Chapter 49- Tickets And Shoes

Amanda's POV

We walk into the hotel room "Austin-" I get cut off by him.

"Amanda, why would you love me?" he asks frustratedly and turns to face me.

"Why wouldn't-" I get cut off by him again.

"No! I mean, you know who I am! You know what I'm like! Why the hell would you be so stupid? Do you really think that I would ever like you back?" Austin screams at me and I go silent.

Stupid heart, have you not broken enough? Just leave me alone!

"M-maybe... Yes? I don't know." I whisper.

"No. No, Amanda, I will never love you back. I swore I wouldn't fall in love with you and I won't! Never." he states and turns around to take out clothes to change into from his suitcase. "I booked the tickets, we're leaving tomorrow." he adds.

"If you won't love me then why would you love Gina? Why would you kiss her?" I ask.

"Because Gina is better than you. You're a nobody to me." he spits and walks into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

I stare at the closed door as tears accidentally slip down my cheeks. A shiver goes over my whole body and I feel like I don't want to breathe.

I will never love you back.
Why the hell would you be so stupid?
Gina is better than you.

The words ring over and over in my head.

At least now I know why he didn't say anything about me loving him and why he kissed that other girl.

I take off my shoes and get into bed with my dress still on. I really don't feel like changing right now.

I feel the bed dip on the other side a while later, "Amanda, you awake?"

I don't answer.

He takes my hand and intertwines it then moves closer to me and softly kisses my neck, "I'm so sorry. I do love you... I just can't, you can't get hurt."


He pulls me into a hug from behind, still holding onto my hand, "I won't let her take you. I'm crazy about you, Miss jelly tots."

I sit up and shift away from him, "I hate you, Austin. You're just like all the other assholes out there. You never fucking change. I saw you with Gina outside and I let it go because I knew you liked her but then you kissed another girl after that and on top of that, you started screaming at me because of how stupid I am?"

I stand up and move away from him, "Then you tell me that the bitch that helped my first boyfriend cheat on me is better then me? I-I..." Another tear falls down my cheek and I close my eyes, shaking my head.

"I really am stupid for falling in love with you but don't worry, I'll get over it. You're a fucking dick!" I shout and sit down on the sofa that is placed in the room.

"Wait, Gina helped your first boyfriend cheat on you?" Austin asks, looking shocked.

"Forget it." I mumble and lie down on the sofa. I shouldn't have told him that, as if he cares. I'm a nobody to him.

"Amanda, we should talk." Austin says and stands up.

"No, Austin. You should fuck off." I state and close my eyes.

Austin's POV

I sit down on a spot the Amanda isn't lying on, on the sofa and sigh.

I can't tell her about the red head lady. I know I'm hurting Amanda and pushing her away but only because I have to. I can't let anyone know that I love her, especially not her.

I'm glad Amanda didn't believe what I said when I thought she was sleeping. I had to tell her but I couldn't let her hear. The last few days I have wanted to kiss her so badly.

I didn't know what happened with her and Gina. I never meant what I said about Gina being better, Amanda is amazing. I wish I could go back in time and stop myself from falling in love with her, though. That way I wouldn't have to do this to her.

I'll ruin her and I know it. She is already broken but this... It will push her over the edge.

Were just two broken people that are trying to make it out alive, because humans are just monsters in disguise.

"Amanda..." I can't tell her.

Fucking tell her, you idiot! Before you lose her forever!

"I do love you. I just couldn't tell you." I start explaining.

Amanda sits up and looks me in the eyes, "Austin, I don't care." she says and gets up, moving away from me once again.

I deserve it. I wasn't thinking when I was talking to her. I made the mistake and then after that I hurt her again.

I walk up to her where she is sitting on the bed and I get down on my knees, "Please Amanda? I'm begging you. I wasn't thinking about what I said and did and I am so sorry." I put my hand on hers but she pulls it away and I lean my head against the side of the bed, closing my eyes.

"I need to tell you something. I was kidnapped. I can't remember how old I was but I was still young and this red head lady grabbed me and took me to a basement. I was locked in the for four years." A tear slips down my cheek at the memory. It was terrifying.

"This lady, she used me, like I was a toy. I... I lost my virginity to her. She forced me to..." I look up at Amanda and she is looking at me with her eyes wide.

I take in a deep breath, "I managed to escape but as I ran I heard her scream at me. She said I'll find you, boy, I'll find you when you fall in love and I'll kill the person you love in front of you." A shiver goes through my body as I hear her voice ringing through my ears.

"I knew there was only a small chance she would find me but I still couldn't hurt anyone. I swore I wouldn't love anyone and now... I love you and I'm terrified because I can't let her hurt you. You mean so much to me." I shake my head and stand up.

Amanda's not going to budge and I dont blame her but I tried. I tried to explain why and that's all I can do right now. I hated explaining that because it makes me feel the pain, I had nightmares for years of her coming back. She actually used to call me her 'little doll'. The police searched for her but never found her but I know she is still there.

"You were... Kidnapped?" she says slowly, standing up and walking towards me.

I look down and sigh, "Yeah... But, um, could we not talk about it? I hate talking about her." I whisper and shut my eyes tightly.

Come out my little doll, I want to play with you. Don't hide from me you naughty boy, I'll always find you.

"Okay." she doesn't argue with me and I'm grateful for that. I just want to forget.

"Do you forgive me?" I whisper and Amanda nods then leans up and softly kisses my lips.

Amanda's POV

"But can I just say, like, what the fuck? You can't just spring that on someone! I mean I'm not forgiving you because you were raped or whatever shit happened to you. I'm forgiving you because I want to, but I swear to god this is you last chance," I warn.

He nods and is about to say something but I cut him off, "Couldn't you have at least warned me or something? That's not something you just spring up on someone! I mean, you're obviously scarred but in all honesty I want to laugh in your face because your tears are not making me feel shit. Okay, but that's first of all. Next I want to say that if there is any other dark shit you're hiding you better tell me know because I'm not taking these weird and fucked up surprises anymore and-"

This time Austin cuts off my rant, "Okay! Okay, I swear I wont spring anything else up on you. I just hid it and never hinted towards it because I really didn't want anyone to know. It's hard to explain, but after what the lady said, I felt like she was always watching me. If I talked about her or did something bad like fall in love, it was like she was watching. That's why I've never hinted at it but also why I always kiss other girls, it's to make her believe that there isn't only one girl," he shakes his head, "It sounds stupid to me too and I don't mind if you laugh and don't forgive me because realize how stupid it is. It happened years ago and honestly I only said it to get you to listen, but also because I wanted to explain," he tells me and I yawn.

I nod and look down at the floor, "I'm only forgiving you because I'm too tired to care," I tell him. I ve been holding grudges against people that have hurt me and I'm done. Even fake dating for revenge seems like a really pathetic idea and if Austin was ugly I honestly wouldn't have done it.

That sounds horrible and mean even if it's just in my head but it's true. Can't deny the truth.

Ugh, my inner bitch has arrived. 

"So what I'm hearing is that you forgive me?" he asks and raises his eyebrows and I roll my eyes and nod.

"Fuck, I've wanted to kiss you ever since that night in the pool." he whispers and pulls me against him, kissing me again.

I'm make sure to get revenge on him soon. There is no way I'm letting the words he said slide that easily. 


A/N: I don't know about this chapter, but it a big part in the story I originally wrote here so I'm sorry if it's still confusing and just popped out of nowhere xx

Song: Wherever I go- OneRepublic (Damn, I love the lyrics of this song)

Question of the day: Have you guys seen that old video of Justin Bieber making out with a mannequin? I mean damn, even if you don't like Justin, this video is HOT!


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Holy shit, yeah?? You're welcome ;P

Lots of love and jelly tots- TPG

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