Twin Gifts

"Ne, ne, Syo-kun." A petite girl with shoulder-length black hair tapped his shoulder lightly. The said boy looked up to her with sad eyes. "Yeah?"

"Don't look at me like that." She said frowning while her hands were on her hips. "Even if we don't see each other again, we'll still be friends."


"She's right, Syo-chan." Kaoru said, smiling at him. "You'll still be friends even if the two of you are away from each other." Syo stared at his twin brother before cracking a small smile. He nodded which made the other two beamed with delight.

"Of course, Kao-kun is included!" The raven head exclaimed. "Even if we're apart, we'll meet together again!"

"Then, let's make a promise." Syo said, taking off his white fedora and placed it on top of her head. "A farewell gift. It's my favorite hat so take good care of it, 'kay?"

Kaoru pulled out a blue ribbon from his pocket and wrapped it around the hat then tying it into a ribbon after.

"Consider this as a farewell gift as well." Kaoru said as he patted her head. She smiled and nodded at the Kurusu Twins.

"Then I'll give you something as well!"


Syo woke up from his sleep with a slight headache. He sat up and rubbed his temples. He scanned his surroundings. He was in his room, alone. What happened to him again?

Oh yeah. He had an attack a while ago. Syo sighed as he ruffled his hair while he recalled the dream he had a moment ago. He pulled out a necklace from his collar under his shirt as he stared at it. The silver heart shape necklace glinted at the dark room with the carved music note at the center visibly shown. The blond clenched the necklace in his hand and placed it on his chest.

"Misora..." He mumbled very softly.

"You really miss her, huh?"

Syo whipped his head to the source of the voice, "Oh... It's just you."

Kaoru, his identical younger twin brother, took a chair and sat beside his bed.

"Since when did you arrive?" The older twin asked. "I thought you were supposed to arrive not until tomorrow."

Kaoru chuckled in response as he leaned backward on the chair. "That tomorrow is today, Syo-chan."

The said boy flushed red and looked away as an "Oh" escaped his lips. "Sorry about that. I was busy worrying about my..." He cleared his throat and sighed, "... engagement..." Syo coughed and continued, "I forgot about the time of your arrival from America."

"You shouldn't worry about those things." Kaoru said frowning as he huffed. "It'll cause another heart attack if you continue it. It was a good thing I came just in time."

"What happened when you arrived here?" Syo asked as he tilted his head to the side.

"Well... Actually..."


"Syo-chan?" Natsuki looked at his best friend when the latter's body limped in his arms. "Syo-chan!"

Tokiya clicked his tongue in annoyance, "Call an ambulance!" He threw his phone to the nearest person, which was Ren. He was about to dial the number but unfortunately someone slammed the door open. Cecil, who had been in front of the door, was set to the wall out cold. Otoya burst through the door panting liked he ran in a marathon.

"I... huff... got help!" He manage to breathed out with a few pants coming out.

A blond then entered the room that looked exactly like the opposite hairstyle of Syo's. He was wearing his casual clothes and unlike Syo he didn't wore a hat on his head. Seeing the youngest member knock out unconscious, he quickly scurried to his side with his bag fell on the floor right next to the door.


Natsuki glanced at the guest and immediately recognized him. "Kaoru?!"

"No time for questions!" He said as he turned to them. "Get me my bag!"

Cecil, who had just recovered from the hit, threw his bag to Natsuki. The blond understood what he was going to do so he pulled out a syringe from the bag and handed it to Kaoru.

"Just stay still, Syo-chan..." He whispered as he bit the cap of the syringe and took it off, revealing its pointy needle. Unknown to the rest, a certain red head paled upon seeing the sharp needle. Haruka then noticed the pale complexion of the latter.

"Ittoki-kun? Are you alright?" She asked with the tone of concern. Otoya flinched and flashed a nervous smile. "U-Uh... Y-Yeah... I'm a-alright..."

Without any hesitation, Kaoru injected the medicine on Syo's thigh. A slight cry of pain escaped from his lips. Natsuki bit his lower lip as he watched the medicine go down the younger blonde's thigh. Little did they know, Otoya fainted when Kaoru injected the needle.

"In this way... the medicine will travel faster through his veins." Kaoru said as Natsuki nodded slowly.


"Oi, Ikki!"

"Get a hold of yourself, Otoya!"

Kaoru withdrew the syringe from Syo as he sighed in relief. "He's fine now." Natsuki heaved a sigh of relief as well.

"Let's tell the others."

He nodded and turned to his left where the others are."Eh?" Natsuki and Kaoru felt a bead of sweat ran down at the scene in front of them. Currently in that scene, Otoya was on the floor unconscious while his soul was flying away from his mouth. Beside him was Haruka fanning him with a fan while telling him to get a hold of himself. The others just watched until the latter can wake up.


Syo stared at him as he hid the necklace under his shirt. "So how's Ittoki?"He asked as he stifled a yawn.

"He's fine. I guess he has a phobia on needles." Kaoru shrugged and continued, "Shouldn't you be asking yourself that?"

The older twin sighed. "I'm sorry that I made you worried." Kaoru opened his mouth to say something, "And activated your panic attack."

Syo chuckled at his brother as Kaoru made a 'how-did-you-know-I-was-gonna-say-that?' face. "I'm your twin. What do you expect?"

"So how're your studies?" He asked but got a piece of clothing shove in front of his face. "What the..."

"Your fiancée is arriving in thirty minutes." Kaoru said as he flashed a smile.

"You're agreeing to this too?!" The latter nodded enthusiastically while the former gaped like fish. Now it was the younger twin's turn to chuckle at him.

"B-B-But... h-how could you... You knew about this?!"

Another nod came from him again.

"KAORU! HOW COULD YOU?!" He whimpered as he looked away with a face of betrayal. "I'M ABOUT TO MEET A PERSON WHO I AM ENGAGE TO! HECK! I DON'T EVEN KNOW HER!"

"Easy Syo-cha—"

"DO MOM AND DAD KNOW ABOUT THIS?!" Syo grabbed his twin's shoulders and shook him vigorously.


"WHAT?!" He let go of his now dizzy brother as he calmed down a bit. He could not believe what he just said... What the heck just happened to his life?

"Don't worry, Syo-chan." Kaoru comforted him as he dusted off Syo's best fedora. "I'm sure she'll make you happy."

The blond groaned plopped himself to his bed and buried his face with his pillow. Why him?

"Now let's get you ready."


In the living room, Syo was seated on one of couches twiddling his thumbs nervously. He didn't eat breakfast so he was a little dizzy. He ccouldn't think straight. He doesn't even know what do to!

Should he greet her properly? Act like a prince? Kneel down and kiss her hand? Or be himself? And so on... PANICKING THOUGHTS ALERT! ABOARD! ABOARD! ABOARD!

The questions swirled around his thoughts as he felt a little dizzy again. He pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a small sigh. The blond scanned the whole room again for the fifth time.

No one was there but him.

His left eye twitched as he stood up from his seat. That was it. He had enough. He approached the door and exited the room with a snarl escaped his lips.

The STARISH and Quartet Night were walking in the hall that lead to the living room. Happily talking and chatting with each other along the way.

"Isn't this great?" exclaimed Reiji "One of our juniors is having a fiancée even though he's an idol."

He got himself a handkerchief and wiped the comical tears running down his cheeks. "They grow up so fast..."

Haruka nodded in agreement while Kaoru just smiled.

"According to my data, the one who he is about meet is a perfect match for him." Ai said with a monotonous tone with a blank face.

"Even Ai-Ai agrees with me!" Reiji exclaimed as he glomped on the android. "I'm so excited to meet her! I heard she's an idol from that agency!"

"Yes. In fact, she is new to the public." Camus added as he watched Ai struggle from Reiji's grasp.

"Hmph." Ranmaru crossed his arms and scoffed. Meanwhile, the STARISH were looking for Ren, who was constantly missing as of now.

Kaoru's smile went more cheerful than ever. Natsuki noticed this and asked, "You seem happy about this."

"Of course. After all... she is important to us." He said as he touched the necklace around his neck. It was a star-shaped necklace with a music note at the center. It was similar to Syo's but different on the shape.

"Then..." Natsuki's eyes widened in realization. "Don't tell me... It's—"

"Syo's gone!" Otoya said as he looked away from the opened door. Kaoru and Natsuki quickly paced into the room and looked for the blond as they scanned the whole area.

He wasn't there...


Syo walked through the garden path of the area. He felt the cold breeze brushed against his cheek. Well... Tomorrow was the start of December, which means winter will be coming soon. His eyes turned dark of the sudden as he recalled something.


That season brought him a lot of painful memories. The separation. Her sad smile. Her voice. But mostly...

What do you mean she's gone?!

Syo grimaced at the memory in his mind. It was a memory he wanted gone. He couldn't stand remembering it.

She can't be gone... she can't be... She promised...!

He clicked his tongue and walked faster to where the lake was located. He wanted the pain in his heart gone.

I miss her...

He picked up the pace as he reached the entrance.

I don't want to forget her... I just don't...

The blond reached the lake as he panted breaths of exhaustion. He stared at the deep blue and crystal clear water. It reflected the sunlight beautifully. It was a divine place to relax. A bench was placed right beside an oak tree. The shade of the tree was dark but had little lights in the darkness. It was peaceful place to be.

I want to see her...

Syo noticed something that was on the bench from afar. It was a white fedora with a blue ribbon tied around it.


There was no mistaking... It was the hat that he gave her. He stepped closer to see if he was right. Black hair.

... love her.

"... Misora?"


Yay for cliffhangers! MUAHAHAHA- I mean... ahem... That's all for today! 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Chapter 5 will be typed real soon... I think. Comment and vote~

Until then, Bye bye~

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