
A/N. No codes for this chapter


 Suddenly, some kind of force blasted the ship from the side, making the longboat Silver, Jim, and you were on, swing dangerously. The ship balanced out, and the three of you rushed up to the deck.

 "What the devil...?" Silver trailed off as he, Jim, and you reached the deck.

 Delbert rushed forward from the crow's nest. "Good heavens." He took out his own spyglass and looked through it. "The star's gone supernova!"

 True to his words, the star seemed to blow up, and it sent a shockwave at the ship.

 "Evasive action, Mr. Turnbuckle!" Captain Amelia shouted at the helmsman, rushing up to the wheel. 

 "Aye-aye, Captain!" Mr. Turnbuckle replied, spinning the wheel with his tentacles. 

 The ship sped away from Pelusa.

 "All hands, fasten your lifelines!" Mr. Arrow shouted.

 Everyone rushed to the mast, where several ropes were tied securely to multiple handles from a wheel. You, along with everyone else, grabbed a rope, and tied it around your waist. An enormous fiery cloud chased the ship as it tried to speed away from it. Flaming rocks-no doubt from the star-sailed through the air at the ship, ripping holes in the sails and crashing into the deck. 

 "Mr. Arrow, secure those sails!" Amelia ordered.

 "Secure all sails!" Arrow echoed to the crew. "Reef them down, men!"

 You climbed up the rigging with Jim and Silver, heading for the sails. The air seemed to burn as the sky was blazing orange. Flaming rocks zipped past you, and you could feel their heat radiate off of them. Some rocks that were dangerously close to the ship blew up from crew members destroying them with the cannons. You made it up the main mast with Jim and Silver, and the three of you helped the other crew members pull the sails together to avoid them from being ripped. As Silver was tying down the ropes, a rock crashed down in front of him, and it threw Silver off of the mast.

 "Silver!" you and Jim cried.

 Luckily, you were able to grab Silver's rope, and pull on it to keep him from plummeting down. Jim was quick to help you pull him up, and Silver was once again on the mast.

 "Thanks, lassie, lad," Silver said breathlessly.

 You and Jim just smiled back at him. Silver's eyes were suddenly filled with fear. You looked ahead at where he was looking. A massive ton of rock was headed straight for the Legacy, with no where for the ship to go. The cannons fired at the rock, but it did no damage. It got close enough for you to feel the heat radiating from it. Just as it was merely a few feet away from the ship, it started to move backwards. You widened your eyes as you saw the rock move back to a swirling vortex that seemed to be pulling things towards it.

 "Captain, the star!" the alien from the crow's nest shouted.

 "It's devolving into a-" Delbert gasped "-a black hole!"

 "We're being pulled in!" Mr. Turnbuckle shouted as he tried to keep the ship steady.

 He was tossed off the spinning wheel, but Amelia quickly took over.

 "No, you don't, you," Amelia declared as she tried to keep the wheel straight.

 A shockwave shot at the ship, knocking you, Jim, and Silver down. More rocks flew at the ship, and one rock managed to scrape your leg. Hissing, you immediately put a hand over the wound.

 "Blast these waves! They're so deucedly erratic!" Amelia shouted.

 "No, Captain! They're not erratic at all," Delbert said to her as he looked at the ship's control panel. "There'll be one more in precisely forty-seven point two seconds! Followed by the biggest magilla of them all!"

 "Of course!" Amelia said, her eyes lighting up. "Brilliant, Doctor! We'll ride that last magilla out of here!

 "All sails secured, Captain!" Arrow called to the said woman.

 "Good man! Now, release them immediately!"

 "Aye, Captain," Silver replied slowly, then turned to the crew. "You heard her, men. Unfurl those sails."

 The crew protested, but went back to the rigging to climb back up to the sails. Even Arrow went up.

 "Mr. Hawkins! Make sure all lifelines are secured good and tight!" Amelia told Jim.

 "Aye-aye, Captain!" Jim said.

 You gave Jim a small smile before he went down to the bottom of the mast. You climbed back up to the mainmast, and helped the crew release the sails.

 "All lifelines secured, Captain!" Jim told her once he finished his job.

 "Very good!" Amelia said.

 Something from the hole came up, blasting Amelia away from the wheel, and you almost off the sail. Thankfully, the rope tied around your waist kept you from falling into the black hole. You mentally thanked Jim as you climbed your rope back to the mast, and went back down to Jim.

 "Captain! The last wave! Here it comes!" Delbert shouted, panicking.

 "Hold onto your lifelines, gents and lady! It's gonna be a bumpy ride!" Amelia shouted as the ship started to fall.

 Morph turned into a rope, and tied himself around another rope. Once you made it to Jim, he pulled you in close, and you two braced yourselves against the mast. A big figure surrounded you two, and you looked up enough to see Silver covering you two.

 "Jim," you said as the ship fell deeper, "I just want to tell you-"

 The RLS Legacy fell into the black hole.

 Abruptly, an expansive shockwave from within the black hole shot the ship out of the hole. The sails powered up to their maximum capacity, and the thrusters bolted the ship away from the hole. Once you heard the crew cheering, you felt Jim's grip on you loosen enough for you to look up, and see that you were in the clear. You were all alive.

A/N. Sorry for the long-ish wait guys, the anti-climatic ending, and for the shorter chapter. But I hope you all still liked it. Next chapter might be up tomorrow, or soon after if that doesn't happen. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Comment and vote! Bye! -Anna

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