First date

Their date started of in a cold night. Misora and Syo walked hand-in-hand through the district with the street lights illuminating through the darkness of the night. Apparently, they've forgotten they were holding hands after Misora accepted the blond's hand offer before they went off.

The both of them looked outside of shopping windows and eventually went inside a hat shop to try some hats on for fun. Needless to say, the two looked like a cute couple. After some small time of window shopping, Syo looked at Misora.

"So... Where do you wanna go next?" Syo asked her as he stopped, making the other stop and look at him.

"Well..." Misora thought for a moment before she remembered something. "Oh! How about that new arcade right at the corner? I've been wanting to go there but I didn't had enough time..."

"Wait... That arcade? With the popular rhythm games?" Syo asked enthusiastically with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

Misora seemed to catch on as her eyes shined a bit. "You know of it?"

"Know of it? I've been there many times already! You could say I'm a valued customer there already~" Syo winked at her while Misora stifled a laugh. He grinned at her as he started pulling her there. "Just don't tell Ai that or else he'll triple my schedule for skipping."

Misora smiled as she followed him towards the arcade. "Of course."


The duo went inside the arcade and got themselves some tokens then went straight ahead to the arcade games. Syo looked around and hummed. The place wasn't as much as packed like the last time he went there but since they were idols, they needed to wear fake glasses at the moment. He looked at Misora who was all giddy and ready to get playing.

"Which one should we try first?" Misora asked towards the blond.

"How about that?" Syo chuckled and pointed at the music note shooting game.


They went towards the shooting game and inserted the amount of tokens that was needed. Syo didn't had much difficulty with the game because he was practically shooting every music note target. On the other hand, Misora was having a hard time aiming at the targets.

"Miss again..." Misora furrowed her eyebrows in concentration to aim at the target but she missed yet again. Terribly. She pouted while Syo chuckled at her.

"Here. Let me help you." Syo said as he went behind her as he placed his hand over hers that was holding the gun. Misora blushed at what the other was doing and how close he was but Syo somehow didn't noticed it and guided her arm.

"Just stay calm." Syo whispered softly while Misora nodded in response. "Now look straight at your target then shoot!"

Misora pulled the trigger and shot the target. "I did it!"

"Double high five?" Syo raised both of his hands in the air.

"Double high five!" Misora raised up her hands and clasps both of them into Syo's.

The blond grinned at her while Misora returned it with a smile of her own. Syo looked at their intertwined hands and blushed. He cleared his throat and retracted them as he turned back to the gaming screen.

"Alright! Now let's beat this game!" Syo grabbed his gun and started shooting again while Misora followed his lead.

In the end, they defeated the last boss and got some winning tickets but there were still tokens left.

"What are we going to do with these others?" Misora asked Syo while she was holding the remaining tokens as she looked at him.

"I-I don't know.."

Misora felt a bead of sweat ran down her cheek as she watched Syo struggled from carrying a lot of tickets.

"U-Uhm.. Syo? I think I should help you with that..." Misora offered.

"No. It's fine." Syo said as he looked at her. "There's a rhythm game here where you get to select a song and you'll win something other than tickets.

"I'll go to the counter and get something with these tickets."

"Oh sure!" Misora said as she went on to look for that rhythm game.

Syo made his way to the counter and presented the tickets. "Yo! I got some tickets here to be exchanged!"

"Hm?" An older man looked up at him and smiled. "Why if it isn't it Kurusu-kun! How are you doing?"

"Oh, sir! I didn't expect you to be here." Syo said as he smiled back.

"Been a while since you came here." He said as he looked at the tickets. "You've won a lot of tickets since the last time."

"Oh. I actually didn't won them all." Syo said sheepishly as he scratched his cheek. "I have someone with me so that's why it's a lot. She's playing the rhythm game here right now."

"She? Oho~ Brought your girlfriend here~?" The arcade owner grinned at him whileSyo blushed at the statement.

"N-No! S-She's not a girlfriend!" Syo retorted with his face bright red.

"Haha! Just teasing ya, kiddo! Anyways, I've got a good prize for the tickets here." He said as he brought out two snow hats. One was the shade of pink while the other was a shade of light blue.

"Wow. Snow hats?" Syo rose an eyebrow at it.

"Yup! Since its the month of December, might as well make snow related items as prizes."

"I'll take it." Syo said as he took the hats.

"Syo!" Misora called out to him as Syo looked behind him.

"Oh, Misora. How was the game?"

"It was great! I finished one song and got my self the card prize~!" Misora exclaimed as she showed it. Syo looked at it while the store owner did the same.

The blond blinked at it and gaped. "A PERFECT?! H-H-HOW?!"

Misora laughed nervously. "I mostly play rhythm games and somehow perfected the song."


Misora nodded in reply with a smile.

"Seems like someone broke your record, Kurusu-kun." The store owner laughed. Syo felt dejected a bit but at the same time he smiled at her.

"Since the little lady broke the new record, that means she also gets a prize."

Both of them blinked. "What prize?"


Misora smiled down at her prize then she hid it in her pocket as they exited the arcade. Syo was blushing beside her while they walked side by side.

"Well... That was fun, wasn't it?" Misora said as she looked over to the blond, who was still blushing furiously.

"Y-Yeah..." He nodded as he shook off the blush then looked straight forward.

"Where should we go next? There's still time left." Misora said as she pondered a bit.

"How about we go to the cafe near here? Let's rest for a while then I've got something to show you after." Syo winked at her.

Misora blinked at him questioningly before she obliged at his offer. "Oh, sure."

"Great! Let's go!"

Syo led Misora to a small cafe as both of them went inside. They were greeted by the aroma of the coffee along with the warmth of the cafe. The two occupied one table as they ordered their drinks and desserts.

Both of them waited quietly for their food to be served. Glances kept on exchanging during the uncomfortable silence.

"So..." Syo started off as he took off his hat. "... How's life being an idol? Being a new one, of course."

"W-Well..." Misora pondered a bit as she loosened up her scarf a bit. "At first, it was hard because of all the interviews and performances. But nonetheless, it was fun! I really love music!"

"Yeah, I know." Syo said as he looked at her with softened eyes while resting his chin on the palm of his hand, remembering her younger self used to always say that.


"O-Oh..! Uh... I-I mean.. Yeah I know! I-I can see it in your eyes." Syo stuttered out as he looked at her straight in the eye. He whispered out quietly. "The passion of delivering your music to everyone to make them happy."

Misora stared at him a bit bewildered by his words. Syo noticed the stare and blushed. "U-Uhm..."

"You're so passionate about music, Syo." Misora said as she smiled at him softly.

"O-Oh... Thanks..."

The silence continued on as the two decided to look elsewhere around the cafe. Misora looked outside the glass window while Syo looked around the cafe, the blush still brushed against his cheeks.

A few minutes passed, the silence was still there until the orders arrived. The waiter gave their respective drinks and desserts but...

"Wait... We didn't ordered this." Syo said as he pointed at the dipped chocolate strawberries and cream puffs. "We only ordered two lattes and cakes."

"Well, we have our special couples' event here. Whenever couples go inside this cafe, we give them free dipped chocolate strawberries and cream puffs which is our specialty here." The waiter replied with a smile.

Both Misora and Syo blushed at the word "couple" that the waiter said.

"Well then... I hope you'll enjoy your evening together." The waiter bowed politely as he walked off back to the counter. "Your beverages will arrive shortly."

"I guess... We were mistaken as a couple...?" Syo said as he sighed.

"I-I guess so..." Misora looked down at her cake and started eating it while her face was a bit flush.

Syo glanced at her then at his cake as he began eating it as well.

Another silence engulfed between them as they ate their desserts. Syo looked at Misora and stifled a laugh. Misora, in return, rose an eyebrow at him.

"You've got something on your face." Syo said as he pointed at her.

"Huh? Where?"

"Right here." Syo stood up and leaned forward as he wiped the cream off Misora's cheek with a napkin. Misora blushed at the action. "There..."

The blond looked at her and their eyes met. Slowly, both of them found themselves staring into each other's eyes.

"His eyes are... so mesmerizing..." Misora thought to herself as she got lost in his eyes.

"Her eyes...They're so beautiful." Syo thought as he continued staring.

"Ahem." The waiter cleared his throat as both of them quickly snapped back to reality and looked at the waiter. Both of them blushed in embarrassment. Looks like tonight was full of blushes.

"Your drinks are here." The waiter served their drinks with a smile on his lips as he bowed and excused himself. "They're a cute couple."

Syo and Misora looked at each other and laughed a little before moving on and started to have a real conversation as they ate.

Unknown to them, a camera was pointed at them from afar.


After their evening somewhat dinner, Syo led Misora to the park like he promised.

"Syo, what's in the park?" She asked as Syo continued to lead her somewhere.

"You'll see!"

Syo dragged her inside a bush and through some trees before stopping.


"We're here."

Misora looked at what he was in front of him as her eyes sparkled. They were in front a beautiful lake with the moon shining brightly in the clear view. Its reflection was on the water. It was a peaceful and cool scenery.

"Syo... This is beautiful." Misora said as he walked towards the edge of the lake and looked around the surroundings.

"I knew you'd like it." Syo said as he tipped his hat. "I come here whenever I needed to think of serious things. It usually calms me down. Its my secret place."

Misora looked at him. "E-Eh? If its a secret then it's alright with me knowing?"

"Of course. You're important to me." Syo smiled at her as he held out his hand. "Would you like to dance, my princess?" He winked at her with a playful smile.

Misora laughed and decided to play along. "Why, of course, my dear prince." She placed her hand in his.

Syo pulled her towards him as he placed his hand behind her back and his other hand intertwining with her hand. Misora placed her other hand on his shoulder. Both of them slowly danced with the wind playing as the music of somewhat. Their eyes were only glued to each other as of now.

The blond spun her around gracefully and kept on slowly doing the dance steps. Both of them stopped as they stared at each other. Like that time at the cafe a while ago.



Syo leaned his face towards her face with his lips an inch away from her lips while Misora slowly closed her eyes.


Syo flinched and backed his face away from Misora with a blush while the other pulled her phone. "I-I-I'm sorry...!" Misora turned around as she picked up and started talking on the phone.

Syo sulked at corner on how he was so close. "Damn it! So close yet so far...!"

Misora hanged up and looked at him. "I-It was Tsu-nii... He said we should go home because it was late..."

"O-Oh right..." Syo said as he scratched the back of his head. "DAMN IT TSUBASA!!"

"We should go no--ACHOO!!" Syo sneezed as he sniffed. "Augh. I forgot today's month was December. Should have worn something warm..."

"Oh... Here have this." Misora removed her scarf as she wrapped it around his neck.

"Wait no. Misora... You're going to catch a cold."

"I'm wearing a sweater so I'll be fine. I don't want you to catch a cold yourself." Misora said as he tugged the scarf to make it comfortable.

Syo touched the scarf and blushed. "T-Thanks..."

Misora held his hand. "Shall we go?"

Syo nodded as they walked back home together with their hands intertwined with each other. The snow started falling that night.

Misora looked at her prize once again as she smiled.

It was a picture of them together at the arcade wearing the snow hats. Misora had the blue one while Syo had the pink one. Misora was smiling and doing a peace sign while Syo was blushing madly because Misora pulled Syo towards her in front of the camera when he refused to take a picture.

"Definitely a date to remember..."


Hooray for the first date~ Did you enjoyed it? owo

Sorry if it's just now... I was busy the past few days because I had a lot of rehearsals. But all of them are done now so I get to update weeeee~ ^^

Anyways, this was a long chapter! I've enjoyed writing it! Thank you for the votes on the previous chapters and I'll see you on the next one! Bye bye~!

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