Enjoy :)
Chapter Quote:
"You are my love, my protector, my hero, and no matter the distance, I will always wait for you."
Chapter 2: Terra
I woke up every morning for the next two weeks, I expected my brothers being home to just be a dream. But every morning, I would find Chris and Nathan sitting at the kitchen table pouring over the newspaper with Grey beside them. Hannah, mom, and I barely left them alone when we weren't working, which meant they had to put up with us practically hanging all over them on the weekends. Even Grey wasn't immune to it, and I made sure he was always included in everything we did. I wondered why he was continuing to stay with us when surely he had a family of his own that would be wanting to see him? But I didn't have the guts to ask him, and I hadn't found the right opportunity to ask Chris about it.
For the first time since they'd been home, Chris and Nathan had a bit of a reprieve from me and Hannah, even though mom was still with them. They were going cake shopping for Nathan and Hannah Lee's wedding to get the groom's cake. Hannah Lee herself had gone to go see her grandmother who, for a ninety-eight year old woman who barely looked seventy, and was still going strong, as in doing yoga classes and riding horses on our ranch whenever she came over. It wasn't often, but it did happen. Grandma Edna was a rocket, and I would love to be like her one day.
That left me and Grey alone on the property. I'd seen him earlier at breakfast, but then I'd gone upstairs to Skype James, and when I'd come back downstairs, he was nowhere to be found. Curious to know where he could be, I went on a search for him. The first place I checked was his room, careful to make my presence known so I didn't startle him. Mom and I had learned that the hard way with Chris his first time back from deployment...
When I didn't hear any sound come from inside, I poked my head inside. His room was insanely tidy. His suitcase was in the corner with all his clothes folded neatly. His bed was made perfectly, and even the items on his nightstand were organized. We'd never had such a tidy guest stay with us, military or not.
Shutting the door, I checked the rest of the house only to come to the conclusion he wasn't there. I decided to check the barn next because that was really the only place besides the house that he could be.
As I approached the barn, I could hear a voice talking, but there was no one responding back. It was definitely Grey though.
"I hate you," he said I was rounded the corner. "And I was like, 'what did I ever do to you?' Well it turns out that his girlfriend had dumped him because she liked me. I didn't like her like that which was awkward for all parties involved-" He suddenly stopped and whirled around when I let out a small cough to announce my presence. The person he had been talking to was in fact Rhaegal.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt the conversation. It sounded like a great story," I said.
"I, uh, just some drama that happened on tour this time. Nothing big," Grey responded sheepishly. "Sorry, I came out to see the horses and Rhaegal was here and I just started... talking."
I smiled. "Why do you think I use the horses for my therapy sessions? There's something about them that makes people talk. Besides, they're good listeners. They take everything in and won't repeat a thing. I talk to them all the time too."
"He seemed to be enjoying the story. I think."
"This non-girlfriend you were telling him about, is she here or overseas?" I inquired, making my way to stand beside him. Rhaegal nudged my shoulder, asking to be pet. I willingly obliged.
"Ah, here. A friend of mine's girlfriend confessed her feelings for me before I deployed and let's just say that friend didn't take kindly to it."
"That is awkward. Where is home for you?"
"Just down the road, actually. I have an apartment on the outskirts of the city."
"This is probably a stupid question considering we haven't really let you, Chris, or Nathan out of our sights since y'all got home, but have you been to see any of your family?"
"I don't have any," he admitted softly. "My dad left when I was a baby, and my mom passed away from an aneurysm about five years ago. The military is my family. Your brother, the guys I fight alongside, they're my family."
"I'm sorry to hear that," I said quietly, horrified that this guy, not even thirty yet, had no family left. But I also believed him when he said that the men he fought alongside with, like my brother, were his family now. Sometimes, a person that wasn't a blood relation was more a family member than someone who was. I knew that all too well. I had a sister in Hannah Lee that way.
"It's okay."
"Chris isn't the only one on this ranch that's your family now. Hannah Lee, mom, Nathan, and I are too. As are James and Liam but they don't know that yet. You're welcome to stay as long as you like here."
Grey chuckled. "I really appreciate hearing that. And I will stay as long as I am welcome."
"Would you like to go for a ride? The hill country is really pretty and it's a pretty mild day out weather wise. It'd be a couple hours for the ride if you're up to it."
"I'd like that. Which horse should I ride?"
"I'll give you Rhaegal since you two seem to get along so well. I'm going to go get Drogon. I'd take Viserion but he has a limp and a vet is coming tomorrow to check it out."
"Just tell me what to do, and I'll help."
"Why don't you go grab the saddle blankets and saddles from the tack room? They're clearly labeled whose is whose so you won't grab the wrong ones."
Grey nodded and headed off to the tack room. I smiled as I watched him go, silently elated he'd agreed to go with me. I was by no means going to turn this into a therapy session, but if he wanted to talk about things, I was definitely willing to listen. Besides, even if it didn't, it would be a nice, casual ride through one of the most beautiful parts of Texas.
Hannah Lee
"Hey gorgeous," Nathan greeted, wrapping his arms from behind my waist and kissing me on the cheek. I was washing my bowl in the sink having snacked on some ice cream earlier. It was dangerous having ice cream in the house around me. I was a fiend for it. I didn't share ice cream with anyone, not even my fiancé.
"Hey you," I replied, kissing him back. "How did it go at the bakery?"
"Great. Mom made sure I didn't go too crazy," he chuckled.
"You always were a daredevil."
"Where is Abigail? Mom picked up some cupcakes while we were there, and I know my sister adores cupcakes."
"She adores anything sweet. Cake, cupcakes, ice cream, cookies, you name it, she loves it."
"That is true. So where is she?"
"Your sister is currently on a horse-back ride with Grey. They went into the park and are following the river. They left about-" I glanced at the clock. "-two hours ago so they should be back soon since it's close to dinner time."
Nathan stared out the window towards the trail on our property that led to the river. I could see the gears in his head working, so I decided to cut in and say, "I'm sure it's just to show him the property and the parts around it. And it's not like she was working today. Besides, you know she can't stay off a horse for long."
"You're one to talk."
"Okay, I haven't been on a horse for twenty-four hours for your information."
"Uh huh, and you weren't planning on riding Kodiak later tonight when you had free time?"
"No, because I want to spend that time with you."
"Then it's a good thing I've planned a romantic horseback ride through the property for after dinner. Think Abigail will mind me borrowing Viserion?"
"If he didn't have a limp, then yes. I think you're the only one that that horse listens to on any given day besides me and her. Probably because you two are so much alike."
"I am not near as temperamental as that stallion," he protested.
"Not anymore at least. You've obviously forgotten your adventures from when you were in high school."
"All I remember from high school is this tiny, feisty, witty, intelligent, beautiful, kind girl that I had the biggest crush on but couldn't do anything about it because she only saw me as her best friend's brother."
"Oh yeah, who was this girl?" I teased.
"She's currently wrapped in my arms and later tonight, she's going to be-"
"Oh god, save the bedroom talk for the bedroom. Or for when you're sure no one else is around," Chris said. Nathan and I turned to face him to find the eldest Kennedy brother with his hands over his ears. "Is it safe?"
"It's safe," I told him. Chris lowered his hands and Nathan proceeded to say, "She's going to be under me tonight."
Chris pulled his younger brother into a headlock, saying, "This is what you get."
The two brothers began wrestling with each other, with Nathan struggling to get his head out of Chris's grip.
"What's going on?" Mom inquired. The boys paused mid-fight under the stern gaze of their mother, causing me to purse my lips in an attempt to hold my laughter.
"Nothing," they answered simultaneously, hastily straightening up.
"All right you two, would you help me get dinner started? Hannah Lee, you and Abigail take the night off from helping tonight. I know you have the horses to take care of but other than that, the night is yours. Speaking of, where is Abigail?"
"She and Grey went on a horseback ride along the river," Nathan informed.
"What?" Chris demanded in surprise, head swiveling around to look at his brother.
"It's just a friendly ride, I'm sure. Now you two help your mother. I'm going to go start getting the horses inside the barn." I gave pointed glares at the brothers to make sure they knew to listen to me and their mother. By the expressions they wore, I knew that wouldn't be a problem.
I headed out to the pasture where I gave my best taxi-cab whistle. For the most part, we'd trained the horses to come when they heard that. Sitka and Atka came running into their stalls; Viserion limped slowly into his. Kodiak lifted his head in the distance, stared at me for a few moments, then went back to grazing.
"You little brat," I mumbled, grabbing a lead rope before climbing through the slats on the fence. I had only taken about ten steps when I heard something approaching quickly behind me. Turning around, I found Abigail and Grey cantering towards the barn. They slowed to a stop when they saw me.
"Kodiak giving you issues?" she remarked.
"Yeah. Want to grab him for me?" I requested hopefully so I wouldn't have to walk all the way out there. Abigail maneuvered Drogon to the pasture gate where I met her so I could open it and let them in. Taking the lead rope off of me, she went over to Kodiak who seemed to sense what was coming. He started trotting away from her before breaking out into a run. Knowing this might take a while, I faced Grey and said, "Want me to help you get Rhaegal in his stall? They're going to be playing cat and mouse for about ten minutes. This is his and Drogon's favorite game when they're not saddled up and it's time to come in."
He laughed. "That'd be nice. You sure she doesn't need my help though?"
"She's good. Come on." Grey disembarked gracefully off of Rhaegal, making me wonder if he'd ridden horses before. He followed me into the barn where I instructed him what to do. I let him take the saddle off while I did the grooming bits. He offered to help but I told him to kick back and relax. Grey lingered about, making me wonder if he wanted to chat with me or if he was waiting for Abigail.
"So how long have you and Nathan been engaged?" Grey asked, sitting on a hay bale nearby.
"Five months. It's been hard to plan the actual wedding without knowing his deployment schedule but now that he's back, we've set a date. We're scrambling to get it done before he deploys again," I said, scraping the dirt out of Rhaegal's hoof.
"How long have you know him?"
"Basically my whole life. I knew him as Abigail's hot older brother for most of my life, although if I'm being honest, all her brothers are good looking. But I always had a thing for Nathan. It was right before he deployed the first time that he confessed his feelings for me, and of course I told him I felt the same way. So then we made a decision that if we both felt the same way after he got back, we'd try things out. Well things happened when he got back and we never really got a chance and he deployed again with nothing happening between us. Next time he came back, he said he still wanted to try things if I was willing but I was already in a relationship with another person. Ironically, that relationship ended right after Nathan deployed again and he was gone for almost a year that time round. When he got back, we talked, and the rest was history."
"How did Abigail take her best friend and brother dating?"
"Apparently she'd known for years we liked each other and was just waiting for it to happen. She's really good at seeing when other people like each other. She's shit at noticing when guys like her though," I laughed. "What about you? Anyone special?"
"No, not so far. It's hard to meet girls when you're overseas and then I don't really go out to places you meet girls when I'm home. I figure the girl that I'm meant to be with will come around when it's meant to happen."
"Doesn't it get lonely though?"
"Not really. I keep myself busy training and running errands for some of my elderly neighbors. A few of the grandmothers have tried to hook me up with their granddaughters. One even tried to hook me up with her grandson. Had to tell her that while I'm sure he was great, that I didn't bat for his team."
"What about-" My question was interrupted by Abigail trotting into the stable with a quietly irate Kodiak by her side. She seemed out of breath as she said, "The little monster trapped himself in the corner of the pasture and Drogon is hungry so he wasn't having any of Kodiak's shit."
I took my horse's lead rope from my friend, grinning at him. "You should know by now that we're always going to be able to catch you."
My horse snorted at me.
"Grey, would you like to help us with the horses or go help my mom control my brothers?" Abigail queried, sliding off of Drogon.
"As fun as you two are, I should probably go help you mom, even though I'm sure she has no problem corralling them," he said.
"She definitely doesn't. Tell her we'll be inside soon."
Grey left the stable. The moment I assumed he was out of earshot, I whirled on my friend and whispered excitedly, "Please tell me something happened."
"Nothing happened. Not anything you're thinking of at least," Abigail responded. "He's just a friend. Nothing more."
"Do you like him?" I prodded. She bit her lip, contemplating on her answer, but it gave me the information I needed. "Maybe talk to Chris? Or Nathan? Grey is close with them and he certainly likes you, or is at least interested. I would go for it."
"He is not interested in me."
"Abigail, I love you, but a guy could be standing in front of an altar that spells your name out in roses and you still would think it was just a nice gesture. I'm telling you, he likes you. I could see it in his eyes when you went after Kodiak."
My friend simply smiled. I knew she didn't completely believe me. She'd never had much luck when it came to guys; it led me to believe that she'd kind of lost faith in ever finding someone, let alone even having a guy like her. And after all that had happened to her with friends and guys in the past and with what happened to her father, Abigail was guarded even more so than she had been before. It took a lot to break those walls down. The guy that did would be the one she would marry. She wouldn't break down all those walls if she didn't see that kind of future with him.
I was glad I'd found Nathan so early on, even though it had taken us a while to get together. I knew from the moment we started dating that he was going to be the one I ended up with. I couldn't wait to marry him. He was my world, my life, my everything. And if that wasn't true love, then I don't know what is. And while I had been lucky enough to find it, I prayed my best friend could too. She had been through so much and she deserved the best in life, for everything that she had done and for everything that I knew she was going to do.
Reviews would be great!
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