
Y/n- Your name

N/n- Nickname


 "All hands to stations!" Mr. Arrow's voice called out as you and Jim reached the deck. The crew went scurrying around, doing whatever they were supposed to do to launch the ship. "Loose all solar sails!"

 The crew did just that, the beautiful white sails being released from their ties. As you and Jim looked up at them, the two of you accidentally bumped into a crew member who was tugging at a rope with others. The crew member just scowled, and continued his work. Looking over the side of the ship, you could see the ship was lifting up into the air. Mr. Arrow called out more orders as the solar energy from the sun was caught in the sails, and they seemed to brighten up. As they charged up, you and Jim were suddenly lifted up into the air since you were leaving the atmosphere, and there was no gravity.

 "Mr. Snuff, engage artificial gravity!" Captain Amelia called out to the fleshy alien that you bumped into you when you got on the ship.

 He gave her a salute and a few fart noises before pressing down on a device, initiating gravity on the ship. You and Jim landed smoothly on your feet, unlike Delbert who landed flat on his face. He hasn't gone through the numerous riding fails on Solar Surfers like you and Jim have. Sometimes you would be forced to do quick leaps off the Surfers before either of you could crash.

 "South by southwest, Mr. Turnbuckle, heading to one-zero-zero," Amelia ordered the helmsman. 

 "Aye, Captain," the said grey, multi-tentacled sea slug replied, turning the wheel. "To one-zero-zero." 

 The ship lifted up even further, tilting up into the air, but you stayed in place.

 "Full speed, Mr. Arrow, if you please," Amelia commanded. 

 Mr. Arrow leaned down to the communicating line, where his voice would travel down to whoever was on the receiving end. "Take her away."

 As the engines powered up, the captain told Delbert, "Brace yourself, Doctor."

 The said man just did a childish imitation of her words. 

 You and Jim quickly climbed starboard rigging, holding on tight to the ropes as the engines roared to life. Then, the ship bolted forward into the Etherium. Delbert was not prepared, and  he was launched back into the side of the ship. You stared in awe at the sights around you. Winged bird-like animals with tails flew beside the ship. The blue and purple mix of color of the Etherium was beautiful. You had never been this far out into space, and you were loving every second of it. It was a dream come true. It almost made you forget of all your worries. 

 You felt someone's stare right next to you, so you looked to the side to see the culprit was Jim. He quickly looked back into space, and breathed out a, "Whoa."

 Looking at where his eyesight was now directed to, your eyes widened once you saw the beasts. There were numerous amounts of giant whale-like creatures flying all around the RLS Legacy. Blue with fins, duck billed noses, flowing tails, and large teeth. They were magnificent. One of the creatures even looked at you and Jim before flying forward. 

 "Upon my word. An Orcus Galacticus," Delbert said in awe. He pressed a button on his suit, and a camera suddenly came out in front of him from the suit. "Smile!" Delbert said to the creatures as he put his eye up to the camera, leaning forward to one of them.

 "Uh, Doctor, I'd stand clear of the-" Amelia tried to warn him. 

 Liquid shot out from the creature's cavity on it's back, dousing Delbert completely. Seeing that, you lowered yourself on the rigging a bit, away from the Orcus Galacticus.

 "This is awesome," you finally said.

 "It sure is," Jim responded.

 Keeping one hand on the ropes, you took your spyglass from your belt, and looked through it. This time, you recognized one of the images that the spyglass held. It was exactly what you were looking at that moment. For once, it matched what you were looking out at. It had never done that before. Frowning, you extended its length, and you were suddenly looking at a cargo ship drifting through the Etherium. That was new.

 "What's wrong, Y/n?" Jim asked looking at you after noticing you expression. 

 Before you could answer him, Silver called out to the two of you. "Jimbo! N/n!" You quickly put your spyglass back on your belt, and looked in Silver's direction with Jim. "I got two new friends I'd like you two to meet." Jim glanced around excitedly, looking for anyone around, while you just looked suspiciously at him. "Say hello to Mr. Mop, and Mrs. Buckets."

 Silver tossed the said 'friends' at you and Jim. The two of you were just barely able to catch them without falling off the rigging. Silver laughed.

 "Yippie," Jim said unenthusiastically, his face void of the excitement it had on before.

 You sighed heavily. "This is going to be a long trip."

 While everyone else on the ship went to do their jobs, you and Jim were stuck on deck, swabbing it. You were about as happy as Jim about the chore, and the cloudy weather was not helping your mood. The worst part about it being that the deck was big, and the crew continually walking across it. You thought it was on purpose at times, with them going nowhere in particular.

 "Yeah, I got your Mr. Mop," Jim grumbled as he moved his mop around.

 You were about to talk, when a giant multiple armed alien shoved you to the side as he was walking by. You bumped into the rigging, but you didn't get hurt. 

 The alien glanced back at you. "Watch it, twerp." He walked away.

 You could swear you saw anger in Jim's eyes when that happened, but you didn't think much of it. You were his best friend. It was okay for him to be angry when somebody did that to you, right? You just scoffed, and gave Jim a look to not retaliate. It would not be wise for him to take on a guy that massive. Luckily, he understood, and instead inclined his head to three of the crew members who were talking in whispers not too far away from you and Jim. When they finally noticed, they immediately stopped their conversation.

 "What are you looking at, weirdos?" one pinkish alien questioned with crossed arms.

 Suddenly, the alien's head jumped off his shoulders, and crawled over on top of a barrel. The alien's arms rested at his sides again, and showed a face on the alien's body.

 "Yeah, weirdos," the body faced alien said. 

 And they called you two weird.

 Suddenly, you heard hissing from above, and you looked up. Climbing down the rigging on six legs, was an alien that looked like a mix between a spider, a bug, and a crab. His eyes were bulbous yellow, bearing star-like pupils. He had white fangs with slim red fangs on his lower jaw, and long grey hair.  Most of his body was black, except for his pinchers which were red, his head, and the fang-like red spikes at the end of his legs. The only thing he wore was a purple vest and belt.

 "Cabin boys and girls should learn to mind their own business," the alien said in a raspy, low voice. He glanced at you, which made you shudder.

 Jim stepped in front of you, almost protective like. "Why, you got something to hide, bright eyes?"

 The alien hissed, and grabbed Jim around his neck with his claws. 

 Your eyes widened. "Jim!"

 You went at the spider alien, but the huge multiple armed one that bumped into you earlier suddenly held you in place. You struggled helplessly.

 "Maybe your ears don't work so well," the spider alien said close to Jim's face.

 "Yeah," Jim gagged, twisting his face away from the alien, "too bad my nose works just fine."

 You groaned. He was just digging himself a bigger hole.

 "Why you impudent little-" the alien growled, and suddenly thrusted Jim up against the mast.

 The rest of the crew members suddenly grouped around the two, encouraging the spider alien to continue with his actions. You struggled even more, yelling for him to stop. 

 The spider alien held up his free claw to Jim's neck. "Any last words, cabin boy?"

 You held your breath. Suddenly, a robotic hand grasped the spider alien's arm that was at Jim's neck. It was Silver.

 "Mr. Scroop," Silver said calmly, not even looking at the said alien as he bit into the purp he was holding, "you ever see what happens to a fresh purp when you squeeze real hard?"

 Silver demonstrated on Scroop's arm, making him yelp in pain and let go of Jim. The crew members laughed, and the alien holding you finally loosened up his grip enough for you to slip out. Once you did, you rushed to Jim's side, checking for any injuries.

 "What's all this, then?" a voice asked over the crew's voices. Mr. Arrow walked onto the scene. "You know the rules. There'll be no brawling on this ship. Any further offenders will be confined to the brig for the remainder of the voyage." Arrow leaned in close to Scroop. "Am I clear, Mr. Scroop?"

 Scroop growled at Arrow, and you thought he was going to snap back, until Silver shined his robotic eye on the alien. "Transparently," Scroop replied reluctantly.

 That seemed to satisfy Mr. Arrow, and he walked away, along with the crew, who went back to their business.

 "Well done, Mr. Arrow, sir," Silver called as the crew dispersed. "A tight ship's a happy ship, sir." Once Arrow was out of sight, Silver picked up Jim's mop and zeroed in on you and Jim. "Jimbo, N/n, I gave you two a job."

 "Hey, we were doing it until that bug thing got-" Jim tried to say.

 "Belay that!" Silver shouted. "Now, I want this deck swabbed spotless. And heaven help you two if I come back and it's not done. Morph, keep an eye on these pups. Let me know if there be anymore distractions."

 Silver walked away, and Morph chittered at you and Jim, watching bug-eyed. Jim sighed, and went back to work.

 As you picked up your mop, you said to him, "It's not the worst thing in the world. At least you aren't dead."

 "Thanks, Y/n," Jim said sarcastically.

 You sighed as you started working. "Look, just please try not to do anymore reckless things. You could die easily out here."

 Jim noticed the tone in your voice change, and looked at you in the eye. You knew that he could see how serious you were since he could read you like a book. Except somehow he always seemed to be oblivious about how you felt about him.

 Jim gave you a small reassuring smile. "I'll try my best, Y/n."

 "As long as you try, Jim."

A/N. Hope you guys liked this chapter! Hope you guys liked the little moment between you and Jim at the end. Sorry that I'm not very good at inserting romantic/fluffy moments. I'm trying. Working on it! Anyway, comment and vote! Would love to know what you guys think so far. That's it for me for now -Anna

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