Chapter 31: Welcome to Heaven Part 1
The day Charlie, Zelda, and Vaggie will be going to Heaven has arrived. Charlie and Vaggie are in their room, getting ready. Charlie is packing clothes into a suitcase while Vaggie sits on the bed, looking troubled because Charlie is overpacking a lot of things to the point she has a closet-sized suitcase, a guitar case, two extra large suitcase luggage, and a small handbag.
Charlie packs the stuff as she says, "Ok, I have my warm weather clothes and my cold weather clothes. I have a light jacket, flak jacket and rain jacket- wait, does it rain in Heaven?"
"Charlie, you're only going to heaven for a few hours," Vaggie says.
Charlie stands up and paces a bit, "Vaggie, we are only going to heaven for a day. And I just want to be prepared! It's our last chance to convince heaven a soul can be redeemed."
"Yeah, I wish I could come, sweetie, but I have that...thing," Vaggie says, sounding uneasy.
"What thing?" Charlie asks, confused.
"The thing with the.. thing uhm.." Vaggie tries to explain, but can't, "Fuck, gah, I'm such a bad liar.
Charlie takes Vaggie's hand, "Vaggie, you're my partner, I need you there with me."
Vaggie sighs in defeat, "Fine."
"Yes!" Charlie happily cheers, and hugs and kisses Vaggie's cheek.
Soon, they hear the door opening to reveal Zelda with her backpack and purse. Zelda is wearing a long red dress, decorated with white and pink hibiscus flowers with leaves attached. She is also wearing, black sun hat, a pink plumeria pendant necklace, pearl earrings, and a puka shell bracelet on her left wrist. Of course, laying on her hat is Kai the snake.
"Hey Charlie. Vaggie. Are you both ready?" Zelda replies.
"We're ready!" Charlie says.
"Yes. We're ready," Vaggie says, calmly. Then notices Kai, "And I see Kai is ready to go too."
"He sure is," Zelda says.
Then Zelda asks, "By the way, would Heaven be okay with a human tagging along because I'm not dead."
"Well, you've been in Hell for months, so I'm sure they won't mind," Charlie says, "But just in case, you can show off your wings. Just your wings. Will that help?"
"Maybe," Zelda says.
"That's a good idea. It might freak angels out to see a human in heaven before their passing," Vaggie says.
"That's a good point," Zelda says, and uses her powers to spread her wings.
"Alright, we're ready to go," Charlie happily says.
Down stairs, at the main hotel room, Angel Dust stumbles into the lounge with exhaustion.
"Oh, fuck," Angel says in exhaustion.
Niffty pokes her head out of a plant pot with a feather duster before coming down to see him, "You look messy! What happened to you?"
"It's who happened to me, and the answer is everyone! Twice," Angel says and takes his leave.
"Let me guess, your boss Valentino," Manny guesses.
"You got that right," Angel says, annoyed.
Angel explains as he puts his hands back and straighten his backside with crackles of bone being popped, "Val had me working 16 hours straight on a fucking whim. The absolute dickbag," And soon collapses on the couch, "UGH!" Hoping to get some rest.
Charlie, Zelda, and Vaggie come into the scene with Vaggie holding two luggage suitcases.
Zelda walks over, "Hey Angel, you doing okay?"
"No, and you can guess who," Angel says.
"Valentino," Zelda bluntly guesses.
"Yep," Angel says, annoyed.
"Ugh, that creep," Zelda says, annoyed.
And all of the sudden, the wall explodes, freaking Angel out of the couch, and everyone else around for that matter.
Angel gets annoyed, "Argh! What the fuck is with that wall?!"
Since it's like the third time or so that this specific wall got blown to pieces.
And suddenly, a female outline appears from the red smoke of the now-destroyed hole on the wall, holding a bomb in her hands.
And shouts in a familiar voice, "What up, hoes!" and laughs.
Angel Dust hears the laughter and immediately gets up from the couch with excitement, "Holy shit! Cherri Bomb?! Long time no see, baby!"
Cherri jumps into the room, "Angie, ya bitch! You been texting me depressin' shit all day! Figured we could tear shit up like old times. It's been fucking forever!"
Cherri senses Charlie coming up behind her and gives her the bomb, "Here, hold this."
Charlie freaks out, "Ah! Oh my god! Oh my god!" and plays hot potato with the bomb.
Charlie tosses the bomb back and forth in her hands until Vaggie takes it.]
"Nope, gimme that," Vaggie says and throws the bomb out of the broken wall.
And the bomb explodes.
Zelda smiles and says, "Hey Cherri."
"Zelda, it's great to see ya still alive. Well alive, alive anyway," Cherri says. "Ange told me you've been staying here and you got some more wicked powers."
"Sure do. Of course, I'm trying to make sure I stay out of trouble," Zelda says.
"Yeah. I heard from Ange that your pet snake turned into a monstrous serpent and attacked his boss and his colleagues. Wish I could have seen that," Cherri says.
"I love seein' ya Cherri, but I'm too tired. I need to pass out," Angel says and tries to fall back down on the couch.
But Cherri catches and pulls him up, "Oho, you can sleep when you're double dead, fuckhead! Come on, what you really need is a recharge! A reinvigoration, a re—"
"Responsible night on the town! That is a great idea!" Charlie says, "Hi!" She shakes Cherri's hand, "Charlie! That's my wall that you just blew up. It's so nice to meet one of Angel's friends! Aagh! He never brings anyone around."
Cherri snorts, "Wonder why."
Charlie obliviously says, "Yeah, me too. Anyway, Angel and everyone else have been working so hard, I think they deserve to have a little fun."
"W-w-wait, they?" Cherri says, confused.
Charlie waves over to Husk and Niffty. Husk doesn't seem to care much, but Niffty is shaking so fast that shaking rattling sounds can be heard from her body. Usagi, and the others are confused.
"Yeah!" Charlie says.
And calls out to everyone, "Hi, everyone! Angel and his friend are taking you all out for a night of fun and relaxation!"
Cherri mistakes Charlie's suggestion and tries to make her understand, "Wait, I'm only here for Ang—"
Charlie hands Cherri Bomb a large stack of money.
And Cherri changes her mind, "—Ooh! Never mind, Let's Go!"
"Make sure they have the best time tonight!" Charlie says, "Anyway, the portal to Heaven should be opening right about..." and Just as Charlie predicted, the portal to Heaven opens in the middle of the lounge.
Charlie screams in delight, "Now!"
Charlie grabs Vaggie with both arms and throws her into the portal, and as she steps a foot inside, she turns back to the guests and workers with Cherri Bomb, waving them goodbye for the day.
"Bye!" Charlie waves goodbye and enters through the portal.
Zelda says her goodbyes, "Bye everyone. Have fun," And goes through the portal as well.
The portal vanishes soon after, just before Sir Pentious walks by with a drink in his mouth. He notices Cherri Bomb and spits out his drink in shock.
"Well! If it isn't my arch-nemesis!" Pentious says with confidence, "Have you come to meet your fate in battle, Cherri Bomb?" but doesn't notice one of Charlie's discarded luggage in his way and ends up tripping over.
Cherri however says, doesn't seem interested in seeing him, "Apparently, I'm going out with Angel and I gotta drag your sorry asses along."
Cherri Bomb takes out a piece of gum and starts chewing. Sir Pentious hears her well, and is flustered by Cherri's suggestion. He immediately goes over to her and seems nervous while Cherri faces him and blows a bubble.
"Oh, oh, you and me are going out like for fun? I... I didn't think this would ever happen," Pentious says and begins to panic, "What-What do I do? What-What do I wear?"
Sir Pentious grabs Cherri's shoulder for suggestion, but she doesn't like Sir Pentious touching her and grabs his claw to the point it seemed like she's crushing it,"
"Don't fuckin' touch me, ya munted dickhead," Cherri says and takes her leave,
Leaving behind the flustering Sir Pentious who is blushing red after Cherri touched his hand.
Meanwhile, in front of the golden gates of Heaven where Charlie, Vaggie, and Zelda are shown to be outside as the portal closes behind them.
"Vaggie, Zelda, look at this place! It's so clean! Isn't that amazing?" Charlie replies, amazed.
"Yup, super cool. Heaven. Wow," Vaggie says, sarcastically.
"Are you okay, Vaggie?" Zelda asks, concerned.
"I'm okay, really," Vaggie says.
Charlie, Zelda, and Vaggie approach the front desk where an angel pops up from behind the desk.
He's a pale-skinned slim angel with curled, short pale-blonde hair, turquoise eyes with no pupils, and sharp-styled eyebrows colored royal blue. As an angel, he sports a white halo above his head, and a pair of large feathered wings on his back which are celeste blue and cream-colored. He wears a light blue vest over a pale yellow shirt with the long sleeves sporting dull golden cuffs, and a light blue skirt with dull golden detailing that forms into a cross at the hem over a high-collared. He also wears a pastel red bowtie, and for footwear, he wears dull golden flats.
The angel, St. Peter says, "Hiya! Welcome to Heaven! Can I get your name, please?"
"Oh! Uhhh, uh, uh, Charlie Morningstar!" Charlie says.
Peter opens the book of reservations that are supposed to be a list of names they've cataloging for those who are to enter heaven.
"Charlie Morningstar, hmm," St. Peter searches and mumbles names from the list, "I'm not seeing you on my list here, that's so odd."
"Uh, um, my dad got me this meeting, so maybe..." Charlie says.
"Oh, Dad! Okay!" St. Peter says.
"Try Lucifer... Morning... star?" Charlie says.
Peter realizes who Lucifer is, "Oh, fuck!" And becomes nervously, "Yeah, hoooo, hehehe. Yikes, am I right? Are you sure you're in the right place? Because I think you might be a little lost, "Peter nervously flies down from the desk to Charlie and Vaggie."
Vaggie is unamused of St. Peter, crossing her arms in disappointment, and says, "Oh, here we go."
"No, uh... we're, we're here for a meeting," Charlie says.
Zelda then says, "Maybe I can help."
She steps forward, "We're not lost, sir. Lucifer Morningstar helped us schedule a meeting with Heaven. And we're supposed to be meeting with a Seraphim Angel named Sera."
Suddenly, a voice says, "St. Peter."
The four look up to see three angels.
One is a slender owl-like body with light skin, straightened gray hair, along with gray sclera, and large dark blue irises. She has six white, bigger wings on her back and a very large halo hovering above her head, resembling a tiara. A white eye with a black pupil floats below it. She wears a white and gray goddess-like gown with wavy ends, which has celestial eyes on it. She also has these eyes on her shoulders and wings. She wears a wears queen-inspired clothing which consists of a two-layered, periwinkle-gray gown with a high-frilled pale-periwinkle collar, white and periwinkle-gray bouffant sleeves with white detailing, along with most of the bottom and hem colored in a pale-periwinkle and white with diamond designs around it.
The second one is smaller than Sera; her head is a white oval with three eyes (a third eye with the same blue iris and a black pupil on her forehead), no hair, no nose and blue lips. She has six white feathered wings behind her head instead of on her back, and the halo has a white eyeball and black pupil instead of spikes. Her white gown has some key differences, most notably the large blue eye with long lashes at the center of her chest replacing the star. Her puffy sleeves are white, while the hem is adorned with bigger periwinkle diamonds above the dark blue pattern (both of these patterns also resembling eyes), and longer white-outlined navy blue diamonds inside it, all marked with a single white line in the middle. She also has a white feathery neckline and petticoat.
The third one looks kind of different, that's because she's an archangel. She's the same height as the younger angel, but looks like she's the same age as Zelda. She has long blonde hair, pink eyes, pale white skin, rosy cheeks, three pairs of white and pink angel wings, golden halo with three 3 petal flower jewels (almost a crown) a white long sleeve dress like second angel's with golden star details and a golden locket with a pink gemstone on it.
"We can take it from here." The larger female angel.
Then, the two other angels change their forms.
The taller angel is a tall and slender woman with cedar-brown skin, white freckles and a white streak going down her nose, and hip-length curled hair colored in a silver-like ombre. Her eyes have white irises, blue-gray sclera, deep-purple pupils, and deep-purple thick lashes projecting from them. Atop her lashes are a pair of holographic-like lashes, which are colored in a slightly paler shade of deep-purple. She also has six feathered wings which are pale-periwinkle and white on her back, a white halo that is decorated with large crown-like spikes and blue gem-like circles, and a second halo which hovers above the first one.
The second angel is a slim young woman with silver-like skin, and mid-thigh-length hair with bangs styled in a somewhat messy way, colored in a gradient of periwinkle with noticeable white eyes have light blue sclera, white-outlined darker-colored pupils, and deep-purple eyelashes, while her three freckles are white and are located on each of her cheeks and her nose. She also has six white feathered-wings on her back and has a light blue halo decorated with small, tiara-like spikes hovering above her head.
The larger angel greets Charlie, "Greetings, daughter of the Morningstar. I am Sera, the high seraphim of heaven," The other angel squeals and laughs in excitement.
"You are gifted to be here," Sera adds.
Emily comes forward to greet them, "Hi! I'm Emily, the other seraphim, though you can call me Em! Emmy, E, whatever you want, I go by whatever," and giggles, "Welcome to Heaven!"
Then turns to the third angel, "And this my best friend, Carrietta, but everyone calls her Carrie."
"Hello. It's nice to meet you. I'm Carrie," Carrie says.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Charlie Morningstar, this is my girlfriend Vaggie, and our friend, Zelda, Kalama," Charlie says.
"Hey," Vaggie says, not interested.
"Hi," Zelda says.
St. Peter flies overhead as he says, "Dearly beloved, it is my pleasure to say onto thee..."
And St. Peter begins to sing.
St. Peter:
Welcome to Heaven, oh oh!
The gates open to reveal to Charlie, Zelda, and the unamused Vaggie the world of Heaven, a beautiful, clean paradise that is the complete opposite of Hell. Even the angels look completely different than the demons.
St. Peter:
Where the virtuous reside, 24/7, oh oh!
People are happy that they died, 'cause here we got no worries, got no burglaries, no strife. It's the perfect afterlife! Welcome to Heaven, oh oh!
St. Peter flies amongst many advertisements in Heaven.
St. Peter:
Check out our sick decor! The spirits leaven, oh!
Please keep your brimstone off the floor, we've got the best and brightest, the politest of the lot.
St. Peter poses with lots of other angels.
St. Peter:
And ev-ery-one is hot!
Gosh, I'm so pleased to show some outsiders around. After you see our realm, you'll never wanna go back down!
Of course it is just temporary, I'm sorry you can't stay.
Emily and St. Peter grab hands and fly up together, before falling back down and posing with some other angels.
St. Peter and Emily:
'Cause every single day in Heaven is a happy day! Welcome to Heaven!
St. Peter:
He pants after finishing the song
Charlie, Zelda, Vaggie, Carrie, and Emily run hurriedly, unexpectedly passing Adam, who is drinking a soda, and Lute, without her mask.
Without it, Lute is revealed to be a white-skinned angel with pale yellow eyes and white hair that has been cut into an asymmetrical bob with an undercut. She also appears to have gray eyelids that extend to her eyebrows.
They both immediately pause as they see Charlie and Vaggie.
Adam is the first to express his shock, "Holy fucking shit balls, am I seeing who I think I'm seeing?"
"What is she doing here? How did she even get up here?" Lute questions with a frown.
She soon notices Zelda, "Hold on, who's that girl she's with. I can sense strong angelic energy from her."
"Who cares? I'm handling this shit right now," Adam says and goes to challenge Charlie and Vaggie.
But Lute stops him, "Wait! You want to start a fight on the promenade in front of everyone?
"Better than waiting for the fucking extermination!" Adam angrily says.
Lute immediately grabs Adam by his collar and pulls him to shush him harshly, "SHHH. Sir, what was the Seraphim's one rule?"
"Uuughhh, 'No one but the exorcists can know about the exterminations'. I know, fine," Adam says and slurps his drink before adding, "Don't fucking shush me, bitch."
Just before they can settle this, Sera suddenly appears behind them both, "You should listen to your lieutenant, Adam," And teleporting them to an office-like building with just one sway of her wings. The light goes white on the screen before reappearing to show Adam and Lute being confronted by a stern Sera.
Adam turns around and looks at Sera with shock, "Fuck! Sera! You can't sneak up on a guy like that, jeez."
"Your highness, forgive me, but what is the hell-spawn doing here?" Lute questions.
"Well, you failed to control the demons' unrest, and now Lucifer is involved, setting up an audience for his misguided daughter. I never would have agreed to your..." Sera says, frustrated as Adam slurps his soda drink, "'yearly activities' if I thought it would bring trouble to our doorstep. Keeping Heaven safe was my only reason for allowing it."
"What do you want from me? I'm just one guy," Adam asks.
"I want you to do whatever you need to do to keep this problem from getting any worse," Sera says, and asks Adam, "Are we clear?"
Adam sighs, "Yeah. Got it."
Just then, Lute steps forward and asks, "Your highness, the girl that we saw with the hell pawn and the traitor, is she..."
"Yes, it is her," Sera answers with a nod, "Even though she has angel wings, I can tell that it's the Nephilim with the strong energy we were searching for. And it appears she became good friends with Lucifer Daughter and other sinners in Hell."
"Yeah, and she is surely becoming friends with Emily and Carrie too," Adam says, "Kind of surprising because Carrie is an ArchAngel and the daughter of Micheal, Alexander and Lucifer's brother."
"Yes. I'm glad to see she is safe. Lucifer's daughter did a good job of protecting her," Sera says, showing a smile.
"Your highness, what should we do? Even though she's an angel like us, she's still a human. Usually humans shouldn't have to be a part of this," Lute asks.
"I think it is best to watch over the child while she's here, so I can trust you to be sure no harm comes to her. I sensed she already awakened her powers and that's one of the reasons she's able to survive in Hell for so long, and Charlie is doing what she can to keep her safe. We will watch over her and see what we can do from then," Sera says, "Understand?"
"Yeah yeah, I get it. Besides, it might be interesting to meet her," Adam says.
Soon, Adam and Lute take their leave to see if they can settle the situation.
Sera looks over the city of Heaven from her window, and can remember Zelda, wing and halo, and her face.
She sighs, "Oh Alexander, you have raised your daughter very well. I'm glad that I've finally got to meet her," And take her leave as well.
Sometime later, Charlie, Vaggie, and Zelda are in their hotel room. Vaggie putting their big tons of luggage down as Charlie sits on the bed excitedly.
Charlie happily says, "Okay, I love Heaven! Vaggie, did you see the ice cream shop? They had sprinkles made of rainbows!"
"Those are just rainbow sprinkles," Vaggie says.
Charlie then stands up, "Emily and Carrie are going to take us to a zoo where all the animals are actually soft! You coming?"
"Uh, I need a break. But hug a koala for me," Vaggie says.
"O.M.G! Can you imagine an actual koala?" Charlie says and squeals happily.
She then grabs Zelda's hand, "Come on Zelda, let's go!" Then turns to Vaggie, "See you later!"
Charlie zips right out of the door with Zelda in tow, leaving Vaggie alone for herself. She lays on the bed and sighs, but there is a knock on the door a second later. She answers it, revealing Adam, barging right in to greet her.
Within a big grin, Adam says, "Hey there, Vag-asaurus!"
"Charlie will be back soon, you need to get out, now.
Adam enters the room, Lute behind him.
"I'm not looking for the blonde, babe. I'm looking for you," Adam says, turning to Vaggie.
"Why?" Vaggie asks.
"Maybe 'cuz you left the band. You tried for a solo career, or I guess it's more of a..." Adam duet.
" I don't know what you're talking about," Vaggie says.
And Adom comforts her, "Do you really think I wouldn't recognize one of my top girls just cuz you're out of uniform?"
Vaggie immediately grows pale when she realizes how Adam has never forgotten her.
Flashback: Past Extermination
Exorcists come flying down with swords and spears as they hunt and kill every Demon Sinners they find. Screams can be heard as many demons are being massacred by the Angels. An Exorcist flies down and kills a demon, before taking her helmet off, revealing it to be Vaggie with a shorter hair.
Adam explains, "You were on the front lines, I wouldn't forget a bad bitch like you. It's why I named you after the best thing ever. Vaggie."
Flashback Ends:
Annoyed, Vaggie says, "Actually, it's pronounced Vaggie."
Adam thinks for a second, "Hmmmmm-" And says, "No."
He then says, "Anyway, you sure fucked up, didn't you?
Flashback: Past Extermination
As Exorcists kill a demon, a sinner child is running away while being chased by a vicious Vaggie as an Exorcist. The child runs into an alleyway where he reaches a dead end. He turns, and starts crying where he is prepared to meet his demise. However, Vaggie hesitates, seeing the innocent child right before her eyes crying in fear. She reconsiders her decision.
She whispers to the child, "Go, run. Now!"
The sinner child flees from Vaggie right before Lute's shadow appears behind her. Vaggie realizes she has been spotted, dropping her spear before Lute stabs her eye out. Vaggie screams in pain. Her eye falls before Lute steps on it. She steps on Vaggie.
Lute says to her, "Sinful filth like you has NO place in heaven."
Lute brings up Vaggie's head and rips her wings off. Vaggie pants as she watches Adam appear before her in a shadow silhouette before Lute throws her discarded wings away and sword before she and Adam leave. Vaggie stumbling down an alleyway, now with only one eye. She collapses against a dumpster, before Charlie, in the past, spots her. She puts a bandage over her missing eye, and Vaggie smiles. In return, Charlie smiles back.
Adam adds, "To think someone as worthless as you landed Lilith's little hottie. 'Grats on that I guess."
Flashback Ends:
Disgusted by her relationship, Lute says, "Their love is vile and blasphemous."
"Hot as fuck though," Adam points out.
"At least I go hang around with abominations like that nephilim," Lute says.
This makes Vaggie mad, "Hey, you leave Zelda out of this!"
"Hey chill chill, we don't plan on hurting her. Sera made it clear to not have her harmed while she's here," Adam says.
This has Vaggie worried, "She knows."
"Well duh, she's a high seraphim, she knows these things," Adam says.
He then says, "But I wonder what your bitch and your little hybrid friend would think if she found out you are actually one of us, hmmm?"
"What do you want?" Vaggie asks.
"Simple, you work for me again and at the hearing, you're gonna help me shut this kindergarten snowflake bullshit down for good," Adam says.
But Vaggie refuses, "Never!"
"Oh yeah, you know, that's totally cool," Adam says, "I guess I'll just tell little miss butterflies and rainbows that she's been fucking someone who's killed- thousands of her people. I'm sure your relationship will be fine. See you in court!"
Adam and Lute leaves the room, Vaggie scared.
Somewhere in Heaven...
Emily and Carrie continue her tour of showing Charlie and Zelda around Heaven. Zelda has to admit, Heaven is really different from Hell, and it's very different from Earth. As of now, they're enjoying the zoo. In Charlie's case, she's enjoying it too much. Charlie is hugging the koalas with hearts over her eyes. Zelda, Carrie, and Emily giggle in response.
"She must really like soft cuddly animals," Emily says.
"She sure does," Carrie says.
"Yes. She really does like it here," Zelda says.
Then Emily asks, "So what do you like?"
"I like soft animals too, but I love aquatic animals," Zelda says.
"How nice," Emily happily says.
"I really love aquatic animals, and I really love the water," Zelda says.
Emily points down the path, "There's an aquarium section. We got seahorses, turtles, and all kinds of fish."
"Sounds amazing," Zelda says.
She then says, "Of course, I like snakes too, and I have my snake pal up here," Zelda points to her hat.
Soon, Kai wakes up and looks to see Carrie and Emily. The two angels are surprised.
"Wow. A snake," Carrie says.
"Yeah. His name is Kai," Zelda says.
"That's nice. I have a pet too. She's an angel dog. I name her Cloudy, and she is so adorable. I also have two wing lambs. I named them Sugar and Spice," Carrie happily says, and shows them a picture on her phone, "Here's a picture of them."
Zelda looks to see the cute angel fluffy dog and the two little lambs.
"They're so cute, and the lambs kind of remind of Charlie's little friends, Razzle and Dazzle," Zelda says.
"Really?" Emily asks.
"Yeah. She also has a pet one eyed cat named Keekee," Zelda says, and shows her a picture on her new phone.
"That's so cute," Emily says.
"She's adorable," Carrie says.
Suddenly, they hear a voice, "Zelda, is that you?"
Zelda turns to see an angel couple.
The male angel, who looks kind of a tiki spirit, has a puka shell necklace around his neck and wrist. His face is brown like a tiki, but decorated in some colors like blue, red, and black. He also has light blue wings and a halo. He is wearing a blue tank top and beige shorts, and black handles.
The female angel looks like a human, but also like a mermaid because of the fins around the stomach, the neck, webbed hands, and gills around the neck as well. She also has fine ears. She is also wearing a cyan color dress with pink hibiscus flowers and leaves decorated on it. He also has a cyan blue plumeria lei garland and tropical leaves on her head. She is also wearing white sandals. She has a pink halo and pink wings on her back.
"Oh Hi Jimmy. Pamela, how are you doing?" Emily says.
"We're fine. We were walking around the zoo and planned to get something to eat," Pamela says.
Jimmy then says, "And we notice you having some friends."
"That's right. This is Zelda, and the one hugging the koalas is Charlie," Emily says.
"Jimmy? Pamela?" Zelda says, surprised, "You two wouldn't happen to be Jimmy and Pamela Kalama."
Pamela giggles, "You are correct, Zelda."
"It's us, your kupuna. Your ohana," Jimmy happily says.
Zelda is very ecstatic, "Grandma Pam! Grandpa Jim!" and hugs the couple and they hug her back.
"It's great to see you again," Zelda happily says.
"And we're happy to see you too, our little sea flower," Jimmy says.
"We miss you," Pamela says.
"I miss you too," Zelda says, "Mom, Uncle Manu, and Aunt Diana miss you too."
"Oh we miss them too," Jimmy says, and ruffles Zelda's hair, making her laugh.
Emily happily says, "Aww, that's so sweet."
"So they're your grandparents," Carrie happily says.
Charlie soon returns, "Hi girls, sorry for taking so long, but the koalas are so adorable."
Then Charlie notices Jimmy and Pamela, "Hello. Who might you be?"
"Names Jimmy Kalama, and this is my wife, Pamela," Jimmy says.
"Hello," Pamela says. "I'm guessing you must be Charlie."
"Oh, so you're Zelda's grandparents. It's nice to meet you," Charlie says.
"Nice to meet you too, so what brings you girls here?" Jimmy asks.
"We're here for an important meeting, but first, Emily is showing us around," Charlie says.
"Sounds really nice," Pamela says.
Zelda turns to Emily, "So Emily, what do you wanna do after this?"
"Well, I think we can listen to some music at the town square. There is fun music, but some of them are pretty loud," Emily says.
"Really?" Zelda asks.
"Yeah, especially from this one angel..." Jimmy says.
"Who's that?" Zelda asks.
"That will be me," A voice says.
Everyone turns their head to see Adam flying down and lands on the ground.
And he says in a singing tone, "What up, baby!"
Charlie groans and covers her face, "Oh no, not him again."
Adam says, "Heard that you went to my manager. Low blow, Karen."
"Uh Charlie, who is this guy?" Zelda says, confused.
"Names Adam, first man, and known as Dickmaster," Adam says.
Zelda sweat drops, "So, this is the guy who is in charge of the Angel Army and the first man to set foot on Earth?"
"Pretty much," Charlie says, annoyed.
"Well, you certainly found her right away," And soon, Lute descends and lands on the ground.
"Hi Lute," Carrie says.
"Hello," Emily says.
"Hello Emily, your grace. And Carrie," Lute says, and bows a bit.
"Lute?" Zelda questions.
"Yep. She's my lieutenant of the army, and is a sturdy bitch," Adam says, and yells in a singing tone, "Aaaaaaaah yeah!"
Zelda sheepishly smiles, "You sure are different from some of the other angels."
"Probably because I fuckin rock," Adam says and brings out his axe like guitar, and with that he begins to play it like he's in a concert.
Everyone watches a bit confused by it as Adam plays the axe guitar and soon finishes up saying, "Yeah! That's how I rock," and ends with a loud strum.
Dumbfounded, Zelda says, "If you were an Elvis impersonator, I think you would be the loudest and wildest one in history."
"Best compliment. Right on," Adam says, and ruffles Zelda's head, "Gotta say, you sure have me and Lute surprised, especially learning you're a nephilim, and congrats on surviving in Hell for as long as you have and getting to Hell. You got moxie."
Zelda rolls her eyes in response.
"Anyway, gotta get going. Gotta ready for the court meeting. See you babes around," And Adam flies off, leaving Lute behind.
But then calls out, "And also, what the expression that Hawiian says, 'Hang loose,' and performs a shaka sign before flying off.
Zelda turns to Lute, "You sure have one interesting boss, there."
"He's still the head of the Angel Army, and I suggest you don't try to test him, young angelic hybrid," Lute says, sounding annoyed.
"Huh?" Zelda says, confused.
Then Lute frowns and says, "I don't know why you still want to hang out with these Hell spawns and sinners, you're half angel and even more so human, you shouldn't even be here, or down there in Hell."
"It's not like choosing to go down there, but I choose to stay there," Zelda says.
"Well, I hope you can enjoy it while you can, because one of these days, you'll have to return to Earth. I'll see you and the Hell spawn in Court," Lute says, and flies off.
"What was her problem?" Jimmy questions.
"I have no idea," Zelda says, worried.
She then says in thought, "Still, there's something wrong about her. It's funny, but... despite the different skin and eye color and hair style, she looks almost like Vaggie..."
Zelda sighs, "I feel that we have our work cut out for us."
"Yes. I have to agree on it," Charlie says, annoyed.
Carrie says, "Don't worry, I'm sure things will work out.
"I sure hope so," Zelda says, concerned.
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