Meeting snatcher

Y/n's pov

Hat kid led me through subcon forest until we reached a huge tree that was hollowed out inside. Snatcher was there reading his book. Hat kid motioned for me to stay out of sight. I did as told and heard a conversation that went like this.

Snatcher: kid, I thought I told you to get out of my forest

Hat kid: yeah, but we're contractually obligated BFF's, and bffs hang out with each other.

Snatcher: (sigh) what do you want kid

Hat kid: I want you to meet a friend of mine

Hat kid then came and grabbed my arm, dragging me into the tree where the snatcher supposedly lived. I looked up to see a dark purple ghost with a jack-o-lantern like face. It seemed to have fur sticking out where a neck would be, and two very long, noodle like arms. I shyly wave at him, but snatcher didn't seem pleased to meet me. Snatcher was just intensely staring at me, almost as if he was unsure of what to do. Hat kid noticed how awkward the situation had become, and decided to intervene. Hat kid put and arm around my shoulders and said "this is hood kid, she's also by bff. And since you two are both my bff, that makes you friends". I stepped out of hat kids grasp and said "hat kid I don't think it works like that. Plus, it's ok, you were the only one who ever wanted to be my friend anyway". I turned around to leave but then the environment turned from the forest to a dark purple void. It was only snatcher and I inside of it. Snatcher said "Not so fast kid. No one enters my forest and leaves in one piece". I just looked up at him and said "well hat kid did". Snatcher seemed caught off guard, but quickly recovered and said "she's an exception, anyway, since I seem to be missing a few brain dead servants, so you get to live. Aren't you lucky". A contract appeared in front of me, as well as an inked quill. The snatcher said "I just need you to sign here". I looked at the contract, it said that I had to go to subcon village, murder the fire spirits, deliver mail, and find some minions who managed to get lost. I read a bit farther down, and saw that it read "I will be keeping the following hostage: your soul". I look up at snatcher and say "dude, if you wanted help with your job you could've just asked. I do have a question though, if you take my soul out of my body, will I live?" Snatcher said "as long as your soul is in one piece, you'll live". I nodded and then signed the contract. The contract then got a seal of snatchers face on it, and pooped into a cloud of smoke. Snatcher said "now that that's out of the way, I'll be taking this". I was then zapped by lightning multiple times, making me yelp every time I was hit. When the lightning stopped, a light purple soul flew up from my body. I felt exceedingly empty inside, almost as if I could no longer feel emotions. I tried to search for any emotion in me, but there wasn't any. Anyway, the surroundings changed back to normal, and I was tackled my hat kid. I'd usually feel joy in moments like this, but I felt nothing. Hat kid noticed this and got off of me before asking "what's wrong?" I was stumped by the question. There was nothing wrong, was there? I didn't know, I couldn't tap into my emotions to find out. Hat kid turned to snatcher and asked "did you take her soul?". Snatcher held up the contract and said "a small price to pay for being my new braindead servant". Hat kid sighed and said "ok, just do me a favor. Make sure y/n doesn't try to hurt herself. I know you wouldn't want your newest servant out of commission". Snatcher seemed a bit taken aback by hat kids warning, but waved her off. Snatcher said "you should start working on your contractual obligations. I have then written on your hand, once the contract is complete, the ink will disappear". I nodded and left the mushroom like tree house. What was first? Oh yeah, find subcon village. I followed the path to find a weird eye creature on top of a cage that held some cloth, it was staring at two purple cherries. I picked up one of the cherries and went to ask what to do with them, when the worm like creature wearing a mask got sucked into it and the cherry turned red. I stared at it in confusion, and then it blew up in my hands, sending me flying into a nearby tree. Pain shot up my back as I landed on the ground, I know that's gonna bruise later. I looked around and found a heart pon. I went over to it, and my back instantly felt better. Looking back to the cherry bombs, I noticed that the dweller from earlier had returned to where it was. Huh, I took the other cherry bomb and got it close to a dweller. It turned red again, and this time I threw it and got away from it. It exploded again, but this time I didn't get hurt. Good. The eye creature then explodes, and the cloth is released. I go and collect the cloth, before continuing to follow the path. I eventually found myself at subcon village, and the text on my hand disappeared. I was about to step further into the village, when I landed on a purple platform and snatcher appeared. He said "Hey there kiddo. Working on any contractual obligations lately?" Was that supposed to be a question, or a joke? Snatcher said "anyway, see those fire spirits? There little dances create barriers that prevent me from getting to certain parts of my forest. It's almost like they're trying to put an end to me, how cute. I need you to dispose of them, kill them, make them suffer for me". I nodded, and snatcher disappeared into the ground. I went over to the fire spirits, which were little fox like creatures who were doing a dance around a fire. I went to talk to them, and one of them said "we want to die, yaaaaaaaay". I was taken aback by that statement, but quickly recovered. This was gonna be interesting.

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