Her real name
3rd person pov
Snatcher followed his minion to subcon village to see it almost as if it had been restored to its former glory. The dwellers were playing tag and swinging the jump rope around for the minions. The minions were playing jump rope and hide and seek tag. Some minions and dwellers were even off playing with hula hoops. What caught snatcher off guard the most was the fact that most of the minions and dwellers were wearing little crowns made from mushrooms and leaves. Snatcher spotted the hooded child sitting on a stump with two other minions sitting in front of her, all working on the same giant crown. The snatcher was in awe, that the hooded child he had now grown quite fond of, had exceeded his every expectation. Hat kid looked up at snatcher, and grinned at his shocked expression. Hat kid then ran off toward the hooded girl, yelling "hoodie" as she approached her. The hood kid looked up and said "hi Hattie, wanna help me with snatchers crown?" Hat kid eagerly nodded and sat down next to the hooded girl, helping secure the leaves onto the crown. Hat kid then looked over to hood kid and noticed her bandaged leg. Hat kid asked "woah, what happened to your leg?" Hood kid just sighed and said "Vanessa happened". Hood kid then spotted snatcher, as she had been focused on her giant crown and didn't notice him enter. Y/n said "oh hat kid, can you give this to snatcher for me?" Hat kid nodded and quickly took the giant crown over to snatcher. Snatcher put the crown on, and it honestly fit surprisingly well. The subconites and dwellers all danced and cheered as they played games and had fun. Snatcher began to think, "is this what I was missing out on? Is this what it feels like, to be a king?" Just like that, snatcher grew even more fond of the hooded kid. Snatcher went over to the hooded child and said "Kid, you never cease to amaze me". The hooded kid then said "y/n, just call me y/n". Snatcher looked at y/n, surprised that she actually had a name other than "hoodie" or "hood kid". Snatcher said "But seriously though. I didn't think you'd be able to get the entire village cheered up". Y/n stared out into the village, seeing all of the subconites and dwellers playing and laughing. Y/n turned to snatcher and asked "hey snatcher, can I have my knitting kit back now?". Snatcher said "Oh yeah, the kid told me you'd want this back" and handed me my knitting kit, along with the yarn and cloth I was using. Y/n immediately went back to knitting the hoodie, stopping where the neck meets the hood. Y/n then turned to snatcher and asked "hey snatcher, would it be ok if I had a hair from your neck fluff?" Snatcher was surprised and taken aback by y/n's sudden and weird question, but asked "Why?" Y/n said "in order to imbue a hoodie, I need a string like material that belongs to or is part of the ruler of where the power resides. In subcons case, that'd be you". Snatcher paused, looking away and thinking about it. "If I gave her a strand of my hair, and she imbued her hoodie with it, she'd be even more useful to me", snatcher thought. Snatcher was convinced, so he picked a hair off of his neck fluff that he treasured and gave it to y/n. Y/n said "thanks snatcher", before connecting the hair to a magic string, and stitching it into the area where the hood part of the hoodie starts. Within a few minutes, the hoodie was finished. Y/n put the hoodie on, and tested out the abilities it had. Y/n focused on the hoodies energy, activating the hoodie. With that, the purple string began to softly glow, and y/n had two purple glowing orbs in her hands. Y/n then put the orbs away, and pulled down on the hoodie strings, activating the dweller side of the hoodie. This does the same thing as hat kids dweller mask except it lasts a bit longer. With the day coming to a close, y/n and hat kid went back to their ships. Y/n didn't come to subcon every day, but everyone in subcon would be awaiting her return. In fact, y/n usually came by every other day or every two days. During these days where y/n isn't in subcon, y/n is usually trying to bond with cooking cat or the studio birds. Sometimes, y/n would even take days to spend time with hat kid. However, snatcher was sitting in his chair, thinking about what tasks he could give y/n. Everything's been calm since y/n cheered up the town, and he hadn't seen anything from Vanessa. The next day comes, and y/n's leg is fully healed. Meanwhile, a minion frantically runs to snatcher before saying "b-boss, the statues.... they're attacking us". Snatcher is shocked at first, but quickly goes to subcon forest to survey the damage. Indeed, all of the statues are no longer on their pedestals, and are chasing the dwellers and subconites around. Snatcher noticed that the dwellers on elevated grounds are fine, and out of reach from the statues and makes a new contract for y/n. As if on cue, y/n lands just behind snatcher and says "hey, I imagine you have a job for me". Snatcher turns around to face y/n, and says "Why hello there y/n, I have a job for you. Recently, the statues around subcon have come to life and started attacking my minions. I need you to get all of the minions and dwellers to safety". Y/n gives a small salute to snatcher, before switching to her flight hoodie and swooping around the village, grabbing the subconites and placing them on the elevated platforms. Within 15 minutes, all of the dwellers and subconites were safe and accounted for. Now snatcher has to find a way to get rid of the statues.
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