Chapter 2

So there was a quantum physicist in town. Interesting.

Bill leaned against his hands, watching with interest as the skeleton peeled open a bag of chips. He didn't carry himself like one. His posture tended to slack, with clothes stained and dirtied. He was small and adorable, in a weird way, not really like a scientist should be. Alphys and Sixer carried the look better.

But he solved the fake equation Bill set up. Which meant Sans was the man Bill wanted.

Bill watched him for the next few days, trying to figure out a decent plan to get the equation out of this Sans. Looks like the two old twins already warned him about the equation, which meant trying to strike a deal wouldn't work. Hold someone he cared about hostage? No, he probably wouldn't save them in exchange for the world, he seemed smart. So that meant Bill had to either trick him into somehow writing it down (unlikely), get him to make a deal (even more unlikely), or get Sans to trust Bill more than the twins.

Which meant, basically, get him to fall in love with him. Mortals were so easy to control through love, this would be the best option. Not the easiest, but the most secure. Get Sans to fall in love with him, break the barrier, then conquer the world. Maybe even keep him around. He seemed smart, and having a scientist on his team would be a major advantage in case any other problems arose their ugly heads.

But how would he go about making this skeleton fall in love with him?

The first thing that had to go would be his appearance. He couldn't just strut up into town as his demonic self, that'd ruin everything. And he had to get Sans head over heels in love with him, to the point where logic wouldn't hold a dime to his intense emotions. That kind of love. Because, with that love, Sans wouldn't mind giving up anything and everything to Bill, including that equation, so that'd be helpful.

So first, he'd focus on the body. Bill couldn't go into his mind without a handshake, Instead, he simply opted to browse Sans' computer when he left, finding his online profile and looking over preferences. Alright, he was into guys. A male human body. Seemed to swipe on the conventionally attractive men, so Bill went to work on that. Gave him the usual looks any girl or gay guy would drool over. Tall and broad, abs kinda guy. The type Mabel would probably be into. Oh, right, if Bill was going to go into the real world for good as this guy he'd have to worry about Mabel.

It's been awhile since he messed with Shooting Star, though, so that'd be fun. Maybe he could tease her with how gay he was, how this perfect body of a male would never be interested in a girl.

Mortals were weird in that way. 

It didn't take anytime to finish the body. Thick blonde hair, a decent complexion for mortals, it looked fine. He had to make himself a little more unique and special though, so he gave himself pure golden eyes. He needed Sans to be attracted to him, no one else, for this plan to work. Had to make himself special.

For personality, Sans didn't seem to be picky. That'd be an aspect that he would had to adapt to on the go. Learn what Sans liked, and adapt from there. But that only rose another problem for Bill to deal with. How exactly he would even be in Sans' life to begin with? He couldn't just strut up, that didn't seem to go over well in many mortal romance movies.

Luck deemed itself onto Bill's side as he found out Sans was looking for a roommate. His house had a spare bedroom, so he was trying to rent it out. Not many takers, especially since Gravity Falls wasn't exactly a perfect vacation spot.

Once his plan was fully developed, it became too easy. Bill knew the ins and outs of mortals, he's been tricking them for generations. He simply used his magic to add himself into their system, and created a rather bland backstory. Bill, short for Billy, born in... hm, what was a quite, simple state awhile away from Oregon? Idaho was comparable. Bill, short for Billy, born in Idaho and ready to move to Oregon. He saw Sans' thing online, and decided to pick Gravity Falls. Perfect.

Living with Sans would be the perfect solution, really. Even if he didn't get the guy to fall for him, who's to say he wouldn't write down the equation one night and Bill so happened to look at it? And living with someone increased emotions typically in mortals, so being around Bill could significantly increase the time of romantic attraction.

After he sent the email from a summoned computer, Bill spent the waiting time researching all types of romantic media and posts about mortals to get this ball rolling. He couldn't be friendzoned, or loved like a brother, it had to be romantic. The same attraction that led that famous couple, Romeo and whatever her name was, to death. He needed Sans to be irrational, yet trusting, to give him the information. Could skeletons get drunk? That'd be easier... but it could also be the wrong equation, or messed up. Never trust drunk people.

Sans' reply took sometime, but after some back and forth, they agreed to Bill renting out his spare room. Sans was a cautious guy, the idea cemented by the conversation, so trying to trick the equation out of him in the blue wouldn't work. He definitely would need that trust.

Time to work his magic. Literally. Bill would need his magic for this or he would dramatically fail.

The first thing he did was set up a little... vision, per say.

He had to cement it into Sans' mind that yes, this man would become his lover. And what better way to do that then through dreams?

Sans sat down at the counter within his dream, looking around in confusion. Bill, in his human form, took a seat next to him.

"Hello there~" He sung, voice high in Sans' dream.

Sans grunted lightly, dragging his gaze to Bill. "Uh, hi?"

"You're in a dream, sweet cheeks," Bill said. He outstretched his fingers, pushing them above his head and looking towards the ceiling. "Did you know that, the night before you meet your soulmate, you encounter a vision of them?"

An old trick in the book. Mortals believed dreams, believed them to mean something. They never really did, especially if they were from dream demons, much like Bill was.

"Soulmate, huh?" Sans chuckled lightly, leaning his head forward towards the bar. "Nah, those ain't real. And I ain't worth one, anyway."

After some silence, Bill scooted his chair closer. "Soulmates are real. Your mind is constructing my image and voice based on that. You're one of the few people to meet their true soulmate in a long time. This," Bill pointed towards his human face, "Is your soulmate."

The bar in Sans' dream was lively, but the faces were blurred. They always were in dreams, unless directly summoned by Bill. Sans looked like he didn't believe him, the smart man tilting an eye socket above the other in a mocking face.

"Sure thing," He said, then turned back to the bar. "Just how much longer until I wake up?"

"Not much."

And so, they sat, Bill watching Sans' dream form wait for the inevitable waking up. Looks like Sans was used to dreams, at least dreams where he was rather conscious.

All according to plan.

Bill flexed his arms, glancing out across the grass. It's been awhile since he used a human body, or romanced anyone. Though this shouldn't take too long. It was easy to get someone to date someone else, it was harder to get that sense of love. No matter, manipulation would do.

Sans' house was on the edge of a forest, tucked away from the town much like the Mystery Shack was. Hopefully the dream he had last night would help cement the idea of Bill being his soulmate. Mortals were obsessed with them inside of media. Frankly, there was no such thing. Falling in love was an uncontrollable force, something that just happened. Or something that he could lead to, if he used the right cards.

Sans, wearing a plain blue hoodie and his usual basketball shorts, stepped onto his porch. Bill already knew the layout of the house, both from watching Sans and from the messages online. Two bedrooms were tucked away in the back, only separated by a bathroom. The hall led to the kitchen, adjacent to the living room. Not perfect, but a decent living situation.

He idly went to the mailbox, no doubt expecting Bill at any moment. Bill didn't want to bother with a car, he needed to blend in, and driving one would undoubtedly bring out his homicidal tendencies. It'd be way too easy to run over people, could you blame him?

Shaking away the thoughts, Bill focused once Sans was flipping through his mail. Time to make his entrance.

Sans, ignorant to the dream demon behind him, walked back towards his house, checking the mail. His new roommate should be arriving soon, any minute now to be exact. He'd go back in and start some coffee, maybe -

Sans suddenly found himself tripping over something he swore wasn't there before, causing him to stutter as the mail went flying out of his hands, flying backwards to land on the concrete. Instead of that, however, he found a pair of warm arms encircling around him, meeting a face he recognized from the dream before.

"Hi!" Bill said, smiling brightly at Sans, who was caught within his arms before he hit the ground. "I'm your new roommate!"


Does anyone else feel like Wednesday was forever ago? Maybe my days have just been really slow but god it feels like I updated this a month ago so I'm throwing in an early update

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