Chapter two
Young Justice was a few miles from the stone when superboy's comm went out .
Naturally power man ( Conner Kent ) was worried and ran ahead to the enchanted stone .
When he got there , he found it cracking in the grip of a scared young girl who was wearing a sweatshirt like his brothers and looked alot like him .
When power man looked at the girls eyes , they were the same shade of blue that only belonged to his family .
Noting that , the similar clothes to his brother and the fact that the girl had super strength , he snapped his fingers to snap her out of it .
Only for her to shriek and two laser beams shot out of her eyes .
Luckily , power man ducked to avoid it and the girl didn't try it again .
Unfortunately young Justice arrived and she crushed the stone .
" Why in the world would you destroy the stone of hearts desire "?! Zatanna yelled at the ( looked like ) eleven year old .
The terrifyed girl proceeded to thier surprise fly right though the ceiling !
Mia landed in the forest a few miles from where she took off .
Rocking back and forth , the poor girl tried to calm down .
Zatanna had always been her least favorite of Conners teammates and that only increased after her hearts desire spell didn't work .
Taking a couple of deep breaths , she relaxed and tried to figure out a explanation to young Justice .
Mia needs to come up with something to prove she is who she says she is .
With her DNA changed from a boy to girl and not wearing the same costume they saw her in before she touched that stone .
Maybe something only her and Conner know then .
The team tracked the girl to a clearing in the forest a few miles away and when they looked at her though the trees , it almost seemed like she was waiting for someone .
Red Robin took in the girls appearance carefully .
The young girl looked to be eleven years old , had blue eyes the same color as the supers and the same hair color as power man and Superman , pale skin the same shade as the supers too , wearing a sweatshirt that looked the same as superboy's , a red circle skirt , Blue leggings with patches and looked as if they had repaired many times and red Converse sneakers , the same sneakers as superboys .
From what power man said , she has super strength , heat vision and flight .
When wonder girl made the mistake of leaning on a branch , the girls head shot up and her eyes glowed red .
Add super hearing to the list .
And superspeed .
When the team saw the eleven year old glaring at them from the tree in front of them , they prepared to tackle her .
Honestly ! Thier supposed to be professionals and thier on a stealth team !!!
The only ones she couldn't keep up with was red Robin and power man who defeated her and held her down so red Robin could get a cheek swab for a DNA test .
In to thier shock Kryptonian the girl screamed KON EL , Get off me !
To say they were shocked is to say to least .
" How do you know my name "?! Power man asked.
Continuing in Kryptonian she said let me up and I'll tell you !
" After the test results come back ".
When they came back , they let the girl up who looked nervous .
They found the reason when the test said she was half Kryptonian and a 99.99 percent match for Superboy .
They then remembered she had the heart's desire Stone in her hand when they found her and power man asked " are you who I think are "? .
The girl said " if you are thinking Superboy then yes ".
Zatanna said ". How could this be your hearts desire ?! I cast that same spell on you when you were five and this didn't happen "!
Mia then said " the spell failed and I lied so you wouldn't be humiliated in front of my parents ".
Power man rubbed his temples saying" how am I going to tell Superman and your mother ? Thier going to kill me "!
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