Chapter 2
Father and son were on their way to Redcastle. They travelled via red road. The older of journeymen was appointed for the post of blacksmith, what explains significant number of iron and steel on his cart, pulled by old grey horse. He travelled with his son, for whom it was the longest trip he ever experienced. Since they left Clearford, the biggest city in the south, passed thirty days.
-Father, how for is to Redcastle?- asked bored Edgar, twelve year old boy.
-We are almost there, be patient- The man pointed the capital- Can you see that castle made of red brick?
-Is it our destination?
-Why do we have to go there, couldn't we stay in Clearford?
-No- replied with sadness- Blacksmith in Redcastle earns more, my son we need money...
-We had enough money there so why?- continued boy
-You ask too much questions- The conversation with son caused him pain.- There were too many sad memories in Clearford...
-Is it because mother passed away?
-Yes- The cart stopped. His tone was filled with sadness. Despite his forty years he looked significantly older. - Every moment in that city would be painful for us...
-It's alright, I'm here- The boy laid his hand on his father's shoulder- I shouldn't talk about it.
The man replied by embracing him.
They would remain in embrace but they noticed a horseman that lost control over his horse. Soon, rider fell from horse and met the ground. Having seen that, both journeymen continued their trip to Redcastle.
-What was that father?
-I bet he has never seen a horse before- the man smiled and looked at his son.
However, soon after they noticed that a pack of bandits came out from the bushes. At least they were absolutely not friendly for poor rider. Not thinking too much, Edgar took one of the swords from cart and rushed in the direction of that event.
-Come back here Edgar!
-We have to help him- the boy replied with begging tone.
Father tried to stop him, but his kid was too fast. Father decided to protect his only son and followed him. This kid will lose head one day.
Meanwhile pack of rogues enjoyed scarring frightened boy.
-Well, well...who is that little bastard whining near the tree?- said the chief of the bandits
- I'm not a bastard,- Ricard tried to sound proudly despite of his fear-I'm noble...weight your words commoner.
The boy looked at the dagger in the hand of bandit.
-Haha...I will check if my pants turned brown from fear- the pack of rogues even can't ride a horse, how dare you call yourself a noblemen?
-Leave me alone, or you will regret this...
Filled with fear tried to find a weapon but his hands felt only grass.
-You heard well...leave and I'll spare your lives- said young boy who came out from bushes behind Ricard, and now who was standing between rogues and their victim. The newcomer dragged the attention of everyone. Shade of hope emerged on the noble face.
-Did I heard well?...everyone look...noble bastard fetched his bastard guard...haha...listen you little one...stop making a noise with your mouth and you will live- said rogue
-I warned you...- said young boy, after which his sword penetrated stomach of the rogue's leader
-How dare you bastard...- rogue tried to say something but he died faster than expected. None of his comrades foresaw that.
Rest of the pack was about to attack a young boy, when suddenly Edgar's father used his sword and decapitated two of them with one swing. The fountain of blood come out of their necks. These rogues who remained alive abandoned their dead mates and disappeared in bushes. They have left the site of slaughter with brown pants.
Scared Ricard looked at his young savior with gratitude in his eyes. Meanwhile the blacksmith kneeled and removed the blood from his sword, then looted the gold.
-Thank friend, what is your name? Why did you risk your life for me- asked Ricard
- My name is Edgar...Edgar could I leave you and pretend not seeing boy in need?
- I appreciate your help Edgar, others would abandon me...but you helped me. I will not forget you that...can I call you my friend?- asked Ricard
-If you wish my friend- said Edgar with smile on his face-...but what is the name of my new friend?
Ricard was going to introduce but someone came out from bushes...
-My lord, where have you been...I was worrying...- said master Doses. The old man was out of breath. He needed a time to produce a sentence.
-My lord? Are you a noble?- asked surprised Edgar
-Well...I'm Ricard Baerston, son of Prince Nigel, heir to throne
-My lord, forgive me my lack of manners...I wasn't aware of your nobility...-said Edgar, kneeling before member of royal family.
-My friend...don't kneel before saved my life- said smiled Ricard, trying to lift Edgar, but his ankle was sprained. The grimace of pain appeared on his face.
-My lord, You're injured let me carry you to my cart...we will take you to Redcastle- said Edgar
- My lord, I'll help him- said Edgar's father Eric
- What's your name sir?- asked master
- I'm Eric Mildward, the new blacksmith of Redcastle- replied to master. Long time no see master. I hope You remember me .
-Sir Eric, so you're that mysterious blacksmith?- asked master.
-Indeed...- said Eric, staring at master
- Let us go to capital...we have no time to spare-said master seeing that Eric also recognized him. It was hard to not recognize his long and white beard.
As Ricard was saved, his master and his saviors headed to Redcastle. Ricard was lying on cart, while his comrades were trying to make way to capital as comfortable as possible. The noble boy tried to deal with pain but every move of his limb was like torture. They crossed the gate soon, and as they were near forge chambers it was time to farewell.
-It's time to say goodbye my friend, I'll visit you soon- said Ricard
-As you wish my lord...-replied Edgar
-Edgar, My friend...don't address me lord when we're alone...can you do this for me?
-Of course my friend, come to health- answered smiled Edgar
-Till our next meeting Edgar...-said Ricard and both with master headed to young boy's chambers.
Edgar didn't suppose that young boy he saved was a member of royal family or even noblemen. Soon his father opened the door to forge and Edgar entered inside. Their new home seemed huge and comfortable, it must have looked like that because it's capital. As the sun was going to hide behind mountains, Eric started preparation for supper. It wasn't a big feast, just simple baked sausage, which after so long journey tasted as the most expensive royal food. As the sun disappeared entirely, the capital was going to sleep, so as Edgar.
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