Chapter 14: The Hazbin Hotel Cook Off
In the kitchen, Charlie is holding a cooking activity for the hotel, so most of them are in the kitchen cooking, but make sure it's maintaining the supplies and budget. Either way, they're going to have some leftovers after this cooking activity.
Zelda cuts the chicken as she says, "I think this cooking activity is a very nice idea."
Usagi finishes with her rice pudding and says, "I agree. I like cooking."
"I know. I just love cooking," Niffty happily says as she takes out some cookies from the oven, "I also love stabbing bugs and chasing rodents."
"I see. I'm not sure about that hobby, but at least it managed to get rid of the pest in here," Zelda says.
"Well, now that the cookies are finish, I'm going to get to cleaning," Niffty says as she brings out a feather duster.
She then scurries off to start her cleaning.
Sir Pentious turns to Zelda, "Where are Angel and Alastor?"
"Well, Angel Dust is still working, but he said that he'll be back soon. I have no clue where Alastor is," Zelda says.
"I suppose you're right. Charlie and Vaggie are busy in the office while you're in charge of the activity," Pentious says.
"Where is Alastor anyway?" Usagi asks.
"Maybe Husk would know," Zelda says.
Suddenly, Alastor walks in, "No need to worry, I'm right here. I just need to get a little something."
And he appears to be holding a bag. The group is confused as they see the small bag squirming and wiggling, and is making strange sounds.
"Um Alastor, what are you doing?" Usagi asks.
"And what's that bag for?" Zelda asks.
"Well my dear, I've decided to participate with your little cooking activity and decide to make some gumbo for everyone," Alastor says.
"Gumbo," Pentious replies.
"That actually sounds nice," Usagi says.
Then Zelda asks, "What kind of Gumbo are you making?"
"Well, I was thinking of making venison gumbo, but since we don't have any," Alastor says as he reaches into the bag. He then pulls out the object from the bag, "I've decided to make Pork Sausage Gumbo."
The group ends up with shocked looks on their faces to see Fat Nuggets tied by a rope as he squeals and tries to break free from the Radio Demon's grasp.
"FAT NUGGETS?!" Zelda exclaims in shock.
"Alastor, what are you doing?!" Usagi asks, stunned
"Well, I like to make some gumbo and I happen to find this fine swine as good meat for my gumbo," Alastor says.
"Alastor, I highly advise that you don't hurt the little pig. Angel Dust will be very displeased about it," Pentious says.
"You're going to be in big trouble when Charlie and Vaggie find out," Usagi adds.
Alastor laughs, "Don't worry, I'm sure things will work out once they try the gumbo."
Before Alastor can do anything, Fat Nuggets has been swiped away from him. He then turns to see Zelda freeing Fat Nuggets from the restraints, and she comforts him. Fat Nuggets responds by licking her cheek, making her giggle.
Alastor turns to Zelda with his eyes glowing red, "Now Zelda my dear, give me the swine so I'll be sure it doesn't have a painful death."
"No way, Alastor! He's not even yours! He's Angel's!" Zelda sternly says, holding Fat Nuggets to protect him.
"That little pig is going to be part of my gumbo," Alastor says, approaching Zelda.
Zelda steps back as she embraces Fat Nuggets close to her.
"Alastor, I'm warning," Zelda says.
"Hand it over, Zelda!" Alastor says.
"No way, you psycho!" Zelda says, and uses her water powers to spray Alastor with it, smacking him to the fridge.
She then runs out of the room with Fat Nuggets in her arms.
Usagi and Pentious are left stunned.
"Oh my," Usagi says, worried.
"Yes. This is not going to end well," Pentious says, wary.
The two turn to see Alastor getting up, feeling soaked and wet.
He then lifts his head up to reveal a devilish grin on his face, "Well, it appears I'll be hunting before I can get a meal."
With that, Alastor morphs into his shadow and leaves the room, mainly to find Zelda and Fat Nuggets.
"We better go after them," Sir Pentious says.
"I agree," Usagi says.
And with that, the pair rush out of the room to find Zelda, and stop Alastor.
Down the hall of the hotel, Alastor is chasing Zelda in the hall with Fat Nuggets in her arms. What's more, he has his shadows helping him with the chaise. Zelda resorts to using her fire powers to blast them, but her powers are only able to stall them, but stop them completely.
Zelda turns her head back as she shouts, "Just leave us alone!"
Then mutters to herself, "Insane deer."
"Come now my dear, you know that you can't keep protecting the swine forever. You'll have to stop eventually," Alastor says.
But Zelda shouts, "You are not putting FAT NUGGETS in your GUMBO! I mean it! Not in a MILLION YEARS! Or even longer than that! NOT EVER! If you want him so badly, you'll have to KILL ME in order to get him back!" and continues running down the hall.
"That can be arranged my dear!" Alastor says, and uses his tentacles to attack Zelda.
Zedla gasps to see the tentacles and begins to dodge the attack and uses her fire powers to burn them, but Alastor is too strong. She then spreads her wings and flies down the hall as Alastor chases after her. Of course, the tentacles slam at the call and the floor as Alastor chases the girl and the pig, making a lot of noise.
Pentious and Usagi are trying their best to chase after them.
"Alstor and Zelda are too fast!" Usagi says.
"I agree. We'll never be able to catch them," Pentious says.
"Hello boss," Frank's voice calls out.
The two Sinners look down to see the Egg bois.
"What are you doing here?" Pentious asks.
"We saw you chasing Alastor and Zelda so we want to get in on the fun," The Egg boi says.
"It's not a game, but you can assist us in making sure Alastor doesn't end Zelda," Pentious says.
"You got it boss," The Egg boi says.
Then everyone runs down the call to catch up with them.
Down at the lobby, there are loud thumping sounds that have the hotel shaking. Husk, who has been drinking his booze, notices the racket.
"The fuck?" Husk questions.
Soon, Charlie and Vaggie rush to the lobby.
"What's going on?" Charlie asks.
"What's all that racket?" Vaggie asks.
Just then, the front door opens and Angel walks in. He looks kind of tired.
"Hey Angel," Charlie says.
"Hey," Angel says, but noticing the banging, the thumping, and other noises, "What the fuck is all this noise?"
"I'm wondering about that myself," Vaggie says.
And right on cue, Zelda flies down the stairs into the lobby and crashes to the ground, and Alastor is not far behind.
"Would you cut it out alright?!" Zelda shouts in anger.
"Not until you give me those little bacon bites!" Alastor says.
"You are not eating Fat Nuggets and that's final!" Zelda angrily shouts and flies off in the hotel.
Alastor is not far behind.
"The fuck is that..." Vaggie angrily says and mutters under breath.
Soon, Sir Pentious and Usagi run down the stairs and are exhausted.
"Sir Pentious? Usagi? What's going on?" Charlie asks. "Why is Alastor chasing Zelda?"
"Alastor somehow got Angel little Pig Pet and tried to turn him into gumbo, but of course, Zelda is highly against it and snatched the little pig away," Pentious says.
"And Alastor is chasing Zelda because he's uh, determined," Usagi says.
Vaggie groans, "I don't believe this."
Suddenly, they sense an aura of anger and turn to see Angel clenching all four of his fists and the circles under his eyes glow pink.
"Why that Fuckin'Tacky, Radio Talkin STAG!" Angel says in pure anger and rushes down the hall.
Soon enough, Zelda finds herself in the corner of the kitchen and Alastor has her surrounded.
"Now Zelda, be a good girl and hand over the swine," Alastor says in a demonic voice.
"Forget it, Alastor! I'm not giving you Fat Nuggets and that's final!" Zelda shouts, and holds Fat Nuggets tightly.
"Well, if you won't give then I'll simply have to take him," Alastor says.
"Not so fast, Smiles!" Angel's voice angrily says.
Alastor turns to see who it is, almost to meet a bowl full of rice pudding at his face.
"Huh?" Zelda turns to see Angel with a serious expression, "Angel?!"
"Well duh, I've just got back after a tiring day of work, and I ended up finding this mess when I get back," Angel angrily says.
"Um yeah," Zelda says with a sheepish smile.
Angel walks over and helps Zelda up, "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, Alastor just went a little out of control," Zelda says.
Then glares at the Radio Demon, "And only because he wanted to have Pork Sausage Gumbo and wanted to use Fat Nuggets for it!"
Angel turns to glare at Alastor, "He WHAT?!"
Alastor soon removes the bowl and rubs the rice pudding from his face, revealing an evil sharp smile with glowing red eyes that turn to dials of a radio on his face. Despite the big smile, he is not happy.
"You surely have the galls to do that to me, Angel Dust," Alastor says.
"Don't change the subject you Radio Speaking Prick! You tried to eat my Nuggs and tried to hurt Zelda!" Angel angrily says.
"She's the one who sprayed water at me and interrupted my cooking!" Alastor says.
"You were trying to turn my pet into your lunch! And anything you cook is probably a corpse for all we know," Angel angrily.
"You have a lot of nerve!" Alastor angrily says.
Before Angel can react, Alastor has black tentacles out and grabs Angel by his limbs, trying to tear him apart.
Zelda gasps, "What are you doing?!"
"I believe it's about time I put this effeminate fellow in his place," Alastor says.
Then the tentacles begin to pull Angel by his limbs, and the Spider Demon begins gritting his teeth.
Angel says, "Sh-Shit..."
"ALASTOR!" Charlie's voice appears in anger.
Soon, Alastor turns to see Charlie with Vaggie and the others. Charlie is in her parently demon form: and is very pissed.
Charlie then demands,"Put him down, NOW!"
Soon, Alastor reverts back to normal and says, "Very well, my dear."
And drops Angel to the ground.
"Ow!" Angel yelps.
Angel finds himself lying on the ground.
He then sits up and rubs his bottom, "Fuck..."
Usagi and Charlie help Angel up.
"Are you okay, Angel?" Usagi asks.
"I'm fine," Angel says.
Zelda walks over, "Are you sure?"
"I'm fine, but I'm actually very grateful to you for protecting my baby. You saved my ass, and you went out of your way to save my pig's life," Angel says.
"It's no trouble, Angel," Zelda says. She then snuggles Fat Nuggets, "He's a real cutie. Who can eat this little sweetie?"
"I can name a few reasons," Alastor says, "And you and Angel will be responsible for my dry cleaning."
"Oh put a sock in it Al, at least I don't try eating someone's pet or deer corpse. I heard from Vaggs that you actually have a corpse of a deer in your room," Angel says.
"He has a dead deer in his room?" Usagi asks, feeling sick.
"He did, and it was actually raw and rotten too," Vaggie says.
"Yuck!" Charlie says, disgusted.
Even Pentious says, "Gross!"
"That's disgusting, Alastor!" Zelda says.
"What can I say, I sometimes like my venison raw," Alastor says, shrugging around his shoulders.
Then turns to Angel, "And you shouldn't be judging what I have when you have worse things shoved down your throat."
"At least when I do it my clients are satisfied. In your case, some will get lucky to get out of it in one piece," Angel says.
"Oh and you're judging my meals and my work?" Alastor questions.
"You're doing the same," Angel says.
Then the two glare at each other.
Angel then smirks, "How about this? Why don't we have a cooking competition, and the winner gets to have what they want. If I wish, I'm going to fuck you long and hard that you won't be able to feel your legs. Unless you're scared you'll lose."
Alastor eye twitch with a disturbed smile, "Ha ha. You really think I'll be frightened by it." Then glares at Angel, "However, I think this competition will be quite entertaining. If I win, I'll finally be able to have your little porker as my next meal."
"Back off, Smiles!" Angel angrily says.
"Alastor, you're not eating Fat Nuggets," Charlie says.
"And you're not forcing Alastor to have sex with you, Angel," Vaggie says.
"Then what do you expect us to do?" Angel asks.
"I'm sure you both can come up with something, but no sex, or eating pets," Zelda says.
"Besides, if we're doing a cooking competition, it will only be between you two, no one else," Charlie says.
"Fine, I'll find some other way to torture our little porn star," Alastor says.
"I like to see you try, your strawberry pimp," Angel says.
Niffty raises her hand, "Can I be in the competition too? Can I? Can I? Can I?" And begs as her eye sparkle big, "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssseee!"
Zelda giggles, "Well, as long as Alastor and Angel don't mind?"
Then turns to the guys, "What do you two think?"
"I don't mind if Niffty competes with us," Angel says.
"I don't mind at all. It will be fun to have a third competitor," Alastor says.
Niffty happily cheers, "Yay!"
"Well then, it appears that the cooking activity has turned into a cooking competition," Charlie happily says.
Then Vaggie says, "As long as Alastor and Angel are in charge of the cleaning when this is done, especially Alastor. I wouldn't be surprised if he made a mess from chasing Zelda and Fat Nuggets throughout the hotel." then turns to Zelda and the others, "Zelda, you Niffty, Pentious, and Usagi are excused from that chore."
Angel groans, "Ugh fine."
"Of course," Alastor says.
Sometime later...
Husk groans, "Remind me how we got into this stupid mess?"
It's revealed that everyone is setting the dining table for the competition. Charlie, Vaggie and Zelda are sitting in a row. Each has a folded paper stand that has the word 'judge'. Everyone else is sitting by the sidelines. And since Zelda doesn't want to take chances, Fat Nuggets is sitting on her lap. Angel Dust, Alastor, and Niffty are standing in front of the table.
"I find this quite interesting," Pentious says.
"Yes. Apparently, cooking competitions are pretty popular, and fun," Usagi says.
"Sounds boring if you ask me," Husk says, and drinks the alcohol.
"Alright guys, here's how we're doing this. Each of you are going to make an appetizer, an entree and dessert. Vaggie, Charlie, and I will be judges," Zelda says.
Then Charlie walks over and hands her an envelope. She says, "You've been given an envelope full of money, to buy any groceries you like to get, and you are also welcome to use the kitchen and ingredients that are in there as well."
"Once all of you are done cooking and we tasted each of your dishes, we'll be deciding the winner," Vaggie says.
She then narrows, "And if we hear or see any of you cheating, you'll be disqualified and do all of the chores around for a week, without any help."
"Yeah yeah," Angel says, rolling his eyes.
"Of course, my dear," Vaggie says.
"Alright, let the competition begin," Zelda says.
Soon, Alastor, Angel, and Niffty rush off to begin their competition.
Vaggie sighs in relief, "Glad we got those three out of our hair for a while."
"True, but I'm interested to know what they'll make," Zelda says.
"Me too. I didn't know Angel was even interested in cooking. After all, he actually suggested doing a cooking activity and will be joining when he gets back," Charlie says.
"Really? I didn't know Angel can cook," Vaggie asks.
"Just because he's an adult film actor, doesn't mean he can't have other hobbies," Zelda says.
"That's true," Vaggie says.
Couple of hours of shopping and cooking for the competition later...
Round 1:
Alastor Angel and Niffty made their dishes. Alastor made Spicy Shrimp and Sausage Skewers. Angel made Caprese Salad. Niffty made Cheese Balls. They have plates set on the table for Charlie, Zelda, and the others to try. Everyone begins to eat each of the dishes.
"I have to admit, these look good," Vaggie says.
"I agree. I never had spicy food before, but the skewers are delicious," Usagi says.
"The Caprese Salad is good too," Zelda says.
"Yeah," Charlie says.
Vaggie says, "The cheese balls are good too. And the Caprese Salad. I know that Alastor and Niffty can cook, but I'm surprised Angel can."
Husk turns to Angel, "I have to admit, I'm kind of impressed."
"The skewers are satisfying," Pentious says.
Round 2:
Time has passed, and the three bring out their entree dishes. Alastor made Crawfish Gumbo. Angel made some Season Chicken and Mozzarella Ravioli with cheese sauce. Lastly, Niffty has made some Beef Bourguignon.
"This isn't bad," Vaggie says.
"Yeah. I never had a gumbo before," Zelda says.
"The Cheese Ravioli tastes good," Charlie happily says.
"The Beef Bourguignon tastes good as well," Usagi says.
"Indeed. The meals are very satisfying," Pentious says.
Niffty giggles, "If you think Alastor's Gumbo is good, you should try his venison stew."
"Really? I don't think I ever tried Venison before," Angel says.
"Neither have I," Zelda says.
"Not me either," Usagi says.
Round 3:
And lastly, comes the last round of the competition. Each of them makes a dessert for the competition. Alastor made some Beignets. Angel Dust made some Panna Cotta. And lastly, Niffty made some Pineapple Upside Down Cake. After that, the group eats the desserts.
"I have to admit, Angel, the food you made are good," Vaggie says.
"The beignets are simple, but really good with some powdered sugar and honey," Charlie says.
"And the Pineapple shortcake tastes good, Niffty. Of course, the dessert Alastor and Angel made good too," Zelda says.
"Hmm, they're really good," Usagi says.
"Eh, they're okay," Husk says.
"The food tastes good," Pentious says.
Angel smiles, "Glad to see that the dishes impressed you."
"Do tell," Alastor says.
Niffty happily says, "I'm glad you all like them."
Charlie says, "Well, now that we all finish eating. Vaggie, Zelda, and I will be going to my office to discuss the results."
With that, Charlie, Vaggie, and Zelda leave the dining room and head into Charlie's office to discuss who is the winner of the competition.
Alastor: Spicy Shrimp and Pork Sausage Skewers
Angel Dust: Caprese Salad
Niffty: Cheese Balls
Alastor: Crawfish Gumbo
Angel Dust: Season Chicken and Mozzarella Ravioli with Cheese Sauce
Niffty: Beef Bourguignon
Alastor: Beignets
Angel Dust: Panna Cotta
Niffty: Pineapple Upside Down Cake
Author Note: I'm going to put on a voting session for the competition, you all get to choose who will win the cooking competition. Alastor, Angel Dust, or Niffty. The voting will end on Thursday, April 18, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. and will be posting the chapter on Friday, April 19, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. One vote for reader. You can vote on the review or on private messages.
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