Chapter 2: Getting to Know You Part 2
Back at the Happy Hotel...
After everyone had breakfast, they sat in the hotel lobby for a meeting and to begin some Rehabilitation Exercises.
Charlie walks in and says, "Okay, everyone. Since we'll be living here together. I figure it will be good for all of us to get to know each other. However, before that, I want you all to make a solid vow."
"A vow?" Husk questions.
"About that?" Angel adds, confused.
"It's regarding Zelda, right?" Vaggie asks.
"Yes," Charlie answers.
She then explains, "As you all know, Zelda is a human who has somehow got into Hell. And because so many demons have seen her on News 666 during one of the Turf Wars, they know that a human is in Hell, having a moral soul, and has somehow gone through a strange transformation. Nevertheless, we have to protect Zelda until the whole incident with the news media dies down. Until then, no one can know that Zelda is staying at the hotel..." Then turns to Zelda, "And I know that I don't need to remind you, but remember, you can't leave the hotel or the area. We don't want any demons discovering where you're staying. If there's a chance for you to come outside, you can't go without supervision."
Zelda nods, "Of course."
"Don't worry, she'll be our little secret. I mean, she practically saved my ass, so I owe her a solid. My lips are sealed," Angel says.
"She's perfectly safe," Niffty happily says.
"Yeah yeah," Husk says, still at the bar.
"Of course," Alastor answers.
"Great. And now since we're all going to be staying together, we can start with the introduction and tell a bit about yourselves. I'll start," Charlie happily says.
Then Charlie begins her introduction, "As you all know, my name is Charlie. I'm the Princess of Hell and owner of the Happy Hotel. I also love to sing and dance."
Then gestures to Vaggie.
"My name is Vaggie, um Charlie's girlfriend and Manager of the hotel. And I also use this spear as a weapon. And I also speak Spanish," Vaggie says, and holds the spear.
"That's nice," Zelda says. "I actually speak a little Spanish from school."
"Good to know," Vaggie says.
Angel raises his hand, "Mind if I introduce myself to Zel?"
"Sure Angel," Charlie happily says.
"Good. As you bitches know, the names Angel Dust, and I am a famous Porn Star in Hell," Angel says.
That causes Zelda to blush like crazy and asks in shock, "A-A WHAT?!"
"A Porn Star," Vaggie says, annoyed.
"A famous one to be exact," Angel confirms with a grin on his face.
"Uh, when you mean that, um, does that mean you're an adult film actor?" Zelda asks, still blushing and sounding uneasy.
"That's right. So you're lucky to run into someone like me when you did," Angel says with a grin, "In fact, I can show you some of my best films. I'm sure you'll be very impressed."
"Angel, Zelda is kind of too young to be watching that kind of film," Charlie points out.
"The girl is eighteen. I bet she watches this kind of stuff already," Angel says.
He then notices Zelda's face is blushing, "What's up with you?"
"I uh, I don't watched those kinds of films before. I just turned eighteen a few months ago, but even then, seeing them makes me flustered. And when I do because of my cousins. It's too much for me," Zelda says.
"Why? You just reached adulthood. It's not like you haven't done it with someone yourself," Angel says.
Zelda blushes and sheepishly says, "Actually uh, I've never done it before... like not at all."
Angel looks at Zelda and questions, "You're fuckin kidding, right? You're saying that you never had sex with anyone before."
"Nope," Zelda answers.
He then laughs, "Oh man! You're a fuckin virgin! Oh man, this is, this is fuckin crazy! It's a good thing no one knows about that fact! Sinners will be knocking down the wall just to see you and have a good time with you!"
Zelda yelps and blushes even harder.
"Angel, what the fuck?! Are you trying to freak her out?!" Vaggie exclaims in anger.
And Angel yelps to receive a bonk in the head by Alastor's microphone.
"What the fuck?!" Angel exclaims.
Alastor says, "Angel, that is no way to treat a lady."
"Screw you," Angel says, rubbing his head
Then turns to Zelda, "So Zel, do you drink alcohol and such?"
"I just became an adult a couple of months ago and like I said. I don't want to drink it," Zelda says.
"Total buzzkill," Angel says, rolling his eyes.
"Come on Angel, not everyone drinks alcohol," Charlie says.
"And not everyone is into porn either," Vaggie bluntly points out.
"Whatever," Angel replies.
He then asks, "So kid, how about you take a crack at it? Tell us about yourself."
"I guess I can go next. As you know my name is Zelda. Zelda Kalama. As you know, I'm from Earth, more specially, O'ahu, Hawaii," Zelda says.
"Hawaii?" Charlie questions.
"It's a state on Earth. Only that place is made of multiple islands in the south. Oahu is one of them, and considered to be the third largest island in Hawaii," Zelda says.
"That explains the tan skin color. You're from the tropics," Angel says.
"Though it's not too common for a Hawaiian to have blonde hair," Husk says.
"Um yeah, I got the blonde hair from my dad. Same with the rosy cheeks. As for my eyes, tan skin, and hairstyle, I mainly got that from my mother. She's Hawaiian with my grandparents and relatives from my mom's side," Zelda says.
"What about your dad?" Niffty asks.
"My dad, well... uh... he's actually a mystery," Zelda says.
"A mystery you say?" Alastor questions, taking an interest.
"Yeah. In a way. To be honest, I don't really know much about his family, or rather, not at all," Zelda answers, "For as long as I can remember, he's basically a normal dad. He can be rather eccentric at times, but he makes life interesting. Other than what I know about him, I never met anyone from his side before, nor do I know who they are. All I know is that he had a brother, but doesn't talk about him. All I was told was that he had somewhat of a falling out and hasn't talked to him since he met my mom. And they haven't seen each other since the day I was born."
"Sounds like your pops and his family aren't really on speaking terms," Husk replies, and continues drinking his booze.
"Pretty much. He was actually planning to tell me about his family after New Years. You all know how that ended up," Zelda says.
"Yes. You ended up getting sucked into a demonic whirlpool," Charlie replies.
"You and your little pet snake ended up in this shithole," Angel says.
"And now you're stuck here," Vaggie says.
"And you're not even dead," Niffty adds.
"That's true. Until I find a way home, I'm going to be here for a while," Zelda says.
"And don't worry, we'll find a way to get you home, but it is best for you to stay in the hotel until the fiasco with the news lowers down, and that will take a while," Charlie says.
"I know," Zelda replies with a nod.
"So Zel, you lived on the islands, huh. When I was alive, I lived in America too, but I lived in New York," Angel says.
"Cool. I've never been to New York before. Then again, I don't really go to large cities very much, except the ones in O'ahu," Zelda says.
Then Zelda turns to Alastor, "What about you Alastor?"
"Well, Zelda my dear, as you were probably told, I'm known as the Radio Demon, and have my radio broadcast all over Hell," Alastor says.
"True, but you somehow disappeared for seven years," Charlie points out.
"Wait, you were?" Zelda turns to Alastor in surprise, "How come?"
"Well, I have my reasons," Alastor says.
"I see," Zelda says.
She then asks, "So what did you do when you're alive? From what I remember, you seem to be alive during the Great Depression."
"You are correct, my dear. I used to live in New Orleans, so it's pretty far from where you lived," Alastor says.
"I actually went to New Orleans during a Mardi Gras once, and it was really fun," Zelda says.
"Glad you enjoyed it," Alastor says.
"Guess you're mainly an island girl and not much into the city," Husk replies.
"That's right. It's actually nice to live on an island. We do have a few cities, but we mainly live in a small town, and we lived near a beach," Zelda says.
"Sounds nice," Charlie happily says.
Niffty then asks, "So Zelda, what do you like?"
"Well, I like a lot of stuff. I love to go surfing, swimming, and walking on the beach. I really love going in the water. Of course, I love cosplaying so I make costumes and accessories. I sew, arts and crafts, and other kinds of projects. I also love singing and dancing. I also do cooking, and help my mother around the house. Of course, I go to school like any other kid."
"How was your school days?" Charlie asks, interested.
"It was great. I had a good time at school, joined a few clubs and sports, and was able to graduate like any other student. However, I haven't entered college yet," Zelda says.
"Why not?" Vaggie asks.
"Well, I'm just not sure what to do for a career. Many of my friends have ideas on what they want to do and just want to go to a good college. As for me, I don't really know. I've done a lot and been talented at many things, but I don't know what path I should take for my adulthood," Zelda explains.
"I'm sure you'll decide what to do. These things take time," Charlie says.
"Thanks Charlie," Zelda says.
Niffty says, "Sounds like you're pretty talented. I love sewing and cooking too. I even write fanfictions during my free time."
"Cool. One of my friends loves writing fanfictions. In fact, it actually inspired him to become a writer," Zelda says.
"That's pretty cool," Angel says.
Niffty then asks Zelda, "By the way, I heard about how you made an awesome performance from Alastor. You turned into an angel and you got a new outfit. It's like something out of a television show. It was amazing."
"Ït's true, but I'm still not sure how I even have these powers or even know how to full control it," Zelda says.
"Well despite the crash course you've done at the Turf War, you really pulled yourself together," Angel says.
"Yeah. It was instinctual. I'm not sure how to explain it, but I felt as though those powers were a part of me," Zelda says.
"That's strange," Charlie says, and scratches under her chin.
"Yeah. I mean, it's very uncommon, but I've never expect you to be a natural born Nephilim," Vaggie says.
Ä what?" Angel questions.
"A Nephilim, is known as a child that is born of a human and an angel, even a fallen angel. However, I always thought that possibility is a legend," Charlie says.
"Aren't you one, Charlie?" Niffty asks.
"Not really. My father is the Devil and a fallen angel. And while my mom was human once, she became a demon way long before I was even born," Charlie says.
"Oh yeah, your dad is the Devil himself," Zelda replies, "But what about your mom?"
"My mother, Lilith, is actually the first woman to be created on Earth. It's a really long story on how that happened, and how she met my dad. And how uh, they ended up getting exiled and such," Charlie says.
"Ï see," Zelda replies.
Then Angel asks, "Hey Zel, do you think you can try that transformation again? I mean, I know you just discovered these powers, but it wouldn't be hard for you to learn a bit more about it."
"Well, I suppose I could try," Zelda says. Then turns to Charlie, "What do you think, Charlie?"
"Hmm... I don't know..."Charlie says, sounding unsure.
"Ï think she should," Alastor says.
Everyone turns to Alastor with confused looks.
"Really?" Charlie asks, confused.
"Why of course, such talent should be shown for everyone to see. And maybe, it will give us an idea on the kind of powers she has, and help her learn how to control it," Alastor says.
"Äs much as I hate to admit, Alastor has a point," Vaggie says. Then turns to Zelda, "If we can see the transformation for ourselves and see what powers you have, maybe it will give us an idea on how to help you control it."
Charlie says, "You both made a good point. I say we give it a try."
"Ökay, I'll try," Zelda says.
Zelda stands up and takes a few steps back.
"But um, I don't know if I can use it again," Zelda says, sounding unsure.
"I believe you can. Many of us can transform into another form. You just need to concentrate," Charlie says.
"Ï'll try," Zelda says.
She soon begins to focus on her magical abilities. Just then, her eyes open as they change like before. Everyone watches as Zelda begins to become engulfed by some powerful energy. Moments later, Zelda opens her angel like wings and her form has changed into the form she has first changed to during the Turf War.
"Ooooh, you look amazing!" Niffty says, amazed.
"Thanks. Honestly, I didn't expect a transformation or an outfit change. It feels like something out of an Anime," Zelda says.
"What is this Anime you speak of?" Alastor questions.
"You never watch Anime before?" Zelda question, "It's kind of a big thing on Earth. You can watch it on computers, television, cellphones, and there are many different merchandise like toys, mugs, books, and so much more. I know a lot of people think Anime can be nerdy, but it's a good way for people to be brought together to share their interest..." But Zelda notices, "Uh Alastor?"
The group turns to notice Alastor having a smile that seems off, more like he looks like he's staring into space.
Angel says, "You lost him on television."
"Is he alright?" Zelda asks, concerned.
"Not really. Alastor is stuck in the 20s, you know the 1920s. He's not the fan of modern tech or any of all that shit," Vaggie says.
"Oh, my bad. I didn't realize that I ended up confusing him," Zelda says.
"It's okay. You didn't know, but I'm interested in this anime stuff. Maybe later you can tell me about the anime you like watching," Charlie says.
"Sure," Zelda says.
Angel then walks up to Zelda, "Still, it's cool to see you like this again. Even though it's been a week."
"Still, it's unusual to see a transformation with an outfit change. I mean, some Overlords and demons can do that, but it's not very common," Vaggie says.
"Yeah. you have to be like a powerful being in order to do that, and it's possible that you're an angel because of those wings," Husk says.
"That's true. There aren't many fallen angels here, and the angels live in Heaven. The only fallen angel I've known is my uncle, but I haven't talked to him much in years," Charlie says.
"Feels like I'm back to square one," Zelda says, feeling slightly defeated.
"Hey don't worry, we'll figure this out. We just need to find some uh, clues. Until then, maybe we can focus on how to help you control these powers," Charlie says.
"Well, there isn't much to go by. All we know is that Zelda has wings and she can throw fireballs. Plus, she just started to use it so she doesn't have any more powers and all that shit," Angel says.
"I'm sure we'll figure something out. I mean, it seems that the powers is a part of her, so maybe over timer she'll develop more powers," Vaggie says.
"It seems very possible, and I believe Charlie should be the one to take her under her wing," Alastor says.
"Huh? Me?" Charlie questions.
"Indeed. After all, you're the only other demon who is half angel because of your father. I'm sure if anyone can help this young human spread her angelic wings, it will be you," Alastor says.
"I don't know. I've never thought of teaching someone, but I also need to manage the hotel, I'm not sure if I'll have time," Charlie says, reluctantly
"Well, how about we all pitch in on helping this young lady learn how to control her magic and to learn about Hell," Alastor says with a big grin.
"Huh?" Everyone says, confused.
"I ain't no fuckin teacher," Husk says.
"Yeah. Why do we have to do it?" Angel says.
"Are you sure about this? I mean, I appreciate it, but you all have your own things to worry about. I'll just be in the way," Zelda says.
"Hey, you won't be in the way. And I have to agree with Alastor. We can all teach you. I mean sure you won't be going out all the time, but it wouldn't hurt for you to have a good grasp on Hell, history hierarchy, and a lot more," Charlie says.
"Yeah. I can teach her some great places for her to practice her powers," Angel says with a grin.
Vaggie glares at Angel, "We're not having her involved in another Turf War."
"Fine," Angel pouts with his arms crossed.
"Well then, how about we continue with the exercise and we can teach her the lessons when we have time," Charlie says.
Back to the Morningstar Brothers...
Alexander and Lucifer have talked for a while and they both explain about their families and their situations, and how their lives are going. Lucifer is really interested to hear how Alexander and Lilo first met, got married, had Zelda and his life in Hawaii. Now knowing that Zelda is in Hell and possibly in Pentagram City, it's clear to hear that Zelda is in danger.
"Well, it sounds like Zelda is a very nice girl. I'm sure she and Charlie will get along," Lucifer says.
"Yeah. I think they would too," Alexander says. "Still, it's rather surprising to hear she's trying to rehabilitate sinners."
"Yeah, but I'm not sure. You know the demons are and the Angels aren't that easy to convince. Actually, I don't think she'll be able to convince them at all," Lucifer says.
"Maybe, but I'm sure she'll be able to do something. She's a smart girl and I'm sure she'll be able to take care of herself," Alexander says.
"Maybe," Lucifer sighs, "But first, we need to find your daughter. And you're right. Without knowing exactly where she is in Pentagram City and no one really knows her identity, it would be a big problem."
"You're right. It's best if we come up with an idea. It will take some time, but I'm sure we can come up with something," Alexander says.
"And I'll do my best to help my little brothers. But serious, do you think your daughters like ducks?" Lucifer replies.
"What is it with you and ducks?" Alexander questions, rolling his eyes.
"Says the brother who has an obsession with hamsters and still has a giant collection of them in his private study room," Lucifer bluntly points out.
"Touche," Alexander replies.
It's nighttime and everyone else is already in their rooms, ready for bed. Charlie however, is looking at a book as she sits on the couch next to the window. She then looks out her bedroom window to see the countdown locks. She lets out a sad sigh to see that it's already a day since the Extermination. She then turns to see Vaggie is fast asleep in their bed. Soon, Charlie hears a knock on the door.
"Come in," Charlie calls out.
The door opens and Zelda walks inside. In a red nightgown Charlie is letting her borrow.
"Zelda, what are you doing up?" Charlie asks.
Zelda sighs, "I can't really sleep, and I just want to visit." and lowers her head.
"Is something wrong?" Charlie asks.
Zelda walks to Charlie and sits next to her, "I guess I'm still having trouble adjusting to being here. And I also miss my parents." and then brings out the photograph.
Charlie looks at the photo and asks, "Is that them?"
"Yes. These are my parents," Zelda says.
"You all seem very happy. What are they like?" Charlie asks.
"My mom is great. She works at a restaurant cooking, and helps with the entertainment. We both get along, even though I can be a bit more adventurous than she is. My dad is great too, but well, like I said, I don't really know him. He's a nice guy, a bit eccentric, but he's also cool and calm, and has good sense. He is also really good when he does volunteer work, especially when it comes to leadership," Zelda explains.
"Sounds like they're great parents. Way different than my parents," Charlie says.
"How so?" Zelda asks.
"Well, my dad and I never really got along and I haven't seen my mom in seven years," Charlie says.
Zelda eyes wide in shock, "Seven years?"
"Yeah. She went off doing something important, but I swore to do whatever I can to help this kingdom. She really cares about it, and I do too," Charlie says.
"Is that why you started the hotel, to help your people?" Zelda asks.
"It is. I want to be able to help my people with the Extermination by proving to Heaven that they can be redeemed," Charlie says.
"Sounds like a noble goal. I mean, everyone deserves a second chance," Zelda says.
"Exactly," Charlie says.
"If you don't mind me asking, how did Hell get its start? I remember a lot of humans have their own theories, but how did Hell get started? And you seem to know more about it, since you've mentioned your parents," Zelda asks.
"Well, you do have the right to know. You've already seen it so might as well tell you," Charlie says.
She then uses her magic to take the book out of the chest and she takes it in her hands. Zelda sees that the book is titled, "The Story of Hell."
"Everytime after the Extermination, I read this story in order to help me with my anxiety," Charlie says.
"Can you read it to me?" Zelda asks.
"Sure," Charlie answers.
She then opens the book and begins to read the story, "Once upon a time, there was a glowing city protected by golden gates, known as Heaven. It was ruled by beings of pure light. Angels that worshiped good and shielded all from evil. Lucifer was one of these angels. He was a dreamer with fantastical ideas for all of creation. But, he was seen as a troublemaker by the elders of Heaven. For they felt his way of thinking was dangerous to the order of their world.
So, he watched as the angels began to expand the universe in their ways. From the dust of Earth, they created Adam and Lilith. Equals as the first of mankind, but despite this, Adam demanded control, and Lilith refused to submit to his will. She fled the Garden. Drawn in by her fierce independence, Lucifer found her and the two rebellious dreamers fell deeply in love. Together, they wished to share the magic of free will with humanity, offering the Fruit of Knowledge to Adam's new bride, Eve, who gladly accepted. But this gift came with a curse. For with this single act of disobedience, evil finally found its way into the Earth. With it, a new realm of darkness and sin. And the order Heaven worked to maintain was shattered.
As punishment for their reckless act, Heaven cast Lucifer and his love into the dark pit he had created, never allowing him to see the good that came from humanity, only the cruel and the wicked. Ashamed, Lucifer lost his will to dream. But Lilith thrived, empowering demonkind with her voice and her songs. And as the numbers of Hell grew, so did its power.
Threatened by this, Heaven made a truly heartless decision. That every year, they would send down an army, an Extermination, to ensure Hell and its sinners could never rise against them. But Lilith's hope remained. And her dream was passed down to their precious daughter, the Princess of Hell."
"That sounds very sad," Zelda says.
"Yeah. It was," Charlie sadly says.
"But still, why would Heaven be threatened? After all, it's not like Hell's civilians can really get up there," Zelda asks.
"I'm not sure. There's a lot I don't understand, but the best I can do is try my best to keep my mom's hope alive. Even though she's not here," Charlie says. "Of course, that's only part of the story."
"What do you mean?" Zelda asks.
Charlie then turns the pages and reaches the specific page, "Over here. This chapter of another part of the story is called, 'Lucifer's Brother: Fallen of Choice.'"
"Your dad has a brother?" Zelda says, confused.
"Well yeah. Actually dad told me he actually has more than one brother, but this brother, my uncle Alexander, is the one who chose to stay with my dad," Charlie explains.
"He did? Why?" Zelda asks.
"Well according to the story, Alexander cares for his brother, Lucifer. He listens to many of his dreams and ideas. Even though other angels looked down upon him, Alexander was always there to defend him. When my parents were exiled, my uncle tried his best to reason with them. When it didn't work, he decided to declare himself fallen in order to be with Lucifer. My father was shocked by his brother's actions, but at the end, Lucifer feels happy to see his brother and introduce Lilith to him. And together, they end up building Hell. Of course, my mom mainly handles Hell's development and such. My parents named my uncle Grand Duke, and has done what he can to help the kingdom," Charlie explains.
"What's he like?" Charlie asks.
"He's really cool and calm, with a strong sense of justice. He's hard working and kind. My dad and my uncle were very close. Of course they're brothers, but they have a strong bond. According to my dad, my uncle was quite admired by many angels because of his personality. And the demons in Hell do look up to him as well, some others also like to test their strength against him since he's powers like my dad. Like me, my uncle really didn't like the Extermination. From what I remember my dad and uncle got into a terrible argument because my uncle wanted to reason with the angels, but my dad was against it. I don't really know what my uncle is doing now since he moved out of the palace that was like over 18 years ago. As for my parents, they both ended up separating and well..." And soon, Charlie lets out a sigh, "Things have been difficult for my family."
"I'm sorry to hear that your family is struggling, but I'm sure your dad cares about you," Zelda says.
"Maybe," Charlie says, sounding unsure.
Zelda then lets out a yawn.
"Well, I think it's time for you to head to bed," Charlie says.
"Yeah. I guess I'll do that," Zelda says, and begins to take her leave, "Good night Charlie."
"Night Zelda," Charlie says.
Zelda then leaves the room to get some sleep. Charlie suddenly hears the bell ringing and turns to see the countdown tower, as she stares at it uneasily and can only hope her project works. After that, Charlie just turned into bed for the night.
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