I held a picture of Kavan and I of when we were young. She were in the back of an old van my parents use to have. The seats were taken out and blankets and pillows were everywhere. We were hugging each other, smiling widely at the camera. Even though it had been in a van, we were seriously happy because we all had each other. We were close and happy.
But now Kavan gone.
I brought my other hand up to the picture and was ready to tear it up but my heart wouldn't bring me to do it. Tears stung my eyes and I only manage to make a tiny little tear. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, fighting the tears back. No, I won't cry. Kavan may have disappointed me but he's still my brother.
There was a knock on the door. Rosa paused her video game and went over to her door. I lifted my head to see Ander on the other side. “Hey can I have a moment alone with Thalia for a moment?”
Rosa looked annoyed and he gave her a hard look. She scoffed, “Five minutes, Evander.” she said before walking around him. “I have a village to conquer."
Ander walked in with a bag with some clothes brand in it. I set the picture face down and made room for him on the bench at the window. He sat down across from me and set the bag down next to him. “How are you?” he asked. “You seem to be thinking allot after yesterday.”
“Kavan and I always been close to each other our whole lives. He wasn't just my brother but my best friend. We always had each other backs. I feel like a part of my heart has been ripped out.” I admitted since it was true. Kavan was my only friend since I could never stick around somewhere long enough to make some.
“I know maybe this isn't what you want to hear but you have me now.” he said. I just stared at him for a moment because I didn't know how to respond to that. Am I suppose to say thank you? I didn't really want to since I still wish Kavan was here. Ander can't replace my brother. He sighed, looking out the window for a moment before turning back to me, “I want to make you happy, Thalia. I'll try to do anything to make you happy.”
“You don't have to do anything, Ander.” I said. “We're already getting married.”
He stared at me with a serious face for a moment, “That doesn't mean you should go into it unhappy. I want to prove I can be the best man possible suited for you.”
“My parents think your amazing alre—”
“Stop that.” he said and my eyebrows furrowed together. “Always with some smartass comback. You know what I meant. Want normal? Fine.” He stood up, “Get ready, I'm taking you to get something to eat and a movie.”
“Huh?” I questioned. “Never thought that's how I'll get asked. Anyways I don't have anything nice to wear for a date. Just Salvation Army clothes.”
He picked the bag up and handed it towards me, “I knew you might say that to get out of it. Our moms helped me pick something out for you.”
I slowly took the bag and opened it a little to see some clothes in it. I took the white laced long sleeve shirt out with bra padding inside so I wouldn't need to wear one. I pulled out the navy blue high waisted ruffle skirt, knowing it may stop mid-way on my thighs with black leggings. Also a pair of black ankle boots.
I looked up at him, “Why'd you buy me this?”
“You don't like it?” he asked.
“No, I do. I just don't understand why you did.” I told him.
“Because I wanted to for you.” he said and I opened my mouth but he brought his index finger up to his mouth. “Shh, don't wanna hear it Thalia. Just appect my gift. How does leaving in hour sound?”
“Fine. . .?” I said hesitatly. “But Ander, you really didn't have to—”
He turned around with a grin on his face, “See you in an hour for our date, Thalia.” he said as he quickly left the room.
I stared down at the outfit for a moment, not believing Ander was doing this. I picked up the lace shirt, wondering if this was a good idea. I hadn't expected it and I wasn't so good with suprises. This one—it felt nice. I didn't hate this suprise. Ander was actually doing something for me. It something I wanted and he's doing it for me.
I couldn't help but smile a little.
I walked down the staircase and I heard everyone in the dinning room. I walked over towards the door and swallowed the hard lump in my throat. I placed my hand on the door to swing it open, knowing the Jaguars on the other side knew I was here.
I pushed the door opened and quickly made my way over towards the kitchen because as soon as I came in it got quiet. I didn't like attention focused on me and my face heated up. I never wore such nice pretty clothes and I knew my mom was already making a big deal about this. I heard her upstairs how excited she was for me.
“Wow she is a girl.” I heard Zander—Ander little brother—say. “I mean, she doesn't have the best boobs so I assum—ow!”
“Zander, hush it.” Peter said coldly.
My mom walked into the kitchen with a big grin on her face and put her hands on my shoulders, “Oh Thalia, you look so beautiful! I never thought I'll see you in a skirt. And your hair actually brushed and done nicely.”
“Aron, are you alright?” I heard Gesikah ask my dad.
“It's the end of the world.” my dad said and I rolled my eyes. “She's going on a date—with a boy.”
“Reminder that boy is already her fiance.” Peter said amused.
My mom went behind me and pushed me into the dinning room. I gave an awkward smile and brought my hands up to my nervous stomach, “Hey.” I said. “You can see the spots a little.”
Gesikah got up quickly, “Hardly anyone will notice. You look stunning. Do you feel like Cinderella?"
I wanted to come out with a smartass comeback with what was wrong with how I looked before. Actually all the compliments made me feel crappy because was there something wrong before? Sure I felt pretty for once but doesn't mean I never had confidance with my apparance. I know I look fine with my regular clothes.
I forced her a bigger smile though, “Yeah.”
Ander got up from his chair and walked over. His hair was brushed back and he had on a black button shirt with some nice jeans. He reached his arm out but my father growled from the inside of his throat warningly. My mom look turned hard and she walked over, hitting him behind his head. He jumped and brought his hand behind his head as he looked up at her confused. She put her hand on her waist, giving him a warning look.
“Anyways.” Ander said as he looked back at me with a smile. “You look real nice. Where do you wanna go eat? You're choice.”
“Hmm, well I haven't had Wendy's in awhile.” I said. Ander looked amused and Zander snorted, chuckling. My face heated up, “What?”
“I mean a resturant, not fast food.” he said, making my mouth form a small 'o'. I really didn't know to many resturants since my family couldn't afford expensive ones. I enjoyed french fries and burgers though.
“Oh well, I don't know. You choose somewhere good.” I said. I forced a chuckle, “Suprise me.”
He grinned, “ Deal. I'll go warm up the car meanwhile.” he said before turning and left to go warm up the car.
As we walked into the movie theater I faced Ander, “I'm real sorry I got the shirt stained a little. I'm sure it cost you a good amount of money.” I said, feeling bad. I had gotten a little tomato sause from my dinner at this Italian resturant on the sleeve of my shirt. It wasn't a big stain but still felt bad
He chuckled, “Thalia, it's alright. Stop that. Even my mom will be able to get it out. I don't care about money anyways, it meaninless so I have no problem spending it. If it makes you happy, I'll spend thousands.”
“I don't want you to do that.” I said. “It's your money—“
His head rolled back as he groaned heavily, “Why do you do that?” he asked as he lifted his head chuckling. “I'm the male, I work so I can have money for my future family. It's how it goes. I work and you—“
“Stay home and look pretty.” I said. He frowned and lowered his head as it got awkward. I bit my lower lip, “Ander, I'm sorry. I know I'm ruining the date. I just don't feel right putting the burden of taking care of me on you. I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself.”
He lift his head up, “You're not ruining it. You're just one stubborn Jaguar.”
“Once I know how to control myself I would like to work. At least part-time. I'm gonna leave school and being stuck in the house all day won't be fun.” I said. He breathed out heavily as he brought his hand behind his neck and scartched it.
“I think it would be safer if you stay home? I don't think working a good idea.” he said.
My eyebrows furrowed together, “Why not?”
He stared at me for a moment before chuckled but it sounded force, “Because you don't need to. I make enough for the both of us already. Even what if a guy tries hitting on you?”
My mouth dropped a little, “Are you serious? I'll be married to you, Ander.”
He shrugged, “I trust you but I don't trust other guys. You're a real pretty girl, Thalia.” he said as he walked passed me so we could go get tickets but I put my hand on his chest and pressed my mouth together since I was annoyed. I wanted to work since staying home all day with my mom and his mom was not something I wanted. At least I could help out with money since I like staying busy.
“That isn't a good enough reason for me.” I told him. “Why don't you think it won't be safe? How is working not safe for me?"
He sighed heavily, “Not for you but for them.” he said, confusing me. “We men work for under the table jobs like landscaping or some kind of construstion because it's hands on jobs. We just focus on getting the job done. We stay away from humans. You will be surrounded by them and what if you get angry? We can't risk you hurting someone.”
“So only you have enough strengh to control yourself?” I asked coldly. “God. I can do it, Ander! I don't wanna become some housewife who relies on her husband to worry about everything.”
His eyes flashed to their reddish-yellow color before they went back to brown, “How about we talk about this after the wedding?”
“No I wanna talk about this now.” I said, breathing heavily out my nose.
He groaned, “Thalia, please! Stop trying to agrue with me. Don't ruin tonight. . .” he trailed off.
I stared at him for a moment and I opened my mouth to speak but I saw someone in the corner of my eyes. I turned my head to see Rian walked towards us with some girl. He had a black eye and still pretty bad but apparently not down enough to miss out on a date. He grinned at her as he held out a debit card, “Get any candy you like. It's on me.” The girl grinned and gladly took the debit card. He turned his head and looked at us, looking surprised. He stopped in front of us and rolled his eyes, “Well, well, well.”
“I thought the place stinked.” Ander sarcastically said. “Now I know where it's coming from.”
“Be lucky I didn't get my dad to sue your ass.” Rian said, turning his attention to me. “Well Thalia, you look hot.” he said with his date beside him, making him sink lower. Ander breathed heavily out his nose and I took his hand in mine to hold him there. “Control your boyfriend. Remember Espina, my father the mayor. I didn't do anything since Thalia lives with you.”
“How do you know this stuff?” I asked, scoffing.
“Advantages when your dad close with the police force.” he said.
Ander smacked his tongue against his teeth, “Hiding behind your dad. At least I'm man enough to handle things without mine. Stay away from Thalia or else.”
Rian grinned, “Or else what? Thalia and I always end up somewhere in the same place.”
Ander lunged at him but I pulled him back, “Stop it! Ander, come on!” I said as I pulled him away annoyed and embarrassed.
I didn't talk when Ander got the tickets for the horror movie. He asked me if I wanted anything and I just shook my head. He looked annoyed to and we just went to the theater room. We went to the middle of the room and we sat there in quiet as the room filled with people. Why did Rian have to show up? Things were already becoming bad and he just have to make it worse.
And now it felt like a bullet hit us when Rian and his date walked in. Ander growled and I hit his chest to stop. He took it by suprise and looked at me with wide eyes.
“Humans.” I hissed. “Or did you forget?”
Rian and his date walked up the staircase and passed us while grinning at us. Ander's hands made a fist and I saw his veins appear. His nails grew and sharpened. He breathed heavily and he closed his eyes. He leaned forward, bringing his hand up to his hand. “Stop it.” he whispered to himself. “He doesn't matter, just a pathetic human.”
I watched Ander look in pain and even though I was upset about the working thing I turn to face him. I put my arm around him and brought him closer towards me. “Relax.” I told him. “I'm with you, remember that.” His hands were still in a fist and I placed my hand ontop of one of his hot one. “Ander, not here. You gotta calm down. There's humans everywhere.”
“I know that.” he coldly said. “I can hear their hearts and smell them. God, I can smell them. I'm so hungry.”
“Wh-what can I do to calm you down?” I asked concern because if he shifts into a Jaguar here it's gonna be choas and a blood room. His hand under mine lung toward the arm rest on the oppsite side of me, trapping me there. He lifted his head and opened his reddish-yellow eyes.
“You're mine, right?” he asked. A hard lump formed in my throat so I just nodded. His other hand lunged out and went behind my neck a little roughly. My heart sped up since he was more Jaguar now than human. My anexity was boiling up and I didn't know what he was gonna do.
“What is going on?” we heard Rian and Ander closed his eyes tightly. “Hey, let go of her man.” Ander growled and he quickly got up. He ran passed Rian and made his way out of the theater. I quickly got up to follow him but Rian got in my way. I looked up at him with a hard look, “You're really gonna go after him?”
“Move.” I said coldly.
“What I was watching seemed strange, Thalia.” he said actually looking concern.
“You don't know anything about it.” I said. I pushed him away roughly and he fell back. I felt bad but I went after Ander. When I made it out of the theater room I caught him racing out of the lobby. I quickly ran over to the doors and went out into the winter cold air. He walked quickly over to his car and banged his fist down on the hood of his car.
I ran over towards him, “Ander, are you alright?” I asked, putting my hand on his shoulder. His arm swung back and I pulled away. His shoulders went up and down as he took deep breathes with his back facing me.
“I'm sorry.” he said. “I'm sorry. I had a hard time controlling myself with humans everywhere. Air helping me.”
I let him be for a moment before I put my hand on his shoulder and turned him around. His eyes were back to normal and he was back to himself. I put my arms around his waist and hugged him. I rested my hand on his chest, hearing his heart beat quickly but slowly go back to normal. He brought his hand up to my head and the other went behind my back.
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