Chapter 28: Meeting the Human Wife & Mother

The next day, Zelda and Alexander are fully dressed and are ready to head back to earth to see Lilo, Zelda's mother and Alexander's wife. Once they're dressed, everyone is down in the lounge and are ready to head to Earth to see her.

Zelda takes a deep breath and is nervous.

"Nervous Zelda?" Alexander asks.

"A little, but I'm feeling happy, I finally get to see mom after months of being here," Zelda says.

"Me too. Sure I was able to talk to her, but I really miss being with her because I've been here for months," Alexander says.

Charlie walks over, "True, but I'm very glad that you both are going to see her again. And I hope I get to see her too."

"I hope so too," Zelda says.

"Yes. I do think it's about time Lilo gets to meet you, but I'll need to talk to her first," Alexander says.

He then conjures her staff and turns to Charlie, "Zelda and I will head to Hawaii now and let you know what happens. And if things go well, you get to see your aunt."

"Okay. I'll see you all later," Charlie says.

Alexander uses his staff to open the portal to earth and he and his daughter walk through it. The portal closes soon after.

Charlie smiles, "I hope everything goes well for them."

Back on Earth...

On a bright sunny day in Oahu, Lilo is in the house as she makes herself something to eat as she listens to music on the radio. It's a calm and relaxing music so she can take her mind off her troubles. Soon, she hears a knock on the door. Lilo turns off the radio and walks to the door as it knocks a few times.

"I'm coming. I'm coming," Lilo calls out and opens the front door.

And the first thing he sees are her husband Alexander, and her daughter, Zelda.

Zelda sheepishly smiles and waves, "Hi mom."

Lilo's eyes begin to be filled with tears with a shocked and relieved expression. Without a second though, Lilo hugs her daughter in relief.

"Oh Zelda, you're safe. I really miss you," Lilo says in tears.

Zelda hugs her mother, "I miss you too mom," and tears fall down her face.

Alexander chuckles, "Hey what am I? Chopped liver?"

Lilo giggles, "Sorry honey."

Soon, the Kalama family join for a group hug with smiles and relief.

Lilo then turns to Lilo, "Are you okay, Zelda? Where have you been? Are you hurt? Have you eaten?"

"It's a really, really long story," Zelda says.

"Very long," Alexander adds.

"Why don't we go inside and have something to eat and you can explain the situation," Lilo says.

Soon, Kai slithers from the top of Zelda's hat and looks at Lilo with a smile.

"Hello Kai, it's good to see you too," Lilo says, and gently pets his head, "Have you been keeping my daughter safe?"

Kai sticks his fork tongue out with a smile.

"Well then, let's all go inside and talk about this," Lilo says.

Sometime later, the Kalama family are having lunch as Zelda explains her adventure to her mother. Of course, after listening to everything her daughter has been through, Lilo is shocked to hear what Zelda has gone though.

"I must say, you've been through a lot while in the city," Lilo says.

"Yes. It was very difficult living in Hell, especially trying to keep myself hidden from everyone in Pentagram city," Zelda says. She then says, "Still, I have great friends in Hell, especially getting to meet Charlie, who I learned she's my cousin."

"I'm very glad that you get to meet her, I hope you girls were able to get along," Lilo says.

"Sure have. We were getting along like bunnies, and I even got to meet her girlfriend," Zelda says.

"That's very nice," Lilo says.

"Yes. I'm very glad that Zelda is able to meet her, and I'm finally able to tell her the truth about our family," Alexander says and pat Zelda's head.

"I'm glad to hear that you were able to talk everything out," Lilo says.

"Yeah, but I'm glad that I get to learn about some of it on my own. Better late than never," Zelda says.
"Of course," Lilo says.

Then Lilo asks, "So Alex, how did things go with your brother?"

"Things went well. We were able to make up and he helped me search for Zelda. Though it was difficult because Zelda was staying in the hotel and kept wearing disguises to keep herself hidden so it was difficult to find her tracks," Alexander says.

"I'm glad you were able to work things out with him," Lilo says. She then asks, "So what do we do now? Now that everything is basically out in the open in our family."

"Well, that part will be up to you, honey," Alexander says, "Zelda and I talked and we would like you to meet Charlie, and maybe a little later you can meet my brother. That is, if you don't mind going to Hell to meet Zelda's friends."

"I don't mind at all. Besides, I've been wanting to meet your brother and niece for a long time now. I can imagine Charlie is grown up," Lilo says.

"So, you know Charlie?" Zelda asks, a little surprised.

"Not personally, but Alex did show me a picture of her as a little girl. You remind me a bit of her when you were that age," Lilo says.

"Right," Zelda replies. She then smiles, "Still, I can't wait to introduce you to Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Nifty, and everyone in the hotel."

"I'm glad to hear that you're able to make good friends," Lilo says. She then has an idea, "Still, maybe I can spend a few days at the hotel. You know how to catch up with the family and get to know Charlie and your friends."

"That's a good idea. Plan to stay in the hotel a few days as well," Alexander says.

"Then we're all in an agreement," Lilo says.

Zelda brings out her phone, "I'll let Charlie know about this right now."

Back in Hell...

Charlie receives a text message from Zelda and looks at it.

Charlie smiles and cheers, "Yes! YES!"

Then rushes to the lobby as she happily screams, "Everyone, holy shit!"

Everyone yelps in surprise and some like Vaggie, Angel, and Manny fall off of the couch with a thud.

"Damn girl, you tryin to give us a heart attack?!" Angel asks, shocked.

"What's up, Charlie?" Vaggie asks.

"Where's the fire?" Manny asks.

"I got a text from Zelda and it's good that she talked to both her parents. And my Aunt Lilo is officially coming to the hotel. I finally got to meet my aunt! And what's more Uncle Alex and Aunt Lilo are going to spend a few days at the hotel!" Charlie says, excited. She then lets out a squeal.

"Well, it will appear we're going to have a new guest at the hotel," Alastor says.

"Yes. I'm so excited. They said that they'll be here in an hour," Charlie happily says.

Then Vaggie stands up and says, "Okay everyone, the Grand Duke will be returning with his wife and his daughter, we're going to get the place presentable, and we're going to make an amazing impression. Vamanos!"

And with that, everyone dashes off to get the hotel presentable. Charlie also grabs Vaggie and dashes off, mainly to help set up Alexander and Lilo's room for their stay. They cleaned the hotel, made some snacks like cookies, drinks, and other snacks. An hour has almost fully passed and everyone is ready for the arrival, and they have the hotel as ready as it will ever be.

Suddenly, the door has been kicked open by a familiar boot.

"What the fuck?!" Angel exclaims.

What was that?" Manny asks, shocked.

And a familiar voice, "Hey everyone! Hope you don't mind if we come over for a surprise visit!"

Everyone turns to see Blitz and the others: Moxxie, Millie, and Loona. Stolas and Octavia are with them as well. And judging by Blitz's foot forward, he's the one who kicked it open.

Stolas apologizes, "Sorry to drop by unannounced, but we kind of agree to visit."

"Oh, hello Stolas. I didn't expect to see you today," Charlie says.

"We didn't expect it either," Moxxie bluntly says and turns to Blitz, "Blitz was the one who decided to visit unexpectedly and bust the door open."

"Pork a sock in it, Mox," Blitz angrily says.

Octavia says, "Hi Charlie."

"Hey," Loona says, "Is Zelda here?"

"Well, not right now. In fact, you kind of come at a bit of a busy time," Charlie says.

"What's going on?" Millie asks.

Right on cue, the portal opens in the lobby of the hotel.

"Right on time!" Charlie happily says.

Then she dashes to the portal and Zelda is the first to walk out.

"Hey Charlie, we're back," Zelda says.

"Hi Zelda," Charlie happily says, "Where are your parents?"

"They're coming through right now," Zelda says.

Soon, Alexander is the first to walk through the portal and helps Lilo walk through the portal into the hotel. Then Alexander uses his magic to bring six suitcases through the portal before closing it. Charlie smiles to see Lilo with her uncle Alexander. That ended up catching I.M.P, and the Goetia Royals by surprise.

"Hi Charlie, sorry to be gone a little long," Alexander says.

"It's no trouble, you and Zelda do need this," Charlie says.

"Charmed," Alexander says. Then introduces his niece and wife to one another, "Charlie, this is my wife, Lilo Kalama. Lilo, this is my niece, Charlotte Morningstar, but you can call her Charlie."

"Hi Aunt Lilo, it's nice to finally meet you. And welcome to the Hazbin Hotel," Charlie happily says.

Lilo smiles, "It's nice to finally meet you too, Charlie."

Charlie gives Lilo a hug, and Lilo hugs Charlie back. Then the two let go of their embrace.

"You are going to love it here," Charlie says.

Then turns to Zedla, "And Zelda, your friends are here," And gestures to the front.

Zelda turns to see Blitz and the others, including Stolas and his daughter, who are quite surprised.

"Öh hi guys," Zelda says. She then slightly blushes to see Octavia, "Hi Octavia."

"Hi Zelda, Loona and I wanted to hang out, but it seems we got here at a bit of a bad time," Octavia says, a bit flustered, but smiles.

"Maybe, but on the bright side, you get to meet my parents," Zelda says.

"Surely I didn't expect that," Loona says.

"Yeah. It's not every day we get to see Hell's Second Head Honcho," Blitz says.

Then Alexander speaks up, "So Zelda, aren't you going to introduce your mother to your friends?"

"Yes. Of course. Charlie can help too," Zelda.

"Sure can," Charlie says, and pulls Vaggie over, "Aunt Lilo, this is Vaggie, she's my girlfriend."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Vaggie," Lilo says.

"Lovely to meet you, ma'am," Vaggie says.

"You don't need to be formal, just call me Lilo," Lilo says.

"Of course," Vaggie says.

Then Zelda says, "Mom, dad, these are my friends from Imp City, the Hellhound is Loona. This Is her dad, Blitz. And his colleagues, Moxxie and Millie," Then turns to Octavia, "And this um, sweet bird, is Octavia, and this is her dad, Stolas."

"Hello," Octavia says.

"Hey," Loona says.

"Yo," Blitz says.

"Howdy," Millie happily.

"How do you do," Moxxie says, sounding a bit shy.

"Hello Lilo, it's nice to meet you," Stolas says.

"A pleasure to meet you too," Lilo says.

Then Stolas turns to Alexander, "And it's a pleasure to see you again, your majesty."

"Hello Prince Stolas, it's nice to see you again. You used to be a little guy since I last saw you," Alexander says.

"Really, you know him?" Octavia asks.

"Not much, but I do see him when Lucifer and I go to some meetings with his father, Paimon. He used to be a small child last I saw him, and just started practicing for his role in Hell and his magic," Alexander says.

"Good to know," Zelda says.

"And we still have more friends to introduce you too," Charlie says.

Then begins the introduction, "This is Angel Dust, Sir Pentious, and Usagi, they're our guest joining the Rehabilitation Program."

"Pleasure to meet you, your highness," Pentious says and bows in respect.

"You don't need to address me as just," Lilo says.

"Hey there Hawiian girl," Angel says.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you," Usagi says, shyly.

"And these are my other friends, Manny, and his little sister, Lola," Zelda says, turning to Manny as he holds Lola in his arms.

"Hello Lilo, it's nice to meet you," Manny says.

Then he turns to Lola, "What do you say, Lola?"

Loly shyly waves, "Hello."

"Manny works at the hotel and helps out. Lola starts to help with a little entertainment, because she likes to perform," Zelda says.

Then Octavia says, "Oh, so you're the new friends Zelda messaged me about."

"Sure am, you're Octavia, right?" Manny asks.

"Yep," Octavia says.

"Nice to meet you, princess," Manny says and winks.

"Please don't," Octavia says with a groan of annoyance.

Lola walks to Loona and says, "Hello."

"Hey," Loona says.

Then Charlie introduces, "And lastly, we have Alastor who is our facility manager, Husk is our bartender and Niffty is our housekeeper."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, my dear," Alastor says, twirling his microphone cane.

"Nice to meet you," Husk says.

Niffty happily walks to Lilo, "Hi I'm Niffty. It's very nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you," Lilo says.

Charlie happily says, "Well, I'm glad to see everything is going well with the introduction. We have some snacks and drinks so let's all chat and such."

And soon, everyone has snacks while Zelda, Octavia, and the younger demons like Manny, Lola, Loona, Niffty, and Usagi are having a chat while the adults, including Alexander and Lilo talk about their life together.

"So Alexander, if you don't mind me asking, what will happen now that many of us knew about your wife and daughter?" Stolas asks.

"It's actually a very good question," Alexander answers, "Still, I feel that I can't keep this a secret forever."

"No shit, I can imagine how everyone is going to lose their fuckin heads when they find out about your wife and kid," Angel says.

"That will be true. It will raise all of Hell. I can imagine what the paper will day," Alastor says and uses his microphone, 'The Grand Duke of Hell, Alexander Morningstar, has a secret family of a human female, and a daughter of both human and fallen angel with unique abilities and appearance. And this daughter is also the mysterious hybrid that has made the news for a long while, revealing to be a Princess of Hell,'"

Luckily, Alastor isn't broadcasting this.

Vaggie sighs, "That's true, I can imagine the demons coming to the hotel to meet Zelda and Lilo. I can imagine the craziness the other demon royals will do."

"That's true, but I'm sure we'll figure something out," Charlie says.

Then turns to see Zelda and the others talking and laughing.

"Still, I'm really happy that things were able to work out," Charlie says.

"True, but Stolas is correct. I will have to tell everyone eventually. I can't keep this hidden forever," Alexander says.

"I have to agree, your highness. You can't keep this secret forever now that demons are at least aware of Zelda's existence," Moxie says.

"What will you do, honey?" Lilo asks.

Alexander sighs, "I was thinking that after the next Extermination I will expose everything to Hell. Of course, it will be shocking to hear it from the Morningstar who practically went ghost for eighteen years."

"Yeah. That's going to be a problem," Charlie says, sheepishly.

"Yes, but I'm sure it will help if Lucifer helps me, he's the very first demon I explain everything to, and he's the only one who can help me. Of course, you can help me too, Charlie," Alexander says.

"I'll be happy to help you," Charlie says.

Then Stolas says, "Maybe I can help as well, especially since my daughter has become good friends with your daughter."

Blitz turns to see the two girls chatting with the others, "Yeah. Those two seem awfully close to be friends."

"Oh, you mean Zelda becoming good friends with her future girlfriend?" Angel asks with a smile.

Hearing Angel, Zelda turns and asks, "Wait what?"

Octavia blushes a bit soon after as well.

"Um beg pardon?" Stolas questions.

"Huh?" Even Alexander and Lilo are confused. Even Blitz, Moxxie, and Millie are confused.

"Angel," Charlie says with a firm expression.

"Well, it's not my fault that Zelda blushes whenever Via comes, and she's always getting a little more excited to see her. Even Husk confirmed about her newfound love life. You all noticed how close Zelda and Octavia are to each other," Angel says.

Zelda screams in embarrassment, "ANGEL DUST! YOU TATTLE TALE!"

"Sorry, but you made it really obvious," Angel says with a smirk on his face.

"And all the time for you to say it, it had to be in front of my parents!" Zelda screams, blushing that despite being tan, her face begins to turn red.

Angel then grabs Zelda and Octavia and pushes both of them together as he says, "Come on, it's obvious that you both enjoy each other's company and you like to hang out together. Maybe you two should start dating."

Zelda screams at Angel, "SHUT UP ANGEL!"

Alexander chuckles with a grin, "Well, I certainly didn't expect Zelda to have found a special someone. I'm not against her having a relationship with a girl, but it's a bit surprising."

"I think it's rather sweet, my daughter has her very first crush," Lilo says.

Zelda groans and covers her face with her hair. Octavia does the same with her hat.

"Are you okay, Via?" Stolas asks.

"No," Octavia answers and pulls her hat over her face.

Stolas is a bit confused.

Loona rolls her eyes and says to Stolas, "Hey birdbrain, it's obvious that your daughter feels the same for Zelda."

"Really?" Stolas asks, surprised, but he soon smiles, "Aww, this is so sweet. My little Via has her very first crush."

"Oh no, not you too, dad," Octavia says.

Both Zelda and Octavia end up groaning as they lower to their knees in embarrassment.

Blitz laughs, "Oh man, this is definitely something for the history books. Imagine what would happen if Stolas' ex-wife got word that her daughter has feelings for the daughter of one of Hell's Head Honchos."

But Octavia cries out, "No! Whatever you do, do not mention this to my mom, she'll never let me live it down!"

Charlie sheepishly says, "Alright, let's not make the girls more embarrassed. Let's talk about something else."

"Works for me," Blitz says, shrugging his shoulders.

Then turns to Alexander and Lilo, "So you both have been together for like a long time, right?"

"Yes, we have," Alexander.

"Interesting," Blitz says, "So, which one of you tops?"

That causes Alexander and Lilo to blush.

"What?!" Lilo yells in shock.

"Which one of you tops? You know, the sex part of your love life. Hmm," Blitz says with a smirk on his face.

However, he ends up receiving a hard hit behind the head by Vaggie, with her fist. That knocks him down with his face on the ground. Everyone is shocked to see it.

"I can not believe you decided to ask them that. That was disgusting," Vaggie angrily says.

"You really punched him hard, Vaggie," Zelda says.

"Almost had as the time I kicked Blitz in the balls," Loona says.

Usagi becomes wary, "That must have hurt."

"Moving right along," Alexander says. Then turns to Moxxie and millie, "I heard from Zelda that you run a hitman company."

"We sure do," Millie says, "We hunt down humans for sinner clients with their unfinished business."

"Hmm, so you were involved with some of the killings that's been going on. Of course, a lot of people assume you're aliens or spirits," Lilo says.

"Aliens? Where do they think we're from? Mars?" Millie says, dumbfounded.

"A human called me a possum one time," Moxxie says, annoyed.

Lola giggles, "A possum. That's funny."

"Well, with how their tails are, you might well have some possum traits," Zelda says.

That causes everyone to laugh.

"That's true," Manny says.

"Well, knowing how cosplaying is an actual thing, they probably assumed your cosplayers or something," Zelda.

Blitz lifts his head, "No kidding. No offense to you, your mom, and the sinners in this hotel Zelda, but humans can be so dumb."

"None taken," Zelda says, shrugging her shoulders.

Then Zelda remembers, "Speaking of which, I remember hearing rumors about a concert that got interrupted by some kind of sea monster and a lot of people disappeared during the time."

"I remember, and I heard someone managed to kill it with their bare hands. I have to admit, that's very impressive," Lilo says.

Millie laughs, "Why thank you. I think I did pretty good."

"Wait, that was you?" Zelda asks, surprised.

Then Zelda realizes, "So wait, does that mean the sea monster thing was also true, and the disappearances..."

"Well yeah. In fact, it goes much further than that. The concert that played at the beach was for Verosika Mayday. She's a succubus popstar that is famous through the living world and Hell." Loona says.

"I think I remember her. My cousins and I listen to her songs from time to time. I had no idea she's really a demon," Lilo says.

"Well she is. And I'm surprised to hear you listen to the music of that bitch," Blitz says, sounding irritated.

"I'm guessing you know Verosika, huh," Zelda says.

"Yeah. We met her when she told us about our parking place and used the building for her side business. Turns out, she and Blitz actually dated each other," Loona says.

"Really? You both dated?" Zelda asks, surprised.

"Yeah, but ancient history," Blitz says, "The point is, I didn't want to be with Verosika and wanted the parking spot back, so I challenged her to a demon duel."

"Really? What kind was that?" Lilo asks.

"Basically we had to kill more people than we can fuck," Loona says.

Everyone looks kind of dumbfounded.

"You're kidding, right?" Angel asks.

"Nope," Loona says.

"What about the sea monster?" Zelda asks.

"That was because Verosika threw her bottle of belize juice into the ocean and it contaminated one of the fishes," Moxxie says. "Millie ended up killing it before it turned me into its lunch."

"I see..." Zelda says, "Sounds like you all can get into a lot of trouble," Zelda says.

"True, but in the end, we won the bet," Blitz says with confidence.

"Sounds like you barely got out of it alive," Alexander says.

"And how did demons manage to walk around with humans without..." But Zelda realizes, "Oh yeah, you guys have human forms."

"Well I do, these dumb asses have to wear costumes," Loona says.

"Couldn't you just use the book for it," Zelda says.

"Hmm, I haven't thought of it," Blitz says.

Alexander sighs, "Well, seeing that there hasn't been too much trouble, I won't press too much about it. However, I suggest you try to take more precautions in this. The last thing we want is for humans to get too involved with demons."

"With how things are, I'm surprised humans, demons, and angels didn't interact a long time ago. I mean, humans are going to end up in heaven or Hell anyway, so it's weird about keeping all this a secret, but that's my opinion," Zelda says.

"It's a mystery, but I suggest we keep all this Heaven and Hell existence underwraps," Alexander says.

Then says, "And I suggest you keep Lilo and Zelda's existence a secret until I give the word of it myself. Understand."

Everyone soon agrees on the matter.

Later that night, Alexander and Lilo are ready for bed. After how today is, everyone has been tired. So everyone has returned home and are now asleep in their beds.

"It sure has been a tiring day," Lilo says.

"Yes, but I'm glad to be with you again," Alexander says and hugs Lilo, "I really miss you."

"I miss you too," Lilo says.

And with that, the two begin their passionate kiss and hug each other deeply. Then the two part lips.

"Still, I feel that our lives will never be the same after this. And I need to do something about how to announce you and Zelda to all the citizens," Alexander says.

"I'm sure we'll figure it out. For now, let's get some sleep," Zelda says.

"Yeah," Alexander says.

Then the two lie down in bed.

"Night Lilo," Alexander says.

"Goodnight Alexander," Lilo says.

Then the two go to sleep for the night.

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