chapter four
Chapter Four: Trapped!
"Erica, do you copy?"
"Mm-hmm. I copy," Erica's response came through the walkie-talkie. "You nerds in position or what?"
"Yeah, we're in position," Robin replied. The others were back on the roof, overseeing the warehouse below. And, thankfully, the rain wasn't hammering down this time. "It's all quiet here, so you've got the green light."
"Green light, roger that. Commence Operation Child Endangerment."
Lydia cringed at the nickname. "Can we maybe not call it that?" Robin asked.
"See you on the other side. Nerds."
The transmission cut off. Lydia leaned over to Robin. "Why does she keep calling us nerds?"
"No idea."
"All right, nerds," Erica radioed back in. "I'm there."
"Do you– do you see anything?" Robin asked.
"Yeah, I see those boring boxes you're so excited about," Erica confirmed. Robin glanced up with a hopeful smile.
"Any guards?" Lydia double checked.
"Booby traps?"
"If I could see them, they'd be pretty shit traps, wouldn't they?"
"Thank you for that," Robin said sarcastically. Lydia chuckled, attempting to disguise a smile when she received a warning glare from her best friend.
"I'm in."
"Oh, God," Steve uttered as they clambered up from their positions and hurried down the steps.
Mechanics whirred as the double doors gradually moved apart, revealing Erica stood on the other side, a hand placed on her hip. "Free ice cream for life."
Grinning, the four of them followed Erica's lead inside until they reached the room full of cardboard boxes. Naturally, everybody gravitated to the first one they came across, standing around it in a circle.
Steve reached inside his jacket and took out a pocket knife. He used it to slice open the top of the box before handing it over to Dustin. Lydia wasn't entirely sure about giving a knife to a literal child, but alas.
Steve's fingertips grazed over the box, hesitating. "How much do you wanna bet it's just Chinese food?" Lydia teased, attempting to lighten the mood.
"It better not be," Robin said.
Steve opened the box cautiously. Lydia took a tiny step backwards, you know, just in case. He pulled back the flaps only to reveal...a metal container? Lydia frowned.
Steve reached for the handle and turned it. There was a hissing noise as he removed the lid, revealing four smaller tall, rounded glass containers inside.
"Well, that's definitely not Chinese food," Steve stated. He placed the lid on a nearby box and turned to the others, gesturing for them to take a step back. "Uh, maybe you guys should, you know, stand back."
Immediately, Lydia heeded his warning and took several large steps away from him. Without hesitation, Erica and Robin quickly joined her.
"No," Dustin refused, remaining at Steve's side.
"Just– just step back, okay?" Steve said, placing a hand against the boy's chest.
"Step back," Steve ordered again, attempting to push him away. "Seriously."
"No!" Dustin exclaimed, shoving his hand away. "No! If you die, I die."
Lydia and Robin exchanged glances. Erica rolled her eyes.
Steve looked back down at Dustin, deliberating for half a moment before shrugging. "Okay."
Lydia shrunk even further back (what? She was totally not about to die because of Steve Harrington) as he slowly twisted the lid. Steam slipped through the gap. Steve carefully picked up the jar, holding it up for them to see.
It was filled with a strange green, bubbling liquid that Lydia stared at in both fascination and mild concern. "What the fuck is that?"
An abrupt rumbling beneath their feet prevented anybody from responding.
Dustin tilted his head back, looking anxiously up at the ceiling. "Was that just me, or did the room move?"
"Booby traps," Erica whispered as room shook again, a mechanical whirring reverberating through the walls.
"You know what?" Robin started, snatching the green jar from Steve's hand. She began to make her way towards the door. "Let's just grab that and go."
Dustin headed to the control box, pressing the button that should open the doors, but nothing happened. He frowned, pressing it again. But still, nothing thing happened. "Which one do I press, Erica?"
Erica handed her backpack to Robin, who placed the green jar inside. "Just press the damn button, nerd."
"Which one?!" He called back. "I'm pressing the button, okay?!"
"Press open door!" Erica shouted.
"I'm pressing open door!" Dustin snapped back.
"Just open the– press the other button," Steve instructed. He ushered Dustin aside, hitting the control panel, until Dustin slapped his hand away.
Erica started towards them. "Out of the way so she can push the button," Robin instructed the boys.
"Would you stop?" Steve snipped at Dustin, fighting him away from the panel. "I'm trying–" Lydia released an exasperated sigh as she watched them bicker. "Would you let me just do it?"
"Would you stop?" Dustin bit back.
"Just open the door!" Robin yelled.
Without warning, there was a loud clang. A large steel wall slammed down, blocking their exit.
Lydia sent a panicked look in Robin's direction, but didn't get much time to dwell on it before the entire room dropped.
"Oh shit!"
Everybody screamed at their sudden descent. Lydia quickly reached out for one of the nearby boxes to steady herself, whilst her other hand gripped tightly onto Robin's arm.
"Shit! Shit!" Dustin lunged for the control box, hands frantically slamming against the buttons.
"We're going down! We're going down!" Steve shouted.
"Yeah, no shit, Harrington!" Lydia retorted.
"Why don't these buttons work?!" Dustin exclaimed shrilly.
"Press the button!" Erica yelled.
"What do you think I'm doing?!" Dustin screeched.
"Come on, press something!" Steve snapped. "Just press the button!"
Dustin screamed hysterically. Lydia squeezed her eyes closed, grip on Robin's arm tightening until the elevator stopped abruptly.
The force threw Lydia back. She slammed against the wall, which knocked her on her ass. The side of her head then whacked against something hard. She let out a pained moan, rolling onto her side.
"My groin," Steve groaned from across the room, covered in fallen boxes. "It fell on my groin. Dustin!" He strained. "Get this off of me! I can't move."
Robin gingerly got to her feet. "Is everyone okay?" She asked.
Lydia slumped defeatedly against the wall. Tentatively, she pulled her hand away from her pounding head, finding her fingertips stained with blood. Shit.
"Yeah, I'm great, now that I know that Russians can't design elevators!" Steve snapped sarcastically, scrambling to his feet and storming over to the control panel.
"I think we've clearly established that those buttons don't work," Robin said.
"They're buttons," Steve reminded. "They have to do something."
"Yeah, if we had a keycard," Robin said, indicating to the door.
"A what?" Steve asked.
"It's an electronic lock," Robin explained, heading towards the control box. "Same as the loading dock door. If we don't have a keycard, it won't operate, meaning–"
"We're stuck in here," Dustin finished, looking up at them in alarm.
Oh no. Oh no, no, no. Hell fucking no. Stuck in an elevator. Stuck. In a small space. No way out. Trapped. With Steve Harrington?!
"Nope," Lydia muttered, hauling herself up from the ground. "Absolutely fucking not, there has to be another way."
"Just so you nerds are aware," Erica interrupted. "I'm supposed to be spending the night at Tina's, and Tina always covers for me. But if I'm not home for Uncle Jack's party tomorrow and my mom finds out you are responsible, she's gonna hunt you down, one by one, and slit your throat."
Steve slammed his hands down against the box. "I don't care about Tina!" He cried out. "Or Uncle Jack's party! Your mom's not gonna be able to find us if we're dead in a Russian elevator!"
"Harrington," Lydia warned. A sharp pain struck her head again and she winced, reaching to touch it.
"What?!" He shouted, whirling around to face her. At that moment, he caught sight of the blood seeping down the side of her face. His frustrated eyes softened and he crossed the room towards her. "Holy shit. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," Lydia assured. He placed a hand against the side of her face, gently turning her head. "Steve, I'm fine."
"You're bleeding."
"Yeah, no shit, genius," Lydia shot back. She latched her fingers around his wrist and lowered his arm back to his side.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Robin asked, concerned eyes meeting hers. "Maybe you have a concussion?"
"We should ask her a question," Dustin suggested. "Like, uh...Lydia, who's the President of the United States?"
She frowned.
Robin shook her head disapprovingly. "At least ask her something she knows." She placed both hands on Lydia's shoulders. "What was Duran Duran's last single?"
"A View To Kill."
Robin turned to the others. "Yeah, she's fine."
"Hey," Dustin pointed up at the ceiling. "What if we climbed out?"
Lydia looked up at the hatch and shrugged. "That could work."
The five of them moved closer. Steve crouched underneath, creating a foothold with his hands. Dustin stepped onto it, grasping his shoulders to steady himself. Steve slowly hoisted him up to the top and Dustin fumbled with the latch, eventually pushing it open and hauling himself through.
Steve dragged a nearby box into the centre and took a step onto it. He pulled himself through the hole, where both of them disappeared out of sight. The three girls looked up, waiting in anticipation for their responses.
"What were you saying about climbing?" Steve asked Dustin from above.
Lydia could only assume that they were way too far below ground level, which was completely terrifying. She drew in a deep breath, arms wrapping around her body.
"Hey," Robin said softly, rubbing her shoulder. "It'll be okay. We're gonna get out of here."
The sentiment was all well and good. In fact, Lydia was going to cling to that hope like a lifeline. But the truth of the matter was that none of them had any idea what was waiting for them on the other side.
After several hours of attempting to come up with an escape plan, the group began to grow weary and decided to accept their situation in favour of getting some sleep.
Dustin and Erica were lay across the other side of the room, using boxes as makeshift pillows. Lydia was curled up beside Robin, both of them using her jacket as a blanket. Steve was sat opposite them, back against the wall.
"What if we die here?" Robin whispered.
Lydia and Steve released matching sighs of exasperation. "Really, Robin?" He asked.
"What?" She sat up straighter. "We're all thinking it." To be fair, she was right. "All the things I haven't gotten to do yet. Like, kiss M–" she cut off. "Michael J. Fox."
Lydia gave her a look that said nice save.
"Michael J. Fox?" Steve asked with distaste.
"What? He was great in...that film," Robin glanced wide eyed towards Lydia for help.
"Class of 1984," Lydia filled in.
Robin clicked her fingers. "That's the one."
"What the hell is class of 1984?" Steve asked cluelessly.
"An over the top, violent masterpiece," Lydia answered. "Kind of like worst case scenario The Breakfast Club."
"Yeah, I never actually saw The Breakfast Club," Steve admitted.
Lydia pulled a face reminiscent of a grimace. "What even is the point in you?"
"What's the point in me?"
Robin shrugged. "She asks a good question."
"I don't know, who gave you two a lift home yesterday instead of making you walk?" Steve retorted. He purposely met Lydia's eyes, as if she somehow could have forgotten the events of yesterday evening. No, that was staying ingrained in her memory forever. "You two could've been stalked home by axe murderers if it weren't for me."
"Yeah, well, at least we wouldn't be stuck in here," Lydia pointed out.
Steve scoffed. "No, you'd just be dead in a ditch somewhere else."
"Now we're just going to die in a Russian elevator instead," Robin said glumly.
"Jesus, will you stop saying things like that?" Steve scolded. "We're not going to die."
"I'm sorry, okay?! It's just, being trapped in an elevator is, like, super high on my list of fears," Robin explained. "After rabies, earthquakes and, you know, nuclear armageddon."
"Rabies?" Steve questioned, looking at her oddly. "How the hell is rabies on that list?"
"Because you never know, Steve!"
"Alright, alright," Steve said, motioning with his hands to be quiet. "Just keep your voice down, the kids are sleeping."
Lydia scoffed. "The kids are sleeping," she repeated. "What are you a middle aged man?"
"Someone has to be the responsible one and it's clearly not either of you," Steve shot back.
"Ooh, we should play a game," Robin stated excitedly.
Steve indicated towards her. "See what I mean. Why the hell would we be playing a game right now?"
"To distract us from impending doom," Robin said simply. Lydia and Steve shared a look. "Two truths and a lie, let's go. Lydia you start."
"Okay, uh..." Lydia paused to think. "I can play piano, my favourite film is Grease...and I've never broken a bone."
"She can play piano," Robin confirmed.
Steve gave Lydia an exasperated look. "You're not supposed to say things other people easily know."
Lydia let out a sigh of irritation. "Oh my God, would you stop complaining?"
"Now, has she ever broken a bone..." Robin trailed off in thought, ignoring their bickering. "I think that one might be the lie. At least, you haven't broken a bone since I've known you."
"Are you sure Grease is her favourite film?" Steve asked.
"I mean, she does love Grease...but maybe it isn't her favourite," Robin said, doubtfully.
"I thought, like, horror movies were Lydia's thing," Steve said.
"Oh shit, you're right," Robin realised. "Wait a minute, how did you know that?"
He shrugged. "Must have overheard something."
Lydia spared a glance over at Dustin sleeping in the corner of the room. Thank God he wasn't awake to have heard that, she could only imagine the added ammunition it would have given him.
"Okay, Grease is the lie," Robin decided.
"Yeah," Steve agreed.
"You're both..." Lydia paused for dramatic effect. "Correct. My favourite movie is Halloween."
"Knew it!" Steve exclaimed. Lydia immediately hushed him, gesturing towards the kids. "Sorry." He lowered his voice to a whisper. "But ha! I knew you liked horror movies. In your face Robin, I know your best friend better than you!"
Robin huffed, arms crossing over her chest. She then turned to Lydia curiously. "When did you break a bone?"
"Six years old. Monkey bars."
"Those things are lethal," Steve commented.
"They're also on my list of fears," Robin stated. "Just...lower." Lydia and Steve stared at her. "Anyway, since you're so confident, dingus, you can go next."
"All right," Steve said, taking a moment to think. "I've never had a speeding ticket. I cried watching Sophie's Choice. And...I have both Madonna albums on vinyl."
A crooked smile rested on his lips. Lydia bit back a knowing smirk.
Robin caught the fleeting glances between them. "Okay, why do I feel like I might have missed something?"
Lydia shook her head dismissively. "Don't worry. You haven't." As much as she would've loved to have outed Steve's listening habits to Robin, he would've most definitely retaliated with their car sing-along, and Lydia had a reputation to maintain.
"Nope, nothing," Steve affirmed. Lydia glanced away to disguise her smile.
Robin looked between them, unconvinced. "Okay, well," she continued on with the game. "There's no way you've never had a speeding ticket. And you've definitely cried watching Sophie's Choice because, who hasn't?"
"True, you seem like a secret movie crier," Lydia added. "I agree about the speeding ticket. But also the Madonna thing...I don't know, I can see it. This is hard."
"Enough to have both her albums?" Robin questioned.
"I just feel like the speeding ticket is too obvious a lie," Lydia rationalised. "So that means it has to be one of the others, right?"
"In which case it's Madonna, surely?" Robin assumed. Her eyes narrowed as she studied Steve. "No, it's the speeding ticket, it has to be. He double bluffing us."
Lydia thought it through. The no speeding tickets had to be a trick. It seemed like the obvious lie, which meant it couldn't be correct.
She knew he listened to Madonna because of the tapes she found in his car. But Robin raised a good question, did he like Madonna enough to have two albums? Or maybe they weren't his, someone else in his family's?
And then there was the film. It seemed plausible but...wait a minute, why would Steve be going out of his way to watch Sophie's Choice? Lydia knew he was far more interested in sports than movies.
"Fuck it. Curveball, but Sophie's Choice is the lie because you haven't seen it," Lydia finally decided. Robin gave her an incredulous look.
"And the winner is..." Steve drummed his hands against his thighs. "Lydia Dolan-Wu."
Robin's mouth dropped open. "What?"
"Well, yeah, I didn't cry watching Sophie's Choice because I've never seen it," Steve confirmed. "And also I don't cry at movies."
"Yeah, sure you don't, tough guy."
Robin's eyes darted between them suspiciously. "Considering you two claim to despise even being in the same room, you sure do know a lot about each other."
Maybe Lydia should have refuted that claim, but it turned out Robin kind of had a point.
My favourite lovesick idiots.
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