Heart on Fire ( a Dan Howell fanfic)
I walked out of "The Bucket" a restaurant my friend Caeley and I work at. She is still inside getting screamed at I waited for her in the car. She got in not saying a word.
"I'm so sorry they were just so rude!"
"It's ok y/n I still have a job."
I nodded and started the journey home.
"Still want to see the movie?"
"Yeah. We should hurry though" we drove the rest of the way home in silence. We both ran up to the top floor.
"Come on were going to be late!" i screamed throughout the flat. Caeley and I were going to see a new movie.
"I'm coming!" She was throwing on a hoodie scrambling to the door. I threw on my shoes and ran down to my car. She came down right after me and got in.
"I hope it's not sold out." I started the se sighing.
"It won't be! We're fine!" Caeley reassured me.
"Ok.....but about tonight I'm sorry." Tonight while we were waitressing I dropped some food on the floor and gave it to a rude costumer. No one saw but they found a hair in there food. I was helping out Caeley because it was her table and she got chewed out for it.
"Don't worry about it! I didn't get fired or anything! It's ok"
"Thanks." I smiled and pulled into the theatre.
We bought our tickets and walked into cinema 4 I carried the popcorn and Caeley got the drinks. We settled in a very top row Caeley's chair was up against the wall. The theater was pretty packed and mostly every seat was filled. A boy probably my age sat next to me. Caeley and I were enjoying the movie until a couple of 20 some yr old girls infront of us started talking and laughing very loudly. This went on for a few minutes before the guy sitting next to me put a finger to his lips and let out a very loud "Shh!" They looked at him annoyed and kept quiet. I leaned over to him "Thanks. They needed that" I whispered.
"Haha no problem they were being annoying!" He had a British accent. Was it Dan? He was in my calculus class at Manchester uni.
We watched the movie a bit more and Dan and I would whisper things to each other now and then. Until he said "This film is boring. Wanna get outa here?" I nodded and told Caeley she looked annoyed until Dans friend Phil sat next to her.
We walked out into the lobby and sat on a bench. "Your in Dr. Austin's class right?" He asked.
"Yeah. I hate him. Did u see when he scratched his head and-"
"His stomach!" I nodded already laughing and so was Dan. We made fun of him a bit more and then talked about the dumb movie.
"Most of it didn't make any sense!" I said a bit too loudly.
"I know! Why was she at her aunts house trying to get the money when she was supposed to be at the wedding?!"
"Exactly! That was a waste of money."
"Yes, it really was. So where do you work?"
"The Bucket. It's not the best job but it pays just enough for my apartment."
"Ah. I have a YouTube career."
"Really? That's amazing what's your username?"
"Ohh that's easy to remember ill watch your vids when I get home."
"Really? Thanks! Speaking of home I need some help studying for calculus. Could you help me?" Dan asked
"Truthfully, I need help too. We can help each other." I said smiling. He handed me his phone. In was on the new contact page. I put in my name and number and handed it back. I gave him my phone and he did the same.
"Thanks" we both said. Dan and I smiled and he put his hand on my knee and we both leaned closer to each other. Pretty soon we were talking about our embarrassing childhoods when we saw people walk out if the theatre. Caeley and Phil were talking to each other both smiling.
"Hey do you mind if I take you home?" He asked looking straight down and blushing.
"No, I would love it." His smile grew brighter and I told him I had to give Caeley my keys. I walked over to them and dropped my keys in her hand. "Dan is taking me home. So you have to drive."
"I can drop you off at home Phil!" Caeley said.
"Sounds great!" I waved and walked back over to Dan. We walked outside and he lead me to his car. London was really cold tonight. I shivered and he put his arm around me and he opened door and shut it! What a gentleman. He got in the drivers side and I told him where to go.
On the way home Dan and I ha a worst singing contest. We kept laughing at each others terrible singing.
"I think you defiantly won, Dan" I told him.
"Uhh no I think you did. You were pretty bad!" I giggled.
"It was a tie. I horrible tie."
"Alright." He said smiling
"Uhh right here." I pointed to our building and he pulled in.
"I'll walk you up."
We walked up to the building up to the 3rd floor and I reached in my bag for my keys. "Oh shit. I gave Caeley my keys."
"We'll I guess you are locked out then miss"
"Ugh." I sat down my back against the door.
"I'll wait until Caeley comes home. Deal?" He sat down next to me.
"Deal" He told me about Phil and his YouTube Chanel and the apartment they share. And he asked me about myself and my hobbies and things.
"Can you cook?" He asked me
"Sometimes... I mean easy stuff yeah and some recipes but one time I tried to make this fish- I don't even remember why I hate fish! Anyways it ended up burning and the smoke alarmed went off and the whole building had to evacuate!"
"Oh my god that's bad. But not as bad as when-"
"Hey forget something?" A voice asked. It was Caeley we both stood up.
"Yeah haha." He unlocked the door and I said thanks. Caeley walked inside and Dan and I were out iin the hall alone.
"Bye." He said giving a small wave.
I grabbed him and hugged him. In his arms I felt safe. "I had lots of fun" I said pulling away. I stood there awkwardly before I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek. I opened the door and stood inside my apartment. "I'll call you" I said before closing the door. I looked out the peep hole and he blushed, smiled to himself and walked away with a extra spring in his step
I watched Dan walk down the steps and I turned around. Caeley was walking out of her room smiling.
"I have to tell you what happened!" We both said.
"You first. And thanks for not killing me for leaving you in the theatre." I told Caeley.
"Kill you?! I should thank you!" She squealed pulling me next to her on the couch. "Phil and I really hit it off. He came and sat next to me and complained about his friend leaving him. I told him you left but I wasn't mad. We started telling really bad jokes and complaining about the movie and then someone shhed us and we couldn't help but laugh. Then after the movie was done we talked about how terrible it was and then you threw me the keys and walked out and I drove him home. He shares an apartment with Dan. And he invited me inside but I told him I couldn't and I remembered I had your keys."
"You could have stayed. I was perfectly fine." I said grinning.
"Hehe. Oh and we exchanged numbers."
"So did Dan and I. And I kissed him." Caeley gasped "on the cheek."
"Oh" she said sounding disappointed.
"Hehe yeah I'm going to call him tomorrow"
"We'll I'm very happy for both of us"
"Haha me too." I agreed
" Wanna watch some tv?" Caeley asked.
"Uhm maybe in a bit. I'm going to get changed into some comfy clothes."
"Ok" I walked to my room and shut my door. I took off my jeans and put on some sweats and bobby pinned my bangs out of my face. I pulled out my phone and went to messages.
I added a new conversation for Dan and I.
Me : Hey, I really had fun tonight
A few minutes later after I sat down in the couch Dan replied.
Dan: Me too :) maybe we could meet up tomorrow?
Me: defiantly. After work? My shift ends at 1.
Dan: Sounds great. What do you wanna do?
Me: I don't know. We could go to lunch or something.
Dan : Yeah! Where to? Oh and afterwards we could get frozen yo-gurt.
Me: Yeah at Minchi's!
Dan: :) I can't wait
Me: Neither can I. Ill call u on my 5 minute break.
Dan: I feel so honored you waiting your only 5 minute break on me!
Me: :) haha very funny Daniel.
Dan: Phil is calling me be back soon
"Hey. After work Dan and I are getting fro-yo." I said shifting positions.
"That sounds fun. I'm going to text Phil."
We watched tv for a while and I checked Tumblr before I headed of to bed.
"Night" I said waking down the hall
"Goodnight see ya tomorrow." I close my door and crawled into bed. I checked my convo with Dan. It said he was typing.
Dan: Sorry Phil wanted me to make a video with him.
Me: It's ok. I was just ping to bed. You gave me a reason to stay awake.
Dan: :) when can we have that study date?
Me: this weekend? Friday?
Ahhh he said date!!!
Dan: Sounds great. Now I better get to bed, it's late.
Me: ok :( goodnight :)
Dan: Night see you tomorrow :)
I fell asleep pretty quick after that anxious for tomorrow.
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