"Meeting Phanthom"
After the lesson with the little girl, I decided to go to the office, and wait for the mail to come. While I was waiting for the mail truck to come, an old rusty truck, with a tiny, scratched, and dented red trailer pulled into the driveway. It stopped really fast. A horse screamed. It pounded its hooves. Then a person with a black sweatshirt and dark jeans came out of the truck, and slammed the door. I hid under the desk, to make sure that the person didn't see me, just in case. I heard the horse come out of the trailer. Thud Thud Thud Step. I then heard the awful sound of the old engine. Then, everything was silent. I peeked my head over the desk, and there was no one to be seen. I then stood up, and I saw him. An abused friesian stallion. He was fighting to get loose from the post the person tied him to. He had a long matted mane, that looked more like a rug than a mane, a long matted tail, and his coat was covered in dirt and mud. I grabbed a carrot and a lunge line, and I walked out to him. I slowly approached him. He threw kicks at me several times, but he missed all of them. I then got close to his face. He held his head up high, and he pinned his ears. I slowly slid the carrot on the post and backed up carefully. He sniffed it. He pinned his ears. Then he picked it up with his teeth, and ate it. I then watched him as he reared, bucked, and pulled on the old rope that was tying him to the post. I cautiously walked back up to him, speaking gently to him. I clipped the lunge line on his halter, that was way to small, and I untied his old rope. Once he was free, he tried all he could to get out of my hands. He was very strong. He didn't stop fighting, but finally I got him to settle down. I inspected him, I noticed that he had many cuts, and whip marks. He was shaking. I've never seen a stallion act like he was scared. He looked at me with his beautiful brown eyes. I looked at him. I didn't know what was going to happen to him, there were no stalls open. There was however, a private pasture open. I tried leading him, but whenever I took a step, he exploded, bucking, kicking, galloping. He never relaxed. It took awhile, but I finally got him to the small pasture. The whole time, he was bucking and rearing. I slowly opened the gate, and I carefully walked him in. Then, I unclipped the lunge line, and
he broke out of my hands before I could take the halter off. I watched as he galloped off. I could tell that he wasn't in pain, or sick because of the way he galloped, and bucked in the pasture. decided to get some hay and water for him. As I was walking to the barn to get the food, I could hear him neighing, and you could feel the thunder of his mighty hooves all the way into the barn. Once I was in the barn, I climbed up and into the hay loft, and threw down a bale of hay. Then, I climbed back down. I hauled the hay all the way to his paddock, and cut the ropes. I threw in all of the flakes of hay. After that I walked back to the barn for water. I took the hose off of the front of the barn, and walked it to the paddock. Then, I filled up the huge trough with refreshing water. I wiped the sweat off of my forehead, it was so hot. Then the stallion came back, he saw the water. I could tell that he wanted it, but with me close by, he kept his distance. I decided to show him some respect, and I backed up. The walked up to the trough, and started drinking the cold water. He then started shaking his head, getting his head, and neck drenched with water, relieving himself of the heat. After that, he sniffed the hay, but I guess that he wasn't in the mood for hay because he sniffed it, and galloped away. I could hear him whinnying in the distance, and waiting patiently for an answer. I stayed with him the entire day and into the night. I could see in the distance, a small storm rolling through. I could hear the grumble of thunder, and flashes of lightning. For some reason, that I can't explain. I felt the need to go into his pasture. I climbed over the fence, and I stood there, watching him run around. A lightning bolt struck just as he reared. The most beautiful thing I've ever seen. And with his beauty and grace I thought Phantom. He then came down to a walk. He started walking towards me, ears pinned. We were only a few yards apart when I held out my hand. He cautiously walked towards my hand, and his muzzle was only inches from my index finger. He took a small step forward and my finger touched his muzzle. "Phantom" I said quietly. He then ran away, bucking and kicking. I would've stayed, but the rain drove me away. I got in my car, and drove out of the barn.
FINALLY I GOT THIS DONE!!!!! YAS! I think this turned out really good. "A Thousand Years" is the song for this book. I thought it fit it nicely! Thanks 4 reading dis!
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