I'm Still Here
A/N. Hey people! Hope you guys like this chapter! Really quick, this chapter does include the I'm Still Here song up there, but it's not the part from the movie. It's just a video I found on YouTube, so credits to the original maker of it. Also, this chapter contains a lot, and I mean A LOT of long-ish paragraphs, not a lot of dialogue, and it's longer than the others, so be prepared for that. That's it for now, read on! -Anna
N/n- Nickname
EDIT: Thanks to oceansoulstudios for informing me that I needed to replace the video. Hope the new video works and will last longer
You and Jim swabbed the deck the rest of the day with Morph by your sides. He didn't seem too worried about you and Jim getting distracted, so he just watched iddly and turned into a small mop to help every now and then. As you cleaned, you and Jim reminisced about when you two were younger. How you two first met (you talking a teacher out of giving Jim punishment when a bully started a fight with him), your first time on a Solar Surfer (you fell and almost broke your nose), and yours and Jim's numerous escapades and escape stunts from the cop-bots(pretending to be an alien's grandchildren wasn't the best idea).
Jim wiped the sweat off his forehead as Morph shifted back to his normal self, and burped out bubbles.
"Well, this has been a fun day, huh?" Jim asked sarcastically. "Making new friends like that spider psycho."
Morph turned into a miniature version of Scroop, squeaking out, "Spider psycho! Spider psycho!"
You laughed along with Jim. "A little uglier," you told Morph.
Morph, still as Scroop, initiated crazy eyes while laughing maniacally.
"Pretty close," Jim told him.
"Well, thank heavens for little miracles," Silver suddenly said, coming up with a serving bowl. Morph turned back to his blobby self as Silver dumped the remains in the serving bowl off the side of the ship. "Up here for an hour and the deck's still in one piece."
Was he expecting you two to burn it or something?
Jim looked down as he absentmindedly mopped. "Um, look, I uh...What you did...thanks."
You nodded to show your apreciation to Silver for saving Jim.
Silver looked at you and Jim softly. "Didn't your paps ever teach you to pick your fights a bit more carefully?"
You snorted. "More like I try to teach him to not get into trouble." But you didn't answer the question.
Jim was quiet.
"Your fathers not the teaching sort?" Silver asked.
Jim was quiet for a bit longer before he answered. "No. It was more the taking off and never coming back sort." Jim didn't face the cyborg as he continued to mop the deck.
You placed a hand on Jim's shoulder as he stopped by the edge of the ship. Jim's father was a sensitive topic for him. He always resented his father for not paying enough attention to him, and leaving his mother and him. You thought sometimes that Jim was jealous of you and your father, since yours just disappeared and actually cared for you. Even still, your father was also a sensitive topic for you.
You shrugged. "My dad left on a business trip, and never came back. He just...disappeared. Nobody could find him."
This time Jim put a hand on your shoulder, and you smiled at him appreciatively.
"Ohh. Sorry lad, lassie," Silver said. You could tell in his voice that he was being sincere about it.
"Hey, no big deal. Doing just fine," Jim said nonchalantly as he put his mop to the side, and looked out at the Etherium.
"That't not true," you whispered, frowning. You knew because it was the same for you. Both of your dads' absentness still affected you two to that day.
"Is that so?" Silver questioned, rubbing his chin. "Well, since the captain has put you two in my charge, like it or not, I'll be pounding a few skills into those thick heads of yours to keep you two out of trouble."
"What?" you and Jim asked increduously. It should be Jim who needed the skills most.
Silver ignored you two. "From now on, I'm not letting you two out of me sight."
"You can't do-" Jim cried.
"You two won't so much as eat, sleep, or scratch your bums without my say-so," Silver declared.
"Don't do us any favors," Jim protested.
"Oh, you can be sure of that. You can be sure of that," Silver promised.
And thus, started your time with Silver.
Silver woke you two up pretty early in the morning to help with chores around the ship. That included cooking breakfast, washing the dishes, prying barnacles off the bottom of the ship, and plenty of other jobs. Breakfast was easy since you did the cooking-along with Sarah-at the Benbow. Jim tried to follow your instructions on how to cook, but ultimately ended up exploding the pancake batter somehow. You just laughed, and told him this is why he busted tables. Jim scowled at your remark, but you could see a hint of a smile on his lips.
Dishes weren't as bad as you thought they'd be for that morning, although there seemed to be an excessive amount of dishes for the amount of people on board. Then Silver had you and Jim sit with him on a plank of wood that was hanging by a rope at the bottom of the ship.
"Put some elbow into it!" Silver kept telling you two as you and Jim pried off barnacles with spatulas.
Only six hundred to go, you told yourself.
Lunch rolled around, and luckily, this time Silver had Jim peeling potatoes while you cooked the actual meal. As you cooked, you could remember cooking with your mother when she wasn't ill, making dinner for when your dad came home. You missed those days.
Later, as promised, Silver tried to teach you and Jim some skills, like how to tie a proper rope. While Silver was busy rambling on how to do it, Jim had already succeeded in tying his rope while you were having trouble. Seeing this, Jim hesitantly grabbed your hands, and slowly showed you how to do it. Thankfully, it was dark so Jim couldn't see your blush. He took you hand, hooked his rope to a knob, and climbed down with you to the thick railing of the ship. You and Jim walked along it, chatting as you waited for Silver to realize you two were gone.
This time, you and Jim were given brushes and buckets to clean the deck again. At one point, Silver stood above you two, and Jim stood up to see what he wanted. Without a word, Silver shoved another bucket of soapy water into Jim's hands, and pointed to the deck. Jim just dumped the water onto the deck, and you two started to work again.
Again, you reminisced about your childhood as you worked. This time about when your dad came home from one of his business trips, and presented you with your spyglass. He would always bring home little trinkets and treasures back from his trip that you adored. The spyglass was your most prized treasure of them all. You always imagined that you were looking at a different planet each time you'd extend or shorten the spyglass, and imagined going those places. You never knew what he did exactly for his work, but you never asked. You just apreciated your father as he was.
After you and Jim finished with the deck, Silver let you and Jim be for a bit, so you both used the time well as much as you could. Somehow, Jim convinced you to join him up on the bowsprit, promising that you wouldn't fall into endless space, and you two just sat there looking at the numerous stars lighting up the Etherium. It was beautiful as it was peaceful. You two just sat there silently, enjoying each other's company. Eventually, you and Jim went back onto the ship, and got mugs of hot chocolate. You two sat on the stairs to the galley, watching Silver tell thrilling stories to the crew using his robotic hand to add visuals. You smiled a bit at the stories. Maybe he wasn't a bad cyborg like you thought he was.
Dinner had passed, and you and Jim were assigned to wash the dishes from the said meal. Jim would wash the food off the plates, and you would dry them. At first, there was a good amount of dishes, but it wasn't too hard. Once you two finished, Silver came in with an armful of dishes, and dumped it right in front of you and Jim. Angrily grabbing a pot, Jim started scrubbing while you glared at Silver's back. The cyborg kept coming back with more dishes once you and Jim finished the stack before. You were thinking about taking back the compliment.
You and Jim worked well into the night washing the dishes. Once it got down to the last pot, Jim fell asleep with the pot in his lap, his body curling over it as he rested. Meanwhile, you were leaning on the same pot, extremely close to Jim. You were too tired to care at the moment. Suddenly, you felt something large cover your frame. You opened your eyes enough to see Silver's foot and peg leg make their way up the stairs. It was Silver's big jacket that covered you and Jim. You just smiled, and settled down next to Jim, drifting off to sleep again.
The next day, Silver took you and Jim to the longboats, and taught you two how to lower a boat out of the Legacy. You and Jim learned pretty fast, and in no time, Silver was on the boat, flying away from the ship. You suddenly had a flashback that you could remember clear as day.
You remembered waking up one morning, jumping out of bed, and rushing to the kitchen to wait for your father's return from one of his business trips. You waited. And waited. And waited. Your father never came home that day. Or the next day. Or the day after that. Your mother sent out a missing report for your father to the cop-bots, and anybody else who she thought could help. Nobody ever found him. Your mother gave up. And so did you.
Abruptly, Silver floated back to where you and Jim were, snapping you out of your daze. He gestured for you two to join him, and you and Jim didn't hesitate to jump on with big grins on your faces. Silver showed you two the rudder, and began explaining how to operate the longboat. You and Jim didn't bother to listen as you two worked together to adjust the rudder, press the buttons on the engine, and pulled down the throttles. You mentally thanked Jim for his ramblings about how to work certain solar vehicles.
The longboat shot through the Etherium with Jim steering it towards a comet. With a mischievous look, Jim flew the boat into the comet's tail. You laughed gleefully as you felt a light layer of ice from the comet cover your head and shoulders. Jim took the controls, and spun the boat wildly around in the tail. It was the most exhilarating feeling ever. Eventually, Jim evened out the boat, and flew out of the comet's tail. Ice covered you, Jim, and Silver's head and shoulders. The ice was gently swept from your shoulders as Jim directed the boat back to the Legacy. You wished it would never end.
You helped Jim and Silver use the pulleys to pull the longboat up into the Legacy, laughing as you and Jim pulled up your side farther than Silver's.
"You having a little trouble there?" Jim questioned Silver.
"Oh, get away from me," Silver joked, pulling his side up more. "Oh, Jimbo. If I could maneuver a skiff like that when I was your age, they'd been bowing in the streets when I walked by today."
Morph turned into Silver, and repeated the last words, sitting down along with Silver.
"I don't know. They weren't exactly singing my praises when I left home," Jim said as you and him sat down. You noticed that Jim was sitting close to you, but you didn't protest.
Silver wiped his face with a cloth, sighing in relief at the break.
"But I'm gonna change all that," Jim said with a convincing smirk.
"Are you now?" Silver asked, petting Morph. "How so?"
"Uh, I got some plans," Jim said calmly, sitting back.
"Do these plans involve shenanigans, and you dragging me along?" you asked with a raised eyebrow.
Jim's smirked mysteriously. "Maybe." He put his hands behind his head with a grin, and closed his eyes. "Gonna make people see me a little different."
You frowned a bit. You hoped those plans didn't include him changing himself completely.
Silver let out a soft, "Oh." He looked at Morph with a sad look. You couldn't tell where it came from. "Sometimes, plans go astray."
"Not this time," Jim said confidently.
Silver didn't respond, and lifted his mechanical peg leg up. He tried to twist a bolt with his hand, but it didn't budge. Morph turned into a wrench for him.
"Oh, thank you, Morphy," Silver said, grabbing Morph and using him to twist the bolt that was on his leg.
You looked curiously at it.
"So, uh, how'd that happen anyway?" Jim asked, voicing your thoughts.
Silver's face was dispirited as he slowly uncurled his robotic hand. "You give up a few things chasing a dream."
"Was it worth it?" you questioned curiously, tilting your head.
Silver chuckled, stood up next to you, sat down, and put his arm around you and Jim. "I'm hoping it is, N/n. I'm most surely am."
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