Chapter 24: The Daughter of the Grand Duke of Hell Part 1

A few days after the incident with the Vees.

One evening, Charlie has been sitting in the lounge in the hotel. She's been deep in thought about the past couple of months of Zelda's stay in the hotel. In fact, her mind is mainly about her.

Charlie says in thought, "Zelda, just who are you? What are you? You say that you're human, but... you show a lot of signs that you're not. You've gained angelic wings and strong powers that only those of angels and strong powerful demons can possess. And there's the mystery about her parents, mainly her dad. She knows a lot about her mom and her family, but was hardly told about her father. There's a lot of strange things going around with Zelda, and I think it's time I figure out what it is."

She takes a deep breath and says, "Alright, I think it's time I talk to Zelda about her parents. But I need to remember that she may or may not know about her parents

One evening at the hotel, Charlie decides to go into Zelda's room, and talk to her., or about her powers. Even though she is learning about it from us."

In her bedroom, Zelda is sitting in her bedroom as she holds the photograph of her parents.

Zelda sadly says, "Mom... Dad... I really miss you. I hope I can see you again."

Suddenly, Zelda hears her bedroom door being knocked.

Zelda says, "Come in."

The door opens and Charlie steps into the room.

"Oh, hey, Charlie? How are you doing?" Zelda replies.

"I'm doing okay. How about you, are you doing okay?" Charlie replies.

"I'm doing fine," Zelda says, but then lets out a sad sigh.

"Are you okay?" Charlie asks, showing concern.

"Not really, I just... really miss my parents, but there is something else that bothers me," Zelda says, sadly.

"What's that?" Charlie asks.

"Well, ever since I've come to Hell and discovered these powers I have, I get this odd feeling that they're in a way, a part of me," Zelda answers.

"A part of you?" Charlie questions.

"Yeah. It's strange. I felt as though the magic I can do is a part of me somehow. Like I was meant to have it," Zelda says.

"I see," Charlie says, "Truth be told, I was wondering about your powers as well. It's not

really normal for ordinary humans to obtain the powers you have, especially since Humans aren't supposed to have any connection to Heaven and Hell at all."

"That's true. From what you explained, humans aren't supposed to know about all this at all," Zelda says.

Then sighs, "And also, well, there is something else that has been bothering me."

"What is it?" Charlie asks.

"Well for one, it's about Kai," Zelda says, and gently pet the snake who is sleeping on the pillow on the bed.

"I wonder the same," Charlie says.

"Yeah. Ever since you've mentioned Kai's actions and the kind of snake he is, I wonder if my dad is aware of it," Zelda says.

"Why do you say that?" Charlie asks, confused.

"Well, my dad gave Kai to me on my twelfth birthday. I was so happy. He said that Kai will always be there to protect me when I need it and that I need to take good care of him. I never would have thought that Kai would turn into a demonic snake. And he was able to save me," Zelda says.

"I have to agree. Even that's rather odd," Charlie says.

"And there's another thing, back when I first got to the hotel, I saw a portrait of your family. Seeing your photo kind of reminds me of my family. Well, mainly because I'm an only child and I have both my mother and father, but your dad is a different story," Zelda explains.

"Why's that?" Charlie asks, curious.

"Well, looking at him, he looks a lot like my dad. Excluding the sharp teeth, the suit, and the white skin, he actually looks almost exactly like him, almost twins even," Zelda says.

She then presents the photograph to charlie. Charlie takes it and sees both Zelda with her parents. Looking at her dad carefully, her father looks almost like her dad.

Charlie is shocked to see it and says in her thoughts, "Zelda's right. Her father looks a lot like my father. Almost like twins. This is getting weird. I mean, the only brother my dad has is my Uncle Alex, but I haven't seen him in years."

"That is weird," Charlie says, sounding unsure.

"Yeah. Again, like I've mentioned, my dad has always been a mystery. I know a lot about him, but I was never told what kind of job he had. I don't even know his family. So it's hard to figure out much about him," Zelda says.

"Well, I'm sure your dad wouldn't be too much of a mystery. I mean, with a last name like Kalama, it would mean that he has family somewhere in Hawaii, or somewhere on Earth for that matter," Charlie says.

But hearing that statement, Zelda questions, "I didn't tell you about my last name?"

"No. What about it?" Charlie responds.

"My last name is actually my mother's maiden name," Zelda says.

"Huh?" Charlie says, confused.

"That's right. I guess I forgot to mention, Kalama is actually my mother's maiden name, not my dad. In fact, when my dad married my mom, he took her maiden name. There are cases when the male spouse would take on their female partner's last name for different reasons," Zelda explains.

"And I'm guessing you don't know why either," Charlie suspects.

"No. I have to assume because my father became estranged from his brother," Zelda answers, "Everytime I ask, he mentions that he doesn't want to talk about it. He mentioned an argument he had with his brother. Sadly, I was never told what it is, nor do I know any more about his brother."

"I see," Charlie replies, "Anything else you can tell me about your dad?"

"Well, my dad is great," Zelda says, and begins to explain, "He's hard working, well organized, has a sense of justice, and is always willing to help others, even though it may affect him. I guess I picked up on it too since I've decided to stay and help with the hotel. Of course, he has his weird side, or eccentric side. For example, he seems to really love hamsters. I used to have a few hamsters through childhood, but they passed away. Then dad decided to give me Kai. I love Hamsters, but I especially like snakes. A lot of people call him Al or Alex, but it's actually short for his real name."

Zelda smiles and says, "It's funny when I've learned about your last name, I find it interesting because my dad has the same last name as you and your family. And when I was born, he made his maiden name my middle name."

Charlie becomes stunned to hear it, especially hearing more about her dad. But what really shocked her is the fact that Zelda's dad is almost identical to own father. And now she knows about her father's name he's been called, about Zelda's dad has taken her mother's maiden name and how his original last name is the same as her own.

Charlie then decides to ask, "Zelda, do you mind if you answer me something?"

"Sure, what is it?" Zelda replies.

"About your dad, what is his full name?" Charlie answers.

"My dad?" Zelda says, confused, "Why are you asking about him?"

"I'm just curious. After what you explained, I'm curious about knowing his full name," Charlie says.

"Um okay, my dad's name," Zelda says.

And with that, Zelda answers, "It's Alexander. My dad's full name is Alexander Morningstar."

Charlie becomes shocked, more like beyond shocked. Soon, Charlie covers her mouth and shows signs of tears verging from her eyes.

"Charlie, are you okay? Is something wrong?" Zelda asks, showing concern.

But Charlie runs out of Zelda's room without another word.

"Charlie?!" Zelda calls out.

. But Charlie doesn't hear her as she runs out of the room.

In their bedroom, Vaggie is already in her pajamas in bed as she reads a book. She then hears the door quickly open and slams shut. She turns her head and looks to see Charlie sitting on her ground, with her back against the door. She has her head pressed against her knees as she has her arms wrapped around her legs. Soon, Charlie begins to cry.

"Charlie?" Vaggie questions.

She then puts the book down as she gets out of bed, concerned about what could be wrong.

Vaggie approaches Charlie and asks, "Charlie, are you okay? What's wrong?"

But Charlie is too upset to say a word and continues to cry. What she learned about Zelda is too shocking for her to process.

Vaggie then sits next to her to ask, "Did something happen? Did Angel do something again?"

Charlie lifts her head up as she wipes the tears off her face, "No, he didn't. It's just... I don't know how to explain it."

"Take it slow, hon. Explain what happen slowly and calmly," Vaggie says, comforting Charlie.

"Okay," Charlie softly says.

She takes a deep breath and begins to explain, "I talked to Zelda. I wanted to ask her about her parents. I can tell that she still really misses them."

"And?" Vaggie questions.

"And I've decided to ask her more about her parents and about her parents. Zelda doesn't fully understand, but she feels that her powers are a part of her, like she's meant to have them. And well, I'm starting to think she's right," Charlie continues.

"And the reason why is...?" Vaggie asks.

Charlie then explains, "I asked her more about her parents, more specifically about her dad. She told me that she noticed the first day she came to the hotel and saw the family portrait, that her dad looks a lot like my dad. And seeing the photo she's right. And she also explained that her last name Kalama, was actually her mother's maiden name, and her dad took his wife's family name after marriage."

"Really? It's not very common, but does it happen," Vaggie says.

She then asks, "Did she tell you anything else?"

"Yes, she did. She told me her dad's full name and hearing his full name not only shocked me, but it made sense," Charlie says.

"What are you saying? What's her dad's full name?" Vaggie questions, confused.

Charlie is reluctant to answer, but she knows that she needs to tell her.

Charlie takes a deep breath and answers, "Alexander. Her dad's name is Alexander Morningstar."

Vaggie's eyes wide in shock, "Wha-what?!" But then the realization hits her, "Wait, you mean your uncle Alexander Morningstar?! The Grand Duke of Hell?! That's Zelda's father?!"

Charlie nods her head in reply.

"Oh shit..." Vaggie says, shocked. And also realizes, "But that also means..."

"Yes! Zelda is really my cousin! She is the daughter of the Grand Duke of Hell, my uncle Alexander, and she never knew it!" Charlie says, upsetly.

Realizing it herself, Vaggie says "You're right. Zelda said that she doesn't know about her dad's family, work, or any other information about him. In other words, Zelda has no idea that her father is the Grand Duke of Hell, your father, Lucifer's brother, and an angel that chose to fall."

"I know. What's worse, I was never told this. And for all I know, my parents never knew about Zelda either. Fact, all of Hell doesn't know it. Uncle Alex kept all this from everyone of Heaven, Hell, his family and even from his own daughter. She never knew about us and Hell, and Heaven, and we don't know about her," Charlie says, and is practically having a melt down.

Vaggie holds her and says, "Calm down Charlie, take a deep breath. Breath in."

Charlie then takes a very deep breath.

"Let it out slowly," Vaggie says.

Then Charlie exhales slowly and finally is able to calm down.

"Thank you, Vaggie," Charlie says, feeling a little better, "I'm just in shock. All along, Zelda is my cousin and I never knew it. And my Uncle Alexander never told her, or any of us for that matter."

"You're right. This is like big, and I mean really big," Vaggie says.

"I know, but it makes sense if I think of it," Charlie says, "The argument that Zelda was referring to was the argument my dad and uncle had about what to do with the Extermination. He must have met Lilo on Earth after the argument. And over time, they must have fallen in love, married, and soon had Zelda. It matches when Uncle Alexander was around home and Hell less and less, and eighteen years ago, he moved out and he never told us where, and none of us have really seen him in years. And now we know, he was on Earth raising his new family the whole time."

"That does make sense when you think about it," Vaggie says.

"What's more, I think Uncle Alexander sealed Zelda's angelic powers until the time is right. The seal must have been broken when Zelda was in that Turf War," Charlie says.

"That seems accurate," Vaggie responds.

"But what I want to know is why he kept this from us?" Charlie replies.

"Maybe it has to do with the fact that Zelda is half human and half angel. And with her being the daughter of the Grand Duke, it will catch the attention of both Heaven and Hell. Your uncle probably wanted to protect Zelda, to make sure she has a normal and safe life," Vaggie explains.

"I mean, Heaven and Hell I could understand, but it's shocking that he even resorts to seal Zelda's powers and keep this information, his new family, from me and my parents. His family in Hell," Charlie says.

"Hmm, that is strange," Vaggie says, trying to think, "Maybe he had to step further in order to keep his daughter safe. I mean, it might not be entirely the best way to show it, but he probably has a good reason. Besides, I'm sure your uncle plans to tell Zelda when she's old enough to understand. And he actually was until the incident."

"You're right, but what am I going to do?" Charlie says, wiping the tears from her face.

"Hmm... I'm not sure. This seems like a difficult case. But, I think it's best if you tell Zelda the truth. She has the right to know," Vaggie says.

"I know, and I really want to, but what will Zelda think? Learning that her father has kept all this from her for her entire life. And now to find out that she's been staying in the hotel that belongs to her cousin without knowing," Charlie says.

"I know it will be very difficult, but maybe until you're ready to tell her, it's best we keep this to ourselves. We can't let anyone know of Zelda's identity, who knows what will happen," Vaggie says.

"You're right. Zelda's safety is our top priority, and especially what happened a few days ago with the Vees. I want to do what we can to be sure she's happy. Until then, it's best if you don't speak of this to anyone, not even Zelda," Charlie says.

"Good," Vaggie says. She stands up and says, "Come on, I think it's time for bed."

"Okay Vaggie," Charlie says and kisses Vaggie on the cheek, "Thanks."

"No problem," Vaggie says.


Alexander is still tired from the search, and is thinking on how to reach out to his friends. Alexander lets out a sigh in reply.

Soon, Lucifer walks into the room, "Hey Alex, how are things going?"

"Not so well..."Alexander says with a sigh.

"Still thinking of your daughter, huh?" Lucifer asks.

"Yeah," Alexander says, "I think it's about time I ask my friends to help out. However, I just don't know what Zestial and Carmilla would say about it."

"I'm sure they'll understand," Lucifer says, but sounds reluctant, "Maybe. It's hard to say because well, you kind of went ghost for eighteen years, except to perform with your royal duties. Either that, you've practically been a ghost for over eighteen years."

"That's true," Alexander says.

Then Lucifer says, "But I'm sure that they'll understand if you explain it. Besides, who knows, maybe they've already seen her or have an idea where she's staying."

"That's true," Alexander says.

He then stands up and says, "First thing tomorrow, I'm going to see Carmilla first. As a weapon arms dealer, she'll be able to have some knowledge around the city to learn about a girl being half angel and human roaming around."

"Well, since you've mentioned her. And I think she also has daughters," Lucifer says.

"You're right. And Zestial might know something as well. I could really use both of their help with this," Alexander says.

Then says, "I just hope they'll understand everything I need to explain."

"I'm sure they will. I mean, they're your friends, so yeah. I'm sure they'll understand," Lucifer says.

Alexander sighs, "I sure hope so, Luci. I really do."

The next day...

It's cleaning day at the Hazbin Hotel. Zelda is helping Niffty with the cleaning in the lounge. Niffty does the sweeping while Zelda cleans the windows.

Niffty happily says, "Thank you for helping me with the cleaning."

"It's no trouble, Niffty. I'm happy to help," Zelda says.

Husk sighs, "I'm surprised you want to help Niffty with the cleaning, despite on how Niffty can be."

"Niffty is not so bad. In fact, she's been very helpful with the cleansing," Zelda says.

"Yeah," Niffty happily says.

She then evilly smiles as she holds a knife, "Of course, I'll be handling the pest control."

"Can't we call an Insect Exterminator or something," Zelda questions.

"Niffty insisted she handle it," Husk says.

Manny then says, "Don't look now, Niff, but there's a bug right now."

Niffty and Husk turn to see a bug crawling on the floor.

"A bug," Lola says.

"There you are," Niffty says and dashes over with her knife to try killing the big.

Zelda, Manny, and Usagi shake her head as she watches Niffty run out of the room as Charlie and Angel Dust walk in with some boxes.

"Hey guys, how's your part of the cleaning?" Zelda calls out.

"Oh uh, well, we're doing fine. We still got a lot of boxes. See you around," Charlie questions, and hurries out of the lobby and into the other part of the hotel.

Zelda and the others become confused to notice Charlie's strange behavior.

"What the fuck was that about?" Angel asks.

"You're right. Charlie is acting very strange," Manny says.

"I wonder what's wrong with her," Usagi says.

"I'm not sure," Zelda says, unsure.

Then turns to Angel and Husk, "Guys, do you think Charlie is mad at me or something?"

"Why do you think that?" Husk asks.

"Well, Charlie has been avoiding a lot today. Everytime I try to talk to her, she says that she's busy and quickly leaves. What's more, she seems very uneasy, like something's bothering her," Zelda explains.

"Oh, I'm sure that it isn't you, Zel," Angel says, "With the Extermination coming in a couple of more months, she might be feeling on edge, and probably don't have time to chat."

"Maybe, but she seems fine with everyone else, but me," Zelda says, showing concern, "Guys, I think Charlie is upset with me."

"I'm sure that isn't the case. Besides, she doesn't seem mad at you. If anything, something involves you that is making her feel uneasy," Husk says.

"Well, whatever it is. I'm going to find out," Angel says, and leaves the room.

Zelda turns to Husk, "Husk, what do you mean by it?"

"Well, I'm not entirely sure, but I feel that the princess has something on her mind and it involves. I'll admit, you two are quite attached, almost like sisters," Husk says. He then asks, "Did something happen that made Charlie act like that?"

"Well, Charlie came to my room last night and asked about my parents, especially about my dad, and my powers. I even mentioned my dad's nickname and how he took my mother's maiden name when he married my mom, and about my his maiden name is my middle name. And after telling Charlie my father's full name, "She was really shocked," Zelda explains.

"Your father's name?" Husk questions.

"Why would she be shocked about your dad?" Manny asks.

"I don't know, I'm confused about it as well," Zelda says. Then says, "I think I'll go out on a walk. I need some time to think about the situation."

"You sure?" Husk questions.

"Yeah. I need some time to think about this. Besides, I have a lot on my mind as well," Zelda says.

She then grabs her sweater and puts it on with her hood and her backpack.

"See you guys later," Zelda says.

"Alright, stay safe," Husk says.

"Don't get into trouble," Usagi says.

And with that, Zelda takes her leave from the hotel.

Meanwhile, Angel walks to the backroom to find Charlie putting the boxes away. Vaggie is able to help out with the boxes as well.

"Hey Charlie. Vaggie. Can I talk to you guys?" Angel says.

"Sure Angel," Charlie says, "What is it?"

"Well uh, I want to ask you something. Did Zelda do anything to upset you?" Agnel questions.

"No uh, she didn't. I'm not upset at her, I'm actually worried about her," Charlie says.

"Worried? About what?" Angel asks.

"Well, it's kind of hard to explain, but Zelda told me something last night and it was difficult for me to process," Charlie says.

"What do you mean?" Usagi asks.

Vaggie sighs, "Charlie, I know you're guilty about keeping this from Zelda and you only found out about it last night. I think it's best you tell her and then tell everyone else."

Charlie sighs, "You're right. I think I should tell Zelda the truth, but I don't know how she'll process it."

"Well, it's best we help her get through it," Vaggie says.

"Okay," Charlie says.

And with that, the three finish putting the boxes away and walk into the lobby to see Zelda isn't there.

"Hey Whiskers, where's Zelda?" Angel asks.

"I told you to stop calling me Whiskers," Husk angrily glares at Angel.

He then says, "Anyway, the kid decides to step out. She thinks Charlie has a beef with her or something."

This doesn't set well with Angel and the girls.

"Oh no," Vaggie says, shocked.

"Oh no. This is my fault. I was so worried about what Zelda would think that I ended up avoiding her. And she thinks I upset her," Charlie says and is on the verge of tears. "I should have told her from the start. And now my cousin has left the hotel and is all alone."

This leaves Angel dumbfounded, "Wait, did you say cousin?"

"That sounds about right," Manny says, confused.

"Did you say Zelda is your cousin?" Usagi asks, also confused.

Just then, Alastor, Niffty, and Sir Pentious walk in.

"What'ssss all the commotion?" Pentious asks.

"Indeed. What's going on?" Alastor asks.

"That's what I want to know," Angel says, still confused.

He then asks, "What do you mean that Zelda is your cousin?"

Charlie sighs, "Look, I promise I'll explain everything when I get Zelda back. But for now, I need to find her, and I need to find her myself. I was struggling to tell her the truth about her dad and now look at what happened."

"Why?" Niffty asks, curiously.

"I promise to explain everything to you when I get back, but right now I need to tell Zelda and apologize for what happened," Charlie says.

And with that, Charlie rushes off to go find Zelda and tell her the truth, and tell her the truth about her father. She can only hope she finds Zelda before anything happens to her.

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