Finally Someone Trusts Us

The sun had set by the time Arlie and Tevin managed to half drag, half carry, Valda back to the manor. Mauve and Carrick were still not back in their rooms, so Tevin assumed they were still doing their royal duties for the General.

He helped Arlie to take off Valda's coat and shoes before they tucked her into bed. Her lids barely flickered as they quietly snuffed out the lights and exited the room.

They both began heading down the corridor, though Tevin wasn't sure where he was going.

"I know who you are by the way."

Arlie's eyes cut to him before she looked away.

"You were the girl who always hung around with the Knights. The one the Queen partitioned the high Fae to make a Knight."

Her name hadn't been familiar to him, but her face had been. He remembered her from his own time spent with the knights. Though back then she had always worn dresses rather than the trousers that now graced her legs.

"If you say anything to anyone." Arlie began threatening, but Tevin held up his hands in surrender.

"Your secret is safe with me, don't worry."

Arlie paused and Tevin stopped next to her. Her eyes moved over his features. Once she was satisfied, she moved on.

"And can I trust you'll keep what you learnt about Valda to yourself?"

Arlie snorted. "You think I'm daft. This lot would go insane if they realised they had a Healer on their hands. Don't want to be giving the General anymore reason to push you two out."

Tevin gripped her arm, forcing them both to stop. He took his hand back slowly, given the deadly look in Arlie's eyes.

"I just want to know if you really believe that? About the General?"

Arlie turned her head, peering up and down the corridor. She inclined her head, not happy talking about such serious matters in the General's own backyard.

Tevin followed her, both slipping into the servants' corridor and out through a side door. He pulled his hood up around his face and bundled his hands in his coat. The winter air biting on his exposed skin.

They said nothing to each other as they continued to walk away from the manor. To any outsider it would just look like two men taking a casual stroll and yet Tevin felt his nerves pulled tight like piano wires.

At no sign he could see, Arlie turned round, though he could barely see her in the darkness.

"All I know is the General stands to gain a lot should he prove to be the one victorious over Lorcan. Position, favour. If Queen Orlaigh dies the Prince will need a helping hand to rule and who better than him."

Tevin swallowed loudly. "Where does that leave Valda?"

Arlie quirked an eyebrow and exhaled gustily. "You know the answer to that. What happens to all unwanted people."

He nodded solemnly. "They get pushed to the background. Made to disappear."

They both shared a moment of silence for once united by their pasts.

"If you doubt the General, why are you part of his guard?"

Arlie pondered his question, thinking over her answer. "When Lania fell, people needed help and once I knew Ona was safe, I was the one that came to their rescue." She laughed without humor. "Who else would? I was better prepared than most, and the high Fae were too consumed with themselves."

"It wasn't until we got to the stronghold that they started exerting their authority again but the people didn't welcome it." She smiled to herself, thinking of the unrest that had originally come to a head.

"The General needed you and your team because the people trusted you and not him." Tevin summarized.

Arlie nodded her head. "There, you're not as slow as you look." Her eyes danced with mischief as Tevin humphed. "I thought that if I played along, I could help the people, make this place safe for kids like my sister."

She pointed to herself. "When I'm dressed like this, they don't look at me and only see a woman. Now they look at me and give me respect. And that's all I've ever wanted." Looking away, she noticed the lights flickering in the houses. "I have to get going."

Arlie went to walk away, but Tevin stopped her.

"You would have made a great Knight, Arlie. I just wanted you to know that."

For a moment, she just stood looking at him before she laughed. "Thanks, Tevin. Valda was right, you aren't so bad." And then she was on her way, disappearing into the night as Tevin returned to the manor, his being lighter than it had been since he arrived.

Valda stifled a yawn as she waited for a servant to pour her tea. In honesty, she really would have rather orange juice, but she wasn't entirely sure that existed in this realm. Still, as she gazed into the sweet tea, she couldn't stop wishing it was something different.

Although she had slept well, her body moved stiffly and her head felt as though it was filled with the feathers. It gave everything a muffled effect, which she found disoriented.

Mauve looked as tired as she felt, but Carrick was practically glowing with pride. Seemingly one of them had enjoyed their task yesterday more than the other.

Once the last of the servants left and they were finally alone, Tevin leaned forward and whispered conspiratorially.

"So how did yesterday go?" He asked as he buttered his bread.

Mauve grimaced and moved the eggs around on her plate, never once lifting them to her mouth. "Agonising."

"Stop saying that. The partners aren't that bad." Carrick shook his head before shovelling more food into his mouth.

Seeing the food so a plenty on the table made Valda's stomach flip with unease. It was weighed down with more food than they could consume, and she vowed to take the spare food once they finished.

Looking at Tevin, she noticed his uncomfortable stare, seeming to share her misgivings. Their eyes met, and he inclined his head in silent agreement.

"Oh, you believe that, do you? Then you can sit and entertain them whilst I go with the lords and talk battle strategy." Mauve muttered, a few choice words only being legible, which Carrick ignored.

He shook his head in disapproval before looking at Tevin. "The meeting went well enough. We've had reports back from a few spies who've snuck back into Lania. They say Lorcan is still amassing forces, but for the moment they are concentrated within the castle and surrounding land."

Valda leaned forward with sudden interest. "Any word on my mother?" She looked away when she noticed their looks of sympathy.

Carrick cleared his throat. "We have." Her head snapped back to look at him and he sighed, wishing he had better news. "She's alive but being kept by Lorcan and he's the only one with access to her. As for my father and his knights, we believe them to be in the dungeons but also alive."

He watched Valda's shoulders slump and caught his sister's intake of breath. He'd already told her the news last night before they had retired. Both were glad their father was alive, but it was bittersweet. He was alive, but for how long was anyone's guess.

"Do they have plans to take back Lania?" Tevin's breakfast lay forgotten in front of him.

Carrick's expression became strained. "That is the eventual plan, but they're still waiting on more reports to come in." He waited as if worried at their reaction, but Tevin only nodded.

"It's good strategy to know more about your opponent before you act." It was one thing the knights had taught Tevin. To be patient and watch, find your enemies' weakness and then attack with all the force you possess.

Carrick breathed in relief when everyone seemed to take his news well. The lords' lack of action had irritated him to begin with, but he'd slowly realised how little information they had. To mount an attack with that level of knowledge would be deadly.

"You'll keep us informed of changes?" Tevin gingerly munched on his bread, not happy with wasting it now he knew how important it was, but not really tasting it.

Carrick nodded his head frantically. "Of course." He felt guilty enough that he was the only one in these meetings. The last thing he wanted to do was keep things from his friends.

"So what did you two get up to yesterday?" Mauve sipped her tea, noticing the pointed look pass between Valda and Tevin. "What?"

Valda picked up her tea, moving the water around to give her time to think. "We went out into the stronghold."

Mauve's mouth dropped open, and Carrick froze. "You did what? Valda don't you realise how dangerous that could be?" He asked crossly.

"We needed to." Tevin was quick to defend her, drawing Carrick's attention.

"And you? Why didn't you stop her?"

Valda rolled her eyes. "He's not my keeper, Car."

"But he's supposed to look after you when me and Mauve aren't there," Carrick reasoned.

Tevin's hands came down on the table, making the plates rattle. "You think I'd let anything happen to her? When I tell you we needed to go I don't say that lightly."

Mauve hesitantly pressed her hand on top of his. "So why did you go?"

Her soft question seemed to take the anger out of Tevin, and his shoulders relaxed. He flipped his hand and entwined their fingers for the briefest moment before seeming to realise what he'd done.

Carrick and Valda hid their smiles as his cheeks inflamed with colour and Mauve shifted her hand away, looking equally embarrassed, though secretly pleased by his actions.

Valda coughed to take the attention off of Tevin, who threw her a grateful smile at her intervention.

"There's not enough food in the stronghold."

Carrick scoffed, whilst Mauve looked at the laden table in confusion. She looked at Tevin, waiting for him to say something.

"It's true," he sighed. "We saw it with our own eyes."

Carrick shook his head. "It can't be." Though his voice told how unsure he was.

"There's an orphanage just off the main street we came in through. They barely have enough to feed all those kids."

"But surely the high Fae know of this?" Carrick scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, noting how uncomfortable Tevin and Valda suddenly looked.

"According to the orphanage, they already do." Valda said as gently as she could.

Mauve gasped, holding her napkin to her mouth whilst Carrick continued to shake his head in denial.

"That can't be right." Mauve threw her napkin at him, giving him a pointed look, and he was quick to take back his words. "Not that I doubt you, but there must be a reasonable excuse for this. Maybe it's a mistake?"

"Maybe." Tevin conceded, though he didn't think that was likely, and by the expression on Valda's face he knew she was as unconvinced as he was.

"Well, mistake or not, we have to bring this up with Hagen," Mauve demanded, pushing away her plate as if it contained something dirty.

"But how best to do that without getting Tevin and Valda in trouble?"

They all looked down at their laps, releasing the situation they were in. If they informed the General about the orphanage, he would know that Valda and Tevin had left the manor, which was the last thing they needed him to know about. If Arlie was right and he was pushing them out, then this would only make the situation worse.

An image of a soot covered face flashed into Valda's mind and an idea formed in her head.

"There's a lord here with a scar across his cheek."

"Lord Glenton," Mauve confirmed.

"He would help if you say you have concerns over some children in the stronghold."

Tevin nodded enthusiastically, catching on to Valda's idea. "Tell him to go to the orphanage and some schools to just set your worries to rest, when he comes back that all is not well, then you can act."

Valda smiled devilishly at their cunning plan, but Mauve shook her head. "And what if he is one that already knows?"

But Valda was already waving her hands. "Trust me, he'll care about those kids." Any man who went into a burning building to save a child wouldn't allow any children to go without. He was their best ally at the moment.

Before they could agree on their plan, the door opened, and the General strolled in, Arlie following him.

"I'm afraid it will be another long day of planning, Sire." He tried to look weary, but Valda could see the glint of happiness in the General's eyes.

"General, I thought it a good idea to take Lord Tevin to help in training. We are, after all, short of men. And that maybe Lady Valda would like to join."

Tevin jumped at the title, unused to it. But considering his father was a known traitor, that meant that he technically had inherited his seat, not that the lords welcomed him.

The General turned his head and regarded Arlie down his long narrow nose. "I'm afraid their safety-"

"Would of course improve surrounded by my team, wise of you General. And with the help of Lord Tevin, the men's training will vastly improve until such a time as you can spare more of your lords."

The General gritted his teeth, but Arlie had very effectively out maneuvered him.

"Very well, but you will be responsible for their safety." He turned away briskly, missing the wink Arlie sent to Tevin and Valda.

Carrick and Mauve looked confused but wisely kept their questions to themselves.

"Are you ready, Sire? Princess?"

Carrick got to his feet, eager to begin planning whilst Mauve was less enthusiastic.

As they disappeared from the room, they heard Mauve query about Lord Glenton and Valda and Tevin smiled in satisfaction, knowing their plan was already coming together.

"You must change out of that." Arlie frowned at the gown Valda was currently wearing. She stepped forward and poured the bowl of bread and fruits into her bag before marching out of the room.

"So what's the plan today?" Valda hurried after her as they headed back to her quarters to change.

"Today Tevin is going to help me train and you're going to learn to get better with your sword. Can't have the future Queen unable to defend herself, now can we."

Valda looked over and noticed the wide smile on Tevin's face and felt her answering one. Finally, it felt like someone trusted them.

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