Gradient meets a Cyborg Angel

"O-O-Okay. So-o-o fa-ar so go-o-o-o-od."

Gradient said as he is doing what seems to be a type of art piece on his tablet, as he is making an artwork for a friend that had requested him to do it for him, as he really wants to see how much Gradient has improved in his time as an artist, even if he is related to Error, who would destroy anything that is related to the concept of creation. And making Art, in a way, is a part of making something as well.

Gradient is now outside of his house, and is a little bit far away from it, as he is doing something that is very much like a hobby to him. He is on a tablet of his, and is making some art for a friend of his to have. And needless to say, he is been putting a lot of time and effort into the stuff that he is making.

He fixed his glasses back in place, as he looks at the art that he is making to a good friend of his, and he sort of...glitched out a little bit when he saw a mistake inside of the art that he is making. He almost dropped his stylus, but was able catch it and began to erase that mistake that he had missed, before he than resumed back into drawing inside of his art.

"Ok-Okay. Just a little bit-bit-bit-bit more, and it should be go-o-o-od to go. Come on."

Gradient spoke out to himself, as he continued to draw some stuff on his gifted tablet. He had spent a pretty long time in making this art, about a couple of days, in order to make it perfect, in order to make it as good as he can make it. He is just glad that is father, Error, is not there to see that his son is making something, other wise, he would have gotten very annoyed at what it is that his son is doing.

Speaking of his father, Error, he was able to make some new rooms for Nana and Momo to live in, the 2 twin younger sisters of Lala. Clearly, since they do not want Issei to get on their tails again, in a rather literal sense, Error decides to bring them to his house in order to make sure that they are protected and not seen by him, and needless to say, both Momo and Nana seemed to be very happy, as they are now able to hang out with Lala more than they used to back in their home planet. So at least that there are a few people that are happy.

And the Golden Darkness does not seem to mind it, as now, there is going to be people they will care for him. But Gradient also noticed something about the Golden Darkness that no one else supposedly seen. But the Golden Darkness' face seems to turn red whenever she is near his father, Error, almost as though she had developed feelings for him in a way. The same would apply for Lala, as she is also blushing whenever she is near Error. Even though Lala said that they are only pretending to be a couple, it seems that her feelings for Error are going to be coming true. This is making Gradient surprisingly okay with this, if it means that Erroe can finally be genuinely happy in a way, and maybe he can finally get used to being touched by other people instead of just simply his brother, Papyrus. And this is what he is hoping from his father, who is almost not happy, and only smiles whenever he is ready to kill and erase something that he really hates immensely. But back to Gradient, he is trying to finish the art work that his friend requested from him.

"C-Come on. I-I-I-I a-am almost th-the-there. Please!"

Gradient said, as he is almost finishing his artwork for his friend. He kept on doing this for another few minutes, looking for any mistakes and any improvements for him to do. He kept on going, the last minute, he finally was done, and she spoke out.

"P-P-Phew. That was a little-le tough-ough for me to do. N-N-Now send it to my friend-iend."

Gradient said to himself, as he then pressed on a mailbox icon, and he than typed the name of his friend on the icon, and sent him the artwork, in order to see how he likes it. Gradient waited, until at 8:50 P.M, when he finally saw a message said on there. He pressed it, and he saw what the message said. And what it said really made Gradient smile. The message spoke this out.

'I saw the artwork you have given me, Gradient. I really love it. Keep up the good work that you are doing right there."

Gradient smiled, as he then texted back to the friend of his.

'Will do.'

He than submitted the text, and he than sighed, as he puts the tablet back inside of his own section of the Anti-Void, and needless to say, he is feeling so relieved right now. Relived in the fact that he is finally done with this thing, and he can now rest for a little bit. At least, he hopes they he can rest. After all, he does not want to jinx it out of complete nowhere and ruin it.

Gradient leaned his head against the tree that he is sitting on, as he looked up at the stars that are above the sky. He always liked the stars that are above him. It always means something to him in a way. Especially the stars in other Alternate Universe of Outertale. While the stars that he is seeing are not as beautiful as the ones that are within the Alternate Universe that takes place in outer space, they are still beautiful regardless. And needless to say, it is a beauty that he would always cherish. Gradient than looks up at the stars a little bit more, before he than began to make strings out of his eyes, and use them for his own personal entertainment.

The fact that Gradient can use his strings in his way is an incredible thing. Even though he does not done a use for them as of yet for more mundane tasks, Gradient manage to use them in ways for his hobbies, as he wound desire it. He clearly likes what he does a little bit too much, in the way that Gradient likes it.

When he is alone, he would use his strings to make different shapes and all that sort of stuff. Of course, he does use it for combat in his way. Thanks to Error, he can now use his magic at being able to control people like puppets, and taught Gradient everything that he knew of. Of course, this is after he got his superior and ancestor, Error404, to fuse both his original personality and the Error personality inside of himself, making him much more powerful and versatile than before. Gradient here, he is a perfect combination of destruction and creation in a way. This would, in a way, make him much more powerful than Ink and Error in the oast, beforehand hey had bee trained and having become stronger. But with them both at their current level, Gradient could prove to be one heck of a challenge of a challenge for the both of them, he cannot really be able to defeat his parents, even if it is just one of them that he is fighting against. In fact, to Gradeient when it comes to fighting, the only way to beat them, when in on a one on one right, would have to be by pure luck.

Gradient than moved his hands and directed them to the air, as he than began to move his fingers. He flexed and twisted their movements, as he made this into different shapes. He made it into a circle. He than made it into a square. He than even made it into a triangle. He than made it more complex by shaping it and turning it into a hexagon. He than made an out circle and an inner circle, which has a hole in it. But as he did that, all of a sudden...a powerful shockwave occurred out of complete nowhere, and made Gradient jump a little bit.


Gradient shouted, as he was caught off guard by what he and just heard. He looks back through his shape, and saw that there is a black portal coming from above. This caught Gradient by surprise, as he saw this thing in the air. But that is simply the beginning, because what happens next is what truly got Gradient interested. As Gradient stood up and looked at the portal, something else came out of the portal. It looks like It is a meteriotie of some sorts, but Gradient could tell that the was in the shape of a person.

"Wh-Wh-What the H-H-Hell? What is-is-is th-th-th-that?!"

Gradient said, as he looked up at this thing that is happening on the air. He had seen portals being conjured up in the past, sure, but this has never happened to him. He has never witnessed anything such as this in his life. Gradient looked and continued to watch the really strange and unique scene that is before his very eyes, and he than watched as the projectile that came from the portal began to go and crash down right onto an area that is far away from the house that his father lives in. The location was of a hill of some sort. So, Gradient, without any hesitation on his part, ran towards the crash site as fast as he could but as he ran to where the crash sight was at...he than remembered something that he could do..and he stopped in his tracks. He than smacked his head, as he than spoke out to himself in a very frustrated tone of voice.

"O-O-Okay. Did-id-id I seriously-ly-ly-ly for-for-forget-get-get that I-I-I can teleport-port-port? Ho-o-ow stupid can-an-an-an I be-e-e?!"

Gradient than took out his Stylus, and swiped at the air, and when that happened, a portal is than made in front of him. And without any sort of hesitation on his part, Gradient leapt into the portal, and looks to see what it is that is happening. And as he did, the portal closed up behind him, as Gradient was able to get through to the other side without any sort of difficulty in his part. And Gradient looked around to see where he is at right now. And sure enough, it was a hill...or at least,am place that used to be the hill. Chunks of rock, dirt, and debris are everywhere all over the whole damn place. Gradient looks around to see and look for what it was that crashed down there. He run and looked around, as he spoke out to himself.

"Wh-Wh-Where is that obj-obj-ject that ha-a-a-ad crash-ashed?!"

Gradient kept on looking around in order to see where that object has landed at. But as he did, he than slipped and almost fell down. But thankfully, he was able to stop himself before he fell down the hole that he nearly slipped into. Gradient than looked around the entire hole that he fell into. This hole that he fell into, it is big enough to fit an entire mansion inside of this place. But as he looked around, he this looked down, and that is when he saw it. The person that has crashed into the hill and destroyed it.

"Wh-What in the...what's th-that?"

Gradient said, as he looked down at the strange girl that is before his very eyes. The female, it has a very strong resemblance an angel, but there are key differences between the Angels that he has seen in this world, and the angel-looking entity that he is seeing before him. Angel wings are usually  in white, with very rare, or at least, one of each individual being silver or gold. This one, on the other hand, has wings that seem to be looking pink, which no other angel has. The dresses of an angel is usually modest, but this one is not. Lastly, the Angels are fully organic entities. But the girl that Gradient is seeing before his looks like it has some mechanical components, which is in the cas of where the ears should be. Instead of the ears, it has some other...strange mechanism.

Gradient can't help but look in awe at what, or who, he is seeing. This is unlike any creature that he has ever seen. They look mechical, but Gradient could easily tell that this girl, in spite of the mechanical components that she has, it still has some organic matter inside of her. But only some. Gradient, deciding to make a choice, let's go of the ledge that he is hanging onto, as he than slides down to go and see the girl. He slid down the hole for about 10 seconds, and after that, he than began to run up to the girl. He finally crouched down and looked down at the girl. Despite the fact that it is an entirely different thing of sorts, Gradient can't deny the fact that this girl is beautiful, way beyond beautiful of any person that he has ever seen. But there is this one question that he has inside of his mind.

"Wh-What in the w-w-w-world is sh-sh-she?"

Gradient has no idea whatthis thing is. It may look like an angel, at first glance, but it is very clear to Gradient that this girl is not an angel, in spite of the vague similarities that are with her. Whatever it is, it is obviously not from earth. And most importantly it is nit from heaven either. Not even heaven has the tools advanced enough to make something like this. Their technology is more magical than mechanical. But still, he is very curious at the girl that he is seeing before his very eyes. He was about to touch the girl, but than, he feels something coming from above.he looks up, and saw the strange portal in the sky. But than, what came out of the portal was really, really not good. In fact, that came out of the portal, it seems to be very, very dangerous to the girl that had crashed on Earth and Gradient.

Many column-like structure began to fall from what seems to be a portal of, and they seems to be an unknown metal of sorts. But that is not all that Gradient seems to be taking note on. Gradient also hear this weird creaking sounds coming from the strange pillar objects that are coming down. It didn't take long for Gradient to realize what it is that is falling down fast from the strange portal that is within the sky. Gradient clenched his fist, and spoke out.

"Ex-Ex-Explosives-ives. That-hat-hat is so-o-o no-o-o-or go-o-o-ood."

Gradient than glares up at the strange columns up in the sky, as he than clenched his hand on the stylus as tightly as he could. He than reacted just in time, and swung his Stylus in order to use his digital art shield to defend against the explosives that are coming down from the sky. The Shield became wide enough for the explosives to hit the shield, and explode onto it. But Gradient could tell that the shield is not going to hold any more longer. He needs to get out of the area fast he was about to leave, but than he turns to the girl that is on the ground. She is still unconscious. He knows that he cannot leave her. Because, what is she gonna do? Attack while she is in her sleep of sorts? That sort of thing is not possible for even the girl. Only Error is the one that can do a feat such as this, and the times that have happened to the unfortunate victim are usually the ones that can make him do it on accident. And this girl, lying motionless on the ground and unmoving, she is not Error. Even Gradeint knows better than that. Gradient smacked his face, unable to believe of what he is gonna do, as he than spoke out.

"Wh-Wh-Whar in the wo-world am I-I-I-I doing-ing? I can-can-an't just lea-eave her-her-her like thi-i-is!!"

Gradient than ran up to the girl, as he than lifted her up from the ground, and ignoring the soft feelings on his back, he moved and tries to get her out of the hole. But when they are about to climb, Gradient switched to his blue magic, and lifts her off of the ground, and he began to go up as fast as he could. The shield above is breaking, but he needs to keep on going. Honestly, he is just surprised by the fact that Error and the others are not hearing the explosions, which are normally loud enough wake wake people up.

"C-Come on-n. Almost th-th-there!"

Gradient said, as he continues to climb up to the top. And after a little while of climbing up, he and the girl finally reached the top. But as that happened, the shield finally gave away, and Gradient looked up just in time to see that the explosives are coming down, and are still going to reach the girl and Gradient with an intent to blow up. Gradient swung his Stylus to make a portal, and at the exact same time, fired his Gradient Blasters. They are as black as the Error Blasters, but they have the same eyes as Gradient himself, and have the same lines that he possesses. He jumps into the portal, and at the dart same time the girl did as well, he fired the Gradient Blasters at the explosives, as he closed the portal behind the girl and himself.

Gradient sighed, as he placed the girl down on the tree. The same tree that he used to lean his body against when he made the art work. Gradient sweeps the soot off of his pants, as he spoke out.

"Ok-Okay, the gir-gir-girl should be able to recover by morn-morn-morning and all-"

Before he could finish speaking, the girl's eyes opened, and Gradient was a caught by surprise, as the form spoke out.


Suddenly, the chain from her choker began to grow and start to make its way towards Gradient. Gradient was shocked and tries to back away from the chain, afraid of what it will do. But as he did, he than tripped on something without seeing what it is, and when he did that, he than suddenly stumbled back, and he fell down to the ground in a very painful way, and this gave the chain the time it needs to do it's thing.

The chain than wrapped around Gradient's hand, before he even had a chance to do anything about it, and needless to say, he is caught completely by surprise at this event.

This made Gradient shocked at what had just happened, but he is even more shocked at what the girl had done. Gradient stood up, and looks at the chain that is in his hands, and saw is now stuck on him. Gradient than looked at her girl, and saw that she is now awake, and needless to say, as much as Gradient does not like to say it, he cannot deny the fact that girl he is seeing before his every very eyes, as beautiful eyes of her own.

Then girl finally shows her eyes, which is such a beautiful, almost emerald green color. They almost remind him of Asia's, who he had seen through a screen he created in the Anti-Void. But Asia's had far more shine, whine this one, seems very submissive. The girl than spoke out to Gradient on a melancholic tone.

"How do you do? I am your Entertainment purpose 'Angeloid' type alpha, Ikaros."

Gradient looked at the girl in stunned silence, as she continued to speak out to Gradient.

"As long it is something that pleases you, I will comply with any master."

Gradient looked shocked, as he spoke out to himself in a quiet tone.

"Wh-What did I ge-eat mys-s-self into?"

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