Rainbow Pin

Charlie walked into school he was wearing a rainbow pin on his school uniform jacket. The young teenager wanted to challenge himself after being outed; to be proud of who he was and show it off; It was Mr.Ajayi's idea.

He was about to go to Nick, who was waiting for him by his locker, but oofed in confusion as a teacher pulled him aside.

"You're not allowed to wear pins on your uniform jacket, it's against the rules." The teacher said.

Charlie frowned in confusion, "but Mr.Ajayi said I could." he tried. The teacher Charlie didn't know sighed in frustration.

"That Mr.Ajayi is always causing trouble. He tried to talk to the boss about canceling this rule and when he didn't get his way he continued to wear it. Take off that pin and give it to me, now." The teacher demanded, holding out her hand to take it.

Charlie sighed in frustration and handed the pin to her. "Truham claims to be a "non-bullying" yet even the fucking teachers are homophobic." He mumbled to himself, not meaning for the teacher to hear...

But she did. "Charlie Spring you are suspended for a week." The teacher huffed. Charlie stared at the teacher in shock, "What!? For wearing a fucking pin!?" He argued.

Nick looked over as he heard Charlie raise his voice, which he never does in school, and walked over to see what was going on.

"Hey, what's up?" Nick asked and looked at Charlie to make sure he was okay. Charlie sighed, "I got suspended for wearing a pin." He motioned to the rainbow pin that Ms.Winchester was holding.

"Suspended?" Nick asked in shock. "But miss, Charlie never gets in trouble and-" he tried but watched as Ms.Winchester walked off.

"Unbelievable." Charlie sighed and grabbed his bag, "Well, I guess I'm going to the office now." He kissed Nick softly.

Nick pouted and rubbed Charlie's side, "Alright. I'll go tell Mr.Ajayi what happened." He suggested.
Charlie nodded and walked to the office, chewing his lip. He knew that the office is going to call his parents to bring him home and they are going to be pissed that he talked back to a teacher. He's never been in trouble before, and now he got suspended for a PIN!

"Ms.Winchester called and told me what happened. I now have to call your parents to inform them and for them to pick you up." The lady working at the receptionist's desk said.

Charlie nodded and sat down on one of the uncomfortable plastic chairs they keep in the office.

Could this day get any worse?

"Why is my son suspended?" Julio demanded as he walked in with Jane who looked pissed off.

'Okay yes, this day can get much worse.' Charlie thought to himself as he sunk into the uncomfortable chair. He avoided eye contact with Jane as she looked at him.

"I don't know the full story of what went down, but Mrs.Winchester said that he sassed back her." The receptionist explained.

Charlie chewed his lip as his mom looked at him, disappointed. "You sassed a teacher?!" She asked in disbelief.

"Yes. I sassed her because she took my LGBTQ pin and said it was against school policy to wear a pin on my uniform jacket." Charlie explained,

"She was being homophobic! I saw another kid wearing some kind of sports team pin and the school didn't say shit about that!" Charlie ranted, he took a deep breath trying to calm down.

Julio looked at Jane, unsure of what to say. "Well uhm, that does sound kind of homophobic." He agreed.

Jane rubbed her face in frustration, "I get that Charlie shouldn't sass a teacher, but don't you think being suspended for that is going a little far?" She asked.

Charlie looked at her in surprise, usually, his mom is very strict but she's on his side this time.

"I had to leave work just because my son complained about a Pin that is rainbow. How stupid is that!" Jane snapped at the principal.

Oh, so she wasn't on his side. Jane cared more about having to leave work early than her son being right about this situation. Charlie had to admit, it stung like a slap in the face.

"Charlie is suspended for a week we decided. Then he will be able to return." The principle decided.

Charlie sunk into his chair and rubbed his face. He felt like a total disappointment to his parents, all because he wore a rainbow pin on his school jacket.

How stupid is that?

"Let's go home," Julio suggested as the meeting finished.

Charlie got up and grabbed his bag, he looked over at Jane who sighed deeply. He felt tears begin to form in his eyes as he followed his parents to the car.

"I don't see what the big deal is; all I wanted to do is wear a pin to show who I am!" Charlie ranted as he sat down in the backseat.

"It's a big deal because you sassed a teacher Charlie! You shouldn't ever disrespect an adult like that." Jane argued.

"I only talked back because the teacher was being disrespectful to me! Did you ever think about that Mom?" Charlie sassed back and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

"You have a point but if you sass a teacher again you're going to be in big trouble," Jane warned. Charlie rolled his eyes.

He just wanted to go to his room and hide underneath the covers, to disappear from the world.

"Guys Just drop it," Julio said in annoyance as he parked in their driveway. Charlie shook his head and stormed upstairs to his room, slamming his bedroom door shut in protest. Why couldn't his parents just comfort him instead of making such a big deal about it?

Time skip
The Next Day

Nick sighed as he walked into school. He didn't want to be here without Charlie. The fact that his boyfriend got suspended over a fucking pin was ridiculous. How homophobic can the principle be?

The night before, Nick went to the store to get about 20 rainbow pins for himself and his rugby team to wear, to protest stupidity.

Nick hoped his teammates would go along with it and help him out. He wanted to show Charlie that he was always there for him. The day went by so slowly as he stared at the clock anxiously just wanting to get to practice to start the protest.

As soon as it was time for practice, Nick rushed into the locker room causing everyone there to look up.

"Woah Nick, what's up?" Sai asked, confused at why his friend seemed nervous.

"Uhm, so I don't know if you guys heard but Charlie got suspended for a week because he wore a pin on his uniform jacket a rainbow pin. He wants to finally show off who he is and as soon as he gets the confidence to do so, he gets in trouble with the school. How stupid is that? I went to the store and got us each a rainbow pin. So we can show our support for Charlie." Nick rambled out. He took out a bag and showed them the rainbow pins.

Everyone went quiet for a second, debating on if they should do this or not. "Let's DO IT!" Sai decides causing everyone to cheer.

Nick smiled brightly and began to hand out the pins, he had never been so proud to be a part of this team till now. The guys he thought were homophobic were showing their support for his boyfriend. This meant a lot to Nick.

"This is awesome mate, it's a really good idea. The school is homophobic." Christian agreed as he put on the pin.

Otis nodded in agreement and made sure everyone had their pin on. "Alright let's get to practice and show off our rainbow pins!" Nick announced causing everyone to cheer as they walked out onto the field.

Once the team walked out onto the field, Coach Singh smiled at the sight of the rainbow pins. "Oh my goodness I love what you guys are doing! Who thought of this!?" She chirped as she walked over to them.

"It was all Nick's idea!" Christian hummed and patted Nick on the back who smiled softly. "Yeah, I wanted to do it to show support for Charlie because he got suspended for a week for wearing a rainbow pin. So I thought we could do it too." He explained.

Coach Singh grabbed her phone, "This is so wholesome. The fact that all of you guys decided to do this as a team is amazing. I'm going to take a picture to send to Charlie and put it on the school website!" She chirped causing all the guys to cheer. The team posed as she took the picture and sent it over to Charlie first.


Charlie sat in his room, bored out of his mind. He tried to play the drums which usually helps get his frustrations out but that didn't work. He was about to take a nap when his phone dinged with a notification. He checked his phone and froze, zooming in the picture to make sure he was seeing this right.

The whole rugby team was wearing the same rainbow pin that got him suspended. Tears filled his eyes and he smiled softly, feeling emotional. The rugby team was supporting him. Charlie never thought this would happen after he got bullied for being gay. Now he was supported by the most popular guys in the school.  He knew this had to be Nick's idea. He loved the image and went to Nick's contact.

Char💙: thank you babe for getting the whole team to support me that means so much ❤️

Nicky💛: of course! Let's see if we get in trouble too 🤭😅

Charlie giggled at his boyfriend's response. How did he get so lucky?

A/N: I hope the ending wasn't too rushed/corny! What did you guys think of this chapter? Let me know in the comments!! :) xx

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