Chapter 22: Incident with the Vees

One afternoon, it's a slow day so everyone is downstairs in the lobby of our lounge simply carrying out their business. Angel is typing on his phone while Fat Nuggets is sleeping on his lap. Zelda, Alastor, Sir Pentious, and Niffty are reading a book as Kai is sleeping in his terrarium carrier. Usagi, Charlie, Vaggie, and Manny are playing a board game. Lola is practicing dancing as Kee Kee watches. Razzle and Dazzle are both asleep on the couch.

Angel sighs, "I'm bored."

"Well, we did decide to make this a free day, and we don't have too much to do," Vaggie says.

"Maybe, but it's so boring," Angel says, and lets out a yawn.

"It's actually nice to have some peace and quiet for once," Pentious says.

"I have to agree," Alastor says.

"That's true," Zelda says, and turns the page on the book.

"Hmm," Angel says, thinking for a minute, "Hey Zelda, can I ask you something?"

"What is it?" Zelda asks.

"Well, you've been in Hell for a while and despite you being able to go out in your disguises and be at the hotel helping with this redemption crap, we don't really have much way of keeping in touch," Angel says.

"That's true. I lost my phone when I first fell to this place," Zelda says.

"Well, with you having us, Loona, Octavia, and other demons you're making, maybe it's about time you get yourself a cell," Angel says.

"You mean like, me getting a cellphone?" Zelda asks.

"Yeah. That's way you can keep touch with Charlie and the others, including the rest of us. You can also keep touch with technology and the events that've been happening in this place," Angel says.

"I don't know..." Zelda says, unsure.

"Why not?" Manny asks.

"Well, we didn't want to take chances of anyone knowing Zelda's contact information. Also, because with the Vees searching for her for who knows what spying on her using her phone," Vaggie explains.

"True, but maybe it wouldn't hurt for Zelda to have a cellphone, so she can contact us when she needs to, instead of relying on her friends to call, and so we know how she's doing," Angel says.

"That's true," Vaggie says and begins to think about it, "Zelda does need to have contact with us."

Charlie thinks and says, "Maybe we should get Zelda a phone."

"I have to agree on this one, maybe it is about time I get a phone," Zelda says.

Angel grins, "Now we're talking." and stands up, "Come on, I know just the place to get a great quality phone."

"We'll go with you, too," Charlie says.

"We can help with finding a good phone and also a case," Vaggie says.

"Sounds good, the more to help the better," Angel says.

"Thanks guys," Zelda says.

She then asks, "Where do you have in mind?"

"Well..." Angel says, sounding a bit uneasy, "You might need to wear a very good disguise for this one."

Moments later...

Angel, Charlie, Vaggie, and Zelda are at the location that Angel has in mind to search for a new phone for Zelda.

Zelda is wearing a dark blue long sleeve shirt with black pants, and black and white sneakers. She is wearing teal face makeup and her eyes are blue. Zelda also has her hair in a ponytail braid and is wearing a blue baseball cap and at the front has a dolphin within a wave beneath it and covering its tail. She is also wearing a purple sweater with a hood attached, and a large pocket at the front.

Vaggie angrily says, "Angel! What the actual fuck?!"

As it turns out, the place where Angel has in mind to buy Zelda's cellphone is the Vox Tech owned store near the V Tower Headquarters.

"What, this store has some good phones for her to get," Angel says.

"Getting a phone is one thing, but why does it have to be at a store that is near the V tower, where the CEO and owner of Vox Tech is? " Vaggie questions with a frown.

"Well, you have to admit, Vox Tech does sell good quality phones, but um, uh..." Charlie says, sounding concerned.

"We don't want to risk Vox seeing us and Zelda, and we don't want Vox to spy on us," Vaggie says.

"Come on, I doubt Vox will be that crazy to spy on the Princess of Hell," Angel says.

Concerned, Zelda says, "I don't know about that. I mean, the Vees were trying to find me and take me to their HQ. Not to mention trying to have Pentious spy on us when he learned Alastor was staying at the hotel."

"Look, I know it's bad, but they actually do have good phones that can be used throughout Hell. That's also where I got mine," Angel says.

Vaggie sighs, "I guess you're right. However, we need to be very careful. We can't risk Vox noticing us."

"Right," Angel says.

Then Angel notices Zelda's pocket is slowly moving, "By the way, what's with that pocket."

"Oh, that's because Kai is sleeping in there," Zelda says.

Vaggie groans, "You brought you pet snake with you?"

"Yeah. Kai hadn't been out much since we got here, so I thought some air out of the hotel would be good. Besides, the little guy went to sleep after eating," Zelda says.

"I swear, you bring that snake wherever you go," Angel says, rolling his eyes.

Charlie giggles, "Well, we can worry about later. For now, let's find a good phone for you."

The four begin to look around and soon reach the phone area.

"There are a lot of different phones," Zelda says.

"Yeah. And there are also different models," Charlie says.

Zelda looks around, "Hmmm, there are so many different phones, how am I going to decide?"

"I'm sure you'll figure it out, but I suggest you get the latest model," Angel says.

"That might be for the best," Charlie says.

The four continue talking to each other on which phone Zelda should get. Unknown to them, the security camera is near the area and turns to where Angel and the girls are.

In Vox's office, the TV demon continues to watch all the consumers who are buying his products. He evilly grins to see so many demon sinners who are buying his products.

"Another day, another consumer buying Vox Tech products," Vox says.

Vox continues to survey the stores, especially one close to the V Tower.

"And there are also new customers every day, and of course, new suckers," Vox says, and drinks his coffee.

His eyes turn to the right, but stops to notice something, "Huh...?"

Vox turns to see the screen, and spots Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel looking around the phone section. Along with an unknown girl.

"Well, it looks like Angel is hanging out with Charlie and Vaggie today," Vox says.

Then says, "But who's that girl he's with? Another one nighter or something."

He watches the girl as she turns her head to reveal her face.

"Wait a minute..." Vox says to himself.

Vox then zooms towards the girl, and notices the blue color eyes, blonde hair, and rosy color cheeks. However, he sees the gray skin, the blue and white highlights, and the outfit that covers her body.

"That girl..." Vox says to himself.

Vox then brings out the picture of the girl Velvette has sent to him from the Overlord Meeting.

"They have the same body type," Vox says, looking suspiciously, "And she is with Angel Dust, Princess Charlotte, and this other girl, Vaggie."

Then realizes, "Could she be the hybrid girl."

Vox then removes the background noise and hears the conversation.

"So Zel, what kind of phone would you like?" Angel asks.

"I'm not sure. There's so many different types," Zelda says.

"Well, I suggest you get the latest model," Angel says.

"True, but we also need to keep in mind that the latest model does require some stuff. We still need to get a case, charge, and other supplies," Charlie says.

Vaggie sighs, "How hard can it be to get one phone?"

"We need to get Zelda a good working phone," Angel says.

"But we also need to be sure it doesn't allow Vox to eavesdrop on her," Charlie says.

"Yeah. It's bad enough that Alastor is staying at the hotel and getting involved with Carmilla and Zestial. We don't need her getting involved with your boss and his colleagues too," Vaggie says.

"Offended," Vox says to himself.

He then evilly grins, "So, the Bleeding Heart Princess and Val's whore wants to get the hybrid a phone huh. It appears I have just the opportunity I need to get the girl while their guard is down."

Vox then stands up and begins to take his leave to the elevator.

He says through the intercom on his screen, "Hey, I need a few employees to head to the electronics section to distract the princess and company." Then says, "And manager, I have an important job for you."

Back at the store, Zelda and the others are looking at the phones.

"I still think we should go somewhere else to get a phone," Vaggie says.

"It's okay, Vaggie. I'm sure we'll think of something," Charlie says.

"Hmm..." Zelda responds as she looks at the phones.

She then notices an ocean blue color phone, "This one seems nice."

Suddenly, someone says, "Excuse me."

Angel and the girls turn to see five employees walking up to them.

"Do you need some assistance?" One female employee says.

"You look like you need help," A male employee says.

Charlie says, "No. We're okay."

A third female employee says, "But it looks like you need help."

"Listen toots, we don't need any help," Angel says.

"Come on, don't be like that."

Soon, the employees father around the three, causing them to be scrambled in the mess. Zelda ends up witnessing the event and is quite dumbfounded by it. She then turns to see the ocean blue phone and picks it up.

"Hmm, it has a nice color. I wonder if I can get a case covered in seashells, or maybe sea creatures and bubbles," Zelda says to himself.

"Um, excuse me," A voice says.

Zelda soon turns her head to see Vox's manager approaching them.

"Hello," Zelda says.

"Do you need some assistance?" The manager asks.

"Um yes. I'm trying to find a cellphone, and well, I think I found a good one," Zelda says and holds out the phone.

The manager adjusts his glasses, "Well, it is a nice phone you picked out, but I think I can help you find a better model. Would you please follow me?"

"Um, okay," Zelda says.

Zelda then begins to follow the manager away from Angel and the others. Angel, Charlie, and Vaggie continue to try to get the employees to leave them alone, but they won't listen. Zelda continues to follow the manager across the store, and notices that she is getting farther from Charlie and the others.

Zelda then asks, "Um excuse me, where are we going? I'm really fine with this phone."

"Don't worry, my boss should be able to help," The manager says.

"Yo-your boss...?" Zelda questions, sounding concerned.

Zelda says in thought, "I've got a bad feeling about this."

Zelda then asks the manager, "Um, if you don't mind me asking, who is your boss?"

"That will be me, my dear," Vox's voice answers.

Zelda yelps a bit and turns around to see Vox, who is standing behind her a short distance away. Zelda is shocked to find herself looking straight at Vox, the CEO of Vox Tech, one of the Vees, and part of the group that is after her.

"Vo-Vox?!" Zelda says, nervously.

"Oh, so you heard of me then. There's no need to be afraid, my dear," Vox says, approaching Zelda, "I'm just here to assist you."

"Somehow I doubt it, especially learning that you seem to want me here," Zelda says, uneasy as she begins to slowly walk back a bit

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. You can trust me," Vox says.

Vox continues walking towards Zelda as the young girl slowly walks back. Soon, Vox is in close range of Zelda

"Trust me. Believe every word I say, my dear," Vox says, and opens his left eye to reveal its hypnotic gaze.

Zelda gasps in shock to see Vox's hypnotic eye. Before she has time to react, Zelda's eyes begin emitting the same red and black spirals from, causing her to go into a daze.

Vox then approaches Zelda and once he is at close range, he wraps his arms around Zelda and pulls her close to him.

Vox chuckles and says, "That's a good girl."

He then snaps his finger, causing Zelda to gasp.

"Surprise. I've finally got you," Vox says.

, Zelda then closes her eyes and falls into a deep sleep.

Vox then picks up Zelda in his arms, "My, aren't you light."

He then turns to his manager, "You return to your station, I can handle this from here."

"Yes sir," The manager says and walks off.

Vox then looks down at Zelda, "At least, we've finally got her."

Vox then begins walking away and heads towards a security camera on a wall. He then morphs his body into electricity along with Zelda and generates itself into the camera, taking Zelda to the V Tower.

Back to Angel Dust and the girls, they are still being hassle by the employees. Angel, Charlie, and Vaggie try to press their concern, but the employees won't leave them alone. Finally, Charlie has enough and ends up going partly full demon on them.

She shouts, "Enough!"

That causes the employees to flinch in fright and shock.

Charlie calms down as she reverts back. And then she says, "Look, I really appreciate it, but we can handle ourselves from here. Now please attend to someone else."

And with that, the employees dash off.

Charlie sighs in relief, "Phew. That was a bit of a hassle."

"You can say that again. A little more of that and I'll have to bring out my spear," Vaggie says.

"Yeah. I suggest you don't do that," Angel says. Then whispers, "Unless you want Vox to call security on us. And then I'll be hearing it from Val."

"Like I give a shit on what he thinks," Vaggie says.

Charlie sighs, "Well, let's just go somewhere else to find a phone. It would be best to compare prices and the model and decide to go there. Right Zelda?"

However, Zelda is not answering.

Charlie turns her head, "Zelda?"

Angel and Vaggie turn to notice that Zelda is not around.

"Uh, where did Zelda go?" Angel asks.

"I don't know. She was here a few minutes ago," Vaggie says.

Charlie calls out, "Zelda!"

"Zelda!" Vaggie calls out.

"Yo Zel!" Angel calls out.

Angel cratches his head and wonders, "Where the fuck did she go?"

Charlie grows concerned, "Oh no. You don't think she wandered off."

"Less likely," Vaggie says, growing concern.

"You don't think something happened to her," Charlie says, growing even more worried.

"We better go find her before anything happens to her," Angel says.

"Then let's split up," Charlie says.

Angel and Vaggie nod in reply and all three split up in different directions.

Somewhere in the V Tower, Vox mananges to take Zelda to a vacant and places her on the bed. Vox then leaves the room and locks the door from the outside. And then put on a security lock at the outside of the room to make sure Zelda is sealed and trapped in the room.

"There, one secured half angel girl," Vox says.

Suddenly, his screen-face shifts to reveal Velvette's icon, revealing the clown horn ringtone. Vox then uses his powers to transfer it to his phone, revealing Velvette.

"Hello Velvette, I was just about to call you," Vox says.

"Hey Voxxie, I'm just getting back from my shopping," Velvette says.

She then asks, "What's up?"

"Let's get in contact with Val on video call and I can explain all the details," Val says.

"Alright," Velvette says.

Vox then set the calls on video call and now on the phone screen it shows Velvette and Valentino.

"What's up Vox, I'm kind of busy here," Val says, sounding annoyed.

"I know, but this is very important. We've got ourselves a very special guest that I managed to snag," Vox says.

"And who would that be?" Valentino asks, curious.

"The little hybrid girl, the one Angel is friends with, the one Velvette saw at the Overlord Meeting," Vox says.

That catches the rest of the Vees by surprise.

"Holy shit, you actually got her?" Velvette asks, surprised.

"Well done, Voxxie," Val says, impressed, "How did you manage to do that?"

"It's simple, really," Vox says, "Turns out, Angel, along with Lucifer's daughter and her girlfriend took the hybrid girl to one of my stores near the tower to get the hybrid cell phone. And with many of my employees there, I managed to have the girl separated from them by my manager and I took care of the rest."

"Well, guess their little shopping ended up being their big mistake," Vevlette says.

"And we ended up with the hybrid girl in the tower," Val says.

Then Vox says, "Of course, we need to make sure she stays in the tower. Knowing Lucifer's daughter and the others, they're going to try to find her. They went through the trouble of keeping her secret and where she's staying so it's best we keep her in the room until the coast is clear."

"Right," Velvette and Valentino respond.

"Good. I made sure to lock the door I placed her in so she's not getting out of there anytime soon," Vox says. "I better get going, we all have work to do. We'll be talking with the girl later."

And with that, Vox hangs up the phone.

"Now that's all settled, time to get back to work," Vox says and heads back to work until later on.

A little bit later at the store, Angel, Charlie, and Vaggie return back to the cell phone aisle to let them know how the search went.

"Did you find her?" Charlie asks.

"No dice," Angel says.

"I couldn't find her either," Vaggie says.

Charlie grows worried, "This doesn't make any sense. How could Zelda not be here?"

"Well, since we weren't able to find her around the store and there doesn't seem to be any sign of her, then we have to assume that something has happened to her," Vaggie says.

"But what? We were just here looking for a phone, and suddenly we were hassled by employees, and we look back to find Zelda gone," Angel questions as he tries to figure something out.

Charlie thinks for a minute, and soon grows concerned, "Wait a minute, you don't suppose those guys came by to distract her."

"That's crazy, the only way I can think it's possible is as if Vox was involved. He instructs all his employees in the store," Angel says.

Vaggie groans and facepalm her face, "And that's what I'm worried about. For all we know, Vox could have seen her, despite her disguise."

Angel lets out a groan himself and places his hand over his face, "Oh god," and realizes how much of a problem Zelda is in right now.

"No kidding. If Vox does have Zelda, then he probably told his colleagues about it. And if we don't get Zelda, they'll try to get whatever information from her, maybe even how she got to Hell to begin with," Vaggie says.

This has Charlie very worried, "Zelda."


Zelda is still sleeping in the bed of the room Vox placed her in. She slowly begins to stir a bit and slowly opens her eyes, starting to regain consciousness. The young girl lets out a grunt and groans as she regains conciousness. She then lifts herself up and rubs her head.

"My head feels dizzy," Zelda mutters to herself.

She then shakes her head about to get the dizziness out, but soon finds herself no longer in the store. Instead, she finds herself in an unknown bedroom.

"What is this place? Where am I?" Zelda asks, herself. She begins to think, "Let's see. Angel, Charlie, Vaggie, and I were trying to find a phone. They end up getting hassle by employees, and I was asked by someone else to follow them to find a phone. I follow them and suddenly see..." Then Zelda realizes, "Oh shit, I ran into Vox. He tricked me and kidnapped me." Then says, "Which means, I must be somewhere in the V tower." she lets out a groan, "That's just fuckin' great.

Just then, Kai peeks out of the pocket and slithers into Zelda's lap.

"Hey Kai, glad to see you're up," Zelda says.

Then looks around, "But I think we're in big trouble." She then places Kai on the bed and climbs out of bed.

She walks to the door and tries to open it, but it's locked. She then tries to bang on the door or slam her body against it, but she can't get the door to open.

"Ugh! This is the worst! I'm kidnapped and Charlie has no clue where I'm at," Zelda says, frustrated.

She looks around, "There just had to be another way out," and begins to think. Zelda turns her head and notices an air vent on the top of the right wall away from the door. And from the size of it. It appears to be big enough for a person to go through.

"That vent might be our way out of here," Zelda says to herself.

Zelda then uses her abilities, despite being a bit dizzy, to spread her wings and fly up to the vent. Zelda then uses a little of her fire magic on her finger to burn through the vent cover and pull it out. Once that's done, Zelda is able to fight through it as she retracts her wings.

As she climbs in, Zelda says, "You stay here, Kai. I'm going to see where this goes."

Kai simply sticks his tongue out in response and watches Zelda climb into the ventilation shaft. She begins to crawl her way through the tunnel and make a few turns. She soon finds a vent lid and crawls over. She takes a peek out to see a large room that is full of fabric, accessories, and different forms of clothes.

"Hmm, seeing these clothes has given me an idea," Zelda says to herself.

Back in the electronic store...

Charlie and the others discuss what they need to do.

"Well, if Zelda is in the tower, then it's possible they have her kept in one of the rooms," Vaggie says.

"It's possible. I might be able to figure out if I go there," Angel says.

"Maybe I should go too," Charlie suggests.

But Angel says, "Sorry Charlie, but this is a solo mission for me to handle. Besides, Val might still be mad about what happened at the studio."

"I suppose you're right, but how can you get in without suspecting anything," Charlie says.

"Well the only way for me to really get in is for me to..." But before Angel can finish, his phone is ringing, "Hold that thought..." And Angel answers his phone, "Hello... oh hey Val... really, what happened... uh huh... uh huh... oh no. I'm not really doing much... yes..." and let out a sigh, "Yeah. I'll be there right away," And Angel hangs up the phone.

"What's wrong Angel?" Charlie asks.

Angel sighs, "Val needs me for an emergency shoot, and it looks like I'll be stuck in the V Tower for a while."

"Well, that was easy," Vaggie says.

"Yeah, but it won't be easy for me to slip past Val constantly watching me," Angel says.

"Don't worry Angel, you just do the best you can to find Zelda from the inside and we'll keep an eye out from outside in case Zelda manages to get out," Charlie says.

"Sounds good to me. I'll try to search during my break. If I get breaks," Angel says. Then he takes his leave, "See you girls around," and Angel hurries off to work.

"I just hope Angel finds her or Zelda is able to escape," Vaggie says.

"Me too Vaggie. I really hope Zelda is okay," Charlie says, worried.

Back in the room...

On the bed are the clothes Zelda is wearing, but instead of her, it's a mannequin that is pretending to be here. Since most of her face and appearance are covered up. All Zelda had to do was paint the face and hands, put on a blond wig, and the dummy looks a lot like Zelda. Of course, the girl and her pet snake are no longer in the room.

In the large cloth making room, Zelda is dressed in her new outfit. Zelda looks at herself in the mirror as she adjusts her outfit. Zelda is wearing a navy blue long sleeve blouse shirt, black leggings, and black slip on short heel shoes. She also wears a handbag, and Kai is happily sleeping in there. Zelda also notices she is holding a small purse with a long thin handle. She looks inside to see Kai is happily sleeping in there, not bothered about the sudden atmosphere.

"There, now that I look like I fit in here, I can look for a way out," Zelda says to herself.

Before Zelda can leave the room, she hears footsteps and quickly hides behind the clothing racks close by. There she sees Velvette walking into the room with many employees walking in.

Veveltte says, "Alright, get to work. We need to get our next clothing line done before the due date. Now get moving!"

Everyone begins scattering as they bring out clothes, accessories, fabric, and begin working on making new clothes. Zelda peeks out to see the many employees and models working on some new designs.

Zelda says to herself in thought, "Looks like I can get out of here without anyone knowing."

Zelda soon begins to walk out casually and is about to leave.

But soon hear Velvette's voice, "And just where are you going?"

Zelda turns to see Velvette, "Oh um, I was just going to get some water. That's all."

"You can get some later," Velvette says with a stern tone, "I need you to bring the rack of clothes and pack them in for the show."

"Um yes ma'am," Zelda sheepishly says.

"And also," Velvette says, walking to the girl.

Velvette looks at the clothes, "Ugh, that outfit really clashes with your eyes and hair," Velvette then grabs Zelda's hand, "Come here." and drags her off.

Zelda yelps in response, "Gah!"

Velvette places Zelda on the platform where the mirrors are.

Velvette changes Zelda's clothes to different outfits, "No... no... Ew... Gross... I wanna die... No way..." and reaches to the right one, "There. That's the one."

Zelda then looks at herself in the mirror to see her new look. Zelda is surprised to see herself in the mirror. She is now wearing a short sleeve burgundy blouse like dress with black tights and short heel black shoes. Her hair is placed down with two small braids from each side of her hair that goes to the back of her head, making it a small ponytail, tied by a white ribbon. She is wearing gold heart earrings, a black ribbon choker, and a little makeup on her face.

"Now that's settled, you better get to work," Velvette says and walks off.

"Um yes, ma'am," Zelda reluctantly responds.

Zelda then walks off and begins to work on putting the clothing inside the boxes so they can be packed for the fashion show. Zelda places some of the clothes in special bags, boxes, and other places on the hangers for the show so they'll be neat, orderly, and safe from being broken or torn.

Two Hours Later...

Zelda has finished with the clothes along with a few employees as she places them at the corner for the employees to pick up. Zelda notices that Velvette and the other employees aren't looking. She then tip toes towards the door and quality slips out as a few employees walk into the room so Zelda is able to walk out without anyone noticing.

Zelda walks down the hall as she sighs in relief, "Finally. I've been doing this for hours. That Velvette is kind of a slave driver Now to find my way out of this place." She then turns to the corner and walks down the hall, "Uh, I guess I'll need to figure out where I am inside this building and find a way out of here. Maybe even find someone who can give me some directions."

Zelda turns to one of the doors, "I'll just check this room."

She then opens the door to reveal a room full of mannequins, tables, chairs, and extra supplies for the fashion room.

"No one here," Zelda says to herself.

She then checks the next few rooms, some are either empty fitting rooms, closets, and other rooms.

"I'm guessing Velvette runs the fashion department besides Social Media," Zelda says to herself.

Zelda looks in the purse and asks, "How are you doing in there, Kai?"

Kai turns to Zelda and hisses for a little before going back to sleep.

Zelda sighs with a smile, "Sleepy head. A snake taking a cat nap. I better find another way out without raising any more attention."

Sometime later, Zelda reaches a different area of the building. The young hybrid opens the door to reveal a lot of different clothes, but they're different from the last one. There are bunny suits, cheer outfits, robes, tights, stockings, swimsuits, and a lot of revealing outfits. That causes her to blush a bit, especially seeing the bras and panties around as well. Zelda sighs and closes the door.

She then opens the next door to see video screens as demons check the videos and audios. There she sees Angel Dust on the screen having sex with a tall bunny guy. Zelda blushes and slowly closes the door.

She sighs, "I'm guessing this is the Adult Film Department."

Zelda then walks down and opens the next door and that causes her to blush more that her red rosy cheeks turn more red. There she sees sex toys, ropes, and supplies, and even sexual machines and some look like torture devices. There are even tubes of liquid and such. Zelda quickly closes the door soon after.

"That was scary," Zelda mutters to herself.

Zelda then slowly opens one of the doors to find herself in a large room, and there is a large bed with lights and such. There are also cameras, computers, and other supplies.

"I'll take a wild guess that this must be one of the sets," Zelda says to herself and closes the door.

She then speed walks down the hall and says to herself, "I really need to get out of this place before I end up going nuts over this."

Zelda continues to walk around and head down to another floor to see if anyone can help her, or at least find a map of this place. Zelda continues to open many different rooms, this time full of electronics, like phones, computers, laptops, and other electronics. She then goes to another room to find some cameras and monitors, almost like a security room.

Time has passed...

Zelda is walking down the hall and is looking tired.

"This is ridiculous," Zelda says in frustration, "How am I supposed to get out of this place?!"

Just then, Zelda begins to hear some strange noises almost like screaming and panicking, and notice some smoke coming from the room down the hall.

"What's going on?" Zelda asks herself.

Sensing trouble, Zelda rushes down the hall and opens the door to see a few machines are malfunctioning and some are even on fire. The employees are trying to put out the fire, and some employees are also on fire.

"Oh no. I gotta put out that fire," Zelda says, and is ready to act.

Just then, the machines begin exploring and blast travel towards Zelda. Zelda tries to get out of the room and closes the door, but the blast of the fire engulfs her right arm. Zelda screams in pain as she falls to the ground. The young girl lifts herself up and looks at her right arm to see that it's covered in burns. Zelda lifts herself up as she clenches her right wrist and feels the burn and pain in her arms. She grits her teeth and tears begin to fall down her face. Then she begins running down the hall in shock and fear. Right now, she just wants to get out and back to the Hazbin Hotel, or at least back home.

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