2. louder than an airplane turbine
2. louder than an airplane turbine
Zhan and Ella had been standing in the long line for more than 45 minutes when they finally got closer to the entrance. Again and again, crying and disappointed fans ran away who had been unlucky and had not been able to get a ticket at the box office. If he wasn't here with Ella, he would just hand his ticket to one of these disappointed girls and go home with a smile on his face.
Finally at the entrance, Zhan handed one of the men his ticket and a woman asked him his name, supposedly purely for statistics. Zhan grumbled and said, "My name is Xiao Zhan." The woman's eyes lit up.
"You're the artist, right?" Zhan nodded. Of course, she didn't know that he was also a author. Many times before, Zhan wondered himself why he called himself Wei WuXian as the author and didn't keep his name. But then he remembered, because even without having to use his real name, he wanted to be known and recognized as an author.
The woman really beamed and told the one of the two men, "Hey, we have a VIP here with an escort, I'll take care of him." She pressed her clipboard into the man's hand and asked Zhan and Ella to accompany her.
Then instead of ending up in one of the back rows like the tickets said, the woman, took Zhan and Ella to the front row in a sectioned off area, just for VIP's. Besides Zhan, a few other familiar faces had been there. He greeted them with a nod and, at their request, gave the woman an autograph on her arm. She looked so proud, as if she had won something.
Only slowly the last seats in the concert hall filled up and the pre-program began. The fans had clapped, but didn't seem very enthusiastic or animated. Zhan thought it was a shame for the supporting band, as they really tried hard and thought they deserved much more than a bit of applause.
Then, as a curtain went down and preparations for the actual show began, the fans started to cheer up as well. They were screaming and shrieking, singing songs by Wang Yibo, cheering, and even now, before it had even started, Zhan saw some girls crying.
The people like Zhan and Ella in the VIP area, in the meantime, were brought a hot drink and given gift bags with free fan merchandise and an autograph card from Wang Yibo. Zhan passed everything to Ella, who pressed this to herself like a trophy and was delighted.
Then, when final rehearsals for the sound were made behind the curtain, the fans screeched as loud as even an airplane turbine couldn't be. And because one of the huge boxes was right in front of the VIP area, Zhan got a double sound feed. From the box and the fans. And even Ella looked like this noise was too much for her.
The lights in the hall went out and a few spotlights shone on the curtain. They were turned wildly back and forth, while the curtain was pulled up very slowly. And the further it went up, the louder it got.
Wang Yibo was sitting on a chair on stage, holding a microphone in his hand, waiting for his fans to quiet down. Then he took a book in his hand and read from it. Zhan stared up at the stage, while Ella said, stunned, "Zhan, this is your book. He's reading from your book!"
"Oh no kidding, I've noticed that too." Replied Zhan.
"...And as the sun shone above me, and I felt the fresh wind on my face, and I wandered in the dry autumn leaves, watching the leaves dancing in the wind as they were blown all the way to the river and gently into it, being carried away by the waves, I knew this was a perfect day." Read Wang Yibo.
Zhan and Ella just stared at the stage. Wang Yibo put the book aside, stood up and said, "This is from the book is called, "When I want, everything is perfect" and is by the author Wei WuXian, you should definitely buy it and read through it. I used it as inspiration for my new song and also to find something good even on bad days."
"Yeah right! My best friend wrote that. My Zhan!" Shouted Ella to the stage, catching the full attention of Wang Yibo and everyone else who could hear her roar.
Suddenly, Wang Yibo grabbed his book, jumped off the stage, his security personnel dashed over to protect him, and then he stopped in front of Zhan, asking, "You're really Wei WuXian?"
"Yes, well I mean that's my artist name. I'm Xiao Zhan." Replied Zhan calmly.
"Xiao Zhan? Oh wait, you're the artist who paints those great paintings right?" Zhan nodded. "Can I please have your autograph? Because I'm a big fan of yours."
"Um what?" Zhan asked, confused.
"I'm a big fan of yours. I've read all three of your books, and I even bought three of your paintings. But I didn't know you painted them. So, can I have your autograph?" Wang Yibo asked again.
"Mhm yeah sure." Replied Zhan and signed Wang Yibo's book. But then instead of Wang Yibo just taking the book and returning to the stage, he squatted in front of Zhan and smiled. "What is it?" Asked Zhan.
"You look even more beautiful in real life than in the pictures I've seen of you. Um, could we talk again later?" Wang Yibo asked nervously.
"Actually, we were going to go home right after your concert because I have to continue working. But okay yes. But only with my best friend."
"Mhm, good. I'll see you later then." Replied Yibo and returned to the stage.
"Oh god I think he has a crush on you Zhan. Did you see the way he looked at you?" Ella asked excitedly.
"You're out of your mind. And even if so, I would never get involved with him. He's 6 years younger than me, and an idol on top of that. Can you imagine wanting to go out to dinner somewhere with someone like that? Always screaming fans and sensationalist journalists chasing you? Well, I can do without that and he's not my type either."
"You don't even have a type. And what's with the age thing? Do you think it matters in love? Yes, well, you're right about the thing with the fans and so on. But I'm sure there would be a solution."
"No Ella. Just no. And now watch your concert and enjoy it. That's what we're here for, after all."
The concert program started, Wang Yibo sang and danced, sometimes alone and sometimes with dancers, and as he did, Zhan realized one thing. Wang Yibo took his task on stage very seriously and although he looked tired, as Zhan thought, he gave everything and did not let on that he was already exhausted before the concert ended.
"He's very ambitious." Said Zhan to Ella when she asked him what he thought of Yibo so far.
"What do you mean?"
"By that, I just mean that he seems to be someone who doesn't give up and somehow manages to go beyond his limits as well."
"Well that's a good thing isn't it?"
"Yes and no. But explaining that now would take longer than the concert is going."
Ella nodded and continued to enjoy the concert, while Zhan wondered when Wang Yibo, with all his commitments and appointments, would even find the time to read? Shouldn't he rather use this time to rest and maybe sleep?
The concert was coming to an end and yet the fans in the hall were louder than an airplane turbine. They continued to cheer and scream until the concert ended and Wang Yibo disappeared backstage.
Zhan had already completely forgotten that Yibo still wanted to talk to him when Ella reminded him and the woman from before also reappeared and took him, Ella and the other VIP's to the backstage area.
Wang Yibo didn't seem very happy that all the other VIP guests were there too, but didn't let it show. Nevertheless, it caught Zhan's eye. Because Zhan, too, often just got fed up at some point during his exhibitions and wanted to have his peace and quiet, but he had to pull himself together and pretend that everything was great.
Ella and the other VIP guests asked the young idol questions upon questions, all of which he answered patiently. Meanwhile, Zhan was reading a recent report about his upcoming exhibition. Already yesterday some journalists were in the gallery to have a first look at the paintings and photographs. He had to answer questions about various paintings and also about the process of the upcoming exhibition.
He pretended to be surprised when one of the reporters told him that his exhibition was sold out. He knew that long ago, but still pretended that this information was completely new to him.
"Ella to Zhan, do you hear me?" Ella asked as she waved her hand in front of his face.
"What, oh sorry, I just got distracted. Are we done and ready to go?"
"Um no. Yibo just asked you something."
Zhan looked at Yibo and asked, "Could you please repeat that again?"
Wang Yibo nodded and asked, "Since when are you a fan of mine?"
"I'm not. Ella dragged me here today." Replied Zhan, catching a evil glare from Ella in return.
"Um haha, Zhan already knew who you were though. He just doesn't listen to music often and didn't know your music until now."
Zhan gave her a questioning look, because that was a lie. The part about listening to music, at least. After all, Zhan did almost nothing but listen to music all day. It relaxed him, especially when he was working.
"I see. And now that you've heard my music, what do you think of it?" Asked Yibo.
"Yes, it sounds quite nice. I liked the ballad the best."
"Yes, I wrote it after I read your book."
"Ah Ok." Replied Zhan shortly.
Suddenly Wang Yibo stood up and asked Zhan if he could speak to him privately for a moment. Zhan looked questioningly at Ella, but she just shrugged her shoulders. In the end, Zhan nodded and followed the young idol into his dressing room. A room crammed with different outfits and lots of makeup.
"Wow not even my big sister has that much makeup." Zhan stated in amazement.
Wang Yibo stepped close to Zhan, looking a little nervous. "Um, can I say Zhan?"
"Yeah sure."
"So Zhan, I wanted to ask you something."
"Okay, go ahead."
"Are you currently dating anyone?"
Zhan widened his eyes and looked at Yibo, startled and with bright red cheeks. "Why do you want to know?"
"Well, if you're not. Then I'd like to try to hit on you."
"What?" Zhan asked, shocked. And he was even more shocked when Wang Yibo suddenly gave him a kiss. Wang Yibo stole Zhan's first kiss and he didn't know how to respond other than, "Are you crazy?"
"I just want you to know that I'm pretty damn serious and I'm not going to give up until I win you over."
"You're out of your freaking mind. You can't just kiss me!"
"Yes I can. You've seen it after all."
"You don't even know me, just because you've read my books and have some of my paintings."
"I know you better than you think Xiao Zhan. And just by the way, I'm your fan. And as your fan, I just know everything about you. And now that I know you look even cuter in real life than in the pictures and the little videos, I like you even more than I did before. So get ready to be chased and caught by me. And I won't stop until I can hold you in my arms."
"I knew it, you're clearly crazy. I think all that idol stuff has twisted your brain and you're no longer in control of your senses. Maybe you should take a long vacation to get your head straight in your magical world." Replied Zhan.
He hurriedly went to the door and almost ran outside. When he got back to Ella, he pulled her up from her seat by the arm and dragged her behind him. He could feel his burning red hot cheeks the whole time he was dragging her. He just wanted to get away.
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