Chapter 36: The Show Must Go On Part 1

In Vox's surveillance room, as overlapping videos from various cameras stationed around the Hazbin Hotel play on the screens stationed around him. Vox himself is sitting in his office chair, watching them all while drinking from his mug

Vox says with an evil grin, "No fucking way! They're going to fight? Oh, my god. Hahahaha! Oh, looks like your little hotel didn't work out so well," And watches a screen with Alastor on it, which glitches slightly, "Oh, Alastor, I cannot wait to watch you get FUCKED! Ahahahaha!" and laughs maniacally.

In front of the Hazbin Hotel....

The cannibals all gathered outside the hotel, practicing with their weapons. As Charlie watches them all from the hotel's entrance, Vaggie comes up to her.

Charlie says, "Oh, I wish my mom were here to see this."

"The cannibals seem ready to fight. Are we?" Vaggie says.

"I sure hope so," Zelda says.

"Relax, I'm sure we got everything handled. My crew and I handled a group of annoying cherubs, I'm sure we handled a bunch of Exorcists," Blitz says.

"What do you mean by that?" Zelda asks.

"Don't worry about it," Loona says.

Just then, "Sir Pentious bursts out of the hotel's doors, wearing a Victorian-style British army uniform and looking proud of himself, "Fear not, damsels. I shall have the staff ready for victorious combat!"

"What in the hell are you supposed to be?" Vaggie asks.

Pentious salutes, "General Pentious, reporting for duty. I'll turn those rapscallions into soldiers in no time at all!"

"Thank you, Pen," Charlie says.

"Well I can see you're ready for battle," Zelda says.

Blitz and Loona snicker and stifle their laughter, thinking Pentious looks ridiculous in it.

Niffty, running around the hotel's entrance, now runs up to Pentious.

Niffty asks, "What can I do to help?"

"I'm glad, you asked, soldier," Pentious says and explains her role, "The base needs fortifications. Reinforce the southern wall! Create a moat around the perimeter to stop a ground assault."

Niffty blinks up at Pentious, having no idea what he just said.

Charlie then kneels to Niffty, "How about this. If you see an angel, stab it!" and hands Niffty a small blade

Niffty sees Angel Dust a few meters away, and, thinking that Angel Dust is what Charlie meant, "Stab! Stab! Stab!" and runs towards him with her knife.

Angel soon notices Niffty aiming for him in a panic, "Hey, hey, hey, hey!" climbs up the pole he was leaning on.

Zelda cries out, "Not him, Niffty!"

Niffty stops in her tracks and runs off to find other things to stab, Angel does a flip and lands on the ground, before walking over to stand with Charlie, Vaggie, Zelda, and Pentious.

In her drill sergeant style, Vaggie says, "Listen up, sinners and Hellborns! We've got 24 hours before the Extermination begins. Let's get to work."

As the cannibals and the hotel's residents begin training to fight, Vox continues to watch them all train from his surveillance room.

Vox says, "Oh, they suck. Oh, they suck so bad! Oh, God. They're gonna fucking die! They're- they're gonna die."

Back at the hotel, Charlie is holding Alastor's microphone, preparing to give a speech to the cannibals, I.M.P and the hotel's residents.

"Hello?" Charlie says and taps the microphone, "I want to thank everyone for coming. Even people who aren't staying here yet...Cherri."

"Look, I can't resist a fight, okay? Especially when I get to tag team with this fuckhead," Cherri says, and wraps arm around Angel, who smiles.

"Tomorrow, the Exorcist Angels will face a hell ready to defend itself and win!" Charlie says with confidence.

"Yeah! Yeah, we will! Tell 'em, baby!" Vaggie says.

"Yes!" Charlie says, "And we are-we are going to win! But in case we don't, I want you all to know... that getting to know you has been the biggest honor of my life. Whatever redemption really means, I know you all tried. I have seen the good in all of you. And it's...I-I'm just...I love you all, so much, and-and live tonight however you want because-"

"We're all gonna die!" Niffty shouts and laughs maniacally.

"Way to build up with confidence Niffty," Manny says, narrowing his eyes towards her.

Vaggie claps, "Alright! Let's give it up for not dying! Love not dying," She pauses and says, "Drinks?"

Inside the hotel, the gang are sharing drinks, talking and laughing with one another.

Vaggie says, "I mean, personally, I'm excited. It's been a while since I stabbed anyone and really meant it, you know what I mean?"

"Cheers, bitches!" Cherri says.

"Yeah!" Husk says.

"Here's to us!" Angel and Usagi happily says.

Pentious says, "Here's to being alive today and not dying tomorrow!

Alastor and Niffty watch the rest of the group drinking from the mezzanine.

"Ah, the celebratory night before a courageous last stand. It's been a surprising thrill to witness these wayward souls find connection. Almost makes one sentimental, eh, Niffty?" Alastor says.

"I really like them, Alastor. They let me put on roach puppet shows without booing!" Nifty says.

"Ah, an enjoyable collective to be around. I admit one could get accustomed," Alastor says.

Niffty hops on top of Alastor's head and places a crown made of roaches and sticks on his head, "I dub thee, King Roach."

"Oh, to understand your twisted little mind!" Alastor says.

Alastor and Niffty begin laughing maniacally together, signaling that they possibly do understand each other's twisted little minds.

Meanwhile, Zelda talks to Blitz and the others.

Seeing how Alastor and Niffty acted, Blitz rolling his eyes, "Sheesh. Crist on the stick. The way those two are acting, it's almost like they're related."

"I have to agree," Loona says, annoyed.

Zelda says, "I'm glad you guys decided to help us."

"We're happy to help, Zelda,' Millie says.

"Yeah, but I kind of had to deal with Stolas' freaking out moment when I told him, but he's able to trust me," Blitz says.

"That's good, I suppose," Zelda says.

Manny walks to Zelda, "Hey Zelda, I like to thank you and your mom for housing Lola at her place."

"It's no trouble. My mom was glad to let Lola stay at the house until the Extermination is done. Though my mom was still worried about me going into a dangerous battle, I assure her that we can handle it," Zelda says.

Then Usagi asks, "By the way Zelda, how did training with Carmilla go?"

"It was intense, but I learned alot from her," Zelda says.

Flashback: Training with Carmilla

Zelda and Carmilla are training in the Carmine Home. Zelda and Carmilla clash their attacks with one another as they also dodge the attacks. Carmilla dodges Zelda's attack and attacks her back. Zelda mananges to get up and mananges to strike an attack. The two continue to perform ballet attacks and even perform weaponry attacks with blades, which Zelda is pretty good at. Carmilla is proven to be stronger with physical attacks and weapons attacks, but Zelda is also getting stronger thanks to Carmilla's training. Then the pair also clash their weapons for the last time and finish with their training.

Zelda says, "Thank you for the sudden training session."

"You are most welcome, Zelda," Carmilla says, "You have trained very hard for the Extermination. Of course, your father, Alexander Morningstar, has trained skillfully as well."

"Wait, you know my dad?" Zelda asks, surprised.

Camilla smiles as she nods, "Yes. Zestial and I were very good friends of your father back then. And truth be told, Zestial realized you were his daughter after our discussion at the time of the Overlord Meeting."

"Really?" Zelda asks, surprised.

"Yes," Carmilla says, "I admit, I was surprised that Alexander kept this from us, especially him having a child, but I understood soon enough. He did it to protect you, to raise you to have a life without fear and uncertainty. Of course, I've done the same in order to protect my own daughters."

"That makes sense," Zelda says, "I mean, I understand why my dad kept this from me all this time and we were able to talk this out."

"I see. Alexander also mentioned that after the Extermination, he is going to come clean about everything. So, you will need to understand that your life will not be the same after this," Carmilla says.

"I understand. Fact, I understand my life will never be the same the first day I came here, so I know that I work even harder and be strong for myself and my family and for all my friends," Zelda says.

Flashback Ends:

"After that she and the girls wish me luck and believe that I will get out of the Extermination alive," Zelda says.

"Glad to know you have her support," Manny says.

Usagi happily nods her head in response.

Meanwhile, Angel is sitting by the parlor as Husk pours him a drink.

Husk says to Angel, "Last day of afterlife, and you're not off snorting a line off some hunk's abs?"

"Eh, you fucked one cannibal pool boy, you fucked 'em all," Angel says.

"I guess you have changed," Husk says.

"Hey, Charlie said live tonight however we wanted... so pour me a fresh one, and let's get to living!" Angel says.

As Husk pours Angel another drink, Pentious tentatively approaches Cherri Bomb, who is talking to Vaggie.

Pentious approaches Cherri, "Miss Bomb? Cherri?

"Yeah?" Cherri questions.

"I want to tell you that I...I love..." Pentious says, nervously, but then quickly says, "I'd love to wish you good luck in the battle ahead," and shakes Cherri's hand."

"Okay," Cherri says.

"You are...have always been a worthy opponent. With the most...brilliant explosive contraptions I've ever seen," Pentious says.

"Uh...thanks?" Cherri replies.

"Anyway, I guess...please don't die tomorrow. Okay, bye!" Pentious says and runs away.

Sir Pentious runs away as Angel comes up to Cherri, passing her a shot]

Angel says to her, "You know, you could totally tap that."

Cherri scoffs, "Tss, don't be gross."

"Cuz, you know, I hear he's got 2 dicks," Angel says.

Cherri looks back at Pentious, "Huh."

Sometime later...

Charlie is standing outside Angel's bedroom door. A few photos of Angel and the rest of the group are stuck to his door. Charlie looks at them, smiling, before realizing that she might never see them again if they lose the battle tomorrow, and begins to break down and cry.

"Charlie?" Vaggie's voice appears.

Charlie turns to see Vaggie standing in the corridor, watching her.

Charlie turns away from her, "I'm sorry...I'm...I'm just so scared. What if we lose?"

And then, Vaggie begins to sing.


You've, already done so much

Vaggie begins to walk towards Charlie


So many lives you've changed

So many souls you've touched

And in the end, if it's only me you've saved

Charlie and Vaggie:

There's something that I've been dying to say

More than anything

More than anything

Need you to know I love you more than anything

More than anything

Charlie and Vaggie hold each other close and kiss.

Meanwhile, in Zelda's room, the young hybrid is sleeping in her bed. Soon, Zelda begins to dream to find herself in some at the front gates of Heaven.

Suddenly, she hears a voice, "Zelda... Zelda..."

Zelda soon turns around to see a familiar archangel.

"Carrie," Zelda says and runs to her.

"I'm glad to see that you're okay," Carrie says.

"Thanks, but how are you here?" Zelda asks.

Carrie smiles, "Oh, I have the power to travel into people's dreams and make sure they have good dreams. And I wanted to see you."

"That's cool," Zelda says.

"Thanks. Sera told me everything. She told me that you're Alexander's daughter and my cousin," Carrie says.

"Wait, Sera knew?" Zelda asks, surprised.

"Yes," Carrie says, "Even after what happened with Lucifer and Alexander, she watched over them for years, and even watched over you. She also kept this from everything besides the Extermination, and the reason why is because she respects Alexander's wishes of keeping this a secret."
"That's a lot to take in, but I'm glad that Sera isn't all bad," Zelda says.

"Trust me, Sera isn't bad at all, but you do have the right to be angry," Carrie says, "Anyway, I want to wish you and Charlie luck on this Extermination, and no matter what happens, I hope you and Charlie can continue fighting."

"Thanks Carrie," Zelda says.

Then the two girls hug each other.

Time passes and Zelda wakes up from her sleep. Remembering her dream, Zelda smiles and is glad that Carrie, who is her and Charlie's cousin, supports her and wishes for them to keep fighting.

Suddenly, Zelda hears a knock on the window. Zelda walks over and soon sees Octavia.

"Octavia, what are you doing here?" Zelda asks.

"Well, I wanted to wish you luck before the Extermination. My dad told me what's going on and I wanted to see you," Octavia says.

Zelda smiles and says, "Thanks Octavia."

In concern, Octavia asks, "So... you're really going to do it?"

"Yes. The hotel means a lot to me, Charlie, and everyone living here. And after Adam threatened to attack the hotel, I can't let this go," Zelda says.

Ocravia smiles, "You're very brave."

"Thanks. I know how dangerous this is, but I need to look out for my friends, and..." But before Zelda can finish, Octavia leans to Zelda and gives her a kiss on the cheek, causing her to blush.

Octavia blushes, "I want to wish you good luck, and to get this out of the way. I... I like you... I really really like you..."

Zelda smiles and kisses Octavia on the cheek back, "Yeah. I really really like you too."

"Good luck Zelda, and be strong," Octavia says.

And with that, Octavia takes her leave without another word. Zelda still has a blushing expression, in a way, they both confess their feelings to each other. Hearing the love and support of her friends and family, it makes her even more determined to fight the Extermination and determined to survive it.

Meanwhile, in Heaven...

The Exorcists are all lined up outside Heaven's gates as Adam gives them all a pep talk.

Adam says to the angels, "Extermination Day is here, bitches. We're going to go down and exterminate demon ass!"

"Destroy that ass!" Lute shouts

"Prepare to slaughter every sinner in that shit hotel, and you all remember Vaggie?" Adam says.

The Exorcists all boo Vaggie, "Boo! We hate her!"

"Rip Vaggie's cunt mouth out her ass!" Lute shouts in excitement.

"Would you just-ju-chill, Lute. Fuck," Adam says, taken a step back of Lute's excitement.

He then says to the other Exorcists, "Anyway, whoever brings me Vaggie's head gets...uh, I dunno, a million Heaven bucks. How about that, huh?"

The Exorcists all cheer.

Adam laughs, "Haha, yeah! Ladies, let's fuck shit up!" And then lets out a singing tone as he shouts, "ATTACK!"

And with that, the Exorcists take flight and prepare for the attack.

Lute also brings out her sword, "FORWARD!" and flies off for the attack.

Behind Adam, a portal to Hell opens and all of the Exorcists fly through it. The portal opens right outside the hotel, where Charlie, Zelda, Vaggie, Angel, Pentious, Husk, Niffty, Cherri Bomb, I.M.P, and the cannibals are gathered by the entrance.

Charlie has a golden shield with an apple motif, wears a red dress with a black heart on the chest, black thigh high socks with white heel shoes, black fingerless gloves, and wears a black and red crown.

Vaggie has her angelic spear. She is wearing a darkish gray bodysuit with an white 'X' covering the chest area, with white gloves and boots. She also has her hair in a ponytail with her ribbon.

Zelda also has the sword she received from Carmilla. Zelda is wearing an outfit as well. She has a black tank top with a collar and it has an opening revealing parts of her chest, along with laces across on her upper chest and chokers around her neck There's also ocean blue color around the collar area and the choker. A black fingerless on her left arm. A black mini short with black belt that has an ocean blue skirt around it. Also wear two different sized shoes. One is a thigh high boot on her right leg that has a white and ocean blue on the outer area of the boot. And an ankle length boot on her left. Her nails are painted black. Zelda's hair is down, but a braid that goes to her back. She is also wearing a simple silver crown on her head that has pearls on and triangular blue gemstones and it has chains that goes from the side to the back of the crown and down her hair, with pearls attached to the chains.

"Here they come. Get ready, everyone. We fight together!" Vaggie says.

Niffty has the small knife that Charlie gave her as she is laughing maniacally.

Angel has a tommy gun. He is wearing black shorts along with his black boots. Along with his white and pink gloves. He wears a purple fedora that has a white band around it, and a hot pink feather. The fedora matches the purple stripes on Angel's shirt and light pink stripes, and wears a pink tie.

Manny also has his gun and a rifle as well, and is holding a blade with his tail. He is wearing a button up shirt, a black vest with silver buttons, a black tie, black pants with matching boots. Along with a black belt with a silver buckle, a black coat, and wears a black cowboy hat with a darkish gray band, and has small white spots on it.

Cherri has a bomb. She is wearing a red and yellow jacket with a dark grayish blue tie and a white collared shirt underneath, she is also wearing a red skirt. Of course, she wears her gloves and shoes.

Usagi is holding a korean sword also called a geom. She is wearing an orange short sleeve hanbok that goes down to her knees, and tied by a yellow ribbon. She is also wearing black tights and white hwa shoes that cover her feet and lower knees.

And lastly, Pentious has a short sword. Their weapons have all been given angelic steel enhancements to allow them to kill the Exorcists.

As the group prepares to attack, Valentino, Velvette and Vox are all sitting in front of a TV in V Tower, which is showing real-time camera footage from the hotel. Valentino and Velvette look bored, with Velvette on her phone, but Vox has a box of popcorn and is excited to watch them all die.

"Oh, oh. Oh, this is going to be good!" Vox says, excited.

At the hotel, Vaggie raises her angelic spear, and shouts, "Now! FOR YOUR SOULS!"

The group cheers and charges as the Exorcists begin pouring out of the portal, charging back at them.

Charlie also screams, "Let's FUCK THEM UP!"

As the Exorcists and the hotel group begin fighting, Alastor stands on the hotel's roof, watching the angels flying out.

"Let the slaughter begin," Alastor says with maniacal laughter, "AHAHAHAHAHAHA-HA!" as he swings his microphone, causing a huge force field to appear around the hotel which traps the attacking Exorcists inside. Adam and Lute watch in confusion from outside the force field.

"The fuck?" Adam says, confused.

"They appear to have some kind of shield, sir!" Lute says.

"Oh, really? I didn't see this giant fucking shield in front of me, YOU DUMB BITCH! NO SHIT!" Adam says, sarcastically.

The force field sprouts tentacles and begins killing Exorcists that are on the outside of the force field with angelic weapons.

Adam is witnessing it as well, "That's how they can kill us? With our own weapons?! Fucking weak, dude."

As Lute raises her sword as she lets out a battle cry and flies to attack the shield.

Down on ground floor, Cherri and Angel attack Exorcists from the inside of the force field.

Angel shouts as he fires his tommy guns, "Come and get some!

Cherri throws her bombs, "Eat shrapnel, fuckers!" and the bombs explode as the Exorcists.

Pentious shouts, "All angelic weapons fire at will!"

And the cannons fire at the Exorcists.

Husk flies past, throwing his explosive cards at angels.

"Hey! Yelling while fighting...doesn't help," Husk says, and continues fighting.

Niffty runs around stabbing every angel she can see, even the dead ones.

Manny and Moxxie work together to fire their angelic guns and rifles at the Exorcists.

"There's a lot of angels here," Manny says.

"I know!" Moxxie says and fires them back.

Millie is swinging her angelic axe like crazy, killing the Exorcists in sight. Blitz and Loona also fire their guns and attack on the Exorcists. Zelda is also proven to be skilled with the sword as she swings them and stabs and cuts the head of the exorcists. It also helps that Usaig hops around and stabs the Exorcists, giving Zelda the chance to attack. Charlie and Vaggie are fighting back to back.

"Alastor's shield is working!" Charlie happily says.

"Trying to focus, sweetie!" Vaggie says.

"We might actually have a chance!" Charlie says.

"Love the optimism. Still trying to focus," Vaggie says, and throws the spear at the Exorcist.

Adam and Lute are still hovering over the force field. Adam clearly has had enough of being left out of the battle.

"I'm fucking over this," Adam says, having enough of it.

Adam draws backwards before flying straight at the shield. With one punch, he causes it to dissipate, leaving the hotel exposed.

"Fuck!" Angel says, shocked.

Even Charlie is shocked, "Oh, no!"

As the smoke clears, Adam sees Alastor standing on the roof. Recognising him as the creator of the shield, Adam flies down to the roof to meet him. The Vees watch from V Tower, Vox preparing to see Alastor die.

"Oh, fuck! I am so hard right now!" Vox shouts in excitement.

Vox makes a thrust gesture for a couple seconds while Velvette seems uncomfy of Vox making the gesture at her.

Meanwhile, Alastor takes a few steps forward to meet Adam

"Adam! First man, next to die," Alastor says.

"Who the fuck are you?" Adam questions.

"Alastor. Pleasure to be meeting you, quite a pleasure," Alastor says. He then taps his cane on the ground, "I'm about to end your fucking life," Causing four tentacles to rise up around him.

"Nice voice," Adam says, sarcastically, "Don't you know jazz is for PUSSIES!"

Adam summons his guitar and flies straight at Alastor. Alastor stands still as his tentacles lash out at Adam. Adam slashes at them all before gearing up to attack Alastor himself.

Alastor says, "Ah ah ah!"

Adam attempts to attack Alastor with his guitar, but Alastor moves smoothly out of the way, before sending more tentacles towards Adam

"You really think you can take me on? A mortal soul is no match for me, edge-lord," Adam says, annoyed.

"You should know better than anyone what a soul can accomplish when they take charge of their own fate," Alastor says.

Alastor's shadow looms behind him, making it appear as though there was a crack in the hotel's roof. The crack leads up to Adam, where one of Alastor's shadow monsters appears and punches Adam

"Ohoho, you think you're tough shit, huh?" Adam says, destroys Alastor's shadow monster

"Tougher than you. Ha ha ha!" Alastor says with laughter.

Adam swings at Alastor with his guitar. Alastor easily dodges his strikes.

"You lack discipline, control, and worst," And Alastor goes into full demon form, "YOU'RE SLOPPY!"

More of Alastor's shadow creatures appear, attacking Adam and crawling all over him, sending him flying upwards.

"And you're.." Adam angrily says, but realizes he doesn't know what to say, and getting attacked, "Fuck-fuck red piece of f-too much fucking red...fuck...shut up!"

Using one of his tentacles, Alastor grabs Adam and throws him into the sign on the hotel's roof

"Ha ha ha! Poetry!" Alastor says with a grin.

This really made Adam mad, "I'm going to wipe that shit-eating grin off your face, CAUSE RADIO IS FUCKING DEAD!"

Adam flies a few meters into the air and swings his guitar, sending a shockwave towards Alastor. When it dissipates, Alastor has been forced out of his full demon form and his microphone has been snapped in two.

"What just happened?" Alastor asks, but his voice isn't static anymore. He then notices his microphone is broken in half, "...fuck."

While Alastor is distracted by his microphone, Adam manages to score a hit on him, slashing him across the torso and sending him flying back to the edge of the roof. Vox cheers from V Tower.

"Yes! Fuck you, Alastor!" Vox screams in excitement, änd flips off screen, "Ahahaha!" He then jumps on top of the table, "THIS IS BETTER THAN SEX!"

Alastor picks up the 2 pieces of his microphone, trying to go back into his full demon form, but being too injured.

Alastor says in a sing-song, "Have to disagree with you there! Radio's not dead, but it is ending this broadcast."

Alastor flees the battle and melts into his shadow. Adam, laughing, watches him disappear while leaning on his guitar.

"Bye, bitch!" Adam says.

Meanwhile, Vox watches in anger from V Tower, disappointed that Alastor wasn't dead and angry at him for seemingly fleeing like a coward.

Vox screams in anger, "No! Fuck you fuck you fuck you! Pussy!"

At the front of the hotel, Pentious commands the cannibals from the balcony.

"Right flank, advance! Left flank, watch your six," Pentious shouts.

And then addressing Charlie, Zelda, Vaggie, and Usagi, "Ladies! There are more coming up on your right. Get ready for them, Vagatha!"

"Not my name, but got it," Vaggie says.

Charlie is hitting angels with her shield, apologizing to each of them as she does so, "Sorry! Sorry. Sorry-sorry, sorry!"

"Now's not the time for that, babe!" Vaggie says, still killing the angels.

"Oh, right," Charlie says.

Five angels fly at Vaggie, out to kill her.

Charlie uses her firework power as she screams, "DIE, MOTHERFUCKERS!" And explode them all.

Husk flies around the hotel, throwing his playing cards. Angel, near him, is shooting them all with his tommy gun.

"These fucking angels won't stop coming!" Husk says, annoyed.

Angel laughs, his dirty mind turning it into a sex joke.

"Okay, I walked right into that one," Husk says.

"No shit you cat!" Blitz shouts and fires his guns at the Exorcists.

Loona fires the Exorcists with the machine gun, "DIE MOTHER FUCKERS!"

Angel sees an Exorcist advancing on 2 of the Egg Boiz, "Hold that thought."

Angel runs to defend the eggs, one of them having already been killed by the Exorcist. Angel blocks the Exorcist's sword with his tommy gun, before shooting it up with a pair of guns that were hidden in his third pair of arms.

"You alright, squirt?" Angel Dust asks the Egg Boi.

"I nearly scrambled...myself," The Egg Boi says, and hugs Angel's leg.

"Get somewhere safe," Angel says.

Angel is knocked off his feet by a huge explosion.

The smoke clears, revealing it to be Adam, flying above everyone and shooting angelic light from his hands


Charlie notices Adam firing at everyone and the hotel, "What? Alastor was supposed to handle him."

"Not anymore," Zelda says, and lands to the ground.

"What happened?" Charlie asks.

"When I was fighting the angels from the air, Alastor had to leave the battle due to injuries. Adam really hurt him," Zelda says

"Oh no," Charlie says, shocked.

Zelda, Charlie, and Vaggie run to safety as Adam attempts to shoot at them. Pentious watches them.

"We aren't going to last long unless we do something about him," Vaggie says.

Pentious looks up at Adam, "Of course," and knows what he has to do.

Cherri runs past Pentious to get to a better vantage point, holding a bomb. Pentious pulls her back down.

"I'm trying to fight here! You out of your fucking mind?" Cherri asks, confused.

Yes," Pentious says, and hisses Cherri

The bomb falling out of her hand and exploding behind them.

Then Pentious declares, "Miss Cherri Bomb, I love you. Remember me!" and runs off to his airship.

Cherri looks back at him.

"That was kinda hot," Cherri says.

Pentious enters his airship, the Egg Boiz lined up around the inside. As he slithers past them, they salute.

Pentious says, "Eggs, activate thrusters, and charge the death ray."

"Yes, sir," The Egg Bois says.

Pentious' airship starts up and lifts itself off of the hotel. Everyone else watches. Zelda and Usagi look up and realize what Pentious is doing.

"Pentious?" Charlie questions.

"That crazy motherfucker," Angel says, shocked.

The airship flies towards Adam, aiming the death ray at him.

"Target in range," The Egg boi says.

Pentious then says, "Fire."

The airship edges closer and closer to Adam, the death ray charging up.

Adam notices it, "Oh, whoop!"

"Hey Dicklord!" Zelda's voice shouts.

Adam turns to a downwad direction, "What the fuck?!"

Before he can react, Zelda and Usagi manage to charge at Adam and grab him.

Adam screams in rage, "Let me go you bitches! I'm trying to blast that fucker! How the fuck did you find you're way back from Earth! Let me go, you brats!"

"Zelda! Usagi!" Charlie cries out.

"What are they..." Vaggie asks and realizes, "They're stalling him."

Zelda and Usagi continue to hold on to him until the Death Ray is fully charged.

"You stupid weak, sluts!" Adam shouts and manages to throw Zelda across below.

Zelda mananges to regain her bearing and Adam then fires a powerful beam at Zelda. Zelda is shocked to see the blast coming towards her, but before she has time to react, Usagi gets in front of Zelda and takes the blast. Everyone gasps in shock.

Zelda cries out, "Usagi! USAGI!"

Usagi begins to fall out of the sky as her body begins to disintegrate. Zelda quickly flies to Uasagi and mananges to get a hold of her before descending to the ground.

And one blast from his finger, Adam incinerates the airship and everyone inside it

"Haha, that coulda been ugly," Adam says.

Everyone stares in horror from the ground.

"Noo!" Charlie cries out.

"Fuck..." Angel says, disbelief.

"No..." Charlie says, beginning to fall in despair.

"You did good, buddy," Angel says.

"No, no, no," Charlie says and begins to cry, sinking to her knees.

Vaggie runs over to her, "Charlie, I'm so sorry..."

"Usagi! Usagi! Usagi, please!" Zelda's voice cries out.

Charlie and Vaggie quickly turn to see Zelda on the ground holding Usagi's body that is dissolving.

Usagi slowly opens her eyes and looks at Zelda, "Zelda... I'm... I'm glad you're okay... and glad that..." And tears begin to fall from Usagi's face, "And help me be better as a person... and you're my really important friend... goodbye... Zelda..." and soon, Usagi's body dissolves into nothingness.

Zelda begins to cry as she covers her face in sadness as she loses a very good friend. Charlie rushes to Zelda, kneels down, and hugs her. First Pentious, and now Usagi, they died and have given their lives to the place. Usagi saved Zelda's life, by sacrificing her own, for her friend.

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