Chapter 21: A Startling Pregnancy

A/N - Yes! A chapter that came out within a week 💀 I take too long getting these out. Sorry.

Oh, in case some of you MHA fans missed it, I made a date or pass thing as some of y'all requested if you wanna check it out and see who I like or would go out with if they were real and legal 😅 it's on my first Naruto book. I might make a Naruto version of that.

Anyway, please comment and vote and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 21: A Startling Pregnancy

Drip... Drip... Drip...

Drops of water slowly unstuck itself from atop a cave ceiling and splattered onto Nia's face, causing her to eventually become sensitive to it and stir until her eyes began to flutter open. The world spun in circles for her. She couldn't make out shapes nor could focus on anything really.

Her eyes had no ounce of shine in them and appeared to be lackluster, dull, and overall just as if she was soulless. She could barely think, let alone move.

Suddenly, two feet appeared in front of her, outside of the bars she was placed behind.

"You've done well, Sasuke..." The masked man Naruto had been chasing sometime ago spoke, watching as Nia was laying on her side unresponsive to almost everything. "Such an elaborate scheme you've created in order to obtain an important piece to my mastermind plan. Thanks to you, I now have her under my influence with no recollection of who she is, why she's here, and most importantly... whom she's ever interacted with."

"I thought you wanted to kill her yourself? Why make her into a mindless puppet instead?" The Uchiha questioned.

"I have my reasons... Besides... I've done her a favor. It's not like she wants to think of her past anyway. This is much better for her; just being an empty husk of her former self."

"Man, a genjutsu to erase someone's entire memory..." Suigetsu seemed rather impressed. "Is there anything you Akatsuki people can't do?"

Karin just stared at the helpless kunoichi from the background, not liking what she was sensing from her. It wasn't something frightening, but... very alarming.

'I can't believe I'm saying this, but,' She bit on her thumb as her eyes quivered slightly. 'This whole thing.... it's not right. I'm positive I sense something in her... but... it's so faint. Very incredibly faint, but still there. We shouldn't have gone along with this.'

Noticing the expression she was making, Jugo rested a hand on her shoulder.

"Karin, what's wrong?" He said in a barely audible whisper as the masked man was giving Sasuke details of his next mission.

The redhead continued to feel conflicted.

"Was... abducting her like this the right thing to... do?"

"What're you talking about? You never had a problem doing so with anyone else."

"Yeah, but... this times different... this girl is-"

"So that will be your next task: hunting down the jinchuuriki of the Eight Tails." The man who went by Madara to the group, interjected.

Sasuke didn't have much of a reaction to this.

"Fine... you said they can be located in the Hidden Cloud, right?"


The older man then allowed Nia out of her cell, commanding for her to stand up as she immediately done so.

"She will accompany you on your journey... Don't expect too much out of her though. She won't be helping on the battlefield unless deemed necessary. She is nothing more than a spectator to you, but... I will have her kill as many people she comes into contact with... and you won't get in her way."

Sasuke scrunched his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes.

"No... I don't do killing nor do I want someone following me around who'll be murdering senselessly."

"Fair enough... but if you don't allow this... I won't allow you to receive your brother's eyes. In due time, the eyes you have now will continually to rotten and as it worsens, you will no longer be able to see nor use your sharingan. You're a rogue ninja, remember... without sight, your bound to be captured and even executed for your crimes."

"We won't let that happen!" Jugo made a bold declaration as Suigetsu and Karin second that.

The younger Uchiha gritted his teeth before simply turning around and taking himself in the direction of where the outside world was. Because of this, his three teammates followed while Nia was forced to stay behind for a moment.

"Battling the Eight-Tails shall not be an easy task for even someone as powerful as Sasuke. Though he could be of great use to me for project Tsukiyomi, I must remember that he too is a guardian of the Nine-Tails," The Masked Man spoke to her. "His teammates are bound to give him assistance during his fight... and when they do, make sure Karin doesn't help heal him. I want you to kill her... and if you can, Jugo and Suigetsu also. When Sasuke becomes weak, tired, and defenseless from his battle... if the jinchuuriki somehow doesn't kill him... you will be the one to do so. Once you do.... head over to the Six-Tails' location and do your part in subduing the jinchuuriki then report back to me. You will have someone there to assist and guard you."

With no comment, the girl took a few steps forward before she was ordered to halt.

"Ah... I forgot. If you happen to run into Naruto or his group... kill whomever you can, but just don't murder the jinchuuriki. If you can, subdue him and immediately bring him here first before you do anything else. Remember... I've strengthened your abilities drastically and even granted you the ability to borrow my jutsu for a limited amount of time for your own protection. You'll be quite the formidable opponent. Now... go."

Meanwhile, in a whole other area entirely, after the news got around of Nia's abduction and the Akatsuki's involvement in it, Tsunade issued for an S-rank search and rescue mission with every available ninja to assist in this. Sensors were recruited yet many of them were forced to stay in the Leaf to keep watch for any enemy who may want to attack the village while those searching for the missing girl was out and away.

"NIA! NIAAA!" Naruto and his clones were screaming at the top of their lungs as they desperately scouted the area for the girl.

"Naruto!" Kakashi called out for his student as the genin was hopping from branch in a speed only someone like Lee or Guy can hope to catch up with. "Naruto, slow down! Don't single yourself out from the group! We don't know if the enemy is lurking fairly close."

"Are you kidding me?!" The blonde replied, refusing to do as ordered. "Why the hell should I slow down?! For all I know, slowing down can result in the bad guys killing Nia! If she's even still alive that is!"

Small amounts of red chakra seeped from out of him, tiny parts of it breaking off and floating behind him as if they were fire embers.

This alarmed the two ninja following behind him.

"Yamato," Kakashi looked to the brown-haired man as he nodded.

"On it," Yamato activated his jutsu as a pillar of wood sprouted from his arms and lengthened before coiling around Naruto and restraining him.

To no one's surprise, the blonde aggressively attempted to free himself as Yamato sat him by a tree.

"Argh... DAMN IT! LET ME GO!" He grunted, weaseling around. "I gotta go! I gotta go save her! They'll kill her if you keep me here, ya know!"

"Calm... down," Kakashi made a stern demand as Naruto just gritted his teeth. "You're letting your emotions overwhelm you. You're already starting to take the form of the fox. Take a deep breath. Nia will be fine-we're going to find her."


"Your clones are already looking for her too. Don't make them disappear cause you can't control your temper. We're trying to help you, Naruto," Yamato attempted to calm him down. "You being enraged wont get us anywhere. This is a search and rescue mission. Rage will blind your eyes from seeing things in detail. You're more likely to make a mistake or miss something critical. Just... take a deep breath..."

Naruto lowered his head, his bangs covering over his eyes as his shoulders were heaving.

"I k-know..." He croaked, his voice racked with guilt as he thought back to a moment he once shared with the girl. "B-But you guys... don-don't understand. I... promised her... I pr-promised so many times... so... many th-things, ya know?"


"So yeah, I was just looking for Nia. I haven't really seen her that much today, so I was just wondering where she might've gone," Naruto questioned his master as the older man sat beside a fire he made.

"Hm? You miss her already?" Jiraiya teased before pointing ahead of him with a stick that had a cooked fish attached to it. "She's right over there on that hill. I think she just wanted some time alone for herself."

Noticing the other fish had been properly heated, Naruto pulled two sticks from out the ground and headed on over to where the girl was just gazing into the star-filled night sky above.

"Curly Brow, what's sup? I haven't seen you that much today," He held out the fish to her and smiled warmly. "You feeling hungry? The fish is cooked, ya know."

"Hm?" She turned her head and returned the smile, albeit a more flustered one as she took the stick from his hand. "Oh... hi, Naruto and sure... thanks for bringing this to me. I guess I was just trying to improve on my ninjitsu today. It's kinda taking forever, but I think I'm improving. So, what's up with you, huh? You went to adventure out in a small village, right? How'd that go for you? Was it fun?"

"Not really," The genin stretched before taking a seat next to the kunoichi. "I went to stock up on my ninja tools, but I ended up looking for a ramen shop for a few hours with no luck."

Nia sweatdropped.

"Talk about determination... walking around for a few hours just to find a ramen shop? You're pretty goofy..."

"It's just... it's been so long since I had Ichiraku. I try to find other places, but they're just not as satisfying like the one at home, ya know."

"You have your cupped ramen though, don't you?" The girl then took a small bite out of her fish.

Naruto laid on his back and used one arm to support his head while his free hand held the stick in his hand.

"Yeah, but... it's not as great as Ichiraku, Curly Brow..." He then took a bite out of his food and asked. "Enough about me though... there's actually been something I wanted to ask of you... for a while..."

"Hm? What is it?"

"Your headband... why don't you ever wear it? Where even is it?"

Hearing this, Nia's smile turned into a frown as the genin made her think about things she'd rather not discuss.

"I don't have it..." She just wanted to avoid saying anymore.

Naruto wouldn't catch the hint though.

"Well what happened to it?" He pestered.

"I... got rid of it. I didn't wanna wear it."

"How come?"

Nia tried to not sigh.

"Wasn't my style..."

"Oh, I see..."

For a moment, a soft breeze brushed against the grass as there was a brief silence among the two. Naruto glanced over at the girl as some words said by a certain prince replayed over and over in his head.

"I just think you're cruel. You know Miss Nia is wounded deeply inside and you refuse to let her be with someone who actually cares for her. You already have your eye on another woman... let her be with me. I made her smile while you just seem to rip her heart out. For as long as she's with you, she'll never be happy."

Naruto groaned and rolled his eyes.

All that jerk does is tell her what she wants to hear. He doesn't love her, he just wants to add her to the list of how many girls he scored with. Besides, why the hell would she ever want his babies?! Not only that, but I can make her smile too! She's a bit cold right now, but I can make her soft, ya know!

"Curly Brow!" The genin then sat up quickly, startling the girl.

"What, Naruto? Geez, you scared me," The kunoichi placed her hand on her heart in an attempt to calm herself down.

"You don't have to be sad and lonely anymore; I'm here for you!" The blonde proclaimed.

Nia just raised an eyebrow.

"Huh? What're you talking about so randomly?"

Naruto grabbed her hand and squeezed it between both of his hands then gazed into her eyes.

"I'm saying that if you ever need a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen to you... I'm your guy, okay?"

"Sure, but... where is all of this coming from? Did something happen while you were at the village earlier?"

"No, I just... want you to know that you're not alone and that not everyone in the world is against you even if you feel like they are."

"Oh, well... that's very kind of you to say that," His words prompted her to blush and feel rather awkward. "Though... I'd really like to believe that to be true. S-Sorry... I'm not exactly ignorant or in denial about how others feel about me. I know for a fact that I'm hated and seen as hideous... but that's okay. I'm still precious in my own way, right? Thank you for being so kind to me. You're not a bad guy."

Naruto softened his grip on her hand.

"I'm glad you're coming to my village with me. Trust me, you'll feel so much happier when you get there. I'll make sure you're treated well and that no one tries to treat you differently because of the way that you look. You'll get a whole new outlook on life. Just you wait. You'll be happy, I promise."

"You're really sweet. Thanks for showing so much care for me. I'm not used to anyone being kind to me the way you're being to me right now. My heart feels so overwhelmed right now." Nia had to take a deep breath as to not let tears start filling up her eyes.

The blonde grinned and pressed his thumb against his chest.

"I'll never let anyone mistreat you for something so stupid and horrible. This time around, I'll make sure you feel safe, secured, and free to be yourself. If someone ever tries to harm you, I promise they'll have to answer to my fists or even my rasengan, ya know."

Nia chuckled at this.

"Awww," Her blush deepened. "You're gonna keep watch over me, Naruto?"

"Yeah... I just think you deserve so much better than what you've been getting and deserve to be treated like an actual person instead of some germ or rodent that needs to be taken care of and swept away. You've had it rough for so long. Your heart needs a break from all that abuse and especially your ears. I'll keep watch over you, 'kay?"

"M-Mhm..." His sincerity made her heart throb as she lowered her eyes to the ground and smiled.

"No more will you have to listen to all those heartless people calling you ugly or that you're worthless or that no one can ever love or value you. At the Leaf, we're family. We don't single anyone out for no good reason. Oh and... there's a lot of good people there. I'm sure they'll be accepting of you as long you're being nice. Trust me... I'll keep you safe there!"

The blonde then lightly rubbed the side of his curled index finger against the girl's cheek.

"Being treated like nothing and harassed nonstop has made you lose your smile, but don't worry, cause I'll do my best to make it come right back. There won't be any reason for you to be so down anymore. The light in your eyes will shine again and your spirits will spring right back up, ya know."

"You're already making me feel very happy right now," Nia was smiling hard, raising a finger up to wipe away a tear before it slid down her cheek. "Thank you for this. I'm excited to start a new life where you live."

"W-Wait, really?" Naruto reddened a bit. "I make you feel happy? For real?"

The girl nodded and lightly rubbed her hand on his upper left chest.

"Do you think when we get there... you can show me around a bit? Maybe you can show me where this Ichiraku shop is and we can have some ramen together?"

Naruto's eyes lit up.

"Yeah, of course! I'm telling you, when you get that first bite from it, you're gonna feel like you're in a whole new world or something, Curly Brow."

He then became confused when he saw just how incredibly nervous yet undeniably ecstatic Nia seemed to be. Her body was trembling, her face was as red as a tomato, and she had a squirmy smile plastered on her face.

She was unknowingly completely head over heels in love with him.

However, he decided to brush this off and reassure her.

"You don't ever gotta worry about a thing! If anyone ever insults you, I'll tell them off! If anyone ever lays a finger on you, I'll beat them! If anyone ever tries to kidnap you, I'll find you and whoop whoever thought it was a good idea to do that! You have my word! I'll protect you!"


"Captain Yamato, Kakashi-sensei, come on... I promised I'd find her if someone were to ever abduct her like this! I promised to protect her so many times! Just let me go! She could be getting tortured right now and all you're doing is keeping me from finding her!" Naruto grunted, refusing to settle down.

"You're doing that yourself," Kakashi narrowed his eye. "Calm down and we'll release you, Naruto."

"ALL YOU'RE DOING IS PISSING ME OFF! Nia... she's probably scared out of her mind right now... she's... gotta be wondering where I am or if I've abandoned her or something..." He started to break down.

"You know that isn't true. She of all people would know you're doing your best to save her..." Kakashi attempted to reassure his student.

"Naruto, why don't you just do as they say?" Tenten came jumping down a tree along with Lee. "Seriously, they're right. This is a mission that requires everyone to be calm and-"

"JUST SHUT UP, WOULD YA?!" The blonde unexpectedly snapped as tears continued to stain his face. "Aren't you guys supposed to be looking for Nia somewhere else?! Why the hell are you over here! GO FIND HER!"

"Naruto..." Tenten just observed the intense expression on his face before he dropped his head and started sobbing over the thought of Nia getting killed for a second and final time.

Elsewhere, Sai soared up high with his ink birds, scouting for any sign of the missing girl. Nothing in particular caught his eye. It baffled him that whomever abducted her had gotten so far from the village in such little time. Had they not ran on foot? Had they used something to elevate them into the skies?

Down below, Hinata and Neji had their byakugan activated while Kiba, Akamaru, and Kakashi's summoning dogs sniffed the area, hoping to get the scent of anyone familiar.

"Man, it's weird that we're getting no leads so far," Shikamaru commented as he walked around with his hands in his pockets, observing his surroundings. "How can the enemy have gotten so far away in just a few short hours or less with no trace left behind for us to tailor them?"

Ino nodded.

"No kidding... we've got the whole team out here looking for her. You'd figure she'd been spotted by now. This whole thing is a mess."

"Well, if you keep complaining like that, of course we're not gonna find her. C'mon you guys, let's step up our skills, huh?" Chouji attempted to encourage the two.

Not too far, Shino had his arms spread out; thousands of insects poured out from it, helping in this mission. So far, the Aburame wasn't having any luck either, much to his disdain.

"I know Nia was taken, but... how in the world did that even happen?" Sakura questioned as she looked around as well. "Especially while she was under Naruto's watch... He's so overly protective of her."

"Well considering the fact that it was storming when she was said to have been kidnapped, it's not exactly hard to find out that the enemy used the bad weather to their advantage. Harsh rain would block out any sound Nia could've made while the fog was good for sneaking in and out of the village without being spotted." Shino explained. "It's unfortunate that my bugs have a weakness to that sort of thing so-"

Sakura gasped, cutting the young man off.

"We're not gonna have much luck in terms of having the dogs track anyone's scent. The rain most likely got rid of it. If only they could've left some mud tracks, we'd probably would get somewhere..."

"Even so... we should do our best to find Nia. I don't wanna imagine what Naruto would do if we end up finding her dead..."

"You're right... that would be bad. His emotions would overrun him," The pink-haired girl nodded as she then bounded away to a different area to search.

Where Sasuke and his crew were, they were trying to get used to having a new member following them around wearing an Akatsuki uniform on like them.

"So, can she really not respond to anything?" Suigetsu glanced over his shoulder, observing Nia's behavior. "That blank stare of her's is kinda freaking me out."

"You heard what Madara said; He placed her under a very powerful genjutsu. Even I can't get her out of it if I wanted to try and do so. She's hopeless... she'll be a mindless puppet with no free will of her own till the day he decides to murder her." Sasuke explained nonchalantly.

"Ouch, that sounded rough. You sure you don't want to stop that from happening? I mean, isn't she your best bud's girlfriend? If you let her die... I don't think even he would be able to stop himself from killing you that time around. That could be the final straw, man."

The Uchiha simply ignored Suigetsu's comment.

"I... think Suigetsu's right, Sasuke. You shouldn't let her die while she's under your watch," Karin agreed, much to the surprise of everyone. "If you do... I think-no, I KNOW things will turn disastrous for all of us."

"Why should I care if she dies? It's Naruto's fault he couldn't keep a close eye on her and protect her. If she gets killed, that's on him... not me."

"Sure, but..." Karin rested her fist on her heart and glanced over at Nia before focusing her eyes on the black-haired young man in front of her. "Sasuke... it's faint, but... I sense another chakra source coming from within her."

"What're you talking about, Karin? She's not a jinchuuriki too, is she?"

"No, nothing crazy like that. It's just... she's pregnant, Sasuke."

Suddenly, the Uchiha slowed down his pace before coming to a complete halt. He didn't say a word as he slowly looked over his shoulder.

"Whoa, the dude already got her preggo?" Suigetsu chimed in. "Isn't it a little too soon to be starting a family?"

The red-head replied, "I know... it's crazy, but... I can sense the chakra source in the same spot where a pregnant woman carries her baby. It's faint... but I'm sure she's been impregnated."

"So... what do you want to do, Sasuke?" Jugo asked as the Uchiha finally faced everyone.

"Yeah, I'm curious too," Suigetsu wanted answers. "Do we just kill her now or-"

The boy was met with an intense glare.

"Whoa, calm down. I was just kidding," He sweatdropped. "Can't you all just take a joke for once?"

"Suigetsu, no one wants to hear you yabber your mouth in general," Karin folded her arms. "Just keep it shut!"

"Karin," Sasuke's voice caught her attention as he proceeded to ask, "How far along is she?"

"Hm... early enough to still have a miscarriage. I'd say she's about two or so months along."

Suigetsu gasped. "Wow already?"

"And... it's not just one. I'm sensing two tiny chakra sources. She's having twins..." The girl added.

Suigetsu laughed. "Twins?! Man Sasuke, your old friend doesn't know when to pull out, does he? Not only that, but he must be at it like crazy if they're having twins, don't you think?!"

"Be quiet, Suigetsu," The leader was annoyed. "You talk too much."

The purple-eyed boy sighed.

You guys are no fun...

"Sasuke," Jugo's curiosity was getting the better of him.

He would get his answer just as Sasuke made eye contact with him.

"Protect her... with your life," He left the group a bit speechless before turning his attention to the sword wielder. "You too, Suigetsu. I won't hesitate to kill whomever is responsible for letting her die. That includes you too, Karin."

With that, he stared directly into Nia's empty eyes.

"And you... try killing any one of us and I'll strike you down immediately."

Having said what he wanted, the Uchiha turned around and resumed walking ahead of the group.

"Man... he gotta soft spot for pregnant women or something?" Suigetsu felt a bead of sweat run down his temple as he tugged on the collar of his purple shirt.

Jugo seemed unfazed.

"He's against the innocent dying... that's all."

"Maybe the guy still has some remaining care for Naruto? I mean, these are gonna be his kids, right Karin?"

The girl nodded.

"Yeah... his chakra is mixed in with her's... I know cause I felt it just before we tricked him into chasing Madara while we restrained Nia. I'm sure these are his babies."

"Crazy..." The white-haired boy nudged Nia on the arm. "Well, congrats! You're having babies!"

Of course, he received no response from her.

"Dammit, would you quit being so stupid!" Karin became fed up and pulled on his ear, forcing the guy to keep walking. "You know she has no mind of her own anymore and can respond to barely anything, now quit being annoying and get moving before Sasuke ditches us!"

"Jugo! Nia! Let's get going! C'mon!" The Uchiha ordered as the big guy went ahead first before noticing Nia wasn't following behind.

"You heard him... let's go," The orange-haired man looked over his shoulder.

Following orders, Nia resumed following the group, her former self having been erased into a empty and lifeless shell forever.


A/N - Dang, this was actually pretty fun to write 💀 I thought I was gonna have to rewrite it, but nope. I liked how this turn out.

Yo, I was trynna make a Naruto edit or mep on Sony Vegas, but my god, it was trash 😂 I'm improving slowly, but I need to watch more tutorials. If any of you make good edits or meps, hmu cause I'd love to receive some advice.

Anyway, thanks for reading! Please comment and vote and have a great day ❤️


1. Fave Part?

2. Baby names? 💀 (and for god's sake, don't say boruto or Himawari 😂 those are NaruHina babies and it should stay that way.)

3. How do you want them to look? (Y'all can come up with how the babies will look... I don't feel like thinking that hard lol and be freaking realistic 😂 and I'm not saying what the genders are)

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