A/N. Hey, guys, merry late Christmas! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday! New chapter as a gift to you guys! Short this time, so read on! -Anna
Y/n- Your name
N/n- Nickname
P.S. This is a looonngg chapter. Also, warning for cheesiness.
BEN, Morph, Jim, and you headed back to BEN's place, going back the way you came. Once your group got back to land, you were relieved to see the pirates were still sleeping. You anchored the longboat to where it was before, and then opened the secret hatch, jumping down the hole again. You all made it back safely, and climbed up out of the hole. Once Jim and you were up, the two of you rushed over to some shadows where you assumed Delbert was sleeping.
"Doc, Doc, wake up," Jim called. "We got the map."
Suddenly, a mechanical hand took the orb out of Jim's hand, and Silver emerged from the shadows. "Fine work, Jimbo, N/n," Silver complemented, examining the orb. "Fine work indeed."
Silver's pirate goons then revealed themselves, with two of them holding a gagged Delbert and Amelia. More pirates emerged from the shadows, growling at you and Jim menacingly.
"Thanks for showing us the way , kids," one of the goons said as the pirates circled you two, getting closer by the second.
You and Jim made a mad dash to get away, but the pirates were quicker. Two pirates grabbed you while two others grabbed Jim, and you both struggled to get free of their grasps. Morph tried to help by biting down on one of the pirates that held Jim captive, but the pirate only screamed in pain and swatted at Morph with his tail. Morph then whimpered, and hid in Jim's pocket.
"What's this sorry stack of metal?" one pirate questioned, finding BEN hiding in the hole.
"Not the face!" the robot pleaded.
"You're just like me, Jimbo," Silver said as he came up to you two, tossing the map up in the air carelessly and catching it. "You hates to lose."
Jim just growled at the pirate.
Silver chuckled as he tried to twist the orb, but it wouldn't budge. He widened his eyes in shock. "What the devil..." Silver murmured to himself, and tried again with different tools from his mechanical hand. Nothing worked. Jim smiled smugly at the cyborg, and slowly shook his head.
Silver held out the map in front of Jim. "Open it."
The two pirates let go of Jim, and the boy let Silver put the orb in his hands. Jim did nothing but glare harshly at Silver's cold stare.
Silver's mechanical hand switched to a pistol. "I'd get busy."
He pointed the weapon at Delbert and Amelia. The Captain shook her head while Delbert nodded, but he soon quickly shook his head also. Jim looked conflicted, but didn't make a move. Silver clicked the safety off of the pistol. Jim still didn't do anything.
Silver sighed, almost regrettably. "You're gonna make me do this, aren't you, Jimbo?"
He moved the pistol so it was now pointed at you.
Your eyes widened along with Jim's, and you struggled again in your captors' grasps.
"Jim, don't do it!" you shouted desperately.
Silver waited, his finger adding pressure to the trigger ever so slightly.
Jim looked at you with apologetic eyes, then looked at Silver with hard ones as he opened the map. A steady stream of green light poured out of the map, and formed an image of Treasure Planet for everyone to see. The pirates murmured in amazement.
"Oh, the powers that be. Would you look?" Silver whispered to himself.
The image shrunk into a broad green line, zipping its way outside. Silver ran to the open window to see where it was headed. A yellow line pulsed through the green one.
Silver laughed gleefully. "Tie them up and leave them with the others till we-what?"
The green trail suddenly was sucked back into the orb by Jim's doing. "You want the map," Jim said, looking straight at Silver, "you're taking us too."
You nodded in agreement. Silver looked baffled for a moment, and then he shook his head with a mysterious grin tugging at his lips.
"We'll take 'em all," Silver declared.
With Silver's word, Jim, BEN, Morph, Amelia, Delbert, and you were boarded onto the pirate's longboat with the said pirates, and took off. The sun was rising as the group took off, following the green light that cut across the planet. As you continued, the yellow line seemed to beat faster. The boat sailed through the planet for a good amount of time with the pirates keeping a close eye on your group. You swore Silver was meaning to taunt you, having your spyglass in his hand as he wrapped his other arm behind you and Jim.
They finally landed the boat when the terrain got too dense to move the boat around. Silver, BEN, Jim, you, and a few pirates jumped off the boat to follow the trail, one staying behind to watch Amelia and Delbert. In Jim's pocket, Morph chittered nervously.
"It's okay, Morph. It's okay," Jim soothed the pink blob, softly patting the alien's head.
You smiled reassuringly at Morph, and he seemed to calm down a bit.
BEN walked up behind you and Jim. "Jimmy, N/n, I-I don't know about you two, but I'm starting to see my life pass in front of my eyes. At least, I think it's my life. Was I ever dancing with an android named Lupe?!"
"BEN, shh," you hissed quietly.
Jim looked over at the cyborg who was ahead. "This isn't over yet."
Silver stopped in front of a mass of tall reeds, his eyes glittering with excitement as the yellow light zoomed faster than before through the reeds. "We're getting close, lads." He changed his hand into a sword. "I smell treasure awaiting!"
His crew cheered, and Silver laughed as he dragged you and Jim along with him. Silver did a clean swipe at the reeds, clearing them away from your path. Suddenly, the pirates went silent. Ahead was nothing. Just a cliff with the light stopping at nothing.
"Where is it?" Silver growled.
"I see nothing! One great, big, stinking, hunk of nothing!" one of the pirates cried out.
The green light shrunk back into the orb.
"What's going on, Jimbo?" Silver questioned the said boy.
Jim fiddled with the map. "I don't know. I can't get it open."
"We should have never followed this boy!" one of the pirates declared, pushing Jim hard enough to make him fall.
"Hey!" Jim exclaimed as his face hit the ground, and you were quick to rush over to him.
"I'd suggest you get that gizmo going again, and fast!" Silver barked.
"Jim, what happened?" you asked.
Jim didn't look at you, and kept his eyes on the ground. You followed his gaze, and saw a round, metal indent in the ground. There were markings on the surface of the indent, identical to the ones on the map. You were quick to help Jim move away the moss on the ground, and revealed the metal ground with more markings surrounding the indent.
"What the...?" you muttered.
Jim looked carefully at the map.
"Let's rip his gizzard out right now!" one of the pirates offered.
"Throw him off the cliff!" another suggested.
The pirates soon began to corner you and Jim to the cliffside, sounding angrier and throwing more threats by the second. Jim thrusted the map into the indent. Immediately, light surged from beneath your feet, spreading outwards. It soon faded, and from the map, came a green, holographic globe that rose up. Everyone looked at it curiously. Jim reached out to touch it, but stopped once he saw lines of light from ahead come forward towards the cliff you were all on.
The lights joined together, and shot up in front of the cliff in a bright vertical light. The line split into two, and moved apart so a giant triangle shaped image stood in front of you.
"Oh, have mercy," Silver breathed.
In front of you, was what looked like a whole other world. Shades of blue and hints of pink that looked like an entirely different world was showed in the area of the triangle.
"The Lagoon Nebula?" Jim queried.
"But that's halfway across the galaxy," Silver said, his voice showing disbelief.
"Halfway across the galaxy...?" you said to yourself.
You suddenly had a crazy idea. With Silver distracted, you snatched your spyglass from his grasp. Silver didn't seem to have felt the object leaving his hand. He must have been too mesmerized by the new discovery. It felt good to have your prized possession back in your hand, but you didn't have time to dwell on it. You lifted the spyglass up to your eye, and immediately saw the blue of the Lagoon Nebula.
Taking a deep breath, you extended the spyglass' length, and you were then looking at a wealthy looking ship, sailing through the same blue of the Lagoon Nebula. You widened your eyes in shock. You couldn't believe that your crazy experiment had worked. Then again, the same thing had been happening to your spyglass the entire adventure.
"A big door, opening and closing," Jim said softly as he touched one of the spots on the globe.
The giant triangle seemed to shut, showing green static, before opening again to a whole different place. Buildings seeming to be suspended on independent floating pieces of land. You shrunk you spyglass, and it changed to the exact scene the triangle doorway was showing. Extending it again, your spyglass showed one of the floating land pieces that seemed to have a grander building on it than the others.
Jim switched the view once again, showing a sandstorm, and your spyglass changed to a secluded cave opening with the very same sand blowing outside of the cave. You could see a glint of something shiny farther inside the cave.
Jim looked down at the globe thoughtfully. "Let's see. Kinapis. Montressor Spaceport."
You grinned as Jim pressed the small, crescent moon image. Immediately, the triangle doorway switched to view the spaceport that you and Jim were on before. It seemed so long ago.
"So that's how Flint did it," Jim said as he kept switching the imagines the doorway showed. "He used this...portal to roam the universe stealing treasure."
"And I think I know how he found the treasure," you whispered, holding your spyglass in front of you. "He used my spyglass to pinpoint the exact location of the treasure in that specific place."
"But where'd he stash it all?" Silver asked irritably, shoving Jim away from the globe, and started pressing more places. Multiple places flew by, and even some kind of alien showed up. "Where's that blasted treasure?!"
"Treasure! Treasure!" BEN suddenly said, pulling at the wires at the back of his head. "It's buried in the-"
"Buried in the centroid of the mechanism," you and Jim finished, repeating BEN's words from when you two had first met him.
Jim rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "What if the whole planet is the mechanism, and the treasure is buried in the center of this planet?"
Once they heard Jim's words, the pirate crew went to work on the ground, clawing and digging at it.
"And how the blue blazes are we supposed to get there?" Silver questioned, pressing more places on the globe.
Jim pushed Silver away from the globe. "Just open the right door."
Jim pressed the Treasure Planet image that was at the center of the globe. The doorway switched to what looked like underground machinery. Jim held out his hand to you, and you didn't hesitate to grab it. Together, you and Jim pressed your free hands to the doorway, and it shimmered like you were breaking the surface of a placid lake. The two of you stepped through the doorway, and true to Jim's predictions, it teleported you to a whole other place. Silver stepped through, and soon the rest of his crew entered. Nobody noticed Silver activating a silent alarm as he crossed the threshold.
Once you were all in, you all gasped at what laid below you. Treasure was everywhere. Literally, everywhere. Once you stepped down, you wouldn't' be able to take a step without moving gold, coins, and jewels. The place where the treasure seemed to rest on looked like it curved at the ends, meaning you really must be in the center of the planet. Long, pointed machine parts shot lasers into holes in the center. The pirate crew cheered, and immediately ran off towards the mounds of treasure.
"The loot of a thousand worlds," Silver said softly, not believing what he saw before his eyes.
His crew was already holding the precious treasure in their hands, one even saying, "We are going to need a bigger boat!"
"This is all seeming very familiar," BEN muttered to himself as Jim spotted a ship not far off. "I-I can't remember why."
With Silver distracted by the treasure, it was a perfect time to escape.
"BEN, come on," Jim whispered to the robot, already heading to the ship. "We're getting out of here, and we're not leaving empty-handed."
You followed Jim, your hand still in his.
"But-but, Jimmy! N/n!" BEN whisper shouted as he followed you two and Morph.
You two ignored him as you reached the boat. Jim made an easy jump into the boat, and helped you in.
"Do you know what's strange?" BEN asked as you helped Jim pull BEN into the boat. "I can't tell you how frustrating this is, Jimmy, N/n, 'cause there's something just-it's nagging at the back of my mind." BEN then cried out when he was pulled on too quickly by yours and Jim's shock, and he landed on the deck.
"Captain Flint?" Jim questioned.
"In the flesh!" BEN announced. "Well, s-sort of, except for skin, organs, or anything that-that-that resembles flesh that's not there."
BEN wasn't wrong. Captain Flint's legend had been around for ages, so it was no surprise that the notorious pirate captain was all bones now. His skull showing six slits for his hollow eyes. The only things that weren't bones were Flint's torn, pirate garbs, with his skeletal hand holding something.
Jim and you slowly came up to the dead pirate as BEN rambled on. "And yet, it's odd, you know? I-I remembered there was something horrible Flint didn't want anyone else to know, but-just can't remember what it was."
Jim and you looked closer at Flint's closed hand, and saw that he was clutching some kind of mechanical part. That wasn't the only thing you saw, though. Looking closer, you could see a familiar object around Flint's skeletal wrist. Your eyes widened in disbelief, and you put your hand over your mouth to keep yourself from crying out. You could feel Jim's concerned eyes on you, and you could tell Jim spotted the same special accessory on Flint's wrist that you did.
Without a word to you, Jim pried Flint's bony fingers off of the mechanical part, and then slipped the accessory off his wrist. He gently placed the accessory in your hands, but you just stared blankly down at it.
"Y/n?" Jim asked cautiously.
With a shaky breath, you turned the accessory over, only to see what you wish wasn't engraved there.
"T-this is my f-father's watch. The-the one I gave to him," you said, your voice barely a whisper.
Jim frowned sadly. "But that means-"
"Jim," you cut him off, squeezing your eyes shut as if you could keep away from seeing the truth. "Please. Just don't. Not right now."
Jim didn't say anything else, but he put his hand on your shoulder as a sign of him being there for you.
"Oh, a mind is a terrible thing to lose!" BEN cried out, snapping you and Jim out of your little moment. BEN had his back to you two, and you could see the back of his head where wires were sticking out wildly. Jim must have had the same though as you did.
"BEN, I think I found your mind," Jim said to the robot, and held onto BEN carefully from the back. "Hold still."
"Jimmy, your hands are very, very cold," BEN yelped out.
Once the mechanical piece got close enough to the back of BEN's head, like a magnet, it fit itself into the missing part of the robot's head.
"Whoa! Hello," BEN said, his voice disoriented. He turned around to face you and Jim, and his eyes suddenly changed from green to blue. "You know, uh, Jimmy, N/n, I was just thinking...I was just think-it's all flooding back! All my memories! Right up until Flint pulled my memory circuts, so I could never tell anybody about his booby trap!"
"Booby trap?" you echoed.
Suddenly, a big crash sounded above you.
"Speaking of which..." BEN trailed off, looking up.
Before you knew it, explosions went off from above.
"Flint wanted to make sure that nobody could ever steal his treasure, so he rigged this whole planet to blow higher than a Kalepsian kite!" BEN exclaimed.
One of the long, pointed machine parts fell straight down, impaling the core and making it crack into pieces. Treasure started to fall off the sides of the cracked core, and some was even sucked up by the off-balanced lasers. The pirate crew scrambled away from the lasers, heading towards the portal.
"Run, Jimmy and N/n!" BEN shouted, shaking yours and Jim's shoulders. "Run for your lives!"
"You go back and help the Captain and Doc!" Jim ordered BEN, sliding under the ship's control panel. "If I'm not there in five minutes, leave without me."
"Not without me," you declared, kneeling down by him.
BEN pulled at Jim's boot to try to get him out from under the panel. "I am not leaving my buddies, Jimmy and N/n."
BEN did manage to pull Jim out, but was met with Jim's stern glare.
"Unless one of them looks at me like that. Bye Jim, Y/n!" With that, BEN dashed away.
Jim put his head back under the panel. "Y/n, you should go with him."
You shook your head. "No way. I'm staying with you. Even if I'm not good at building stuff like you, I can still help."
Jim poked his head out, and grinned at you. "Well, if you're so sure. Let's get to work."
You and Jim worked like a well oiled machine, with Jim doing most of the work to get the old ship going and you helping in any way you could. Morph even chipped in, changing into different tools to help out. Soon enough, Jim got the ship working and the engine sputtered to life. By now, all the treasure had fallen, except for the riches stacked on the ship.
Jim grinned as he turned the wheel. "Yes! Morph, Y/n, we are so out of here!"
You and Morph cheered.
"Ah, Jimbo, N/n! Aren't you two the seventh wonder of the universe?" Silver suddenly climbed up onto the boat, spreading his hands like he was an old friend.
Jim acted first, picking up a nearby sword, standing in front of you, and pointing the weapon at the pirate. "Stay back!"
Silver looked up at you two with a fierce look in his eyes. "I like you lad, lassie, but I've come too far to let you stand between me and me treasure."
Silver backed you and Jim up to the wheel. Before he could do anything, a laser shot right through the side of the ship, throwing the three of you off the other side of the ship. Silver managed to grip the side of the ship, and was able to stand on a slanted platform. Unluckily for you and Jim, you two were thrown farther, and were forced to slide down the slanted platform to the edge.
At the last minute, you and Jim jumped off the edge to a nearby wall, and gripped a jutting out part of the wall. You gulped as you looked down at the long drop below you that would surely kill you if you slipped.
Jim looked worriedly at you. "Just hang on, Y/n!"
You looked at him with scared eyes. "I'm trying to!" Seeing the part of the wall that was jutting out was already sinking back into the wall only made you more terrified.
"Reach for me now!" Silver called out, stretching out his hand to Jim and you.
You completely forgot about his betrayal at that moment as you and Jim reached out towards the cyborg. There was only the slightest gap between you, Jim, and Silver's fingers.
"We-we can't!" you cried.
The wall part sunk all the way back into the wall, and you and Jim screamed as you two fell. Jim managed to grab onto another part of the wall that didn't sink in all the way yet, but it was too small for you to grab on as well. Instead, as you fell, Jim grasped onto your hand to keep you from falling.
Jim looked down at you with a pained look. "I got you. I'm not going to let you go."
You could only give him a shaky smile, putting your trust into him. Even if you two died, at least you died knowing you spent your last moments with him.
The part of the wall fully sank back in. You were about to scream when something stopped your fall. Looking up, you could see Silver holding tightly onto Jim from above. Silver then swung you and Jim up to the slanted platform. It was as safe as you could get from falling to your death at the moment. You were about to thank Silver, when right in front of you, Flint's ship exploded before your eyes.
A/N. Sorry about the awkward ending. I had no idea how to end this, and I had to end it by that point. But I hoped you all enjoyed this chapter! Merry Christmas you guys, and happy new year! Hope you all had a good holiday! Only a few more chapters until the end, sadly. But I have really enjoyed writing this story, and I hope you all are enjoying it. Goodbye for now -Anna
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