Chapter 1
Master Doses and his pupil headed to king's stables. According to schedule he shall start mastering the art of horseback riding. Young boy reluctantly followed his master. In his eyes horses were nothing else but giant and dangerous beasts. Every step for young boy was like journey to slaughter. Then, Ricard noticed a marble monument of chivalric knight. It had always wondered him what deeds had the knight accomplished to deserve such a sculpture.
-Master, to whom was that monument dedicated to?
-My lord, you have seen than monument numerous times. Why do you pose a question at this moment?- Master Doses brows furrowed. The scholar foresaw the prince's intention.
-Indeed, but I'm curious who he was.
The pair stopped before the monument.
-That monument was crafted by the utmost skilled sculptors of its era. It was here long before our forefathers invaded this land.
The old man stroked his long white beard and sat on cold pedestal. His old body needed rest. The young boy sat next to him.
- According to our religion- continued scholar- after the great storm, the mysterious energy spread across the world. In every decade few newborns received a special gift: immortality. No man could kill them. They recovered from wounds afflicted in battle, no scar remained on their bodies.
- Master, if they were immortal why there is statue dedicated to them?
The scholar looked at Ricard with eyes full of wisdom.
-On the day When the number of immortals reached one thousand two hundred and fifty, the sky blackened and the immortals heard the disembodied voice : I am the creator of heavens, master of the wind and light. In thy hands is the future of this realm. You are demigods, immortal ones. However, the price thou pay for that gift is high. Thou shall not have descendants, nor experience real love. Thou cannot die neither natural death nor caused by mortal men. Thou will craft a sword made of silverite ore, and anneal in thou own blood. The sword may harm mortal men so as one of thou. Thou will not rest in peace until thy destiny will be done. The strongest of thou will kill my descendant, letting the other rule by my side.
Thy souls shall be then released, the curse will end. When thy last day come, you will be taken by the winds. Make your choice wisely. "
Ricard listened that story with open mouth. He didn't expect to hear about the immortals. Moreover, he seemed to be a bit scared.
- Master, you said it as you were there, like you were one of them.
-That is not true, young lord- master smiled. Boy is clever.
After so many years in service to the kings master knows how to not reveal certain fact by an emotion.
- The figure you see is the famous demigod Ingvar. He died during duel with Rignar. His sword shattered on the collision with silverite armor of New God. The monument was built to increase the morale of knights before they entered battles.
- That was beautiful story my master- Ricard looked at demigod's face and felt that if Ingvar could duel with Rignar, he can face the less dangerous enemy.- lets go to stables.
-So you're no longer afraid of horses?
- You knew about that?- the boy was surprised
-Of course I did- the scholar put his aged hand on the prince's shoulder. He's same like Nigel. - Your father was afraid of horses at your age too.
Master Doses glanced at the monument of Ingvar. So many years have passed, I wish you were here my friend. In the stables Ricard noticed a white pony. The equine's gentle brown eyes stared back into his. The fear inside him disappeared and his hand alighted on the equine's forehead.
-Can this horse be mine? He's so nice and friendly.- Ricard beamed
-Of course, how will you name him?
-I will name him- prince Ricard pondered deep.- Thunder!
-Thunder is a very good name for a heroic horse.- A familiar voice said.
- My King, My Queen, we didn't expect you to be here- Master Doses bowed.
King John I Baerston accompanied by his wife Queen Celestine, entered the stables.
- Nice to see you grandfather and grandmother- Ricard rushed and embraced his grandparents.
- And I'm also happy to see you Ric- the king stroked the hair of the young boy and looked at his mentor.- Please continue your duties, and forgive us our interruption- said the king and headed with his queen in the direction of the Amandil' s wayside shrine.
-My lord, as I expect no more interruptions to occur let us continue- said master Doses.
After training session, master Doses decided that they were ready to ride beyond the capital walls. Before they crossed the gate they rode near an empty and locked forge chambers awaiting for the new blacksmith. Behind the gates were vast plains of green. Let's see how good you are outside the walls.
Meanwhile, the king and queen have just crossed the last gate that separated them from path leading to shrine. The proud lion of Baerstons looked at them from blanks of the tower behind them. The path to shrine was covered by ground grass and trees from mountain side, while the other side was protected by the walls. When the route turned left , the pair had trees on both sides as in this place was area of green between two hills.
King John noticed that area is full of flowers.
- Look at these flowers, aren't they beautiful?- said Celestine
-Yes my dear, indeed- the king bent and picked few of them, and gave to his wife.
- Thank you my love- the queen smiled and kissed him in cheek
- I wanted to see your smile
The king kissed her back and they continued their walk. Soon they reached their destination and sat on the stone near the shrine.
-Its our another meeting David- the king looked at flowers that surrounded the shrine. He didn't dare to speak the name of David's mother.
The queen grabbed the hand of John to comfort him. The old face full of wrinkles replied with sad smile.
-I wouldn't survive it without you Celestine
The queen looked at him.
-I'm here to comfort you John
-It's good to have you dear
-You are the best what happened to me.
The pair sat in silence which was interrupted by birds.
-I still remember his black eyes, so as his mother had- said the king
At the same time he regretted his words. The queen knew him enough long to know what he feels.
-It's ok dear, I know she will always be present in your heart- she laid her head on his chest. Thee king embraced her and stroked her grey hair.
-She was the love of my youth, but you are the love of my life.
These words warmed the queen's heart and made her eyes shine.
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