Chapter 16: Tour Around Imp City and the Goetia Mansion

In Zelda's room, the young girl is getting herself ready. She's dressed in one of her disguises and is making her put on her makeup and other essentials.

This time, Zelda is disguising herself as an Imp girl, with wings. Zelda hears that some Imps can actually have wings, so she thinks it's a good idea for a disguise. Zelda is wearing a dark grayish long haired braided wig that has black horns with three small white stripes. Her skin is painted red and her cheeks are black. She is also wearing black lipstick. Zelda also has a long tail and has a heart shaped end on the tail. The base of the tail has black stripes, while the heart end has a black heart on it. Zelda is wearing a white long sleeve button up shirt, a red vest, and black slacks, and dark brown shoes. She also has fake glasses on as well. She has her backpack.

After fixing her hair, Zelda says to herself, "There, I'm ready."

Soon, Zelda walks down the stairs and into the lobby to see Charlie and Vaggie doing some paperwork.

Charlie notices Zelda, "Hi Zelda, are you ready for your day out with Loona and Octavia?"

"I am," Zelda answers, "It will be nice to see Loona and Octavia again." and blushes a bit to mention Octavia's name.

"Well, it's nice for you to be able to get out of the hotel once in a while. At least in Imp city you'll be away from the crazy sinners," Vaggie says.

But then says, "But having to deal with the Hellborns is just as bad, so it would be best to wear your disguises."

"Yeah. I'm not taking chances with anyone trying to pounce on me for looking human," Zelda says.

"That's true," Charlie says.

Soon, Usagi, Angel, and Pentious walk down stairs, and notice Zelda is dressed.

"Hey Zel, are you going out today?" Angel asks.

"Yeah. I'm hanging out with Loona and Octavia today," Zelda says.

"Oh you mean the little bird princess and the hellhound. Yeah, they're pretty cool," Angel says.

"Sounds nice," Usagi says.

"And I see you're wearing another disguise," Pentious says.

"Well yeah, I gotta keep myself from being recognized," Zelda says.

She then says, "And the portal Loona will be conjuring will appear right about..."

And soon, the portal opens.

"Now," Zelda concludes.

She then turns to the group, "Bye guys, I'll see you later."

"Bye Zelda, have fun, and remember. Stay close to the girls, no wondering off, don't get into trouble, and have fun," Charlie says.

"Okay. Bye," Zelda says, and walks through the portal.

"Bye," Charlie says.

"Have fun," Vaggie says.

The portal closes soon after. Once the portal closes, Zelda finds herself in the lounge. She looks to find the couch, desk, a plant, and other essentials that an office lounge should have. She soon finds the desks to see Loona sitting with a blue book open.

"Hey Loona," Zelda says.

"Hey Zel, glad you got here okay," Loona says.

"Yeah," Zelda says.

She looks around, "So this is the I.M.P office you told me a bit about."

"Yep. Welcome to the I.M.P company, the Immediate Murder Professionals. The hitman company," Loona says.

"Seems kind of small," Zelda says.

"Yeah. It's only the four of us. Blitz, Millie, Moxxie, and myself. It's small, but we manage to make it work," Loona says.

"I see," Zelda says.

She then notices the book, "So what's that book you got there?"

"Oh this is a grimoire. You know, those spell books that used to cast magic and incantation, and all that shit. It basically belongs to Octavia's dad," Loona says.

"Oh, so that's the book she told me about," Zelda says.

"Yep. In fact, she should be here right about now," Loona says.

Soon, the door opens and Octavia walks in, "Hi Loona. Hello Zelda. It's good to see you And blushed a bit to see Zelda.

Zelda blushes a bit, but smiles, "Yeah. It's good to see you too."

"Yeah. So how are things at the hotel?" Octavia asks.

"It's been good. There's been some craziness, but we managed," Zelda says.

"Glad to hear it," Octavia says.

Loona simply smiles to see them talk, but also notices some kind of chemistry is in the making between them.

Zelda calmly says, "Anyway, we should get going."

"Yeah. We should get going," Octavia says.

Just then, Loona hears her phone vibrating. She picks it up to see a message on her phone.

"Hold on, Blitz just texted me. He needs me to open the portal back," Loona says.

"Sure Loona," Zelda says.

Loona opens the book and uses it to open the portal. Once the portal opens, Blitz, Moxxie, and Millie. They're all soak and wet, and seem to be covered over moss, and Blitz also has a fish sucking on the end of their tail.

Blitz groans, "Finally got that shit out of the way."

"Not so, sir, because we've fallen into the bayou and almost got eaten by a crocodile," Moxxie says.

"I sure have fun wrestling with the crocodile," Millie says.

"Easy for you to say," Blitz says.

"Yikes, what happened to you three?" Zelda asks.

Blitz turns to see Zelda, "Hey Zel, what are you and Via doing here?"

"Blitz, the girls and I are going to hang out today, remember?" Loona says.

"Oh right, you said you were going to hang out with the girls today," Blitz says.

Millie happily says, "And it's nice to see you again, Zelda."

"You too, guys," Zelda says.

Zelda then asks, "So what happened to you three?"

"We were hired to kill two smugglers for our client. Apparently they're his accomplices, but they betrayed him. We ended up chasing them through a bayou and ended up falling after chasing them. We almost got eaten by a crocodile there," Moxxie says.

"Yikes," Zelda says, shocked.

"So that's why it looks like you fell in the river," Octavia says.

"Yeah yeah," Blitz says.

"You guys need help?" Zelda asks.

"Do not worry, we're used to this sort of thing," Moxxie says.

"Yeah, but I surely have some fun wrestling with the croc," Millie says.

"Anyway, now that you two are here, Loona, you are officially on a day off. Have fun girls," Blitz says.

Then turns to Mox, "Moxxie, you handle the book."

"Yes sir," Moxie says.

Millie then asks, "So, what are you girls doing today?"

"We're mainly hanging out, grabbing lunch, shopping, and heading to Octavia's place," Loona says.

"That's good to hear. I hear that the bitch is not in the house so you can go there without her bugging you guys," Blitz says.

Zelda whispers to Octavia, "Sometime tells me that he kind of hates your mom."

"I wouldn't be surprised, but my dad really hates her," Octavia says.

Then Blitz says, "Hey kid, mayne before you go, let me give you a brief tour."

Then points to one door, "This is my office where I meet the clients. And you're in the lobby where Loona sits at the receptionist, and we sometimes do target practice."

"You do target practice in an office. There's not much space here," Zelda says.

Blitz then drags Zelda to the other door, "Here's the meeting room, where we discuss our jobs, and this room has the weapons and other supplies. And I'm sure Loona told you a bit about what we do at the company."

"She did, but won't you get in trouble for going to Earth to kill," Zelda says.

"You only get in trouble if you get caught," Blitz says.

"Oh, like the time you and I got caught by those agent guys," Moxxie says, annoyed.

"Agent guys?" Zelda replies, confused.

Loona sighs and says, "It's a long story. Don't worry about it."

"I see," Zelda says, "Sounds like you guys have a lot of crazy adventures together."

"You have no idea," Octavia says, rolling her eyes.

Shortly after, the three girls begin walking down the sidewalk of Imp city. Zelda looks around to see the many different Imps, Hellhounds, and other Hellborn demons.

"I have to admit, Imp City is different from Pentagram City. There aren't many sinners, but a lot of Hellborns," Zelda says.

"That's right. Sinners mainly live at Pentagram City, and don't really live anywhere else," Loona says.

"Yeah. Charlie explained that Sinners mainly stayed in Pride and are unable to travel to the other Rings," Zelda says.

"That's true," Octavia says.

"So you wanna grab some lunch before we do some shopping?" Zelda asks.

"Sounds good to me. I could use something to eat," Octavia says.

"I know a good place to grab some lunch," Loona says.

And with that, the girls are having lunch in a cafe. They also have a chat with one another.

"I have to admit, Hell is really different from what it's written in books," Zelda says.

"I get it what you mean, but trust me, Hell is a lot different than what Humans made it out to be," Loona says.

"I see," Zelda says.

"She's right, Earth isn't that different from Hell," Octavia says.

"Since you brought up Earth, what was it about these agent guys?" Zelda questions.

"Long story short, Blitz and Mox got caught by these demon hunting fuckers," Loona says.

"Demon hunters?" Zelda questions.

"Yep. We managed to fight them off, but Octavia's dad ended up being the one to save our asses in the end," Loona says.

"I see," Zelda says.

Then asks, "What else happened while you're there?"

"A lot had happened. We had to deal with a lot of different humans who are fuckin lunatic," Loona says.

"Let me guess, serial killers, robbers, cheaters, fraudsters, and other stuff, maybe even some normal people," Zelda suspects.

"Oh trust me, some of the humans we've seen are anything but normal," Loona says.

Then Zelda asks, "Do other demons have access to Earth?"

"Well, some do, but it mainly depends on their job. We don't need to bore you with those details," Loona says.

"True, there is some information you don't need to worry about," Octavia says.

"Sounds like running a hit man company for Earth is a hassle," Zelda says.

"You have no idea," Loona says.

"Well, it's difficult for me to say, mainly because Hawaii kind of has a low crime rate, kind of," Zelda says.

"Hmm, I would like to see what Hawaii is like. I mean, you've told me a few things about the place, and I think it seems nice," Octavia says.

"You'll love it. You get to go surfing, swimming, exploring, and maybe I can introduce you to my Ohana," Zelda says.

"Your what?" Loona questions.

"Ohana means family in Hawaiian. My mom has a big ohana back at home. I have a lot of relatives living there, some on different islands. Sometimes we gather together for reunions, have Lūʻau. Which is a traditional Hawiian party, or a feast," Zelda says.

"How nice," Octavia says.

Then Loona asks, "Do you speak Hawiian?"

"Well yeah. I can speak English, Hawaiian, and a bit of spanish. Usagi has started teaching me a bit of Korean," Zelda asks.

"That's interesting," Octavia says.

"Yes. Of course since Hawaii is part of America, many of us speak English, and it's difficult to translate some names," Zelda says.

"How so?" Loona asks.

"Well, how your name is spelled, it's not easy to say. However, if you use the word Luna, the Spanish word for Moon, your name would be Mahina."

"Mahina?" Loona says, confused.

Octavia giggles, "That's kind of funny."

"Makes me wonder what Blitz would be?" Loona questions.

"That would be ʻōhū," Zelda says.

Loona and Octavia snicker to hear it.

"That's funny," Octavia says.

"Alright, enough of the language shit. Let's finish eating and do some shopping," Loona says.

"Sounds good. I need to find some new makeup and clothes to find for my disguises," Zelda says.

Then Octavia asks, "When do you think the whole disguise stuff will end. I mean, it's already been three months since you got here."

"The day when demons stop wanting to do whatever they want with me or the Vees stop wanting to find me," Zelda says.

"Sounds like it would take a while," Loona says.

"Yeah," Octavia replies.

After having their lunch, the girls begin to start their shopping. They soon find themselves in the clothing store that also has sections of makeup and accessories.

"I know you're looking for clothes for your disguises, but it wouldn't hurt for you to get some more fashionable clothes for you to wear," Loona says.

"I suppose you're right," Zelda says, and takes out a tank top.

Octavia then brings out a white hat, and it has a bright red ribbon on it, "I think this hat will be nice for you."

"You're right. It does seem nice," Zelda says.

She then looks around the accessories, "Of course, it wouldn't hurt for me to get some jewelry, and some makeup and other needs."

"Along with some gloves," Loona says.

"And some shoes and bags," Octavia says.

The girls soon begin laughing a bit.

"Come on, let's go," Zelda says.

Soon, the girls begin to try on some clothes, accessories, and makeup. The girls try on different kinds of styles with some laughs and smiles on their faces.

Sometime later, the girls arrive at Octavia's home. Zelda is very surprised to see how big the mansion is.

"So this is your home, Octavia?" Zelda asks.

"Yep. This is where I live. Well, this is basically my dad's place," Octavia says.

"It looks really nice," Zelda says.

"Yeah," Octavia says.

She then mutters, "At least it's not as noisy since my mother left."

She then says, "Come inside, there's a lot to see in there."

Octavia then opens the door and allows Zelda and Loona inside. The girls walk inside to the foyer.

"Wow. It's really nice on the inside," Zelda says.

"Oh, it's not that special," Octavia says.

"Well, it's surely different from where I used to live. Then again, I've never seen where Charlie lives either," Zelda says.

"And it must be very different from my and Blitz's shabby apartment," Loona says.

"Well, an apartment seems appropriate for two people," Zelda says.

"Same can't be said about here because of the big space, but we're royalty, so yeah," Octavia says.

Then says, "Come on, there's a lot to see in the mansion."

The girls then walk up the stairs and begin to explore around the mansion. As they walk down the hall, Zelda sees the elegant and tall pink stained glass windows. There are also light long corridors filled with plant also looks up the ceiling to see an astrology theme such as many stars and moon patterns with a night sky imagery. Zelda looks around to notice some of the paintings of Octavia and her parents that are still on the will.

"Your dad sure has a lot of plants," Zelda says.

"Yeah. you should see the one we have in the kitchen," Octavia says.

And soon enough, they arrive in the kitchen. The first thing that Zelda notices is a large venus flytrap like plant and she could have sworn it has eyes.

"Um, that's your dad's plant? It looks like it has eyes," Zelda says, confused.

"Oh trust me, it does. I was shocked when I first learned about it," Loona says.

"Yeah, but don't worry. It's really friendly," Octavia begins petting the plant a little.

To Zelda's surprise, the plant actually purrs.

"Wow. It even purrs," Zelda says.

"Yeah," Octavia says, "You wanna pet him."

"Um sure," Zelda says, reluctant.

Zelda then reaches her hand out and gently places her hand on the plant. She then gently rubs the plant and it begins to purr.

"Aww, it's actually really cute," Zelda says.

The plant expresses and snuggles Zelda a bit.

"I think the plant appreciates it," Octavia says.

She then says, "Come on, there's still a lot more to see."

Soon, Octavia shows Zelda and Octavia the rest of the palace. Octavia shows them a large greenhouse that has various different plants.

"Wow. Your dad is the real plant lover," Zelda says.

"Yeah. He's been gardening for years," Octavia says.

Then to an observatory that has a large telescope and a star map.

"Cool telescope," Loona says.

"My dad loves astronomy and astrology. Of course, his role involves studying the earth's skies and prophecy," Octavia says.

"Speaking of which, where is your dad?" Zelda asks.

"He's actually out for one of his royal duties, so he'll be back in a little while, unless he finishes early," Octavia says.

Then presents them to Octavia's bedroom.

"This is my room," Octavia says.

"That's a nice room you've got. It sure is different from mine," Zelda says.

"How different is your room?" Octavia asks.

"Well, I have some stuffed animals, mine is rather bright, and my room has stickers and pictures of sea creatures and ocean plants, and some seashells and mermaid tears," Zelda says.

"Mermaid tears?" Octavia asks.

"Well, they're mainly loose pears and polished glass. But according to myth, when polished glass is polished like that, they're called mermaid tears. Same with pearls. Like I say, it's mainly a legend, but they look very pretty when polished. But they also look even more pretty when cleaned up," Zelda says.

"Do you collect them?" Loona asks.

"Sure do. I collect polished glass, sea shells, pearls, and some rocks. However, there are some shells and rocks you can't pick up because it will mess with the ecosystem, and it will also upset some of the spirits, like Pele," Zelda explains.

"Pele?" The girls question.

"She's the Goddess of Fire and Volcanoes. According to folklore, she's also the goddess of creation and destruction. They say it's forbidden to collect lava rock. They say it's disrespectful, and it will upset Pele," Zelda explains.

Loona rolls her eyes, "Humans and their legends, myths, and folklore."

"Maybe so, but my people really respect it. In some cases it's also against the law to pick up shells because it will cause trouble for wildlife and the ecosystem in the ocean. But any shell that doesn't have life or fragments is okay. I think. Although, most of the shells and rocks I've collected are from the stores," Zelda explains.

"That's a weird law," Octavia says, a bit confused.

"Maybe, but I'm not the one who made that law," Zelda says, shrugging her shoulders.

Octavia continues showing them around the palace, and finally, they reach a large room.

"And lastly, this is the ballroom," Octavia says.

"Wow. This room looks so beautiful," Zelda says.

"I figure you like it," Octavia says.

"Yeah. The place seems nice," Loona says.

"With a room this big, you can have a ball here," Zelda says.

"That's true. Of course the ballroom is used for my mother's parties. She actually likes throwing parties," Octavia says.

"Really now?" Zelda replies.

"Yes. Although, I kind of get bored at her parties. It's kind of more grown up if anything," Octavia says.

"Do you dance?" Zelda asks.

"Not much, although I do have to learn how to dance, especially the waltz," Octavia says.

Loona yawns, "Sounds very boring."

"I do some dancing too, mainly hula dancing. I actually learn a bit of ballet combat from Carmilla and her daughters," Zelda says.

"You mean Carmilla Carmine?" Loona questions.

"That's her," Zelda says.

"You learn to dance while doing combat?" Loona asks.

"Yep," Zelda answers with a nod.

She then says, "Although, I've never done any waltzing before."

Octavia thinks for a minute as she slowly shows blushing on her face.

She then turns to Zelda and asks, "May-maybe I can teach you...?"

"Re-really? Are you sure?" Zelda asks, blushing a bit.

"Ye-yes. I don't mind teaching you," Octavia says.

"Um thanks. I think I like that," Zelda says.

Loona notices the two blushing again and smiling towards each other.

In her thoughts, Loona says, "Oooooh, I understand what's going on."

Loona nods, "I think it's a good idea, but you'll need music to do it."

"Good point," Octavia says.

She then asks, "Loona, mind if you put on some music."

"Sure," Loona says, shrugging her shoulders.

Loona then brings out her phone and types onto the video internet. Soon, Loona begins to play some ballroom music. Octavia turns to Zelda and reaches her hand out to Zelda with a smile.

She then says, "May I have this dance?"

Zelda smiles and says, "Yes."

Zelda then takes Octavia's hand and they both position themselves. Octaiva and Zelda hold each other's hand. Then Zelda places her other hand on Octavia's shoulder. And in turn, Octavia places her other hand on Zelda's waist.

"Ready?" Octavia asks.

"Um ready," Zelda says, blushing a bit.

"Now, just follow my lead," Octavia says.

Zelda nods in reply.

And with that, Octavia begins to lead the waltz while Zelda follows Octavia's lead. Zelda looks down to watch her footing. She blushes and is very nervous.

"Try not to look down," Octavia says.

"But what if I step on your foot," Zelda says, nervously.

"You don't, just follow me, and stay calm," Octavia says.

"Okay," Zelda says.

The girls continue the waltz as the music from Loona's phone continues to play. The Hellhound continues watching and judging by the look on their faces, the way they talk, and how they've been today, she can understand something special is blooming between them. And now, it's showing in their dancing.

"Okay Zelda, now let's try the twirl," Octavia says.

Zelda nods in reply.

Then Octavia twirls Zelda with ease, and Zelda is able to have good footing from the dance movement. The two girls continue dancing around the ballroom as the melody surrounds the room. They continue waltzing and circle around the chandelier with elegance and grace. The two girls continue to look at each other with smiles on their faces, sparkles in their eyes, and hearts beating. The two soon lean to each other enough for Zelda's nose and Octavia's beak to be barely tough.

Suddenly, they hear a familiar voice, "My, you both are sure having fun."

They both flinch in shock as their eyes wide open and their face blushing red. They both soon turn their heads to see Stolas, Octavia's father.

"And you both are so sweet," Stolas happily says.

"Dad?" Octavia questions.

Just then, Zelda ends up tripping on her own feet and falls to the ground with a loud thud.

"Ah!" Octavia yelps.

"Ow!" Zelda yelps.

Loona becomes shocked to see what happened and quickly turns off the music.

Stolas walks over and says in concern, "Oh goodness, are you both okay?"

"Yeah. That was a bit of a nasty fall," Loona says.

"I'm okay," Zelda answers, slowly getting up.

"I think so," Octavia answers.

Zelda looks down to see Octavia lying on the ground, and blushes to find herself over her. Octavia opens her eyes to see Zelda on top of her, making her blush. They both quickly sit down with their faces still red.

"I... I am so sorry, Via," Zelda says.

"I-It's okay, but are you alright?" Octavia replies.

Zelda and Octavia soon get up and adjust themselves, not showing a glance at each other and are embarrassed.

"Are you both okay?" Stolas asks.

"I'm okay, dad," Octavia says.

"Yes. I'm okay," Zelda says.

The two soon blush at each other and turn away, feeling embarrassed.

Loona tries her best not to laugh as she calmly smiles.

She says in thought, "It's so obvious. Those two girls really like each other."

Sometime later, after having a little fun at the mansion, having a snack, chat, and such, Zelda is ready to head back to the hotel.

Zelda says, "Thank you for inviting me guys."

"It's no trouble," Loona says.

"Yeah. We really like hanging out with you," Octavia says.

"Me too," Zelda says.

Then Octavia says, "I hope you'll come back for a visit soon."

"Thanks," Zelda says.

Stolas giggles and smiles, "I can see that you both have a good time together."

He then creates a portal to the front of the Hazbin Hotel.

"Thank you, Stolas," Zelda says.

She then says to the girls, "Bye Loona. Bye Stolas. Goodbye Octavia."

"See you around," Loona says.

"Bye," Stolas says.

"Bye Zelda," Octavia says.

Zelda waves goodbye before walking through the portal and returning to the hotel. Then the portal closes soon after.

Loona smirks and turns to Octavia, "Soooooo..."

"What?" Octavia says, confused.

"About Zelda, she seems nice, huh," Loona says.

"Um yes. She's very nice," Octavia says, a bit confused.

Loona chuckles, "Yeah. You really hit it off with her."

"Wha-what?!" Octavia asks, embarrassed that her face begins to turn red.

"You like her," Loona says.

"Well I uh, I do like her but um, not like that. I need to go," Octavia says and rushes back inside.

Loona laughs a bit, "Yeah. Octavia really likes Zelda."

Octavia soon returns to her room and lies down on her bed after the long day. She then opens her phone to see a picture of herself with Zelda. Octavia smiles and saves the picture.

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