am very happy that someone read my list.

Charlie: I couldn't done it without some help.

God: I can see that. Though I think it's about time you all know why you were summoned here today.

Cherri Bomb: Uh yea why are were here?

God: I brought you all here for reason well mostly Lute of course.

Lute: Me?

God: Yes, you and everyone that I brought are here to watch of happened to a certain angel that disappeared from heaven. You will watch his story of who he is and where was sent off too. In which you will experience what he's been through as well as what he is facing. But be warned the dangers he faces will soon be the dangers that we all will face.

Sera: What do you mean by that?

God: I am afraid I cannot give you those answers however there is someone here who could. He tasked me to bring you all here and he will share what he knows after all he was the one who created me. Ladies and gentleman allow me to introduce you all to my father, Arago The Creator of The Universe!

Everyone looks up as a light appeared before them and soon looked to see a being of which left all their jaws hanging down from the ground and it was something they never seen before except for God. Charlie and Emily were in awe while the others were in shock of the size of the being known as Arago who stood taller than God as well as made of pure light energy.

Arago: Greetings my children I have been excepting you.

Charlie and Emily: Ooh...

Lucifer: Wait wait you mean this guy here is your father dad?

God: That's correct son, which also makes him your grandfather and Charlie's great grandfather. Like I said before he is the creator of our universe.

Angel Dust: He created everyone....

Arago: That is correct Anthony, also your sister in heaven still thinks about you.

Angel Dust: She still thinks of me....

Emily: Hello sir it's a pleasure to meet you!

Arago: The pleasure is all mine little Emily. You grown into a fine young seraphim. As a matter of fact soon you will become the next head Seraphim.

Emily: Really!!!!

Arago: Mhm, and Charlie is lovely to meet you in person. I am very proud of what you did and you achieve a goal not even my own son couldn't imagined.

Charlie: Oh thank you grandpa. I can call you that right.

Arago: Of course you can, your my great granddaughter after all.

Lute: Pardon me sir...but who is it that we are going to watch about?

Arago: Is it obvious, it's your son. Your son Luke.

Sera/Emily/St.Peter: GASP!

Lute: son.....

Vaggie: Luke.....

Charlie: Vaggie? You know this Luke?

Vaggie: Before I met you and the others, back in heaven Lute had a son named Luke. He was like the pride of joy and enjoys being around others especially his mother before she became an exorcist. I got to know him well and became an aunt figure towards him but after my incident in hell after I spared a sinner child and was left for dead I haven't seen Luke since then.

God: Sera what else have you not told me?


Husker: Wait this crazy chick with the white hair had a kid?

Arago: Yes but he wasn't like his mother after she became an exorcist. It's what drove him to fear her. As well as cold hatred for Adam. Cause he's the one who Luke blames for stealing his mother away from him.

Lute: But Adam didn't...

Arago: He turned you into a cold heartless weapon! With it you avoided your own son even worse you even ended up hurting him. How do I know this, is because I am creator of the universe I know everything and seen everything.

Emily: Lute what is he talking about? Surly your not responsible for Luke's disappearance, are you?

Arago: And speaking of Adam.

Arago snaps his fingers and Adam appeared next to him alive but in a cage along with his exorcist who looked sacred and frighten of seeing Arago as well as God who gave them the cold eyes.

Adam: Uhhh...whats up....Big G and um...hey bigger G.

God: You speak again and you know what happens next. I am very disgusted with you right now.

Arago: Oh don't worry son he and his little pigeons will be going bye bye after this is over.

Adam and Exorcist: G..going bye bye....

God: You will know soon enough.

Arago: Now where was I oh yes, he's the reason Lute why you were so filled with hatred and corruption. He twisted your mind and made you what you are. With it your son couldn't be around someone like you anymore not after what you did and said to him. I can still hear the boys screams and tears coming down his face.

Alastor: Seems like the first man isn't who saids to be.

Adam: Hey you shut the fuck up you radio prick or I'll....

Arago: BE SILENT!!!!!

Adam: Y...yes sir....

Sir Pentious(Whisper): Let's make a note not not to make the creator of the universe mad.

St.Peter(Whisper): I couldn't agree more.

Arago: And don't get me started on you Sera.

Sera: Me....

Arago: Your the one who talked Lute into joining the exorcist. True you may have loved Luke but your lack of responsibly drove him away, you should have never allowed Lute to join them and for that she's lost her son's love. Also your theory of hell uprising, you and Adam are full of shit and my son God has the right to strip you as head seraphim cause you lost the right to be one.

Sera: Forgive me sir....

Arago: Your forgiveness has to be earned back.

Lute: Do you know what happened to my son? Do you know where he is?

Arago: I do know where he is and I know what happened him.

Lute: Then can you bring him here? I want to see him.

Arago: I am afraid I can't do that.

Lute: Why?

Arago: Because he's not in this universe anymore.

Sera/St.Peter/Emily/Lute: WHAT?!!!!!

Arago: After his incident with mother, the boy wanted to get away from everything including his mother after he tried so many times to reach her and bring her back to him but no such luck. He ran and ran until he came upon God's home. He went inside to visit him but he wasn't there.

God: Long vacation which I attend not to do again.

Arago: He walked into my son's room and laid in bed with tears of a broken heart as well feeling alone now that his mother was far gone.

Lute: Luke......

Arago: Soon after he came upon this, do you recognize this book my son.(Arago shows everyone a vision of a book)

God: Oh no....he didn't did he....

Arago: I am afraid he did.

Charlie: What kind of book is that?

God: That my dear Charlie, is something that I kept locked away in which allows a person to teleport to any known location or any case another universe.

Alastor: Intersting.

Arago: Sorry Alastor but the book only works for those who have god like powers in which Luke has.

Emily: Luke has god like powers!

Lute: I...I didn't know...

Angel Dust: Wow a kid with the powers of a god. That's something you don't see everyday?

God: Of course nobody knew about it because I was the one who gave him those powers.

Sera: Sir you gave him god powers?!

God: Yea because I saw a great future for the boy and he was destined for something until that all changed when I discovered he disappeared and never seen again.

Arago: He found the book and wished to get away from everything and away from his cold hearted mother as well as Adam and his exorcist. You drove him away and all he ever wanted to do Lute is to help you and bring you back to the way you were before you became this vile hating angel that you are now.


Arago: Why would he want to see you, after all you are the one who almost killed him due to your rage.

Emily and Vaggie: YOU DID WHAT TO LUKE?!!!!!

Lute: It was an accident!!!!

Arago: It didn't look like one. I saw the boys fear in his eyes, he saw what you have become and that is something he doesn't want to see again.

Lute: 😢sniff......Luke.....

Emily: Can you at least tell us where he went?

Arago: He went to a universe where heaven and hell aren't real meaning none of you exist. Not even the angels nor god or Lucifer.

Lucifer: So it's just some kind of normal world where we are just a bunch of fairy tales in story books?

Arago: Correct however there is a threat far bigger than anything you could possibly imagined and Luke is helping keeping that universe safe.

Vaggie: And what is this threat?

Arago: All will be revealed soon in the mean time take your seats and of course snacks will be brought out. You will see how Luke's disappearance to becoming a hero of man kind who now goes by the name Luke Seraphim Pentecost.

Emily: He dubbed the name Seraphim.

Arago: Yes and Pentecost is his adopted name. After he was found at a young age by a good man who took him in and raised him as his own son along with an adopted sister and stepbrother who is the biological son of the man Luke was raised by.

Lute: He....he found a new family....(Lute saids while feeling heart broken)

Charlie: What are we expecting to see?

Arago: A lot and trust me after this you all need be prepared for whats coming next and like I said all will be revealed in due time. Now sit back and watch of Luke's journey on becoming the hero of man kind.

Everyone found a seat and given snacks while Lute sat at the front row and wants to see what happened to her son after he ran away but wishes to see him again and makes up for the lost times she had with him. She wants to be the same mother again for him but she doesn't know how many years have past and doesn't know if her little boy isn't her little boy anymore.

Lute: I promise to make things right with you. I promise Luke.

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