The End
A/N. Hey, guys! Sad to say, but this is the last chapter. So sorry that it took so long to get this out! Kind of had a bit of writer's block. Also, I put a gif and a picture in this one just because I thought both were appropriate for this last chapter, and I couldn't decide on one of them. Anyway, I have really enjoyed writing this story, and I hope you guys have enjoyed reading it. This was a small story that I wanted to write because I was itching to write something, and I had this story as an idea for a while. Anyway, hoped you all enjoyed this story. Last A/N is at the bottom. Now read! :-) -Anna
Y/n- Your name
L/n- Last name
N/n- Nickname
M/n- Mom's name
It didn't take long to find Silver and Morph where the last longboat was kept. Morph was chittering about as Silver was working on releasing the longboat.
"Morphy, we gotta make tracks," Silver told the blob.
"You never quit, do you?" Jim questioned, leaning against a wall with you standing beside him, hands on your hips.
"Ah, Jimbo, N/n!" Silver faked a laugh as he loosely retied the rope to from the boat to the cleat. "I was merely checking to make sure our last longboat was safe and secure."
You hummed in thought, and kneeled down next to Silver, retying the rope they way Silver taught you to the cleat securely. "Well, that should hold it." You were proud of the one rope you could tie by yourself.
Silver just chuckled as he and you stood. "I taught you too well."
You shrugged. "Jim helped, too. I would have been useless without either of you."
You were pretty sure you saw a faint pink on Jim's cheeks.
Silver smiled a bit. "Well, if you don't mind, we'd just as soon avoid prison. Little Morphy here, he's a free spirit." Morph zipped around Silver's head to demonstrate. Silver then curled his mechanical fingers around Morph, imitating a prison. "Being in a cage, it'd break his heart.
Morph squeaked sorrowfully, melting into a pink mush pile. You and Jim just looked at him with kind faces. You had already forgiven him for his betrayal after he gave up the treasure to save you and Jim. Now, all you wanted was an explanation. Silver gave you two a smile, and you two mirrored it. Jim then pulled down the lever, opening the hatch to let the longboat go free as you untied the rope from the cleat.
"Silver?" you softly said, taking your father's watch off of your wrist and holding it up. "My father...was he really...?"
Silver nodded, but had a small smile on his face. "He was the only golden hearted pirate I have ever met. You should be glad to know that he never hurt a soul, never killed anyone, and did everything for his precious daughter and wife. Nobody was as tender hearted as he."
You smiled, and quickly wiped away a happy tear that traced down your face. You finally knew the truth about your father. All of your dark thoughts for why he had disappeared vanished. You were happy that he went out the father you knew he was.
Silver leaned in close to you and Jim. "What say you ship out with us, lad, lassie? You two and me. Hawkins, L/n, and Silver, full of ourselves and no ties to anyone!"
Morph had transformed into a pirate hat, and plopped himself down on Jim's head. Jim gently took the alien off of his head, and tickled the blob until he transformed back into his pink self. Jim then looked at you, and you gave him a reassuring look to say what he wanted to.
"You know, when we got on this boat," Jim started, "I would've taken you up on that offer in a second, if I could convince Y/n to go too."
You shrugged nonchalantly with a smile as you crossed your arms. It would've taken a lot from Jim for you to leave you mother to sail space endlessly.
"But, uh, we met this old cyborg, and he taught us that we could chart our own courses." Jim glanced at you with a grin. "That's what we're going to do."
"And what do you see of that pal of yours?" Silver asked tentatively.
Jim and you looked at Silver, saying in unison, "A future."
Silver chuckled. "Why...look at you two, glowing like solar fires. You're both something special, Jim, Y/n. You're gonna rattle the stars, you two are."
Silver's voice cracked at the end, his voice filled with emotion. He held out his arms, and you two didn't hesitate to accept his embrace. Silver's arms circled the two of you, as if he was protecting you both. You clutched the back of his jacket tightly in your hands. You couldn't help but tear up a bit at Silver's hug. His big frame covering you in his hug reminded you of your father's own hugs when you were little.
Silver cleared his throat, releasing you and Jim, and wiped his robotic eye. "Got a bit of grease in this cyborg eye of mine.
You and Jim wiped away your own tears that built up. Morph couldn't take all the emotions, and bursted out sobbing. He literally melted into a puddle of tears, falling in Jim's hands.
"Oh, hey, Morph," Jim cooed gently at the pink blob.
"We'll see you around, okay?" you reassured him.
"See you around," Morph repeated tearfully, bouncing back to his blob form and nuzzling you and Jim on your cheeks.
Morph then slowly floated over to Silver, and rested on the pirate's curled fingers with a crestfallen look.
Silver lifted his hand so Morph could face him. "Morphy, I got a job for you. I need you to keep an eye on these here pups." Morph's face brightened. "Will you do me that little favor?"
Morph chittered in agreement, saluted, and then nuzzled Silver's cheek affectionately. He then zipped over to you and Jim, rubbing against your cheeks. Silver jumped into the longboat, and slowly began to descend down into open space.
"Oh, and one more thing," Silver said, and chuckled as he tossed a handful of treasure up to you and Jim. "It's for your dear mothers, to rebuild that inn and to get better medicine." Jim and you smiled gratefully at the cyborg, holding the treasure tight in your hands.
"Stay out of trouble, you old scalawag," Jim told the cyborg.
"And be safe" you added.
Silver laughed. "Why, Jimbo lad, N/n lassie, when have I ever done otherwise?"
Silver laughed once more as the longboat left the ship, lifting his hat to you and Jim as he sailed away through the Etherium.
It didn't take long for the RLS Legacy to sail back to Montressor. Once the ship docked, you and Jim set out to find Jim's mother, since she would be the one waiting for your return. It didn't take long to find her. You were surprised to see your mother with Sarah at the port. She must have felt well enough to greet you and Jim at the port. Sarah and your mother looked around at the bustling crowd, looking for you and Jim, when you and the said boy came up behind the women to surprise them. Once they noticed you two, you and Jim immediately brought your respective mother into a loving embrace.
It felt so good to see your mother and Sarah again. You and Jim let go, smiling widely, when Morph suddenly flew up in between you, Jim, and your mothers. Sarah and M/n were surprised to say the least. It was like when Jim was younger, bringing home another animal to keep as a pet. This time though, Sarah seemed to like Morph, along with your mother.
Jim and you surprised your mothers with the treasure Silver gave to you and Jim. With the treasure he gave, Jim and Sarah were able to rebuild the Benbow, grander than it was before. Also, you were able to get your mother better medicine, and it looked like she was going to get better completely, soon.
You also told your mother about what your father really did and his fate. She wasn't mad, but more sad that she never knew, or figured it out. M/n was also as happy as you were that your father went out the way he did. You were happy to see your mother at peace finally with what happened to your father after all that time.
Once the Benbow was rebuilt, Sarah held a giant party for the opening of the new Inn. Regular customers from the Benbow showed up at the ribbon cutting, along your companions from your adventure. Morph transformed into a pair of scissors, and neatly snipped the red ribbon signaling the opening of the new Benbow Inn. Everyone cheered.
Later that night, you were putting the finishing touches on yourself and mother for the party going on downstairs. You stared impassively at yourself in the mirror as your mother finished getting ready behind you. You and Jim haven't talked about your little moments from the Legacy, and you were starting to get worried.
Did we just kiss because it was the heat of the moment? you asked yourself in your head.
You wanted to talk to him, but Jim had seemed to disappear from the Inn once the ribbon was cut. Sarah and you could only hope that he wasn't getting into trouble after returning home from your adventure, and that he would return soon to join the party. You just hoped he would come back so you could talk to him.
Your mother's voice snapped you out of your thoughts. You turned to face her, and saw she was ready to head down to the party.
"Is something wrong?" your mother questioned.
You quickly painted a smile on your face. "Everything's fine. Let's head down and have a great time, shall we?"
Your mother looked at you suspiciously for a moment before smiling, and went down with you to the party. The party was in full swing by the time you and your mother joined. BEN soon came out with multiple pieces of cake, wearing a chef's hat, and passed out the cake pieces. The robot had been accepted into the household as well, and he helped build the Benbow. He also somehow picked up on baking, and was surprisingly good at it.
Delbert and Captain Amelia had gotten married after your adventure, and they even had four children. The guests, BEN, and you fawned over the little cat and dog-like babies. Three cat-like girls and one dog-like boy. For the moment, you almost forgot your dilemma with Jim.
That is, until the Benbow Inn's door was abruptly opened by the cop-bots. Everyone in the Inn immediately gasped, heads spinning towards the door, startled by the sudden interruption. An unpleasant feeling rose in your stomach once your eyes settled on the familiar robots. They never came unless you and Jim got in trouble, and you seriously hoped that Jim hadn't done that now. He was doing so well not breaking any laws, or Solar Surfing into any restricted areas.
Then the cop-bots stepped to the side, revealing Jim wearing a white suit, his hair was neatly trimmed. Jim's rattail was even gone. You couldn't help but stare at his appearance as Jim shook the hand of one of the cop-bots. Morph transformed himself into a medal, pinning himself to Jim's suit. He really did look like a cadet of the prestigious academy you and Jim were attending soon, thanks to Amelia's recommendation.
You approached Jim with a smile. "You clean up nicely. Is this what you were doing all day?"
Jim smiled bashfully. "Pretty much. Do I look okay at least?"
Music started to play, and you slowly placed your hand in Jim's. "You look more than okay."
Jim smiled broadly, grasped your hand tighter, and pulled you towards the middle of the room where guests were lined up to let you two dance between them. You laughed as Jim spun you around, your feet moving to the beat of the music. You let Jim go so he could dance with his mother, and you did the same with your mom. Amelia and Delbert even joined in the dance.
You danced for a while longer before taking a break in a corner of the Inn, watching the fun and clapping along to the music. Jim soon joined you silently, watching with a smile as children and adults danced while people talked cheerfully on the side. Everything for once in a long time just seemed right.
Jim suddenly leaned in close to you, enough where you can feel his breath brushing against your ear. "Follow me," he whispered.
Grabbing your hand, Jim led you out of the Benbow to the port landing where different kinds of ships were docked. You were slightly worried that Jim was going to hijack one of the ships to fly away. It wouldn't be the first time that had happened. Jim didn't seem to pay any attention to them as he slowly placed his hands on your waist, prompting you to put yours on his shoulders.
The music from the Benbow was loud enough to be heard from where you were. The two of you gently swayed to the soft music coming from the Inn, staring into each others' eyes lovingly. Jim pressed his forehead to yours, his lips so tantilizingly close. You couldn't help but stare at his intense expression.
Jim bit his lip, and slowly said, "I've been avoiding our kiss, and I'm sorry. I really like you, Y/n, and I don't want to lose you because of an awkward conversation."
You smiled at his words. "You think an awkward conversation will drive me away from you? We've had plenty of those before, and I'm still here. As long as you want me, you have me. Until every last star in the galaxy dies. You have me."
Jim smiled widely, slowly leaning his lips closer to yours. "I will always want you. If you be my star, I'll be your sky."
His lips finally met yours. You intertwined your fingers behind Jim's neck as he wrapped his arms around your waist. The kiss was sweet, giving you an euphoric feeling like you were dancing on stars. You wished the feeling would never go away. Sadly, you had to separate for air. Once you did, you looked deeply in each others' eyes
You then spotted something up in the sky behind Jim's head, and you smiled. "Jim, look!"
The said boy turned around, and a smile made a way to his face. The clouds had seemed to form the image of the pirate, Silver. Where his robotic eye would be, a star was in its place. It seemingly twinkled up in the sky, almost like he was looking down at you and Jim. Jim kept an arm wrapped around your waist as you two smiled up at the loving, cyborg pirate. You sure missed the man, but you were sure you would see him again. As for now, life was going to be just fine.
A/N. The end! And that's it folks! I hope you all enjoyed this! Sorry for the cheesy sayings at the end. I'm honestly a sucker for that stuff, and I thought it could be cute. Also, sorry if the confession part was weird-ish too, or awkward, underwhelming, or anything like that. Anyway, I have really enjoyed writing this story, and I hope you guys have enjoyed reading it. There won't be any sequel sad to say, unless Disney makes a second movie which probably won't happen. Though I'm still hoping. Fingers crossed! Also, I'll probably be coming back to this story, only to fix some of the dialogue in the story since some of it is weird since I didn't understand what some people were saying so I just did it as close as I could. Thank god for Wiki and scripts. So don't be surprised if you reread this and some of it has changed. Anyway, thank you all for reading this story! I really hoped you all liked this story! Comment and vote! That's all for me. Thanks again for reading! -Anna
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