Unexpected Family Ties

Arlie dropped a few coins onto the table and stood, her face covering firmly back in place. Valda and Tevin scrambled to catch up with her as she stalked across the dirt floor and out a different way than they'd come in.

Valda was pleased she didn't have to pass Kelli again. The woman still wasn't happy with her and Tevin, still she would have liked to see Etna again.

Arlie paused at an even shabbier looking building. Its door was barely clinging to its hinges and the wooden sides bowed outwards as if it could no longer hold the weight of the roof. Valda wondered how the building was even standing, given its haggard appearance.

Before they could knock on the door, it opened with a bang and a gaggle of children rushed out, barely looking at them before they cantered off down the street.

Valda's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion as Arlie just shook her head and entered the building. She was going to follow her when she felt something. A tingling awareness that shot from her heart and radiated out to the rest of her body. It was like a light bulb going off in her head and everything came into sharper focus.

"Valda? Are you okay?"

She turned, noticing Tevin's worried expression. Arlie had already disappeared ahead of them.

"I'm fine. Just feeling a little weird." She shook the feeling off, or at least she tried to, but still it clung to her. Though she'd only experienced it once before, she knew what it was.

Something in the building was triggering her healer's powers, and the thought left her mouth dry.

The last time it had happened, she'd had no control over what was happening. It had been like something else had control over her body. The last thing she needed was to be engulfed in white light. It would be like a signal to everyone near she wasn't normal and she couldn't cope with anymore whispers.

Tevin continued to look at her, unconvinced, but he dared not argue, knowing that Arlie was close by. Instead, he briefly squeezed Valda's hand in comfort. He couldn't say it out loud, but he knew what was happening. Someone inside that building needed her.

Valda squeezed his hand back, glad that he was here with her. "We'd better catch up with Arlie."

Tevin nodded his agreement and dropped his hand.

If the outside had looked shabby, the interior looked worse. Well-worn shoes were stacked up beside the door, mud dripping onto the bare floor. At least the floor was wood rather than compressed dirt, but it was covered in so much grime it was hard to tell the difference.

"Shut the door." Arlie appeared through a doorway, scowling at both of them until Tevin complied. "I haven't time to dally around. I'm on patrol in an hour, so move it."

Under her inscrutable gaze, Tevin and Valda edged forward to where Arlie was holding the door open for them. Peering inside, they were astounded to see yet more children, all ranging from as young as three to as old as ten.

Rows of beds were laid out, with thin threadbare blankets thrown over them. Here and there a lone stuffed animal rested against a pillow, but most of the beds were bare.

"Arlie." An older woman, with long grey hair piled on top of her head, called from where she was reading to a group of children.

"Arlie." It was a chorus of high-pitched squeals as some children rushed forward. Despite their grubby faces and patch worked clothes, their eyes shone with happiness at seeing her.

"And have you lot been behaving for Jenna?"

There were a few mumbled words and some guilty faces that stared up at her, which made Valda and Tevin smile.

"Well, you know what happens to naughty children." Eyes widened as Arlie lunged forward. "They get tickled." Her hands immediately closed around a little five-year-old boy who screamed with laughter.

Valda and Tevin shared a look as Arlie chased a few more kids around.

"Must you always send them into a rampage every time you drop by?" Jenna shooed the children away, fixing Arlie with a firm look, but her twitching lips ruined her admonishment.

Her gaze moved away from Arlie and instead roamed over Tevin and Valda's hidden figures, her eyebrows raised.

"These two are new. They want to know what happens to the food little Etna takes."

Jenna's mouth dropped open. "And you thought it wise to bring them here?" She hissed. "And what would happen if the General found out? How do we know we can trust these two? You risk too much Arlie." Her mouth set in a frown.

Arlie just shrugged, not the least bit uncomfortable. "Tevin, Valda, you can remove your hoods."

They both looked at her in confusion, but she only stood and waited for them. With shaky hands, they removed their hoods, letting them fall away from their faces.

Jenna gasped. "You. But why would you bring them here?" She took a step back, glaring at Arlie.

"Because they helped Etna steal the food today and then made sure she got home safe."

Jenna gaped at them, her hands fluttering around her head. "That...why... why would you do that?"

"Because she said it was important. That it was needed," Tevin replied.

"Aye, and she was right. We do need it. Plenty of mouths to feed in this place." Arlie spread her arms wide, making Valda and Tevin splutter.

"The food is for them? But surely they are provided for?"

Jenna's face hardened at Tevin's words and she laughed harshly.

"These children were left orphaned when we fled from Lania. Their parents either killed or captured. The high Fae do not care for children such as these."

"You mean, they know these children are here?"

"Of course they do, but they refuse to give anymore than what they already have. They expect us to be grateful to them for proving what you see around you." Jenna's face twisted into a sneer, taking in the bare walls and poorly built cots.

"Then they will have to be made to see." Valda's voice came out firm, making Jenna's eyes widen.

"And will you do that, girl? Stand up to them and speak of these children's plight?" Sarcasm was clear in Jenna's words but also a small fleck of hope.

"She will. And she won't be alone." Tevin smiled at Valda, lending his own promise to these children.

Jenna looked between the two of them, unwilling to build her hopes up, and yet she could see their commitment in their eyes.

"See? Bet you're glad I brought them now." There was a smirk in Arlie's voice as Jenna regained her composure.

"That remains to be seen." She huffed, turning her back to rejoin the children, but not before they caught sight of a small smile gracing her lips.

"I think she likes you two." Arlie winked at Tevin and Valda's disbelieving faces. "Come on. Let's get you back to the manor before I start my guard."

She pushed open the door, motioning for the other two to go first, only pausing to look back at the children running and playing. Despite everything they'd been through, it warmed Arlie's heart that they could still smile.

As Valda walked passed the stairs, her skin tingled knowingly, and she felt her power flare. It urged her forward and up the stairs before she registered what she was doing.

"Valda! Valda, you can't go up there." Arlie shouted behind her, but Valda ignored her.

Doors stood on either side of the corridor, most open, revealing several bathrooms, a few bedrooms and some storage. But none of them called to her.

She raced down the corridor, knowing that Tevin and Arlie were hot on her tail.

She paused at one of the closed doors, panting. Gripping the doorknob, she eased it open, feeling all her senses come alive at the small figure resting on the bed.

Bandages covered them from their head down to their feet. It was only their size that made Valda realise it was a young child.

Stepping into the room made her remember another place and time when she'd volunteered at her local hospital back home. The room held the same hushed silence that hung heavy in the air. That awareness that something awful could happen at any moment or nothing could change at all.

"What do you think you're doing?" Arlie whispered harshly, going to grab Valda before Tevin pulled her back.

"No, don't touch her."

"Get off me. She shouldn't be here." She struggled against him until Valda's head turned in their direction, making them both pause. "Her eyes?"

Valda's eyes glowed, filled with their own kind of magic. "She calls to me."

Ignoring her audience, Valda stepped forward, completely oblivious to the door locking behind her.

She approached the bed and knelt down. Her hand rose and softly lifted the little girl's bandaged clad hand from where it rested on top of the blanket.

Memories, not her own, flooded through her mind. People screaming, angry shouts and fire. There was fire everywhere. A man's face appeared from the smoke and it surprised Valda to realise it was a face she knew. The face of one lord at the manor.

Soot clung to his features and yet he smiled, though his words were drowned out by every other sound. The image became blurry as his face became larger until everything went black.

"You called to me brave Ona. You will be safe now." Valda could feel the words form in her mouth and yet it felt like she wasn't the one talking, just like before.

Power radiated out of her, glowing from her hands and spreading over the little girl's body.

Tevin and Arlie had to shield their eyes as the light grew brighter, encasing them in its warmth as if they were peering into a full summer sun.

As quickly as the light appeared it faded, leaving the two Fae shivering in its absence.

Valda swayed against the bed, her energy vastly reduced. She blinked her eyes as her vision danced, but maintained consciousness.

"Easy. I got you."

She felt Tevin hold her shoulders and lift her from the floor, carrying most of her weight as she leaned against him.

"What did you do?" Arlie asked, stunned.

"Arlie?" A squeaky voice called out.

They all turned as the child sat up in the bed, pulling at the useless dressing wrapped around her head.

"Ona?" Arlie rushed to the bed. She went to stop Ona from pulling the dressings away from her face but it was too late, they fell away easily.

"Arlie, are you okay? Why are you crying, sister?" The little girl scrunched her face up as she pulled the scrap of material away from Arlie's face.

Arlie touched her little sister's face, her fingers skating over the soft pink skin, delicately. Not believing what her eyes were telling her. She began removing the rest of her sister's bandages, growing hysterical. She had expected angry red burns but found none.

"How-how did you do this?" She looked back at Valda, not caring if Tevin saw her face.

Despite his shock, Tevin answered, knowing that Valda needed time to recover. "She's a Healer."

Arlie's eyes widened as she looked between her sister and Valda.

Not needing to think about her next actions, she knelt on the ground in front of Valda, drawing her sword so it rested across her palms.

"I, Arlie, daughter of Badrick, give my life over to you, Princess Valda Edevane, to do as you see fit. I will serve you and stand by you in payment for the miracle you have gifted my family."

Valda blinked down at her in amusement, still grateful for Tevin's support. "You owe me nothing, Arlie. I'm just glad I could help."

"But there must be something I can do?" Arlie argued.

Valda paused but shook her head. "All I want is your friendship. There is nothing else I need."

Arlie shook her head, mystified, but rose to her feet. "Aye, you have that. Though it is not as much as I would like to give."

Valda only chuckled. "It's the most valuable gift you can give." 

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