A/N. So...I should be studying for my last final, but I really wanted to get another update out's another chapter! Enjoy you guys -Anna
Y/n- Your name
N/n- Nickname
P.S. Again, warning for extreme cheesiness. Also, this one is the longest chapter I've written for this story.
The sun had set, and your group hadn't moved from BEN's place. None of you knew what to do next. With Amelia immobilized and the pirates camping not far from your safe spot, you couldn't think of much. Silver wanted the map, but you all knew that you weren't going to give it to him. The only thing saving your group was the fact that Silver thought that Jim still had the map, when it was really still on the ship. Silver only wanted to spare you so he could get the map.
Speaking of the pirate, your gut twisted at the very thought of him. The lie he spat at you hurt almost more than his betrayal. To think that Silver would go so low as to insult your father. Then again, Silver was a pirate. And they stole. And cheated. And lied. It wasn't that surprising now that you thought of it. But something still bothered you.
How else could he have gotten this trinket? Silver had questioned you as he waved your spyglass just out of your reach.
You never knew what your dad did for a job. You just knew your father went on a lot of trips. You weren't even sure if your mother knew what your father did. If he was a pirate, it would make sense how he could get all the little gifts he gave you. Your family was never rich, not living in luxury, though you weren't poor either. Not until your father left and your mother got sick.
Jim's voice snapped you out of your thoughts, and you looked up to see his worried face looking at you.
"Wh-what? What is it?" you asked, now alert at his expression.
Jim frowned. "Nothing. But...are you okay?"
You looked down. "No..."
Jim placed a gentle hand on your shoulder. "Silver's getting into your head. Don't let him. Your father was a good man. You and I know that. He couldn't have been a pirate."
"But pirates lie," you said quietly. You slowly looked back up at Jim. "Did he lie to me all my life?"
"You heard Silver, Y/n. He said that he died doing something for you. Even if it was a lie, it does sound like your father. A pirate wouldn't do that, they would only look out for themselves," Jim tried to reassure.
"But that also means that Silver had to know my father to know that," you countered, snapping slightly. You pursed your lips once you finished your sentence, and saw Jim's shocked face. "I'm sorry."
"You have nothing to be sorry for," Jim said, squeezing your shoulder. "You're upset. Just try not to let him get to you."
You patted the empty spot at your hip, and muttered, "But why does he want it...?"
"Gentlemen, lady," Amelia's voice brought you two back to her and Delbert, "we must stay together and...and...ohh."
"And what? What?! We must stay together and what?!" Delbert shouted at the female, whipping off his glasses to stare at her intently.
"Doctor," Amelia said slowly, "you have wonderful eyes."
"She's lost her mind!" Delbert declared.
"Well, you gotta help her," Jim said.
"Can't you do something?" you asked worriedly.
"Dang it, Jim, Y/n, I'm an astronomer, not a doctor," Delbert said, spinning around to face you two. "I mean, I am a doctor, but I'm not that kind of doctor. I have a doctorate. It's not the same thing. You can't help people with a doctorate. You just sit there, and you're useless."
Jim put his hand on the distressed Delbert. "It's okay, Doc."
"It's alright," you added softly.
BEN bounded over to Delbert. "Yeah, Doc. Jimmy and N/n know exactly how to get out of this. It's just they have this knowledge of things."
You and Jim went over to the open window as BEN talked, countless thoughts going through both of your heads. Jim ran his hand through his brown hair as you reached for your spyglass for a bit of comfort, then frowned when you felt nothing at your side. You didn't like not having it hanging from your belt at all.
BEN leaned in close to you and Jim, and whispered, "Jim, Y/n, any thoughts at all?"
Jim looked up into the dark green sky at the floating RLS Legacy. "Without the map, we're dead."
You pointed forward at the faint glow of the pirates' campfire. "If we try to leave, we're dead."
Jim turned away from the window. "If we stay here-"
"We're dead!" Morph's high pitched voice finished. "We're dead! We're dead! We're dead!"
You and Jim sighed heavily, and leaned on the open window. You didn't have any good options.
"Well, I think that the two lovebirds could use a little quiet time. Heh," BEN whispered not so subtlety. "So, I'll just slip out the backdoor."
Yours and Jim's heads swiveled towards the robot. "Backdoor?" you both asked.
"Oh, yeah," BEN grunted as he turned some kind of old machinery sphere in the ground around with yours and Jim's help, so its open spotlight shone upwards. "I get this delightful breeze through here. Which I think is important because ventilation among friends-"
"Whoa," you and Jim breathed, cutting off the robot.
You two looked down the open hole, and saw catwalks, pipes, and all kinds of machinery down the long hole.
"What is all this stuff?" Jim asked, vocalizing both of your thoughts.
"You mean the miles and miles of machinery that run through the entire course of the inside of this planet? Not a clue," BEN answered.
"Wait, seriously?" you asked incredulously. It was not what you imagined the inside of Treasure Planet would be like. You thought that it had layers, or some kind of core to it. Not filled with machinery.
"Hey, Doc! Doc! We think we found a way out of here!" Jim shouted to Delbert, already climbing up to the hole.
"No, no. Jim, wait. The Captian ordered us to stay-" Delbert quickly tried to say.
Jim leaned down to grab your hand, and pulled you up close to him with your feet on either side of the hole. "We'll be back," Jim told Delbert. He then looked at you. "You ready?"
You glanced down at the sheer drop into the planet, and gulped. It was way different from falling down the side of a cliff on your Solar Surfer. At least then you had something to go back up on. But you trusted Jim.
You squeezed his hand that still grasped yours. "Ready."
Jim grinned, and the two of you let yourselves fall into the inside of the planet.
"Cannonball!" BEN yelled as he and Morph followed after you two.
You're not entirely sure what happened after that. You remembered falling for a short amount of time before landing safetly on some kind of special platform. You didn't know how you all survived, but you were glad you did. Above your heads was a hatch, and Jim opened it enough for you all to peek at the snoring pirates surrounding a campfire. Hovering above them, was the other longboat that they took. Suddenly, BEN jumped up next to you and Jim, flinging the hatch up all the way.
"So, what's the plan?" BEN asked loudly.
"Shh, BEN, quiet," you and Jim hushed the robot, pushing him down out of view and closing his mouth.
Luckily, none of the pirates seemed to be light sleepers, for the only thing that happened was Silver turning in his sleep.
"Okay, here it is," Jim whispered. "We sneak back to the Legacy, disable the laser cannons, and bring back the map."
BEN nodded along with Jim's words. "That's a good plan," BEN said, his voice muffled by yours and Jim's hands. "I like that plan. The only thing is, I'm wondering, how do we get there?"
"On that." Jim removed his hand from the robot's mouth, and pointed to the stationary aircraft above the pirates' heads, being held in place by a rope tied to a tree. Morph hummed in agreement.
Somehow, the four of you managed to climb into the boat without BEN speaking loudly, and without any of the pirates waking up. You were tempted to reach inside Silver's jacket to retrieve your spyglass, but it was still too risky, even if the pirate captain was a heavy sleeper. You and Jim manned the longboat, and sailed it towards the Legacy. You kept the longboat a little bit below the ship, and the four of you peeked over the railing for anyone who might be on the ship.
Once nobody showed up, you all leaped over onto the ship. Well, BEN fell into the Legacy, letting out a loud shriek that you and Jim shushed him for. BEN was quick to apologize. Walking carefully on the deck of the ship, the only source of light seemed to come from the galley.
As your group descended the stairs, Jim whispered to BEN, "Okay, we'll get the map. You wait here."
"Roger, Jimmy, N/n," BEN said, standing up straight and saluting. "I'll neutralize laser cannons ma'am and sir!"
"BEN! BEN!" you and Jim whisper shouted at the said robot.
BEN ignored you two as he rolled away (literally) singing, "Yo-ho, yo-ho, a pirate's life for me."
You and Jim facepalmed at the hyperactive robot. Being alone for so long must have really done a number on the guy. You and Jim contined along with Morph to the place where the longboats were held. Nothing stopped you on your way. It was eerily quiet, and you felt apprehensive, feeling like it shouldn't be this easy. To ease your nerves, you gently grabbed Jim's hand. Jim kept going ahead, but squeezed your hand lightly in acknowledgement. With his reassurance, you forged ahead.
Jim, Morph, and you made it safetly to where the longboats were supposed to be docked, and immediately made your way to the pile of ropes. Jim let go of your hand to kneel down, and he moved the ropes around. The map was revealed, and you, Morph, and Jim let out breaths of relief when Jim held it in his hand.
"Yes," Jim said, grinning down at the golden orb.
Suddenly, alarms blared to life, making it obvious you were on the ship. Jim quickly stuffed the map into his pocket, and the three of you raced to the stairs.
"That stupid robot's gonna get us all..." Jim stoped his sentence short once you saw who was at the top of the stairs.
"Killed," you whispered, finishing Jim's sentence as you looked up to see Scroop's intimidating self.
"Cabin boy, cabin girl," Scroop said in his low voice, snapping open one of his claw hands.
Morph screamed, and the three of you were quick to dash away from the alien, pushing barrels behind yourselves in hopes of slowing the pirate down. You could hear Scroop scuttling behind you, his legs moving wildly to avoid the barrels. Morph squealed from behind you, Scroop growled, and you didn't hear him coming after you. Moving quickly, you and Jim dashed around a corner, pressing yourselves against the wall, breathing heavily.
Jim powered up his pistol, clutching it tightly in his hands. As Scroop slowly moved towards you, you mouthed down a countdown from three to Jim. Once you mouthed three, you two turned back towards Scroop with Jim aiming the weapon at him. Scroop froze, and you could see fear in his eyes. Suddenly, the lights were shut off, and you were encased in darkness. Soon, the red emergency lights lit up, letting you see that Scroop was gone from his spot.
Wordlessly, Jim and you stood back to back, looking around for the alien creep. Neither of you could see where Scroop had gone. Above you, Scroop's voice suddenly cried out in pain, and you and Jim were quick to look at where the voice came from. Scroop moved faster, and swiped his arm back, hitting you and Jim down to the ground. The pistol flew from Jim's hand as he fell. Before either of you could get to it, Scroop jumped on top of you two.
Unexpectedly, you, Jim, Scroop, and the pistol started to float up with the artificial gravity suddenly being gone. Jim kicked Scroop away, and the pirate was thrown through the deck, up into the open. Unfortunately, you and Jim were forced to do the same. Scroop managed to grab the mast to avoid being adrift in endless space. You and Jim weren't so lucky, as you two were too far away from the mast to make a grab for it.
Scroop snapped his claw at your leg, just barely missing, but it sent you spiraling as you moved upwards. Jim tried to grab your wildly moving form, but hit himself on the crow's nest as he did. Just as you were about to be above the ship, a hand grabbed your ankle, keeping you in place. You looked down to see Jim holding onto the pirate flag while he was holding your ankle. By the strain in his face, you could tell it wasn't easy for him. That wasn't the only thing you saw though.
"Jim!" you warned, pointing down.
Scroop was steadily climbing up the mast towards Jim with a murderous look in his eyes. Jim struggled to stay anchored to the flag, and wasn't able to move anywhere.
"Y/n! The pistol!" Jim shouted up at you.
You weren't sure what he meant, until you saw the said weapon floating upward on your side. With Jim holding you in place, you couldn't move much, so you streatched out your arm as far as you could towards the pistol.
"Come on, come on, come on," you muttered to yourself, despreately reaching for the weapon. The tips of your fingers only brushed against the barrel of the gun before it floated out of your reach. "No!" you cried.
"Oh, yes," Scroop said with a grin.
He held onto the crow's nest as he opened up his claw, and started to saw away at the rope that held the flag in place. "Do say hello to Mr. Arrow."
Swiftly with one hand, Jim pulled at the cloth of the flag, dragging you along, and managed to make it to the flagpole. He then pulled you down so you could also safetly grasp onto the pole. Scroop growled once he saw yours and Jim's new position, and rapidly climbed up towards you two.
"Tell him yourself!" Jim shouted.
At the right moment, you and Jim launched yourselves up, and leaped off of Scroop, letting him run straight into the flag. The sawed, thin rope that held the flag snapped, letting the caught spider, alien float up and away into space. Once Scroop realized he was trapped, he let out an an enraged yell as he drifted farther and farther away from the Legacy.
You didn't have time to celebrate. The artifical gravity was abruptly turned on again, letting you and Jim fall into the crow's nest. You both groaned, both of you breathing heavily as you two laid next to each other. The communication pipe from above you two rattled, and out came a soot covered Morph. He coughed the soot off of his body with an exhausted look.
"Morph?" Jim questioned as he slowly sat up.
The said pink blob just wearily chittered in response.
"Laser cannons disconnected, Captains Jimmy and N/n, sir and ma'am!" BEN's voice called up. "Gee, that wasn't so tough." You looked down to see BEN tangled in wires, and he was sparking. From the wires or from himself, you couldn't tell.
You just let out a breath, and stood next to Jim who was staring intently at the map.
"We got it," Jim murmured.
You snorted. "More like we survived. Let's not do that again so soon, please?"
Jim just shook his head at you. "No promises there. Let's get back to the others before anyone else comes."
"That's the best news I've heard all day."
A/N. Okay, so super cheesy at the end and really chessy parts throughout in general, but I updated! Also, sorry for the crappy description for what happened to Jim and stuff when he jumped down the hole. I had no idea what to put in. Last thing, I do not own the A Pirate's Life for Me song that was used. I really should be studying now. I'm excited to write the next part. I want to get it out by Christmas, but no promises. Hope you guys liked this! Comment and vote! Bye for now -Anna
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