Chapter 33: Homebound Decisions

On Earth...

On the sandy beach, the portal from Heaven opens and Zelda has been thrown out of there in a matter of seconds. Then the portal closes soon after the exit.

Zelda lets out a grunt and groans, "Ow..." She then lifts herself and says to herself, "Some hospitality."

Zelda soon notices her hat falling to the ground.

Zelda picks it up and asks her snake who is still sitting on it, "Are you okay, boy?"

Kai sticks his head out and hisses with his fork tongue.

"Good, you're safe," Zelda says, and Kai lies back on the hat before Zelda puts it back on.

Zelda stands up and dusts off the sand from her clothes.

Zelda mutters to herself in anger, "I can't believe this. That Adam is just a big fat bloated pain in the ass, he doesn't seem to care about demon souls at all. He just wants to keep killing them until all of Hell is wiped out." And sadly sighs, "And Sera didn't even want to believe in us at all. Not even after what Charlie and I said about our friends improving themselves. She thinks sinners are just sinners, but they are still human souls. I mean, I understand there is a point and that it's not simple for demons to be redeemed and be accepted to Heaven, but still... All Sera cared about was protecting her people without thinking of anything else. Emily and Carrie are the only ones who actually heard us out, and see how our friends are improving themselves."

Zelda looks around to notice the back, the ocean, and notices the buildings.

"This looks like I'm at Waikiki Beach," Zelda says.

She sadly sighs to herself, "So then... I really am home..." And sadly lowers her head, "Away from dad, Charlie, Uncle Luci, and my friends in Hell..." and soon tears begin to form in her eyes, "Charlie..."

Zelda soon looks up at the sky to see the sun beginning to set and remembers seeing the Pentagram sunlight and Heaven's symbol over them. Tears begin to fall from her face as she remembers the incident during Heaven's trial, and being stripped away from Charlie and Vaggie as she's been forced back to Earth.


I heard that there are seasons

To laugh and to cry

I struggle with the season

When you lived and you died

It's hard to play this game

Because the rules, they don't seem fair

Zelda then looks at the skies.


If you care, God if you're still there

She then reaches her hand to the sky.


Angels fly down in Hell

Sinners dying from their blades

Fear and Strife 'round the world

All the souls were lost

Still we kneeled and prayed

Then Zelda falls to her knees in sadness.


But Heaven can feel silent

And the floor beneath gets cold

When your soul refuses to let go

Then looks up again as tears fall down her face.


But wait, tell me am I too late?

What happens when the healing never comes?

Then she digs her hand in the sand a bit, before lifting it up allowing the sand to fall from her hand.


Do we stand and curse the heavens

Or lift our hands and feel the sun

The mystery's not clear

Just once, Your voice I'd love to hear

What happens when the healing never comes?

Zelda then gets up and begins walking along the beach as the waves go out from the shore.


I know we love the seasons

Like summer and the spring

But I'm now stuck in winter

Since the fall of misery

One day I'm full of anger

And the next I'm full of fear

Every year, there's a new supply of tears

But wait, tell me am I too late?

And soon remembers her time in Hell with Charlie, Vaggie, and the others, including times with Octavia, Loona, Manny, and all of her friends in Hell. Along with her adventure.


Is there a chance for me to believe

We would dance together soon

If there's a billion galaxies

I'll count each one 'til I'm with you

They say where you are is better

But I want you here with me

Oh, this is for a purpose

But hurt won't let me see

So now I must be silent

Your voice is in the wind

The wind blows as Zelda's hair flows in it.


The hands that made the heavens

Has caused the storm within

I have so many questions

I don't know where to begin

Zelda then looks up again at the sky, as the sun sets and the stars begin to come out.


Since you were there at the beginning

You already know the end

Zelda then runs along the beaches and soon reaches the rocks array in the ocean shore.


Ooh, what happens when the healing never comes

Do we stand and curse the heavens

Or lift our hands and feel the sun

She soon reaches the edges as the waves clash against the rocks.


The mystery's not clear

Just once, Your voice I'd love to hear

What happens when the healing

What happens when the healing

What happens when the healing never comes

Zelda lowers her head in sadness as tears fall down her face.

"Zelda, is that you?" Someone calls out.

Zelda turns her head to see a slightly muscular man, he has slight tan skin, dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes. He is wearing a black tank top, and black shorts, along with black sandals. He is also wearing a shark tooth necklace with a black lace around his neck.

Zelda is shocked to see, "Uncle Manu?" She then climbs off the rocks and towards him.

"Zelda, what are you doing here? Your mom told me that you were okay and that you're with your cousin. Does your mom know?" Manu asks.

"No, I didn't expect to... It's just... It's just..." Zelda says, on the verge of tears.

Unable to hold back any longer, Zelda cries in sadness.

Manu hugs her to comfort her and says in Hawaiian, "Ua maikaʻi. Mai uē." (It's okay. Don't cry.)

He then says, "Come on, I'll take you home."

In Heaven...

Sera is in her office as she thinks about the incident that took place during the trial. She has a lot of emotions from the event. About what happened to Charlie, Vaggie, and Zelda, and especially Zelda, Carrie, Emily. She never wishes for any of this to happen, and to cause trouble for everyone involved.

Sera sadly says to herself, "Zelda. Alexander. I'm so sorry I allowed this to happen."

Suddenly, Sera hears a knock on the door. She turns her head and says, "Come in."

Opening the door and entering the room are Emily and Carrie, who have a worried and sad expression on their faces.

"Hello Emily. Carrie. How, how are you both holding up?" Sera asks, trying to stay calm and conceal her sadness.

"Okay I guess. I'm still in shock of what happened, especially during the trial," Emily says and sadly sits on the chair.

Carrie sadly sighs, "And we're very worried about Zelda and Charlie."

Sera sadly sighs and figures it's partly the reason. She walks and sits down on the table next to Emily and across from Carrie..

"I understand, I'm worried about Zelda as well, especially the forced decision Adam placed on her," Sera says.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Emily asks.

"I believe she'll be alright," Sera says, and becomes serious, "I have a strong feeling that Zelda will find her way back and regain her spirit."

"How can you be sure?" Carrie asks, curious.

Sera smiles, "I just know it. I know that no matter where Zelda goes, her heart will guide her back to her calling."

"Hmm, you know, there's something off about Zelda," Emily says, "Despite her looking like an angel like us, I can sense her having a living human soul."

Carrie nods, "Even Adam and Lute were confirmed of her being a nephilim, which is something that's never been heard of."

Then Emily becomes skeptical, "And well, I've noticed your behavior towards Zelda is somewhat different from how your behavior towards Charlie. I'm curious about it."

Sera smiles with a sigh, "I kind of made it obvious, huh."

"You actually did," Emily says and giggles.

"Yeah. I kind of caught you looking at the three of us when Charlie shouted a bad word," Carrie says with a giggle.

"Yes, well..." Sera says. She takes a deep breath and makes a serious expression, "I'll tell you, but you both have to promise not to tell a soul. It's very crucial."

"Of course," Emily says with a nod.

"We promise," Carrie says.

"Thank you," Sera says.

Soon, the three angels sit face to face.

"You see, there is something else I've kept from you and all of Heaven, besides the Extermination. And it highly regards Zelda," Sera says.

"Regarding Zelda?" Emily responds confused.

Sera nods and says, "Yes. I suppose you wonder about Zelda, being a nephilim angel, correct."

Emily and Carrie nod their heads in response.

"Well, the truth is, I know who Zelda's parents are. You see, Zelda's human mother is named Lilo Kalama, the daughter of Jimmy and Pamela," Sera says.

"Really?" Emily asks.

"Yes," Sera answers.

Then Carrie says, "So then, if Zelda's mother was a human, then that means her father was an angel."

"That's correct," Sera answers.

"Do you know who he is?" Emily asks.

"Yes. I do..." Sera says, "And it's very surprising. In fact, I'm hesitant to tell you, especially to you, Carrie."

"Me?" Carrie questions.

"Yes," Sera answers, "I kept this information to myself, so no one, not even Adam and Lute knows about it. I also wanted to respect his wishes, so I suggest you both do the same once you learn this truth."

"His wishes?" Emily says, confused.

Then Carrie asks, "So then, who is the father?"

Sera takes a deep breath and answers, "It's Alexander. Alexander Morningstar."

Emily is shocked to hear it, "You mean, the Alexander Morningstar. Lucifer's brother. The angel who chose to fall."

"Yes. That's the one," Sera answers.

Then Carrie realizes, "Wait, if Zelda's father is Alexander Morningstar, by father's brother, then that would mean that..."

"Yes. you and Zelda are related by blood. She's your cousin, Carrie," Sera says.

"W-wow," Carrie responds, speechless.

"I'm shocked," Emily says, still surprised, "I guess it makes sense. She does look a bit like Charlie."

"And also resembles Alexander. Sure I've never met him, but I've seen pictures, and she looks like him," Carrie says.

"Yes," Sera says, and giggles, "But seeing what happened to the courtroom, I have to say that Zelda seems similar to Alexander. You, Charlie, and Zelda kind of think alike, especially them, The two are kind of like, what was the saying humans use, 'two peas in a pod.'" then says to Emily and Carrie, "Or four counting you two."

Emil and Carrie giggle.

"I suppose you're right," Carrie says.

Emily then asks, "Sera, if you know about it, how come no one else does? Why keep this to yourself?"

"Because, Alexander wished to not let Zelda's identity be revealed to anyone," Sera answers.

She then explains, "You see, after Lucifer fell and Alexander's choosing to fall, I was deeply saddened, especially for Alex, who was a dear old friend of mine. And so, I've secretly watched them both for eons. I saw how the two brothers are doing with Lilith, and how they were able to make a kingdom in the world Lucifer and Lilith were exiled to. 25 years ago, the two brothers got into an argument and Alexander went to the living world. There, he saved a young girl named Lilo Kalama, Zelda's mother. Despite him being an angel and what he explained, Lilo doesn't mind at all. In fact, love blossoms between the two, they get married, and have a child of their own."

"Aww, that is so sweet," Emily says.

Sera smiles, "Yes. It was."

Then grows worried, "However, Alexander knows the risk of Zelda's existence, because she will be naturally born of half human, half angel. Alexander feared what Heaven and Hell might do if they discovered this. Fearing for his daughter's well being and her life, he decides to keep Lilo and Zelda's existence from his people in Hell, and from us in Heaven. However, I knew everything, so I've decided to keep this secret to myself in order to honor his wishes."

"Wow. That must have been a big secret. It must be really hard for you to keep this to yourself," Emily says.

"Yes. It was, but I'm happy to be able to share it with you, to both of you," Sera says.

"Thank you, Sera," Emily says.

"It must have been really hard for you to keep that secret about Zelda, and about the Extermination," Carrie says.

"Yrs. It was," Sera says.

Then Emily asks, "What else do you know about Zelda?"

"Well, I sometimes watch over Zelda when she lived on Earth, and every time I've noticed she has grown," Sera says, "She was born into Alexander and Lilo's life, she began to grow. She's gone to school. And now, she has become a beautiful young woman with a big heart. Despite her being stubborn, and has quite the temper, she was always kind towards others. And even up to the day, she ended up in Hell, and was able to unleash her powers that her father sealed."

"Why did Alexander seal her powers?" Carrie asks.

"He wanted her to be safe, and to be sure Zelda lives a safe, peaceful, and normal life," Sera says, "Even then, Alexander teaches Zelda how to fight and her family teaches her as well. And soon, Zelda grew to be the girl we all know."

"What a beautiful story," Emily says.

"Yes. Despite what happened, I'm proud of the person she became. I know that the world will be her guide and she'll make choices on her future," Sera says.

"Is there a way we can help her?" Emily asks.

"I'm not sure as to how. As the daughter of a fallen angel and the daughter of the Grand Duke, Zelda will one day have a role in Hell," Sera says.

"I suppose so." Carrie says.

"And Emily, Carrie, thank you for listening and helping to agree to keep this secret," Sera says.

"You're welcome and I understand," Emily says, "I still wish there's something we can do to help her."

"Me too, especially after what Adam did," Carrie says.

"I wish there's a way to help her as well, but I feel it will be best for her to follow her heart. Allow the events to be her guide and make her decision. Us angels can do so much for humans to find their way. It is one of our important laws," Sera says.

"You're right. I hope I get to see her again someday," Emily says.

"As do I, Emily. As do I," Sera says.

Back on Earth...

Manu is able to take Zelda back to her home before it gets too dark outside. Of course, seeing her daughter back so soon is very surprising for Lilo. However, after Zelda explained the details of what happened in Heaven and in the courtroom, it shocked Manu and Lilo. Having the conversation, Lilo, Manu, and Zelda have some hot milk with honey mixed in it along with some taro rolls for a snack.

"How are you feeling, honey?" Lilo asks.

Zelda answers, "A little better, I guess," And lets out a sigh of sadness, "This has been a very bad day."

"Sorry to hear that what happened with the hotel isn't going so well," Manu says.

"Isn't going so well is an understatement, it was a real mess," Zelda says, "Adam has been bombarding us, and we learned that Heaven has kept the Extermination from everyone, and it was Adam who came up with that idea and Sera agreed with it. She even kept it from Emily and Carrie. And Vaggie was really an Exorcist Angel and never told us. The angels never listen to us at all, and Adam threatens to attack the hotel first."

"Yeah. It sounds like a terrible problem," Manu says.

"I'm very sorry to hear it," Lilo says, worried.

Zelda sadly says, "And the worst part is, I don't know what to do. I want to help, but I was sent back here without any help. And the others don't even know if I'm okay," Zelda then gets up from her seat, "I think I'm going to bed and think about it."

Zelda then walks up the stairs and into her room.

"Oh Zelda," Lilo says, saddened.

Zelda then walks into her room, places her bag on the ground. She opens it and takes Kai out and places him back in his little terrarium. Kai watches, looking sad to see Zelda flops on her bed and begins to shed tears once more. Over time, Zelda ends up crying herself to sleep in sadness.

Shortly after in Hell...

Alexander is on the phone with Lilo, and he listens to his wife explaining everything Zelda told her about what happened in Heaven.

"What?! Is that true?" Alexander talks to Lilo on the phone, "Andshe just got tp the house with Manu and is lying in bed... you sure she's okay. Alright, thank you for letting me know right away. Make sure Zelda gets some rest and I'll try to get there as soon as I can, and tell Manu I said thanks for bringing Zelda to the house."

Then Alexander hangs up the phone and begins clenching his fists in anger.

Hearing the conversation from the other side, Lucifer asks, "Was that Lilo?"

"Yes," Alexander says, calming down a bit, "Zelda showed up at the house with Manu."

"How did she end up there?" Lucifer asks.

"I don't know all the details, but from what Zelda explains to her mother and what she explained to me, the meeting with the angels was a disaster," Alexander explains.

"Well, uh, I kind of see it coming, but what exactly happened?" Lucifer asks.

"Well, according to Zelda's story from Lilo, Adam was practically bad at talking to them, and none of the angels have ideas on how they got to Heaven. And things got worse when the Extermination was brought to light, apparently, everyone in Heaven, except for Sera, Adam, and the Exterminations have knowledge of it," Alexander explains.

"Really?" Lucifer asks.

Then Alexander grows angry, "To make matters worse, Adam threatens to attack the hotel and forces Zelda back on to Earth, and his lieutenant calls Zelda an abomination just because she's half angel."

This makes Lucifer angry, "She said that?!"

"Yes," Alexander says, bitterly, and sadly sighs, "Zelda was really upset about it."

"No wonder, after the angels treating our daughters like that," Lucifer says.

Then grows worried, "Charlie must be heart broken by now."

"Yes. So does Zelda, but she thinks Charlie took what happened especially hard, including what she learned about Vaggie," Alexander says.

"You mean her girlfriend?" Lucifer asks.

"Yes. Apparently, she's like us. A fallen angel. She used to be an Exorcist Angel, and never told Charlie about it," Alexander says.

"Oh shit," Lucifer says, shocked, "That's quite the eventful time at the court."

"Yes, and I think the girls are deeply upset about the whole thing," Alexander says.

"What should we do?" Lucifer asks.

"For now, it's best to give the girls some time to themselves until they calm down. I can imagine they feel very uneasy about it for the time being," Alexander says.

"Yeah," Lucifer says. He then sighs, "Makes me wish Lilith was here. I'm sure she'll know what to do."

Alexander nods in response.

Time has passed...

Zelda is still asleep in her bed, but soon stirs and wakes up from her sleep. She sits up and rubs her eyes that have reddened a bit from crying. She looks to see that it's still night out. She looks at her alarm clock to see that it's 4:00 am in the morning. She lets out a sigh and decides to get out of bed. She walks out of the house and walks on to the porch. She looks out to see the ocean with the moon and stars still out.

"Zelda," Lilo's voice calls out.

Zelda lifts her head and turns to see her mother in her nightgown and robe.

"Hi Mom," Zelda says.

"Hello Zelda, how are you holding up?" Lilo asks.

"Not really to be honest," Zelda says.

Lilo stands beside Zelda, "Zelda, I know things have been hard for you for the past few months, and I feel that you've become a burden with this. You really didn't want to leave Hell, did you?"

"No. I... I don't... not at all... I mean, don't get me wrong, I really love living on Earth, I have wonderful friends and a loving family, even though I'm very different from everyone. But still, I never thought that being apart from Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, Usagi, and the others will make me feel so heartbroken. They became my friends, and there's so much we can do together and learn more about Hell and help them redeem themselves and help change their lives for the better, " Soon, Zelda begins to shed tears, "The truth is mom, I didn't want to leave Charlie and the others at all. It felt like I could belong there. I may be a human and an angel, but I also have a demonic part of me that makes me feel a bit like them. Even though I keep making some reckless decisions and keep getting myself into trouble. I wanted to stay with them... I wanted to stay... And I... I don't know what to do."

Lilo then hugs Zelda, "It's okay sweetie. It's okay. And you don't need to worry too much about messing things up. Messing things up is a part of life. I made a few mistakes and reckless decisions myself, and some really worry my family," Lilo says. She then says, "But there are some decisions that lead to good things, like the day I met your father. I tried to fight and swim off from a shark, and it ended up leading your father to save me. And of course, I fell in love with an angel, got married to one, and gave birth to a beautiful child who is half angel," And hugs Zelda, "And I've never regretted my decision. Because I ended up with a strong courageous husband who will do so much to protect his family, and a beautiful, brave, and kind hearted daughter who will always fight for what is right."

Lilo then wipes the tears from Zelda's face, and begins to sing to Zelda.

Lilo Kalama:

I know a girl from an island

She stands apart from the crowd

She loves the sea and her people

She makes her whole family proud

Sometimes, the world seems against you

The journey may leave a scar

But scars can heal and reveal just

Where you are

The people you love will change you

The things you have learned will guide you

And nothing on Earth can silence

The quiet voice still inside you

And when that voice starts to whisper,

"Zelda, you've come so far"

"Zelda, listen"

"Do you know who you are?"

Zelda begins to ask herself, "Who am I?"

Zelda soon walks off the porch and to see the sea.

Zelda Kalama:

I am a girl who loves my island

I'm the girl who loves the sea

It calls me

Zelda then walks on to the beach, enough for the cold ocean water to touch her feet. Lilo follows from behind. Then, Zelda feels the angelic and demonic essence from within her.

Zelda Kalama:

I am the daughter of an angelic being

I am descended from voyagers

Who found their way across the world

They call me

Soon, Zelda's body begins emitting a red and blue glow. Red represents the demonic powers and the blue represents the angelic power.

Zelda Kalama:

I've delivered us to where we are

I have journeyed farther

I am everything I've learned and more

Still it calls me

Zelda then rushes back to the house and with a new found confidence.


And the call isn't out there at all

It's inside me

She then climbs on the wooden railing of the porch as she has her hand holding to the pole.

Zelda Kalama:

It's like the tide

Always falling and rising

She then jumps off and walks to her mother who has a smile on her face.

Zelda Kalama:

I will carry you here in my heart

You remind me

Then Zelda and Lilo give each other a hug. After that, she walks to the beach once more.

Zelda Kalama:

That come what may

I know the way

I am Zelda!

And with that, Zelda's body glows as the aura surrounds her, causing her to transform into a form as her mother watches before her eyes. When the transformation completes, Zelda's wings spread from her back. She also has her black demonic tail and horns. Her eyes are now a red sclera with blue irises and white pupils. There is also one more chance Zelda has, she also gains a black halo over her head, representing her angelic being, and her fingernails are painted black and are now sharp. Zelda turns to her mother with a smile, revealing that now her two fangs have grown a little.

Lilo smiles and says, "Well Zelda, you surely are full of surprises."

"Yeah. the halo and the fangs and these nails are new, but I feel great, feel strong too,"Zelda says.

She then makes a serious expression, "But still, I need to go back to them. Charlie and the others need me."

"I'm sure your father will be over tomorrow to help with that," Lilo says.

"I know, but I need to get to Charlie and the others as soon as possible. So I can't wait for dad," Zelda says. Then say, "Plus, I'm not sure if dad is okay with me fighting the Exterminators on Extermination day."

"I'm sure he won't be bothered by it. He taught you to fight," Lilo says. She then asks, "But how do you plan to get back without your father."

Zelda thinks for a minute and realizes, "I know who, and also, I think Charlie and I are going to need some help with the Extermination."

Soon, Zelda and Lilo are in the living room as Zelda makes a call on it.

Zelda presses the speaker button and Loona's voice says, "Yeah it's Loona. Whoever you are, go for it."

Zelda says, "Hey Loona, I'm sorry to be calling you this morning, but this is an emergency. It's a long story, but in short, things didn't go so well for a meeting with Heaven Charlie was involved and the angels forced me back home on Earth, so I need you to open the portal back to Hell as soon as you can. I need to get to Charlie and the others, Adam and the angels are going after the hotel and then the rest of the city, and maybe go after everyone else who aren't sinners. And I'm not joking if you're wondering, I've seen the look they made on their faces, they won't stop until all of Hell is wiped out, so we're going to need all the help we can get. Please guys. I could really use your help with this. Please." and hangs up the phone.

Zelda sighs, "I hope I can get through to them."

Later in the morning...

Zelda and Lilo have finished having breakfast and Zelda is gathering some supplies, and Kai is sleeping in Zelda's hat. Zelda looks outside her window and wonders if her message is able to get through.

Lilo says to Zelda, "Don't worry Zelda, I'm sure your message will get through."

"I hope so," Zelda says, worried.

Suddenly, they hear a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," Lilo says, and walks over to the door.

Zelda continues to do the dishes.

Just then, she hears her mom saying, "Zelda, it's for you."

"Coming," Zelda says.

Zelda then walks to the door and to her surprise, she sees Blitz, Loona, Moxxie, and Millie at the front door with the portal leading to the office.

"Hey Zelda, Loona got your message and we were able to find your house. So don't just stand there..." Blitz says and brings out his gun, "Let's fuck these fuckin' angels up!"

Lilo turns to Zelda, "You know Lilo, you sure made some odd friends."

"I certainly do, and Blitz is definitely one of the weirder ones," Zelda says.

She then grows determined, "Still, I need to help Charlie and the others stop the Exterminations before it's too late."

Then turns to Blitz and the others, "Come on guys, let's go."

"Right you are, Zelda," Millie says.

Then Zelda turns to her mom as she gathers her stuff, "Bye mom, and let dad know I'm already back and heading to the hotel."

"I will, and be careful, and be safe," Lilo says.

"I will," Zelda says.

She then jumps through the portal with the others and it closes.

Seeing Zelda gone, Lilo says, "My brave daughter, I hope you'll be safe, but just in case, you'll need more help."

Inspired from Questions by Tori Kelly

I Am Moana (Song of the Ancestors) from Moana

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