Chapter 21: Hazbin Lu'au

One day on Oahu, Earth...

In the Kalama's family home, Lilo has finished working for today and is at home having dinner by herself. Lilo looks at the family photograph of the family Alexander, Lilo, and Zelda.

"Oh Zelda... where are you?" Lilo asks herself in sadness.

Just then, Lilo hears her cell phone ringing.

She answers and says, "Hello."

"Hello Lilo," Alexander's voice answers.

"Hi honey, how are you doing?" Lilo asks.

Alexander sighs over the phone, "Not well. I'm trying to find any more leads, but so far, other than the news report, I haven't got any clues."

"I see." Lilo says.

She then says, "I really miss you, honey."

"I miss you too," Alexander says.

"I really hope you find her," Lilo says.

"Yes. I hope so too," Alexander says.

He then says, "And also, once I find Zelda... I'm going to tell her everything."

"Yes. I think it's for the best. Zelda has the right to know," Lilo says.

She then says, "And I think you're going to need help. You shouldn't try to search for her alone. You've already been done and searched for months."

"I know," Alexander says. "I think it's about time I ask a couple of my close friends for help. It will be difficult because I haven't talked to them in years. I don't know how to explain it to them."

"I'm sure you'll think of something," Lilo says.

"I hope so," Alexander says, "Thank you honey, I'll be going now. And once all this is out, we'll be reunited."

Lilo smiles, "I'll wait, Alexander."

And with that, Lilo and Alexander hang up the phone.

Lilo sighs, "Alexander, I really hope you find her, and Zelda, I hope you're safe. Wherever you are in Hell."

Then stands up, "Maybe going to the hospital to volunteer to keep me distracted. I hope Alex is having better luck with this." And with that, Lilo takes her leave to go to her volunteer work at the hospital.

Even though Lilo has been calm and hard working for the past few months, she feels that her heart is longing to see her daughter again.

Meanwhile, in Alexander's office...

Alexander's hair is ruffled up and he is very exhausted as he looks at his computer and reads papers to find any more clues about Zelda.

He then looks at a photograph of himself, Lilo, and Zelda when she's a young girl, around ten years old.

"Zelda. I hope that you're okay. Wherever you are. I promise I will find you, my little girl," Alexander says, sadly.

And becomes frustrated, "I feel so helpless about this."

Lucifer soon walks into the room, "Hey Alex, how are you doing?"

"Not fine to be honest," Alexander says and lets out a sigh, "I like to be alone for a while."

"Um sure," Lucifer says.

Lucifer then takes his leave and walks down the hall and back to his workshop. He then turns his head to see the photograph of himself, Lilith, and Charlie. He understands how Alexander feels about missing his child and has no clue on what he's doing, especially how depressed he's been feeling since he and his wife split up.

At the Hazbin Hotel...

Zelda is sitting in her room as she lets out a depressing sigh. She has her knees close to her chest and looks at the photograph of herself and her parents. She has actually been depressed since this morning.

Soon, the door slowly opens and Charlie peeks inside, "Hi Zelda, how are you doing?"

"Doing good. I guess," Zelda answers, sounding depressed.

Seeing the depressed expression, Charlie asks in concern, "Are you okay, Zelda?"

"No. not really," Zelda says, "I think I'm feeling homesick."

"You miss your parents and your home, huh," Charlie says, and places her hand on Zedla's shoulder.

"Yes. I miss my mom and dad, I miss my house, my friends and my family. I know I agree to stay until I have better control of my powers, but being away without a word to them is so hard," Zelda says, sounding upset.

Charlie hugs Zelda, "It's okay Zedla. It's okay."

"Thanks Charlie. I just really wish I could go back home," Zelda says.

"I'm sure we'll figure something out once you have better control of your powers," Charlie says.

"I know, but I really miss my family, my friends, my home, and all the stuff we do together," Zelda says.

"What do you and your friends like to do?" Charlie asks.

"Well, we all go surfing, scuba diving, hang out at the beach, have food and relax. We even go out to the town and explore the island," Zelda explains, "One of the things I really miss is the Lu'au we have back home."

"A what?" Charlie questions.

"A Lu'au is a traditional Hawaiian party or a feast. There is also a lot of entertainment like dance performances, music, bands, and a lot more. And there are a lot of Hawiian foods like poi, poke, salmon, and kālua puaʻa," Zelda says.

"What's that?" Charlie asks.

"Well, pua'a means pig, and kālua is a traditional cooking method. It also means 'to cook in an underground oven,'" Zelda explains.

"Sounds kind of dangerous," Charlie says.

"Maybe, but the oven is underground, and it's best to let professionals deal with it. They say that the pig has to be cooked overnight," Zelda says.

"Oh my," Charlie says.

"True, but they also use turkey for this method too, so if you don't want pork, you can use turkey," Zelda says.

"What else do they have?" Charlie asks.

"Well they have a lot of stuff, like Hawaiian rolls, Lūʻau stew, lomi salmon, piele, and tropical fruits, and all kinds of food," Zelda says.

"Sounds good," Charlie says.

"And the decoration is nice too. There's always tropical flowers, lei which are flower necklaces, and some are made from shells. There's also music like kanikapila style, we also listen to elvis music too, and some of us including myself and my cousins hula dance for the family. And my uncle Manu also put on his fire knife dance performances for us," Zelda says and shows a big smile on her face.

"It sounds like a lot of fun," Charlie says.

"Yeah. I wish you could go there, I bet you and the others would love it," Zelda says.

"I bet we all will," Charlie says.

"I know you love it. I just wish there's a way to bring a lu'au here," Zelda says.

She then begins to yawn and says, "I think I'm going to take a nap for a while. I wasn't able to get much sleep last night."

"Sure you do that. Have a good nap," Charlie says.

She then leaves the room and closes the door.

Just then, an idea appears in Charlie's head with a big smile on her face.

Charlie says in thought, "I just have the greatest idea."

Sometime later...

Everyone, excluding Zelda, all arrived in the lobby.

"Okay everyone, I've called you all here to talk about a very important matter," Charlie says.

"What is it, Charlie? Is something wrong?" Vaggie asks.

"Where's Zelda?" Lola asks, curiously.

"Yeah. Shouldn't she be here too?" Manny asks.

"Well, nothing wrong, but it is important. As for Zelda, she is in her bedroom. She decided to take a nap because she didn't get much sleep last night," Charlie says. She sighs, "But still, Zelda is having a bit of trouble."

"Is she okay?" Angel asks.

"Not really. Zelda has been feeling very homesick as of late, and she really misses her home," Charlie says.

"So she finally came clean about her homesickness. Can't say that I blame her. She's been stuck in this hellhole for months," Husk says.

"Well, perhaps I can help put a smile on our little girl's face," Alastor says.

"Please don't," Vaggie says.

Then Usagi asks, "Is there anything we can do to help her?"

"Well that's why I've gathered you all here. I know the perfect thing to cheer up Zelda," Charlie says.

She then announces, "The Hazbin Hotel is going to have its very own Traditional Hawaiian Lu'au!"

"A what?" Manny says, confused.

"A Lu'au," Charlie happily says, "Zelda told me it's a Traditional Hawiian party. She also tells me that her family has it back at home. So I thought a traditional Hawaiian Party would be the perfect thing to cheer her up."

"I think it sounds nice," Vaggie says, "But I've never been to one before, nor heard much about it."

"Don't worry, I've heard a lot of stories from Zelda about her home, events, fun, and tradition. And I'm sure we can have more information from some places and the internet," Charlie says.

"Well I guess I can do it," Vaggie says, shrugging her shoulders

"If it will help Zedla, I can handle it," Manny says.

"Me too," Lola says.

"Sounds like fun. Think I can wear a sexy hula outfit?" Angel says.

Vaggie groans, "Everytime you open your fuckin mouth..."

"I like to help too. I can help make some clothes and outfits for the occasion," Usagi says.

"Ooh. Ooh. I want to have fun, and then clean up after words. And I know a Pineapple upside down cake will be very nice for the party. Zelds told me how she loves Pineapple and other tropical fruits," Niffty says.

Then everyone turns to Pentious, Husk, and Alastor.

"Um, I don't know. I've never been to a traditional party before, much less a lu'au," Pentious says, sounding unsure.

Husk rolls his eyes, "No."

"Hmm, I'm not sure," Alastor says, sounding unsure.

"How come?" Charlie asks.

"Doesn't seem like my thing," Husk says, and drinks his booze.

"I'm not really sure, Charlie. After all, I've never participated in that kind of preparation before," Alastor says.

"Sounds like a you problem," Manny points out.

Angel snickers in response and is given a glare from Alastor.

"Come on guys, maybe you can help us with some food and music. I really want to cheer Zelda up with it. Please," Charlie begs and sparkles in her eyes.

Alastor thinks, "Hmmm," And soon says, "Okay, I'll assist you with this little party."

"Fine," Husk says, rolling his eyes.

" If it would help Zelda, then of course we'll help," Pentious says.

"Yay!" Charlie says with a smile, "Then it's great to get this started while Zelda is having her nap. Remember, we need to keep this a secret. I want the party to be a surprise," Charlie says.

"Sounds good," Angel says.

"Well then, let's get to work," Charlie happily says.

Back on Earth...

Lilo is doing her volunteer work at the local hospital. She is in the cafeteria and helps serve the lunches.

One of her friends asks, "So Lilo, have you heard anything?"

"Not yet. I hope Alexander and Zelda are okay," Lilo says.

"Me too, she was just a sweet girl. It's hard to believe this happened," One of her friends says.

Then another friend says, "And your husband is very determined. I'm surprised you didn't go with him."

"I wanted to, but he said it's best he handle it alone, and doesn't want me hurt," Lilo says.

"You are so strong, Lilo, like a bull," The first friend says.

Then a third friend says, "But I'm sure he'll find your daughter. My daughter misses her as well."

"My son heard about her disappearances and wishes there's something he can do even though he's focusing on his studies," The second friend says.

"I'm sure Zelda will turn up soon, she's a very brave girl," The first girl says.

Lilo says, "Thank you everyone. I really hope Zelda returns and is okay, wherever she is."

Then says in thought, "Wherever in Hell she is. I hope she's holding out."

Back in Hell, time has passed...

Zelda is still in her room, still taking a nap. Just then, Zelda begins to sir and lets out a grunt and groans as she slowly opens her eyes. She sits up and lets out a yawn as she wakes up from her nap.

Zelda stretches her arms, "Man, I felt like I've been sleeping for a while." She then picks up her phone to see that it's already five in the evening, "Oh my, I didn't realize I was asleep for so long."

Suddenly, Zelda hears a hissing sound and turns to see Kai up and staring towards Zelda as he sticks his fork like tongue towards her.

Zelda giggles, "Hey Kai, you wanna get out of this room and head down stairs?"

Kai shows a happy expression and sticks his tongue out in response.

"I'll take that as a yes," Zelda happily says.

Zelda then picks Kai up and he places himself around Zelda's shoulders. Then the two begin leaving the room and walk down the hall. But soon, she meets up with Charlie who has a big smile on her face, and she is wearing her red apple robe.

"Hey Zelda, how was your nap?" Charlie asks with a smile.

"Hi Charlie. I slept well. I guess a nap is what I needed," Zelda says.

"I'm glad to see that you're feeling a little better," Charlie says. Then looks towards the snake, "Hi Kai, glad to see you too."

Kai then uses his tongue to lick the tip of Charlie's nose, making her giggle.

Then Charlie takes Zelda's hand, "Come on Zelda, I have something special to show you."

"What is it?" Zelda asks.

"You'll see," Charlie says.

Charlie then takes Zelda down stairs to the lobby where it's actually dark downstairs.

"What's going on, Charlie?" Zelda asks.

Charlie walks to the light switch and says, "You'll have to wait and see."

Charlie then turns on the lights. Zelda gasps in surprise to see the hotel lobby is decorated with fake tropical flowers and shells, and fake palm trees. There are a few tables with food, drinks, and snacks from Hawaii. What's more everyone is dressed in Hawaiian like outfits. Well, Angel is wearing a grass skirt with a pink flower necklace around his neck, and still has his boots on. Manny, Vaggie, and the others are wearing clothes that are decorated with leaves, flowers, shells, and have some accessories of flowers and shells.

Charlie then takes off her robe to reveal herself wearing a hula skirt, a red crop top, and a puka shell necklace, and wears a red hibiscus flower on her hair.

Charlie happily announces, "We're having our very own Traditional Hawaiian Lu'au!"

"Wow!" Zelda says, surprised, "You all really did all this?"

"Yep. Charlie told you were feeling down, so she decided to put on the Hawiian party like you used to have back home," Manny says.

"We're throwing you a party!" Lola happily says with a giggle.

"We did it because we want to cheer you up," Vaggie says.

"And it will be a good opportunity for us to learn about Hawiian traditions and culture," Pentious says

Zelda smiles and tears fill her face, "Oh you guys. This is very sweet of you."

"Well, my dear, you were feeling down according to Charlie, so we agreed for you to turn that frown upside down," Alastor says.

Zelda giggles, "Thanks. I'm surprised you're willing to do it."

"Yes, but this might actually be entertaining, and perhaps help out with some of the music. Though, I'm really not into this rock and roll stuff you like to listen to," Alastor says.

"Charlie practically begged him to stay," Husk says, and drinks a tropical drink, "Though, the drinks you people have are okay."

"Thanks guys. This really means a lot to me," Zelda says happily.

Zelda then hugs Charlie, "Thanks Charlie. Thanks guys."

"You're welcome, Zelda," Charlie happily says.

She then happily says, "Alright everyone, let's celebrate!"

And soon, everyone begins to start the party with some games. And one of the games is quite unusual.

"Pineapple bowling?" Vaggie questions.

"Yep. We have 10 pineapples stacked up like bowling pins," Zelda says, and brings out the coconut, "And we have the coconut as the ball. It's like bowling, only we're using fruits." Zelda then throws the coconut and knocks the pineapple pins down, getting a strike.

"Quite unusual to use food for a game," Pentious says.

"I looks like fun," Niffty says. Then reaches her hands out, "I wanna try."

"Okay Niffty," Zelda says.

Alastor uses his magic to stack the pins and Niffty throws the ball, knocking them all down.

"Alright Niffty!" Charlie cheers.

"Great throw!" Usagi says.

"Let me have a go," Angel says.

Niffty sets up the pins. Angel throws the coconut and knocks them down. Everyone has a turn and they all have a good time playing the game.

After that, they play another game. Of course, this is the game that Alastor has to use his cane for. He also levitates it in the air so no one has to hold it.

Charlie happily says, "It's time to limbo everyone!"

The music begins to play as everyone takes turns bending back under the stick. Everyone laughs as they have a good time. Pentious ends up losing first because he falls over after bending back so far. Surprisingly, Niffty, and Angel are able to do it well, but at the end, Nifty end up winning the game because he bends back quite far than everyone else.

After that game, they play some lei ring toss. Vaggie proves that she has quite the throw and is able to win the game with more points than everyone else. Charlie gives her a kiss on the cheek for her win.

Zelda also teaches the group how to hula dance. Of course, Vaggie gets annoyed when Angel tries to make it as sexy and horny as possible, especially toward Husk. Husk simply rolls his eyes in response. Even Alastor is unamused by Angel's antics. But Lola loves to dance the hula with Zelda, even Usagi likes it.

After playing a few games, everyone is either chatting, having some food, or dancing to the music being played in the room. Which is Slicin Sand, by Elvis Presley. Alastor is not really fond of Zelda's interest in music, especially how loud it can be.

"This has been a great party," Zelda says, "It definitely feels like I'm back home."

"I'm really glad you like it, Zelda," Charlie says.

"You better, it took us hours to get everything set up," Angel says. Then looks at himself, "But have to admit, I look pretty sexy in this grass skirt."

Vaggie groans, "Seriously."

"What. The shells and flowers seem very nice, and it will wow the audience to see this," Angel says, and begins shaking his hips.

"Oh brother," Manny says, rolling his eyes.

"Same old Angel," Zelda says.

"Still, I really like the games you taught us," Usagi says.

"Thanks," Zelda says.

"Hey Usagi, maybe next time you can teach us about your culture," Charlie says.

"That's a good idea," Usagi says.

Then Zedla turns to Alastor, "Hey Alastor, maybe we can do the Madi Gras stuff you do back home."

"Hmm..." Alastor responds, thinking about it.

"Well then, I'll be happy to know that the lu'au is a grand success," Charlie says.

"Sure is," Zelda says.

Then Charlie says, "And the fun is not over yet. How would you live to give us a Hula performance."

"Really? A performance?" Zelda asks.

"Yeah. Lola likes to learn how to hula and since you told me you've gone practically your whole life, I thought you can give us a performance as you teach Lola," Charlie says.

Zelda thinks for a minute.

Lola walks over and asks, "Please Zelda."

Zelda smiles, "Sure. Let's give them a performance, it's a good idea to watch me first," Zelda says.

"Okay," Lola says.

Moments later, Zelda is dressed up to give the hula performance. Zelda is wearing a dark grass skirt, and a dark blue strapless bikini top. She wears leave made bracelets and anklets on both her arms and ankles. She is also wearing a head lei made of leaves and white and cyan blue colored plumeria flowers.

Lola is wearing a similar outfit to Zelda, but her bikini top is pink, and the plumeria flowers are pink, yellow, and white.

Zelda asks, "So, how do we look?"

"Aww, you both look so cute!" Charlie happily says.

"You both look great," Vaggie says.

Angel gets out his phone, "I gotta get a picture of that," and snaps a picture of his phone.

"You did a really great job, Usagi," Zelda says, admiring her clothes.

Usagi blushes, "Thank you."

"Alright, are you all ready?" Zelda asks.

" Yes," Charlie says and brings out her phone, "It took me some time, but I found the song for you to perform."

"Thanks Charlie," Zelda says.

She then turns to Lola, "Ready, Lola?"

"Yes," Lola happily answers.

"Okay Charlie, you can start the music," Zelda says.

Charlie then presses on her phone and the music begins to play. And since it's connected to a speaker, it makes the music louder.


Mahalo nui ʻia ke Aliʻi wahine (Ke Kuini o Hawaiʻi)

ʻO Liliʻulani ʻO ka Wohi kū (Kū i ka moku i ke Kalaunu)

Zelda turns to Lola, "Okay Lola, follow my lead."

Lola nods in reply.


Ka pipiʻo mai o ke ānuenue (Nā hana a ke aloha)

Nā waiho'olu'u a hālike ʻole (Māʻalo ana i ka ua lana mālie)

Soon, Zelda steps forward and Lola follows and positions themselves for the performance. She has


E nānā nā maka i ke ao malama (I ka lani malama)

Mai Hawaiʻi ākea i Kauaʻi (Hōʻike mai ana lā i ka nani)

Then Zelda has her arms forward with her hands close together.

Once this verse of the song is set, Zelda begins to dance and Lola follows.


ʻO Kalākaua he inoa

ʻO Ka pua maeʻole i ka lā

Ka pua maila i ka mauna

I ke kuahiwi ʻo Mauna Kea

Everyone watches as Zelda performs a hula dance and Lola follows.


Ke 'ā maila i Kīlauea

Mālamalama i Wahinekapu

Zelda and Lola continue to dance, and Lola is proven to be a fast learner.


A ka luna o Uwēkahuna

I ka pali kapu o Kaʻauea

Ea mai ke aliʻi kia manu

Ua wehi i ka hulu o ka mamo

Ka pua nani aʻo Hawaiʻi

ʻO Kalākaua he inoa


ʻO Kalākaua he inoa

ʻO Ka pua maeʻole i ka lā

Ka pua maila i ka mauna

I ke kuahiwi ʻo Mauna Kea

Zelda then gestures to Charlie and the others, gesturing to them to come on and dance with them.


Ke 'ā maila i Kīlauea

Mālamalama i Wahinekapu

Excited, Charlie takes Vaggie's hand and they both come forward to join in on the dance. Wanting to join in on the fun, Angel, Usagi, and even Niffty decide to join in. Everyone else decides to watch.


A ka luna o Uwēkahuna

I ka pali kapu o Kaʻauea

And soon, the group begins to dance together. Zelda, Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel at the back while Lola, Usagi, and Nifty are at the front.


Mahalo nui ʻia ke Aliʻi wahine (Ke Kuini o Hawaiʻi)

ʻO Liliʻulani ʻO ka Wohi kū (Kū i ka moku i ke Kalaunu)

The group continues to dace as Alastor and the others watch the show.


Ea mai ke aliʻi kia manu

Ua wehi i ka hulu o ka mamo

Ka pua nani aʻo Hawaiʻi

ʻO Kalākaua he inoa

Once the dance is done, everyone gets into a pose.

Zelda and the Song:

He Inoa No Kalani Kalākaua Kulele

Everyone laughs and smiles and has a good time at the party. The guys also clap for the group for giving a great performance.

Later that night...

Zelda, Charlie, and their pets are sitting on the balcony. Everyone else has gone off to bed after the long fun day.

"Thank you for throwing the lu'au, Charlie. I really appreciate it," Zelda says.

"It's no trouble," Charlie says.

She then asks, "You still miss your parents?"

"I do, but I know that we'll see each other again. Once I get better control of them, I'll be able to go see my mom and dad, and I'll be seeing them again, one day," Zelda says.

And begins humming a song.

"What are you humming?" Charlie asks.

"It's a song that I listen to in Hawaii. My mom and dad would sing the song to me when I was young. Aloha oe means Farewell to You. The song is about a sad farewell and hopefully one day, we will meet again," Zelda says and soon begins to become sad.

Charlie saddens and gives Zelda a hug. She then asks, "Can you sing it to me?"

Zelda reluctantly remains silent, and soon she begins to sing the song.


Aloha ʻoe, aloha ʻoe

E ke onaona noho i ka lipo

Charlie begins to sadden hearing Zelda singing. Even though she can't understand it, the melody sounds very sad in Zelda's voice.

Zelda then reaches into her pocket and pulls out three paper flowers that look like plumeria lei flowers. One is red with black. The second is purple with blue. And the last one is blue with some red and pink.

Zelda continues to sing.


One fond embrace, A hoʻi aʻe au

Until we meet again

She then let the paper flowers get blown away by the wind as they went off into the city.

Zelda then hugs Charlie and begins to shed tears. Charlie then hugs Zelda. She fully understands how Zelda feels. Charlie misses her mother as well.


It's night time on Earth and Lilo is standing on the porch watching the moon and stars, and the waves of the beach. Truth is, Lilo is singing the exact same song Zelda has sung to Charlie. As she sings, tears fall down her face, missing her husband and her daughter.


One fond embrace, A hoʻi aʻe au

Until we meet again

She then lets three white and yellow plumeria flowers blow off from her hands by the ocean breeze and they fly off into the ocean. She also prayed hoping to see her daughter and husband again.

He Mele No Lilo from Lilo and Stitch

Aloha Oe from Lilo and Stitch

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