The day after the "date", Syo and Misora went back to their own idol work like nothing happened but they did pretended like "nothing happened" to avoid getting teased by their peers(AKA STARISH but mostly, Ren). As the days passed on and it was almost Christmas, the two started practicing on their roles in the movie they were starring.
"The movie is about a prince falling in love with his aide, who was surprisingly a girl his age." Syo said as he read through the script. He was wearing his practice attire, a shirt and pants, while Misora was wearing the same but with a hoodie and her hair was tied up into a ponytail.
"Aide?" Misora questioned as she looked at the script.
"It's someone who assists. More specific, I think it's an assistant but in this situation I guess... You're my bodyguard or some sort." Syo explained as he flipped the script. "Ironic on how it should be the other way around though..."
Misora nodded as she looked through the script as well.
"But before falling in love with her, the prince didn't accept her as his aide even though it was an order from his father, also known as the king." Syo summarized as he looked at Misora. "At that time, he was doing something that was actually going to harm him and the girl was only trying to protect him because it is her duty but he was very stubborn until the girl protects him and gets injured in the process."
Misora hummed in reply as she read through the script first before talking. Syo noticed that there were a couple fighting scenes but the aide had a few of them. "Now I'm worried if Misora could manage this..." He thought as sweat rolled down his cheek.
Syo cleared his throat, gaining Misora's attention. She looked at him and tilted her head a bit. The blond smiled at her as he grabbed her hand and dragged her to the center of the practice room.
"Let's start practicing scene 27." He said as he grinned at her. "That way when we're at the real shooting you won't get that flustered since that scene is the romance scene."
"Of course, I need this too because I might stutter and we'll have a lot of takes and it'll become embarrassing..."
"Oh, well okay!" Misora smiled at him, clearly not minding the scene. Syo gulped a bit as he backed away and took a deep breath then turned around.
Misora stretched a bit as she got ready. She stood up straight and acted like a bodyguard. "Alright, Syo. I'm ready."
Syo took a deep breath and turned around with a serious look.
"Sora... I've been meaning go tell you something." The blond said slowly as he started walking towards her. Ironic on how her nickname was Sora as well.
"What is it, Ryou-sama?" Misora made a questioning look at Syo as she watched him walked towards her and stopped a feet away from her. Without a second to drop, Syo quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a hug.
"R-Ryou-sama...?" Misora stuttered out as her head was on his chest. She could hear his heartbeat beating rapidly for some reason. Syo fought the urge to blushed madly as he buried his face on her hair and somehow inhaled her scent, forgetting about the script.
"Since you've been protecting me for a long time now... It's time for me to protect you... Because... I love you, Sora..." He whispered to her as Misora blushed beet red at his words and left her speechless.
"... I love you... I love you... I love you..." Syo hugged her protectively as he poured out his feelings onto her. Knowing well enough, the other would think it was just an act of some sort.
Misora listened to his words and heartbeat. "... Why does he sound like... He really means it..."
Syo pulled away a bit but still had his arms around her. He looked deeply into her eyes as he slowly leaned forward. Misora stared back and closed her eyes. Syo's lips were an inch away from her and--
The both of them froze for a moment before they snapped back to reality when they heard someone clearing his throat. Syo jerked a bit and looked at the entrance and saw his senpai staring at them. "Okay. This is the second time someone interrupted us." Syo thought as his eyebrow twitched in annoyance. Misora quickly pulled away blushing and fidgeting a big.
Ai looked at them impassively. "You two."
Both of them looked at him. The bluenette just sighed and stared at them. "Sorry for interrupting your... moment, as you would call it." He said as he averted his gaze to the side. "But Shining called you two over to his office now. He said he needed to talk to the both of you." With that, Ai left with a dazed Misora and an overloading panicking Syo.
At Shining's office, Syo and Misora stood in front of his desk. The blond was sweating bullets out of nervousness while the raven head was waiting for the president to speak out calmly and smiling. Shining was staring at them with his hands together in front of his face with his elbows prompted on the office desk.
"W-What's with this intense atmosphere...?" Syo thought nervously as he swallowed a lump in his throat.
"Mr. Kurusuuu~"
The blond stiffened and stood straight up. "Y-Yes?"
"Ms. Suzukiiii~"
Misora looked at him and tilted her head to the side. "Yes, sir?"
"The two of you..." He started slowly and seriously that made the two gulped a bit at the atmosphere.
"..... HAVE BEEN SPOTTEDDDDDDD~!!" Shining exclaimed as he stood on the desk, making a dramatic pose.
Syo's eye twitched a bit as he gaped. "H-Ha?"
Misora sweat dropped at him as she laughed awkwardly. "W-What do you mean spotted...?"
Ringo suddenly bursted through the doors with Hyuuga behind him.
"W-What are you guys doing here?" Syo asked as a bead of sweat rolled down his cheek. Misora could only looked at them in confusion.
"Oh. We came by to explain why you were called here as well~" Ringo exclaimed while he squealed from left and right. Hyuuga looked at him and sighed while he shook his head.
"Anyways, going back to the topic." Hyuga started as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. "It looks like your little date was caught by camera."
Was the only thing that came through Syo and Misora's minds.
Ringo nodded as he took out a tablet and showed them pictures of their date in the idols news site. "And it seems like it was the paparazzi who caught the both of you secretly!"
Syo gaped at the site while Misora stared at it and facepalmed.
"Oh right you were here..." Syo thought as he looked back to Shining with an annoyed look.
"Well, what are we going to do now?" Misora asked. "I mean, isn't the engagement plan suppose to be a long way before it's going to be announced?"
Syo looked at her and nodded in agreement. "Yeah. With this big secret out, what are we going to do?" He paused before realizing something. "And what do you mean planned all along?!"
Shining laughed lowly as he spun around and went behind the two then turned them towards Ringo and Hyuuga as he moved them together. "The two of you will start dating, of courseeeeee! Before any engagement will be announced, the viewers must seeeee that you two are a coupleeeee~!"
"EHHHHHHHHH?!" Both of the youngsters reacted and looked at him like he was some stranger.
"Me? Misora? Dating? SERIOUSLY? Thatdoesn'tsoundsobadbut--OKAI, SYO. STAY CALM. WHAT IS MISORA THINKING ABOUT?" Syo looked at Misora and looked at her reaction. Misora only looked a bit surprised before a blush started developing her cheeks that made Syo raise an eyebrow at her reaction.
"Me? Syo? Dating? SERIOUSLY? agsjwksiwhe--" Misora blushed beet red as she looked away, trying to compose herself.
"With that said! I shall leave the both of you and prepare for a conference tomorrow for your movieeeee~!!" Shining jumped back and disappeared when a rope pulled down from the ceiling as he was lifted up to it. The other could only watch and sweatdrop at the scene.
"Wait... Conference? A CONFERENCE?"
After the small meeting, Syo and Misora walked down the hallways with silence engulfed in their surroundings. The two kept glancing at each other and would sometimes their eyes would meet and eventually they'll look away again.
"Uh... Misora?" The blond started, breaking the silence.
"A-Are you alright with any of this?" He asked nervously as he pulled down his collar. She looked at him, the blush still presented on her cheeks.
"W-Well... M-Maybe... I-I don't really know..." She said as she scratched her cheek. "More importantly, I'm just nervous about tomorrow and all since it's a conference. I've never been good with those and would always stutter a lot. Haha..."
Syo looked at her and could only think about how cute she was right now. He smiled as he held her hand. "Don't worry. I'll be there and I got your back when they start bombing questions that you can't answer." He said as he continued smiling at her softly.
Misora looked at him and his hand as she relaxed a bit. "Thank you, Syo."
Syo kissed her forehead. "Don't mention it."
She blinked at what he just did and touched her forehead. Syo paused for a moment before the information processed inside his mind on what he just did.
. . . . . . . . . .
"WAH! SORRY!" Syo jumped back as he blushed beet red while flailing his hands. "I-I-I DIDN'T MEAN TO! U-UHM! I-- UH....!"
Misora giggled at him because of his reactikn before she became laughing. Syo stopped panicking as he watched her laugh before joining her.
At the corner, the other STARISH were watching with smirks on their lips along the Quartet Night. Natsuki was taking pictures from afar saying how cute they were together and whined on why won't they just be together already.
Summer is here and I am updating again! I apologize for this late update but I hope you enjoyed it and apparently...
I found out the new title for season 4 of UtaPri *SQUEALS* I CAN'T WAIT OMG
*cough* Anyways, I'll be updating the next chapter soon enough but I might be a bit busy as well since it is vacation and going out to so summer activities and such. But I shall try to update!
Until then my lovely readers! Bye bye~! :3
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